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Irked**Update #24**

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You all remember the flag I did for the selectee auction, well dh tells me yesterday that the bidding started at $25 :eek:angry I was like are you kidding me?? and he said he was just as upset over that. I kinda understood the price starting, since everything else for the auction was donated to them from a company, but I worked hard on that, I spent A LOT of time on that blanket, not for them to start bidding at $25. I really hope it went up since then.

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I just took a look at your blog and checked out the American Flag afghan. It is absolutely gorgeous! The starting price is just wrong, and I would be ticked too. $25 bucks doesn't even put a dent of what you paid in yarn, never mind all the love, sweat and tears that went into every stitch. I hope it auctions for buckloads of $$$$.

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I would be incredabley mad too. I made that same blanket or one that looks exactly the same a year ago for a friend and it took a long time to make. At least mine went to someone I know understand the time and love that went into it and I know she will charish it forever. If mine had gone to auction for bid like that I would never make one for it again! Steamed would not even come close to how I would feel.

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That's a crying shame, people have absolutely no concept of what goes into something like that! Hopefully people will come to their senses and the bidding will really climb once it gets going! Please let us know how things are progressing as you find out.



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Hello Everyone and especially Shelly Bean,


I think you have every right to be irked. :angry


I once made a beautiful afghan for someone and they send a thank you note praising the plastic box I sent it in not a word about the afghan.


So, I also agree that they just don't get it.:no:rolleyes:sigh

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I just looked at it myself - I'd be beyond "irked" too!


I made a "Between meal centerpiece" doily and some potholders for a niece's wedding - got a gushy note about the potholders and not a word about the doily -


Hope the auction ends well! Let us know.

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You have a right to be irked, and irked big time. The afghan is very beautiful, you did a wonderfull and loving job on it. You should be very proud of it.:clap :clap :clap


I know how you feel. I make two afghans every year to be auctioned off at two hockey functions. The first one I ever made had a opening bid of $25.00 and only went for $50.00. Ever since then I have sent a letter with the afghan suggesting what the opening bid should be. I also list the amount and price of the yarn. It worked for me, the last afghan I made went for $258.50. The money raised by the afghans goes to charity,

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you definelty have every right to be irked, you did a beautiful job on that afghan and it is worth so much more than that.

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Your Afghan is beautiful. Congratulations on your skill and your ability to complete such a work of art. You are very talented.


I would like to thank your husband and father for their service; and' date=' most especially, you for your sacrifice as a military wife. Best wishes....[/quote']

thank you i really appreciate those words. :hug

well last I heard the other day it was up to $75 however I don't know what the final bid was or when it is over ( i do believe it ended yesterday but am unsure) I am happy at the $75 dh said if the bidding hadn't gone over $50 he was going to buy it.. his tag line was a hand made piece a great addition for any home. YEAH!! MY HOME!!! lol as soon as I find out the final bid I will be sure to post.

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Nope no word yet. I "think" they ended the auction today, but no one saw fit to put me in the loop so I don't know for sure. as soon as I find out though I will post it.

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that flag is gorgeous and it's a crime to start the bidding that low. I think that they should have asked you for the value before determining the starting bid. I'm not at all suprised though that it went for more than $75. It's wonderful work!


And thanks to your whole family for your service!!

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SO I talked with Hubby the other night.. apparently the blanket went for nothing, because they messed up the auction and wound up only sending the email ( sans pictures) to half the chief's mess. the guy in charge of the auction, wasn't dealing with it appropriately and basically the whole auction got scrapped. so no one has "won" the blanket. However.... the blanket is in my possession and I told dh that if he wants to contact the person with the highest bid, then I will personally sell that blanket to them, or i can send an email out and do a bid on etsy or ebay or something.. So for now.. the last bid was $75, but like I said, there was no finale or end to the auction. I really truly believe had they sent an email out to the entire mess it would have easily brought them over 200.. that is what you get when an incompetent runs the show. Thought I would update everyone.

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i know it's frustrating to see something you spent so much time on go for so little. and i'm really sorry the whole thing got botched.


as someone who has worked on a lot of fundraisers, i can only offer the following advice:


keep in mind that at any auction fundraiser the silent auction does really really well if they even get 50% of the retail value. most things go for a much lower percentage than that. so a starting bid of $25 means they expect it would probably retail for anywhere from $60 to over $100!


if it goes for less than what you paid for supplies, then offer to just make a donation next year instead.

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