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Nothing looks good

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Ugh!!!:grumpy I'm in such a crocheting rut right now. Everything I start I frog. Nothing looks good to me. I was just over at CPC and I couldn't find anything I wanted to crochet. I know, I know, that shows you what a mood I'm in right now. I have no idea what to crochet but I better find something fast before I start taking all this frustration out on my husband and children!:eek I hope I get over this soon. Maybe I'll go over to the show and tell forum and see if I can get inspired by something. Oh, and don't believe a word of my signature right now. I'm going to frog that baby sweater. So currently I'm working on a big old nothing!!!! :yell :yell :yell Someone put me out of my crocheting misery. Did I mention I just finished making cupcakes for my daughter's birthday which is tomorrow. I just know I'll end up eating at least 4 of them before the day is through.

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I don't have anything close to that. But I have way toooooo much.


I'm having a bit of a rut, too. Nothing is really doing much for me either. But I keep buying yarn! :think


I think I'll blame it on the heat. :hot

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Put the hook away for a week and spend that week browsing through online patterns and see what takes your fancy. I find that sometimes I am lacking inspiration and just look round the net for ideas. when you find that project you really want to make I am sure it will come.

good luck. Love Sian xxx

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When I get in a rut, I will do one of two things, first I try my hand at making different stitches, like I taught myself broomstick lace earlier this year. I found a stick bat at a dollar store right after I got the idea to learn and it worked out great, and I have also taught myself the tunisian stitch. Now I played with the stitches til I was able to do them well, and frog the swatches I made. I finally found a graph that I will be doing once I finish this ghan I am working on. But sometimes that isn't enough to inspire me to crochet, so that is when I pick up a totally different craft to work with. I have learned to etch glass, quilt, paint, wood burning, and make stained glass panes. So far I keep going back to the crocheting as it travels well, the other projects are stay at home crafts. Although embroidery does travel good too.

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Recently when my creative juices dried up to a trickle, I headed off the biggest mall I could find...close to home....!!! There I spent a few hours on a Saturday morning simply wandering in and out of the clothing boutiques, baby stores and higher end fashion places checking out ANYTHING that was "crocheted". I would ask the clerks specifically for that detail....there were a number of these people who raised their eyebrows with a "huh????" attached. LOL Anyway, I had the best time ('course I treated myself to lunch and a decadent desert during this adventure) and discovered new patterns to look for as well as being amazed at how POPULAR crochet accessories, details and accents are in today's fashions. The "raspberry mocha latte" on the way home didn't hurt either!!!!!

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Take a break from it for a while. Crochet should be a relaxing thing to do. You shouldn't let it stress you out.

If you still HAVE to crochet, start another smaller project like a bookmark, coasters or fridgie magnet. Sometimes the instant gratification of a little project gives you the boost you need to tackle the bigger ones.

Hang in there. You'll be back at it in no time.



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I can SO appreciate this "rut" you're experiencing ...


How old is your daughter? You've cooked for her birthday but didn't mention anything else. After tomorrow (her birthday) I hope you'll come back and let us know how her day went, what your role in it was, how she reacted, what you did with the left-overs LOL


My youngest is about to start her Senior year in high school and everything we do lately is the last time we'll do it before she goes to college in a year ... so of course, I'm battling the spookyblues that sabotage a perfectly wonderful event


So today I told her "absolutely" when she suggested she wanted to go with her friends to the movies instead of hanging out with me at the pond ... and it turned out to have been the best thing for me because it forced me to enjoy my own company and realize that's cool, too.


I am hoping that tomorrow will be a better and brighter day for you ... and perhaps sweet enough without you needing to inhale cupcakes!:party

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Such wonderful ideas and words of encouragement! Thanks everyone. I plead the fifth amendment and refuse to say exactly how many cupcakes I've eaten since yesterday. But I am feeling better. Its funny how the line between hobby and work gets blurred with crochet for me. This is supposed to be fun. Thats the only reason I should be doing it. But sometimes I don't know what happens and I start looking at crochet as my work. I have no idea as to why I do that. Of course, I don't know why I do alot of things. :think

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I was in a rut a few weeks ago. I barely crocheted anything. A friend told me I was different and I realized why!!!


One day the rut went away...and now look at my siggy, sigh. Its getting so big I had to delete my quote because I had too many characters :rofl


Relax and have fun eating cupcakes!!! Or maybe crocheting one, lol

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Relax and have fun eating cupcakes!!! Or maybe crocheting one, lol



Geez! I just got it. The person that suggested the cupcake pattern was doing that so I wouldn't eat any more cupcakes! :think I didn't make the connection until I read your post. How thick is my head?? I think I'm scaring myself here.

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Here are some things I do to get myself out of a rut . . .


:yarn Give myself a "mini vacation" and not crochet for the next week or so! It's GOOD to take a break and relax every so often!


:yarn Go to the library and check out a bunch of pattern books for crocheting and knitting - - - and any other crafts that look like fun! Or check out and spend time reading a book that has nothing to do with crafting at all, to give myself a mental break!


:yarn Check out blogs from signature lines and allow myself to be inspired, but not expect myself to do any of the projects I've seen!


:yarn Pick out a pattern I really like, purchase the yarn and hooks/needles, and make something for myself for a change!


:yarn Ask others what their favorite items are to both make and receive!


:yarn Look at my calendar and see what holidays and birthdays are coming up to see if I might get some new ideas of what to make for those!


:yarn Go through all of my stash, hooks, needles, etc. and get them organized!


:yarn Pack up a box or bag of yarn from my stash and give it to someone who is making charity items, to the local adult day care who uses it as a form of physical therapy and creativity for their clients, or bless someone with it through a RAOK!


:yarn Take up a new hobby, doing my best to do it frugally and not in an overboard way where I will add too many items to what I have on hand and then not enjoy the new hobby as a result!


:yarn Find a new charity you haven't given to and find out what they could use. Then make a goal for the following month to make "x" number of items for them and either deliver or mail them off soon afterwards!


:yarn Go teach your skills of crocheting to a homeless shelter, bringing with you some extra hooks and yarn to bless them! Or maybe check with your local foster care office to see if there are some teens who may enjoy learning!


P.S. I am reading "Knit Lit (too)" right now and it is inspiring me in my knitting adventures! Don't forget! We have two knitting boards right here at C'Ville if that's something you'd like to get started doing! ;)

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