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Mel, be safe on the roads today:hug


The drive to work wasn't bad at all. When I came out of work, I was shocked to see that the cars were completely covered in ice. I had been outside an hour before that and there was no ice. It took 2 of us 10 minutes to chisel the ice off before I could leave. The drive home was a little scary, especially when I was about 2 miles from home. They hadn't touched that street, and I slid a few times, but made it down the hill and home OK. It is snowing now and Hilly's school is on a 2 hour delay. The temp has really dropped, so everything is re-freezing. Will be interesting to see what it's like tomorrow morning.

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Judy, Mom said the snow was worse north of the Raritan River, which is common, it was intersting on the Parkway up by Edison. Then she said something rude when I told her it was 67degrees down here. Why would I want to go to the hot place when it's nice and warm here?


Went to Michaels tonight (hour and a half ride each way!) and found the Bernat Soy/Cotton yarn on sale, so I got enough for a blanket and a scarf. Got some cotton for my kitchen swap partner, and some other yarn hopefully enough for a blanket for my SP.

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Judy, Mom said the snow was worse north of the Raritan River, which is common, it was intersting on the Parkway up by Edison. Then she said something rude when I told her it was 67degrees down here. Why would I want to go to the hot place when it's nice and warm here?


Went to Michaels tonight (hour and a half ride each way!) and found the Bernat Soy/Cotton yarn on sale, so I got enough for a blanket and a scarf. Got some cotton for my kitchen swap partner, and some other yarn hopefully enough for a blanket for my SP.

Your mom is a pistol!! I'ts almost 5:30 AM and it's all slushy, snow-cone type stuff outside already. Last night it was icy over the snow - dangerous. Poor pups ooy had a little fun - now it's not fluffy any more.


I was thinking along those same lines...a trip to Michaels is in order...don't know my SPals taste, but my hunches have never failed me before:hook


Anything on the job front?

Miss you.....

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kathy, your mom sounds pretty feisty!!


Since you two are busy buying out Michaels, I just want to say that I went to Hobby Lobby last night and didn't spend a dime. I intended to, but when I stood in front of the yarn, I wondered what on earth I was doing there. I have so much yarn already, that I have to pull it out to see what I have. Dh was with me and asked me if I felt okay. He then said, "well maybe Michaels will have something you like better." He was astounded when I told him that I thought I could get by without buying any yarn this week!

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Great Going Krystal, are we going to see a pic?

Has anyone heard from Cara? I miss her input....

so many folks getting sick with this weird weather, hope she and everyone else is well...

I have an upper respitory infection, started in sinus' and now in chest...with all the other meds I take, the only cold med I am allowed to use is Robitusin...I have been real tired and sleeping more than usual, I think all that time in the cold moving furniture made it worse...DH trying to take care of me, but I spend more time helping him help me, than I would if I did it myself. He means well...so I just smile and let him take credit for it all.

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Carol, we are wise women, aren't we? Comes with age...along with all the sagging body parts:lol


Feel better soon

...my sinuses are starting to clear up so I'm feeling human again....

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Carol, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. :hug:hug


Judy, glad to hear you are feeling better. :hug:hug


I was feeling pretty bad yesterday (and not much better today), so I snuggled under my 2 strander and lounged on the couch most of the day and evening. Boy, that thing is warm :yes

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Carol, we are wise women, aren't we? Comes with age...along with all the sagging body parts:lol


Feel better soon

...my sinuses are starting to clear up so I'm feeling human again....


Between the Tussin and Flonase I can breath better...I am a nose breather and feel miserable when it is stuffed up...DH is a mouth breather, and snorer, :lol, so he can't understand why a stuffy sinus annoys me so much...


Carol, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. :hug:hug


Judy, glad to hear you are feeling better. :hug:hug


I was feeling pretty bad yesterday (and not much better today), so I snuggled under my 2 strander and lounged on the couch most of the day and evening. Boy, that thing is warm :yes


It looks warm, I thought the sinus thingee was all gone but it came back with a vengeance...ss you are hurting, this weather is a real pain, literally...





Judy, glad you're feeling better. Carol and Mel, hope you both feel better soon.


Thank you, I'm a big baby when it comes to sinus stuff and chest congestion...

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Good morning, ladies!:hug


Kathy, you don't have TIME to be sick...stay away from crowds (lots easier down there than up here, I'm sure)


Not sure what I'lll work on today in addition to the thread project. I DID sign up for a RR Cal...hoping to use up some stash on that...and there's the ever present wave pattern ghan for ME (pretty, but I got bored:P). Stash can be used on the Drum Afghan Cal...oh, boy....I did it again.

I think I had better reassess the threads I'm in:blush

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Good morning ladies -

I'll be scarce here today. DS and GF for dinner, followed by a visit with Bbay Dean and his entourage!!

i made a little blue football for him yesterday...it was supposed to be a baseball...that's what I get for making something by the seat of my pants:blush

It did come out cute, though - made the threads, etc on it...Phil was impressed...esp when he picked it up and heard the muffled sound of a bell inside it!

Pics tomorrow....

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Hello, Ladies,


I just discovered this CAL, so I wanted to join up, if that's ok. :) I'm doing the lacy leaf cocoon just for me. I've spent too much on the pattern so far not to finish it - I bought the magazine twice at $8 each, besides, I'm really excited. :D I've had to start over several times because the pattern is a real problem, but I think I'm finally at a stage now where I've tried every other way I can think to, and it's finally coming along.


I'm at the sleeve stage right now. My hubby is a real sweet heart, he helps me figure out the sizing so it will fit pretty good (maybe not perfect - it is my first fitted wearable - but good).


I'll try to get a picture up sometime soon of how far I am at this point. It's really exciting! :D

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Welcome, Christina!! How do you like living in Wales? Must be a huge change from FLA.


We don't post often here, esp now that the Secret Pals Spring session has started (I'm on that). But we'd love to see what your project looks like when you're ready to share a pic. I haven't made werables in more years than you've been alive, most likely...no patience left:blush


...and you're not alone with having problems with patterns. Many patterns we've done as a CAL have turned out to have errors in them...then it's SOTP crocheting.

Good luck with finishing it:hug

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Good morning ladies -

I'll be scarce here today. DS and GF for dinner, followed by a visit with Bbay Dean and his entourage!!

i made a little blue football for him yesterday...it was supposed to be a baseball...that's what I get for making something by the seat of my pants:blush

It did come out cute, though - made the threads, etc on it...Phil was impressed...esp when he picked it up and heard the muffled sound of a bell inside it!

Pics tomorrow....


Aww sounds neat, I have a pattern for a small football, never thought of putting a bell inside, you are so clever!!!


Hi and welcome Christina. would love to see the pics. I'm not much for fitted wearables anymore either, afraid the cost of the yarn for the amount I would need, might give me apoplexy. :lol

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