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I'm with you Cara. I did join the Yarn Addicts CAL. But after cleaning and organizing. I wrote down almost all my yarn, but 3 tubs full, I, at least, kinda, have an idea of what I have. I'm gonna try a worksheet again. Tried doing that over the summer, but trip to FL stopped that.

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It looks like we're all on a roll here! I seriously doubt I'll ever get to keeping track of all my projects in a notebook, but I can give it a try. In case I sell something it's a smart idea - as someone already mentioned...somewhere...:think


Right now I've decided to work on "Friends" squares...been using my favorite pattern for now, but know I'll be looking for something different soon. I'm trying a novel idea: one project at a time:lol:lol


Good night ladies!:hug

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Judy have you been talking to dh? He suggested I try working on one project at a time just the other week. I am sort of trying to stick to that. I have been working on one big project and then usually a small one that will take less than a week. I don't think I can just go down to one WIP at a time though.

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I can't work on just one at a time... I have to switch from project to project or my hands go flooey ... so I have at least one project each with a F , G , H, and I hook...

I have no stash police here maybe because they all know that I have nothing else I can do...

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I can't work on just one at a time... I have to switch from project to project or my hands go flooey ... so I have at least one project each with a F , G , H, and I hook...

I have no stash police here maybe because they all know that I have nothing else I can do...


Same here Shelly :yes The little squares are very hard on my hands these days :( So I have to switch back and forth or my thumb and pinkies lock up for weeks :irk


But it keeps me from getting bored :D

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If the day ever comes that I am only working on one project at a time, that means there is something seriously wrong with me and I need an intervention :lol:lol

Right now I have lots of WIP's....3 RR's, 2 2 strand ghans, 1 rug, 2 shawls, 2 scarves and 1 dishcloth. On any given day I will work on who knows how many different projects...it just depends on my mood as to what I will work on. I guess I have a serious case of 'Crochet ADD' :yes:yes

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I have a few projects on the go and I like it that way. I take it in turns so my projects dont feel neglected.


I like to be able to work on an afghan as well as one that has thousands of squares and Im about to start one thanks to Cara with her fabulous designs.

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I'd love to join. I do not know how to do pics. I hope that I can still join. I want to do a turtle for myself, but haven't decided on the pattern. I also want to do a shawl for myself. I saw a very pretty pattern on the 'ville that I might want to try. Thanks

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Good Morning Ladies :yawn

I had a wake up call this morning at 5:30 saying my DD's school was on a 2 hour delay due to the snow. So I got up and changed her alarm and tried to go back to sleep but the damage was done. So I got up and looked out at the winter wonderland outside. It sure is pretty, but is making travel a nightmare. I just got the call the DD's school is closed today :clap:clap

And today is my day off, so I get to stay in a watch the snow and crochet :crocheting

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Mel while your watching the snow Im watching an egg fry on the pavement as its so hot here. Just kidding but really its so hot here that you could do that. Do you want to trade places. I reckon it would be cool to watch snow falling outside the window.

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Wendy, I think I will keep my weather. If I have to choose one, I will take the cold temps. I look at it this way.....if it is cold, you can add clothes or blankets to make you warmer, but if it is hot, there is only so much you can take off to cool down. Plus with my Power Surges (hot flashes), I am staying plenty warm :lol:lol

I am waiting for it to get a little lighter outside so I can take some pictures.


Right now I am working on a scarf for my future DIL. Then I need to finish a shawl I'm making for a friend that is going through chemo and radiation.


Yes, I have made 18 RR's in the past 10 months. I have 3 or 4 in the works right now. I guess it is a good thing I love making them so much. Besides the RR's, I've made a side to side ripple, a 2 strander and a 3 strander. I have 2 2 stranders in the works as well. Those are my winter projects.

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Good morning everyone. Lots of snow on the ground here as well. Its strange to think that Wendy is sweltering, while we're freezing!


Tammy your blanket is pretty.

I'm going to join Mel today in watching the snow fall and crocheting.


I haven't yet caught up on all the posts from he past week while I was gone, but I scrolled through and looked at pictures. Lots of lovely projects, everyone.

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I'd love to join. I do not know how to do pics. I hope that I can still join. I want to do a turtle for myself, but haven't decided on the pattern. I also want to do a shawl for myself. I saw a very pretty pattern on the 'ville that I might want to try. Thanks


Hi Melissa. It took me a while to learn to post pictures too. (actually I had to get my children to help me!)

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Wendy we have a whopping 16 degrees F here wind chill is 0 F ... right now I'm trying to convince the grand Angel she can't take all her christmas gifts to School this morning... hopefully they will have a show and tell this Fri so she can take something to share... well need to sign off and get her breakfast and ready for school .. I'll be back later...

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