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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Wendy I am going to try to get at least the tote finished before I start. I'm planning on getting some of the yarn this weekend and some next weekend. That way I can get it started next week sometime.


Barb, yeah the ghost was just going to be way to big. It would have fit a queen by the time it was finished and I couldn't see it being that big. So on to better ideas. It would make a cute Halloween pillow or something though. Maybe an idea for the future.

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I can see myself doing a ps after i finish this fallghan. my girlfriend has forbidden me to buy anymore yarn til i get rid of at least one of my totes full. so i will prbably rummage around and see if i cant come up with enough colors to go together to do a ps...

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Question, ladies! Are we using this CAL for any fall pattern and/or any pattern using fall colors? I think that makes sense; we can keep it going and so many are already talking about the PS in fall colors. What are you all thinking? :hook (I'm confused. :blush )

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I sure hope it's still okay to be doing Tabby's ghan cuz that's what I'm making :lol I have to desire to attempt the PS....join as you go ain't my thing :no


I don't think I'd ever make the PS, either. :eek I want to make a Fall ghan, just wondered what everyone was thinking. :D

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On the first page Julie says fall colors so you should be ok with making anything thats fall???



Im still doing my gran that i made up with the house and tree....i already have 6 rows done.I don't like Join as you go either thats why im sewing my diamonds together.


I'm also doing the PS and the ATW like Linda B so i think im covered in here :lol

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On the first page Julie says fall colors so you should be ok with making anything thats fall???



Im still doing my gran that i made up with the house and tree....i already have 6 rows done.I don't like Join as you go either thats why im sewing my diamonds together.


I'm also doing the PS and the ATW like Linda B so i think im covered in here :lol


Yep think you've got it covered :yes You can sew a join as you go together? I didn't know that. I thought an extra little motif was worked in with the joining :think Think I'll stick to squares :lol

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Fall colors, fall quilt designs, I love em all! I am thinking maybe I will switch things up and do like one square with an orange leaf on a brown background and then a brown leaf on an orange background and so on...I think that will look nice, what do you think?

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Hi Guys

As for your question, Mary-

I think we can just slide in any Fall-colored project into this CAL -- if people wanna go with a quilt- type design, they can, or if they just want a nice afghan made of fall colors, than that is fine too .

That way, we can have lots of different things going in here just so they all LOOK fall-related .

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Cant wait to see that...its going to look really pretty and fallish(is that a word).



I thinking switching them like that would look really great and give allot of contrast.


Well i have 9 rows done on my ATW and 6 done on my Fall Gran.....not bad...baby has been really good and is now sleeping through the night so i get allot done then....not sleeping to good so i have lots of free crochet time.My DS and DIL have moved in with us till they can find a place and they just had their baby(8 days old).We take shifts...i do the baby's at night while im awake and she takes over till i wake up in the day....Its a huge help :yes Anyway i should have photos for tomorrow :yay

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I found a sidekick cell phone pic that I took of a quilt design - flying geese/fishes, Escher style. Later this month, I will try to see if I can modify it for a wall hanging style. It remind me of flying canadian geese flying in a big V across the sky.


I will keep ya all updated.

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Heather - Oh wow! I bet those color will be fabulous!


Diane - Ooh that sounds very interesting indeed :yes I'm looking forward to what you come up with.


I swear everyone in Waco TX must be secretly doing this CAL because all of a sudden I can't find one lousy skein of RHSS Carrot anywhere :thair Oh well gives me something to do on next week's outing :D Did get Pumpkin though :tup

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