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This weekend I have done little crocheting. I had an episode of cleaning mania. I really needed to have one! My daughter will be 16 this week so she had a sleepover party with some of her friends.


Whenever I get the cleaning mania I sit down and wait for the feeling to pass :lol


Oh dear we're all just a bunch of messies this time of year aren't we? :heehee And some of us are messies the rest of the year too :blush


I am a messy all year round :D I can think of all sorts of other things to do rather than clean.


Linda - what did you do, glue yourself to the ceiling to get that picture?


:rofl :rofl


It is a great looking afghan!

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No clinging to the ceiling for me.:lol I stood on a three step stepstool to take the picture.:devil


You know, it didn't even dawn on me until Krystal said something :lol I've done that before but I wobble so much the photo comes out all blurry :lol

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Hi, Ashley - what are you up to today?


I'm cleaning the tops of things in my little sitting room....patterns and baskets and totes off the top of 2 giant dog crates (most, anyway;)). My desk is a mess...so is the top of the small china cabinet that is anything BUT that these days:lol

And Cara...even my nest needs to be pruned:eek

Amazing how things just pile up...



Well, checking a couple of other threads and then it's back to work...


Just cleaning and don't tell my hubby I am going to go get some yarn. :drive

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It's done! Something for me! This one is 30 rows instead of usual 26 rows. It's hanging over the sides of a queen-sized bed. As usual, Trouble couldn't miss out on a photo opportunity.




Beautifully done, Linda!!!:clap The blended colours you chose look great with the blue of your spread. I could see Trouble was looking right up at the ceiling and all I thought was ... Wow , Linda is very tall!

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Whenever I get the cleaning mania I sit down and wait for the feeling to pass :lol



Karen, my place was beginning to look like a demolition site. I usually give it a good clean on my holidays but this year I have not had a holiday where I could do this. At least yesterday I managed to give the lounge a thorough tidy and clean and then I ran out of puff.

I like the afghan on you avatar. Have you shown it here on the forum?

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Love YOUR RR ~~~ Very pretty , and Krystal, you are a Wisenhimer today .


Who woulda noticed that Linda was so far UP when taking the photo ?


I thought maybe you had someone duct tape you to the ceiling ! No one give Sam any ideas , he'd love to tape me up there with my mouth taped shut.


He'd sure see some fireworks ! Wait til I'd peel myself off, though, then the REAL fireworks would start !

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Wow that RR is like bright sunshine!!

Feeling much better today. Forgot to post the afghan picture, but no duct tape or step stools for me. Squeaks was very upset with me, I could just picture him saying, "Do you have to do this now?", he was in the middle of his nap and I woke him when the flash went off, :lol.



Now remember I wasn't up to par when I did some of these rows, and there was supposed to be 4 rows instead of two when I started the repeats with the 2nd beige row.

But I am not going to frog it, I will just live with it.

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Cherilynn - that is a cute hat on you - very nice! I look dorky in hats, so I haven't made me one. I have an idea of what I want to do, though - so I might make me up one using my own pattern. I want a floppy bomber hat, sort of like the helmet liners that air force pilots used to wear. Ii can't remember the name, but it's not that furry bomber hat that most people see...

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Just cleaning and don't tell my hubby I am going to go get some yarn. :drive

Michaels is having a 2 day sale starting tomorrow - Phil mentioned he needed to go out (by himself) on Monday:devil

There might be something left by then....;)

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Carol, that ripple looks terrific!!!


And Cherilynn...I haven't tried to make myself a hat in a long, long time - my head is a little larger than the "average" listed on the pattern and I was never in the mood to play with it enough to get it to fit:blush

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Got back from picking out some yarn. No sales but our walmart has a pretty big selection.

Judy - Thanks I will have to watch out to see if our Michaels will too.

Cherilynn - I love the hate!!! :drool


Carol - Great bright colors on your ripple. :hook

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I like the afghan on you avatar. Have you shown it here on the forum?


Thanks :hug I posted it on the home decor show and tell ages ago. It was an afghan I made for one of my nieces for her 7th birthday last December. It was done in shades of pink with a white trim and fits a double bed.


Just for a reminder here is a repeat showing of it:


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Cherilynn I love the hat you made. Very nice.


Linda great job on the RR as always.


Carol great job on the ripple.


Im still debating as to what ripple to do to use my caron ss brites. Maybe I should just use other yarn and leave my brites for later. I hate it when Im like this.

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Hi Ladies!!

Well, today was a rough day. I hate early morning meetings. And next Saturday our meeting starts at 6:00am :eek

Tomorrow will be another rough day, since I have to be at work at 5:00 am. But on the bright side, my work day will be done at noon :D


Linda: Your RR is so pretty and cheerful. Great Job!


Carol, Your ghan is so pretty. Love the colors you are using.


Cherilynn: Love the hat. Wish I didn't look like a dork when I wear a hat or I 'd make one for me.


I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did, I apologize and send :hug:hug

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