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August Charity Square-A-Long! (August 10th - 13th)


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I wasn't going to participate this time, I broke my hand last week:( . But I couldn't resist. By Suday the urge to hook was too over whelming.:lol I managed to get 2 - 12" done. Slow but better than nothing.


Good job every one. I still am so impressed on how many you guys are able to make so quickly!:cheer

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Ok, I am DONE for this round with a total of 55 squares! :hook

Can't wait to hear everyone else's totals! Please post them tonight or first thing in the morning so I can add them up and post our GRAND TOTAL!

THANKS! :yay:cheer:yay

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I finished my goal for 14 squares today. I have a whopping four day total of 75 squares :clap:clap:clap. I only have 100 more to go for this ghan. I look forward to seeing everyone's progress. This was my first time and I enjoyed it very much. I really pushed myself and think this was a great way to accomplish a lot. Thanks for everyone's encouragement and input. I am off to get some zzzzzz's.

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I wasn't able to get to any squares today :(


My final total is 36 misc. size squares & 30 daughters...

Better luck next month, huh? :)


Great job everyone!! :yay

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There's no set size or rounds for your squares. You can make that decision. The same is true for how many, what colors, and who you give them to when they are done. Pick whatever colors, sizes, and charity you would like to do, and make the squares you'd like to make! You can piece them together and make scarves, afghans, lapghans, or whatever you'd like or you can give the squares to a charity or person making items for a charity. Pretty much, it's up to YOU! ;):yes:D




That definitely clears things up. :cheer I finally got it. :) Will definitely join in the next time if at all possible.



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I joined 25 squares into a lapghan, made 2 2inch squares and got 54 daughters done tonight. Not what I'd have liked to do this month but better than nothing. :lol

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Aww, I'm such a bum... I really wanted to get squares done but it just didn't happen. Not a single one. We had a yard sale this weekend so all my best intentions got laid to waste... next month I'll do better!!

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Hello! I didn't get a Grand Total for two of you, but you did mention what you had done in your posts so I added those in. In no particular order, here are our GRAND TOTALS . . .


pineknott - 35

cshort - 6

Gingerbeary - 75

Nght - 36 & 30 granny’s daughters

rstultz - 2

Charlene - 3

hseger - 2, 54 granny’s daughters, and 25 pieced together for lapghan

KellyA - 44

Breger3 - 24 pieced together for three dog snugglies

wiz3283 - 30

ankey - 1

Atina - 21

LavenderBear - 55



Squares Made = 310!!!

Squares Pieced Together = 49!!!

Granny's Daughters Made = 84!!!


CONGRATS to all of us on a job WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!! :cheer:clap:cheer


See you next month! :manyheart

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello! Our second granddaughter was born (Ella Sophia - August 22nd), I've been back and forth to be with them, and I am into this semester three weeks now! Now that things have settled down, we will be getting started with this month's Charity Square-A-Long beginning on Friday (September 14th). Right after I post this thread, I will start a new one for this month's round!

COME JOIN US! :yay:hook:manyheart

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