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That's odd that the girls call your mom Oma. That's German I thought not Australian. My niece calls her dad's mom Oma as well.


My parents and grandparents are Dutch. So we have always said Oma and the girls now call my mum and dad Oma and Opa, but I think it will stop there. I dont want to be called Oma and My hubby not being dutch is certainly not going to want to be called Opa.


Most kids in Australia call their grandparents Nanna and Pop.

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Morning Ladies,


On my way out the door. Should get off early today. I have to do the opening and closing on Sat/Sun. We have to hire 2 shift supervisors. My Asst and I only get 1 day a week off. In order to do this we do both shifts. Sat ends our work week, Sun begins it, therefore, every other weekend, we get a weekend off. Got 14 squares ready to stitch together on my "ME" ghan.


Gotta go. Until this evening.

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Morning Ladies:yawn

Looks like it is going to be another bad day for me. When I got up with my DD to make sure she got off to school on time, I had a hard time getting out of bed. My neck and back are giving me fits, and my leg doesn't want to move too much. I was hoping the heating pad, muscle relaxer and pain pill would have helped me overnight, but such is not the case. Soooo, I will be taking the day off today.


On a good note, my arms are working pretty well, so at least I can crochet today :hook


Hope everyone has a great Friday!

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Good morning, ladies....off to a racing start today!


Mel, great that you finished the shawl - and we all learn from trial and error. Ome think I WISH I had done from the beginning is keep a notebook of projects and what I've done with them, problems, etc. Feel better...and you're right: at least your arms are working!!;)


Ines, we're looking forward to pictures when you get to it.:)


Sabrabas (would you like to share your first name?)...welcome to the group! We do have lots of fun here...as well as support each other through trying times...:manyheart


Valerie, protable crochet projects are great, aren't they!?:yes


Kath...TY for the geneology!:lol


April, I love the wool ease - works up great! And Goth colors are good...somehow I don't see you with a country-style scrap ghan:lol :lol ..but correct me if I'm wrong...;)


See y'all later!:hug

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Morning, everyone. My kids called my mom, Grandma Bess, and Don's mom was Grandma Peg, and my Grandma was Grandma Phoebe. Ayden calls me Grandma Linda and Joe's mom is Honey. She could kill her husband because he is responsible for that one. He always comes home and says, "Hi, Honey!" Well Ayden picked up on it and calls her Honey, too.

I added a few rows to my scarf last night. Still not too sure if I like it this way. Maybe I can take a picture later and get your ideas. Have a good day.

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Carol, back pain sure does do you in. I have multiple things wrong with my back and I live in pain. Today is a very bad day (my neck and leg are involved today too


I live with it too, amongst other things. But like you said as long as the hands are still working, I am still crafting. May have to wear braces, etc...but almost nothing can keep me away from my hook, yarn, material and sewing machine. Oh and the computer, of course....:lol


Welcome to our new member and Good morning all.


Doing my progress pic now as this is my tired day, and not sure if I want to play with camera tonight...still at row 21...I am trying to do 2 stripes of dark shades and then 2 of light, as the light ones appear bigger (optical illusion) so this makes it more balanced.


th_zigzagcloseup.jpgThis is closeup. I love how the points are so much crisper and sharper than the old pattern was.

th_zigzagrow21.jpg this is it folded over 3 times, that is why bottom right looks so whacky...I lightened it so you could see the texture in the black. Each stripe is 2 rows. I just got tired of squares, and needed something different in a scrapghan. Images are clickable.

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That's odd that the girls call your mom Oma. That's German I thought not Australian. My niece calls her dad's mom Oma as well.


I live in PA Dutch country, a lot of Oma's and Opa's around here.....

:grandma :grandpa

I grew up in Polish household, always called my uncle and aunt; Strico and Strianca. Was almost 12 before I realized that wasn't their names,:lol.

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Carol- your ripple is very pretty, but it doesnt look like a regular ripple pattern -- what stitch are you using ?


It isn't a ripple, I call it a ZigZag. The stitchery books refer to it as a brick stitch. It is from a Leisure Arts book called The Ultimate book of Scrap Afghans, The name of the pattern is Southwest Passage.


Thank you for your interest.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Carol (that was my Momma's name :manyheart) - Your ripple looks fabulous! Crispest ripple I've ever seen :yes


Mel - Oh dear I feel for ya hon :hug I've got RA and I have those awful days like that too. Thanks goodness for you ladies or I'd've gone mad long ago :manyheart Hope you feel better real soon :hug


Ines - Sounds like you're making great progress! :clap


Wendy - Oh now I didn't know that was Dutch thing too. Actually I had never heard that before until my sister married my nieces dad. They're German. Our dad was a flame haired Irishman and our mom was a Cherokee Indian. Talk about yer volatile mixes :lol


April - May I suggest Lion Brand's Vanna's Choice? It's acrylic and machine washable and ooohhh so lush :yes Yes ladies, first I was touting Clover Hooks now it'll be Vanna's Choice for a while :lol When I find a product I like I spread the word :D

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BTW Julie, I did change the pattern some. In the pattern they call for you to dc into each chain, (which isn't a true brick stitch) I did it the old fashioned way by doing the dc around the chain. Also the pattern had the sides straight by turning with 3 chains and 2 dec into the last sc before the turn. I wanted a scalloped looking side (similar to the beginning and end rows) so I did a 4 chain and 3dc into the last sc. This way the ghan had the same wavy look all the way around. What is really great about this ghan is NO BORDER. You are making the finished edge as you go.

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Mel, you changed your Avatar, Very cute...

Thanks. I have a snoopy collection of avatars. Just love snoopy :manyheart


It isn't a ripple, I call it a ZigZag. The stitchery books refer to it as a brick stitch. It is from a Leisure Arts book called The Ultimate book of Scrap Afghans, The name of the pattern is Southwest Passage.


Thank you for your interest.

Now you've gone and done it :lol:lol

I have that book and was wanting to make that ghan, but wasn't sure how it would look. I LOVE IT. This is definitely going on my 'to do' list...for ME!! One more reason for me to get all my 'scrap' yarn organized.

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BAH! Hit the wrong button. I wasn't done yet :lol


Valerie - I sure hope y'all get some relief soon. Sounds like you work yourself too hard :hug


Shelly - A bodiless snowman :lol For some reason that just struck me funny :D Can't wait to see him!


I actually started my blanket yesterday :jumpyay And I got 30 rows done already :eek Shocked myself. It's coming along great and I really think it's gonna be a favorite. This Vanna yarn (there I go again) is working up like a dream :c9 I'm gonna have a hard time going back to RH :lol


Well, off to do some more :hook Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Wow Julie! You've made lots of progress! Looks fabulous so far. :clap I really like the choice of the linen for the ground. :yes It really does make it look like it has some age to it. Great job!

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I like it Carol- it looks like it has a lot of texture compared to a regular ripple .


Here's my ME pattern so far - one more green flower on the other end is partially done .





That's a beautiful pattern! Love the colors!



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I like it Carol- it looks like it has a lot of texture compared to a regular ripple .


Here's my ME pattern so far - one more green flower on the other end is partially done .




That is so beautiful, here I go again....another pattern on my WIM...

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