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Wow, Cara !

That tote is so pretty ! Whatcha gonna call it ?

The Krystal Catch-All ?

Krystal Carry All ?

Krystal Caddy Bag ?


Oh, boy. I can see this is going to be fun. Before Miss Julie comes up with something I really don't want, how about I put out my vote for a name? "The Daisy Duffel"


(I like Alliteration)

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Good morning ladies :flower


Thanks for your comments on the Daisy Duffle (I, too, like alliteration :D). Hmm, I have a quandry though. Since it's K's pattern for the biggest part of it I didn't bother to write down what I did. But since she gave me the great idea of linking to the square pattern (thank you, dear that's very generous of you :manyheart) I'm gonna have to figure out how I made it :lol


But I have my quarterly visit to the rheumatologist first. Hey, at least for a change I'm actually in pain on the day I see him :yes


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Cara, don't you just HATE it when you go to the doctor's office an miraculously everything that ails you goes away!?!?


YES!!! Irritates me no end. Last time he asked me, "So, I assume this is a good day?" and of course I felt like I could build a house on my own. The next day, of course, I felt as if a house had landed on me :rofl It's just hard when you only see the specialists 4 times a year :P

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I love the name, Daisy Duffle.:yay

Good luck at the doctor's today, Cara.:hug

Kim & I are just getting going. I need to finish the bedspread today. And bake pumpkin cupcakes. And get the oil changed on my car. And get my nails done. Oh, dear. Are there going to be enough hours in my day? :lol

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I am thankful for you guys. You have all gotten me through one of the roughest years of my life,and even gotten me to laugh on days when there seems to be nothing inside of me but dry desert wind blowing .


I am thankful for Cam, who could make a dead person laugh .


I am thankful for Sam, for being rock solid, no matter what hits us . He is Plymouth Rock .



YOUR TURN ................................

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What am I thankful for?


:hookMy friends, near, far, and here in cyberspace.


:hookMy Phil, who is irreplaceable and humors me.


:hookMy curiosity...which has sometimes gotten me into trouble, but which also makes life so very interesting!

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I am thankful:

For good friends here in Crochetville who encourage and support me :)

For a roof over my head, with electricity for heat & a/c, & water :)

For our furbabies, Sarge & Trouble :)

For the changing seasons :)

For food in plenty and to share it with :)

For John & Kim :)

For my family both near and far :)

For a God of my understanding who gives me strength to go on when I have none of my own :)

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I'm thankful for:

1) My family especially my two grandgirls ; Haley (10) who is my inspiration.. she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 5 and the way she deals with it is an inspiration and my GrandAngel who is a week shy of 5 who is my laughter...

2) being able to get up in the morning

3) having a place to call home..

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I am thankful for:


1) Living through another year :yay


2) Big Daddy who puts up with me and spoils me rotten in spite of me :manyheart


3) All you ladies...you really, really can never know how wonderful y'all have made this last year. This has been one of the best years of my life :manyheart


4) Misa and Tuon (even when she has the kitten crazies) :cat


5) My wonderful family :manyheart


6) A safe, comfortable home filled with love and laughter :manyheart


Yes, life is good :D

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Cara, your Krystal Daisy Duffle is really beautiful. That is a great color combination.


I am grateful for:

-my wonderful dh , who cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed and washed the kitchen floor while I was at work today

-my family, especially my two healthy grandsons

-Crochetville, since the only person I know in real life, that crochet is my youngest daughter, and she is too busy with school and her job to crochet with me these days

-a roof over my head, food to eat, good friends, good health

and lots more things......

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Have a wonderful day tomorrow, everyone... I'll be by to say hello during the day... my biggest prep work was done today - Greek style stuffing!

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stopping in to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and extend this little wish to you all


May your stuffing be tasty

May your turkey plump,

May your potatoes and gravy

Have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious

And your pies take the prize,

And may your Thanksgiving dinner

Stay off your thighs!

~Author Unknown

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