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my impossed ban on yarn buying

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My fiancee and I are cleaning out our space. This involved me actually organizing my yarn stash and putting it in large totes so I can store it in the basement instead of the bedroom and the cat can't pee on it. Basically a win win situation right? Well... my yarn stash is apparently 3 times what I thought it was. My fiancee being the one to have to carry the 2 large bulky boxes and 6 or 7 bags of projects and a couple smaller little baskets of yarn has told me that I can't get any more yarn till I finish my current projects or at least a third of them! Oh. Sad sad day. On one hand, I love the new clean room but on the other I *love* buying yarn! And... I even just recently found a sale on TLC Heathers yarn that I really wanted to get. :( Apparently, my explination in that at least my addiction to acquiring yarn isn't as bad as some people's didn't work out. Nor did it "Well! I could be addicted to something that kills me". Darn it. What I need to do is get him to crochet also and then be able to buy more yarn. It's a sneaky plan but it just might work!

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Love the plan but would hate the ban! I tooo have a much larger stash than I first thought. My problem is I don't have the colors I need for my next projects. Hummm whats a girl to do????

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Yeah... why is it that, regardless the size of your stash, you never seem to have exactly what you need for your next project? I'm having that problem right now. I have lots of yarn, lots of projects I could be doing.... but I bought a new book and I just have to make at least one thing from it. I'll probably have to bargain with myself. Make one small project from the new book, then finish one of my WIPs or WIMs. It just might work.


Oh, and we tried the whole "yarn buying freeze" at our house too. I may have gone a week, maybe two tops, before I bought yarn. And then I felt so guilty about it that I actually returned a couple skeins because I didn't "need" them.

Now my husband feels so bad about triggering my guilt complex that he's pretty much given me the ok to buy whatever yarn I need. He was pretty close to even ok'ing a major expenditure at a LYS for a sweater I'd love to make myself. I don't know what changed his mind, but I love him for it :manyheart

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I just got a ton of free yarn and bought some more.. of course none of it is for the strawberry dolls my daughter wants me to do.. so I will have to buy some more yarn later. i really need to organize my stash.

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last black friday we were in the US and i hit up all the craft shops and bought all kind of yarn and promised DH that if i bought all this yarn i woldnt buy any more for the next 4 months and he agreed....then i broke my own promise about 2 1/2 months later (i made it more than half way but then there was a blasted sale!) good luck convincing him!

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My problem is those blasted JoAnn's 40% and 50% off coupons and that there is a huge JoAnn's about five minutes from my house. How can I not use the coupons on yarn? :think Why would I want to pay full price the next week, when I can get it with coupons this week. Problem is they have those coupons just about every other week. So, if I look at it that way, I am only buying yarn half the time right? :devil


Oh forget it - I'm single - I'm buying yarn if I want too. But first, I need to get another plastic container to put it in.........

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Ok. So I have this shoe theory involving Cinderella and princes and patent leather shoes (omg, I LOVE them) - and why we grow into adulthood loving shoes...but I don't now how to explain the yarn addiction :) Perhaps Rapunzel spinning straw into gold????? How about bargaining to lift the yarn ban, and have a yarn swap with someone here at the Ville or in real life?

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I just bought some yarn today, so I cant say that I've not been buying yarn, but I've been making a LOT of scrap projects and so have justified buying NEW yarn because I've gotten rid of a lot of scrap yarn.

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So sorry for yelling but oh my. I was forced once in a move to reveal the big box o' linen stash to my mr. I still suffer backlash (well not really, I think he blacked it).

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:yes OK, ladies, I'm here to help!!! :think I'm thinking that if any of you need to "get rid" of your stash, just so you can "feed" your addiction to buy more yarn, I will take the excess yarn off your hands, you know, to make more room for the new stuff!!! :no, no need to thank me for this wonderful service I am providing to you, it's the least I can do for all of you. I'm thinking only of you!!! :devil Yes, I am a giver!!! :hook

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My husband imposed a ban on me awhile back. He told me that I had to finish 3 WIPs before I could buy any more yarn, and then he named the 3 biggest WIPs I had! They were afghans, not little small things, like FBBs or scarves. No, he picked full afghans that were going to take months to complete! But then Hobby Lobby ran a sale, so I bought yarn and hid it in the trunk of my car. Then I snuck it in with the rest of the stash and pretended I'd had it all along. When he figured it out, he just rolled his eyes and laughed.


I have been trying to cut way down on my yarn buying, because I do have SOOOO much. But it's hard to work on afghans in the summer when it's 95 degrees in the shade! It's just too darn hot!

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I've been trying to get him to start crocheting for some time now so I'm still going to work on this plan but! I figure also maybe if I use some of the stash I have to make him something, maybe I can bribe him into lifting it! Besides, it's partially his fault anyway. We were looking at a clothing catalog earlier today and there was this really pretty sweater cape poncho thing and he says (get this) "You should make that. It's pretty." See! He's part of the problem. (He's reading over my shoulder and justifies his claim of "I have plenty of yarn and can do it quite easily." But! I need to get the *right* yarn for this! :devil If I'm going to make my first wearable it's going to be in really pretty yarn, not the rainbow assortment I have for blankets!)

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LOL, my dh can't say much about my stash... with over 3000 CD's in our bedroom alone, he can shut up and let me shop yarn sales!! LOL!! I ought to tell him I need to match him discs to skeins... ya know, just to be fair...lol!


ps. he does NOT complain about my yarn... well except when it's strewn all over the living room...*sigh*

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My DH can't say a word about my stash - - - He has an entire spare room, and his father's garage filled with fishing gear. 20+ poles, 10-15 reels (different ones for different lakes, competition gear, etc.), 6 HUGE cases of lures, cabinets of hooks (fish hooks not crochet hooks), and he works for Eagle Claw (they manufacture fishing gear!) so is always bringing home seconds . . . . . The other day I told him I planned to stop buying yarn until I'd used some of my stash - - and only buy yarn with a specific project in mind. I thought he was going to rupture something, he laughed so hard!! Then we went to JoAnn's . . . . Of course in May I let him buy a new 17' Tracker boat . . . . . hee hee hee

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I always say that I am not going to buy any yarn until what I have is used up, but then a sale comes around and well---. :) I don't have to worry about the hubby complaining about yarn, he is a knitter and we have a constant battle over whose stash is bigger. I am winning right now. It makes it really nice, because if we need a small amount of a color, 9 out of 10 times one of us has it so we don't have to buy a whole skein of yarn.:hook

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