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August Charity Square-A-Long! (August 10th - 13th)


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Hello, everyone! Our second grandbaby is not yet born, so this weekend (Friday through Monday) will be perfect for our next Charity Square-A-Long! :clap

Get those hooks and yarn ready! Pull out those granny's daughters if you've got them, too! And let's get going in making squares - - - of any color, any size, and given to any charity - - - starting Friday morning when you wake up and ending Monday night when you hit the sheets!

PLEASE don't forget to post your totals either Monday night or Tuesday so I can quickly get totals sent to the group afterwards! THANKS!

SEE you on Friday! :yay:cheer:yay

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I'm in on this one... I have a 3.5 hour flight and then a 1.5 hour drive (I'm not driving) on Friday to a conference. I'll be busy at the conference on Saturday through Monday, but I should be able to get a lot done on Friday and during the evening down times on the other days.

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I'd like to join in this round, bu our roommate is moving in this weekend so I don't think I'll have any time to work on anything. Have fun, everyone!

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Please count me in. I wanted to join last month, but being new, I didn't know what to do!!! I think I have read enough post to catch on. I'll have my crochet hook going all weekend with the rest of the crocheter's here. I'll be crocheting during all the televised New York Met games. lol :hook

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I too may end up just joining squares. :) I've got the 30 from last month that still needs to get put together to give to the nursing home this month. I will probably squeeze out a few 2 1/2 inchers too. We'll see how it goes.

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I may be in.


I'm a newbie :help


Can you let me know exactly what's expected of me before I commit this first time?



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I may be in.


I'm a newbie :help


Can you let me know exactly what's expected of me before I commit this first time?




You make squares to be used for the charity that you choose. You can put the squares together and donate them to the charity or donate the squares to someone else who will put them together for a charity. Hope this helps.

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Okay. I'm busy too - daughter's wedding on August 25 in Colorado. ...But when I read that ankey a Longhorn fan was doing it, I decided I would too. I don't know her, but I live in the same town and am also a Longhorn fan! I do a lot of crocheting for Project Linus here in Austin, so mine will go there. Will let you know how many I do.


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Ok, I have my yarn, hook, scissors, and darning needle (I hide ends as I go most of the time and plan to again this round) ready to get hooking! :hook Is everyone else ready?!


I'll be posting at least one time each day to let you guys know how many squares I got done for that day! Feel free to do the same thing!! :yes


SEE you tomorrow! :manyheart

WELCOME to all of our NEWBIES, too!

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You make squares to be used for the charity that you choose. You can put the squares together and donate them to the charity or donate the squares to someone else who will put them together for a charity. Hope this helps.



That does help out some. Is there a guideline as too how many rounds the square must be?


I think I'll set this one out since it would be my first one and watch the forum here and see what everyone else does. This is totally new to me but I do want to do some charity work and this sounds like a good way to do it.



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There's no set size or rounds for your squares. You can make that decision. The same is true for how many, what colors, and who you give them to when they are done. Pick whatever colors, sizes, and charity you would like to do, and make the squares you'd like to make! You can piece them together and make scarves, afghans, lapghans, or whatever you'd like or you can give the squares to a charity or person making items for a charity. Pretty much, it's up to YOU! ;):yes:D


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I'm gonna *try* and do some squares again this month... in between working, running DD back & forth to work and :frog ing the last row of my latest doily (again!) to fix it :blush I wouldn't have these problems if I'd just pay attention! :lol

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Hello! I just made my first four squares and have pieced them together as well! I will hide the ends on those and then move onto the next four, and so on! If I didn't have a "fun" mammogram today, I would continue on right now! I will, however, take my crochet bag with me and work on squares while I'm the waiting room! :yes

Has anyone else gotten started yet?! Let us know! :cheer

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Okay. I'm busy too - daughter's wedding on August 25 in Colorado. ...But when I read that ankey a Longhorn fan was doing it, I decided I would too. I don't know her, but I live in the same town and am also a Longhorn fan! I do a lot of crocheting for Project Linus here in Austin, so mine will go there. Will let you know how many I do.



Yay for Longhorns! (When things settle down for you, we should meet up!) I crochet blankets for Austin's Project Linus chapter as well. I got my first square done just now - I'm at work and made a 12 in square during my lunch break. Hope to get some more done on my plane ride and the drive tonight...

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