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Just got home, Good News...what the mammo tech thought was more lumps, the sonogram and doctor's analysis showed that they were scar tissue from surgery DD had 3 years ago. Such a relief...DD was so nervous...

Thanks for good thoughts and prayers Judy...


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Wonderful news! I have to have repeat mamo done down here, hope they don't have to do anything else, but better safe than sorry.

Ask about a sonagram (I think that's what the tech called it). I had to repeat the test, but with the sonagram technology, since the regular mammo would just be more of the same thing...

Freaks you out when they tell you to come back, let me tell you!:eek

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Thank You all for the support, such a weight has been lifted. I even got to finish all the motifs for my kitchen rug today. I have started sewing them together with nylon thread. Then all I have left to do on it is the border pieces and trim. Hope to finish it by Saturday, cause Sunday is company and furniture moving day. :sweat


Sending lots of good wishes to you Kathy. :hug Like Judy said, the sonogram is so much more accurate. The reason docs save it for last is it is much more expensive than a Mammo.

The Mammo tells the sonogram tech where to look so they don't have to do the whole breast and just take snapshots of the indicated areas.

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My tec told me that they no longer even do repeat mammos - go right to a sonagram for we women who are ....ahem...endowed...:blush

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Good evening ladies.


Carol, I'm so glad to hear that everything came out ok for your DD.


Kathy, sending lots of good wishes you way. Hope everything comes out ok.


I haven't posted in a few days (or longer) because thing have been hectic to say the least. Hilly is still on crutches. She can begin to put weight on it Monday and start weaning herself off of the crutches. She is going to therapy twice a week. That will last at least 3 more weeks. And to top it off, she has been home sick since Monday. So between therapy, taking care of her and working, I am exhausted. I will only have to drive her to and from school a couple of days next week, then she can go back to riding the bus.


I am working on my 2 strander ghan for ME. I miscalculated on the size of the color panels when I started, and this thing is going to be a monster when it is done. It is 48" wide which is about what I wanted. But the length is going to be super long. I am going to sit her and stare at it awhile to see if I can modify it so it will look ok without having to add so many more rows to it. I really don't want an 8 foot long ghan :lol:lol

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I am not too concerned because Mom and I had our mamo's the same day, and she was also called back for a repeat. They found some calcifications they just wanted to be sure of on hers. But getting mine done down here is probably better, they have all my previous films from when I started getting the big smoosh.

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Carol, I just got the square you made for me - it's beautiful!:yay And I'll make it work...I love the colors and I do have eclectic taste...;)

Thank you so much...and I love that part of PA you live in. Phil and I used to always visit the area, even on day trips.

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Here is progress on rug so far. I can sympathize with you Mel, I had to frog and I am redoing the brown border strips as I originally made them too wide. Thank goodness they were only strips. The pics show the squares as grey and white and they are really cream and sage green, only half are sewn the rest are pinned. I really think I should be finished tomorrow.


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Carol, I just got the square you made for me - it's beautiful!:yay And I'll make it work...I love the colors and I do have eclectic taste...;)

Thank you so much...and I love that part of PA you live in. Phil and I used to always visit the area, even on day trips.

That was why we came here when we retired. We used to visit here on vacations too. Always looked for the Hawks when we headed here. But the thing that always gets us and makes us laugh is the "Pennsylvania perfume", (our affectionate name for the farm smells) :lol;).

We live across the street from a Heifer farm (female cows that haven't been mated, and are bordered here until they come of age). during the summer the farmer grows corn or alfalfa in the strip between the farm and street. We can't see them in the corn summers. They are used to us, but at Thanksgiving my DIL and Granddaughter scared the cows when the girls went over to see them up close, they kicked over their feed and ran. (I have pics of it all, maybe it was the flash.) Good thing they weren't milkers yet!!! :mcow Hey, a WDILT?


So glad you can use the square. It was made with a true sense of appreciation and friendship, even though we have never met. This CAL is my fav, as are the people in it.:manyheart:yes

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Cindy, maybe that's why a rug is one thing I HAVEN'T made:lol


Well, I plan on trying to get some ME stuff done this week, even if it's only saltines! Gotta get back to being a little selfish;)

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Carol, your rug is coming along quite nicely. I love it. I wish I had the patience to make one like that. I will stick with my simple RR rugs and my DC rugs. Maybe patience isn't the right word.....more like I'm too lazy to do one like that.


I tried and tried to come up with a way to make my 2 strander shorter, but I couldn't come up with a way to make it look right, so I am sticking with the original plan and will end up with it as originally planned. It won't be as long as I was afraid it would be.....my math isn't as good as it once was :blush When I thought it was going to be over 7 feet long, I had added an extra color block...oops :lol

I'm on the last color block :clap:clap

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OK, rug is done...Can't get the green to come up green, even trying to filter it into the right color. Just finished the sewing, it isn't blocked yet. Was going to write down the instructions, but made so many changes, I can't even read my own notes. It is clickable.


Thanks all for compliments, this is the first and last one I will be making like this. I hated every minute of it. But it needed to be done, and I thank goodness it is over. Mel I don't think your RR rugs are simple, I don't have the patience for that...and no way do I think you are lazy.

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WDILT: It is not a good idea to crochet while on heavy duty pain medication (I overdid it at work yesterday and today and now my back is paying for it). I did 8 rows on my 2 strander and when I was folding it to put it up for the night, I noticed that I missed a stitch on the end 6 rows back :eek

It is very noticeable, so I will probably be visiting the frog pond tomorrow. I know if I don't fix it, it will bug me every time I use it.

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Carol, that rug is gorgeous! I love the stitch you used for the squares:c9


Poor Mel...I hope your visit to the frog pond is quick and painless:hug

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