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Auggh!!! I'm frogging...are you?

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I just finished a project that I have been working on for a month and it is WAY too big!!! It is for my secret pal, and I have to take the entire thing apart and start over!!! WAAAA!!!!! :thair


Is anyone else FROGGING too??? I need some company!! :bang

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OH YES, count me in, I have frogged the same thing probably 5 times, at this rate it will never get done. Sorry SP, you may never see this project!!!

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I feel your pain! I've been determined to conquer the Seraphina shawl and I've frogged it SO MANY TIMES!!! GAH! I imagine the designer is an avid crocheter...the pattern is at least 3 years old...why hasn't she made any corrections to it? She has to be aware of the problems (omissions, mistakes in sequencing, etc) that exist with the pattern. I'm determined to make a shawl that is beautiful and warm for this winter...my "Celebrity Shawl" from StitchDiva.com is beautiful, but not exactly one you'd wear for warmth!




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I feel your pain! I've been determined to conquer the Seraphina shawl and I've frogged it SO MANY TIMES!!! GAH! I imagine the designer is an avid crocheter...the pattern is at least 3 years old...why hasn't she made any corrections to it? She has to be aware of the problems (omissions, mistakes in sequencing, etc) that exist with the pattern. I'm determined to make a shawl that is beautiful and warm for this winter...my "Celebrity Shawl" from StitchDiva.com is beautiful, but not exactly one you'd wear for warmth!




I know what you mean... I cannot get this one figured out either!!! :eek

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Oy, am I frogging! I'm working on an adorable little dress for my friend's granddaughter, and I zoomed through the bodice (the difficult part) without a scratch. Now I'm into the skirt part, and you'd THINK that the skirt would be the easy part, but I have frogged the stupid thing THREE TIMES, started it over again with three different stitches, and it was only after the third frogging that I finally came up with something that I think I'm going to like.


The original pattern called for a puff stitch, but when I did it the way the pattern called for, it was way too "holey", the child would have had to wear a petticoat under it because you could see right through it. So I started it again, and this time I didn't chain as many chains between puff stitches, but it STILL had way too much space in the gaps between the stitches, so a-frogging I went and started once more, this time only chaining one in between the puff stitches. I STILL thought it was way too "gappy", so I frogged it all the way to the waist on the bodice and am now doing it in double crochet, and when I finish the skirt to the length I want it, I will do a "lettuce ruffle" every three rows to give the skirt some "oomph". It's a shame, because the puff stitch is very pretty, but it's just not practical, IMO, for the skirt of a dress for a 2 year old. She's way too active and it just was WAY too see-through for my liking. The double crochet makes it nice and solid and the ruffles will be very feminine. I will post a pic as soon as I'm done. :)



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Yep a little finished a dishcloths (so I thought) thought I'd locked the final stitch, started weaving in my end only to find I hadn't locked my stitch. ARRRGGGGHHHHH

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I can definately sympathize! I can't tell you how much frogging I had to do on my first thread project (table runner for mom), but after about a month (more like a month and a half, but who cares, LOL! ) I finished it and was glad I kept frogging it and starting over and over and making corrections, because it now looks pretty good. And . . . . oh boy and I addicted to thread!!

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Spent last week frogging then flat out abandoning 2 projects -- both were baby sweaters I was making LAST MINUTE for a shower, both TOO BIG -- the BICO sweater would easily fit a 2 year old! The first thing I started was a little cardigan and I realized it would never get done in time, so I tried to use double crochet instead single, and, well, you get the picture... My FROGS:frog have now become PIGS:pig (projects in grocery sacks).

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