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do you ever get frustrated?

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I did last night! I tried to do two different shawl patterns and they just wooped me! It's something about those more open worked patterns that I just don't care for... the first one just looked like a big mess, and the second one, well the pattern didn't make any sense! It calls for 3 hdc, then ch1, then another hdc and ch3. Then it says to turn and skip the ch1 and put 3 hdc in the next st!!! Well, what happened to the ch3 and the hdc before that ch1??? I wish I had someone right there to show me what to do... so after those two messes I got frustrated and put down my hook for the night.

I could use some comfort here, I hope I'm not alone?!

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:hug :hug


You are not alone! I have been there before.

Is this a pattern on line? Maybe someone will be able to help you if you tell up the name of the pattern and the book it is in.

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poor girl! everyone gets frustrated. that's why i can't make doilies!! lol! the sweet pea shawl in the happy hooker was pretty easy for me. and it works up pretty fast.

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I think we've all had this happen. Where the pattern just doesn't make sense. But don't give up completely. Try again another time. It just might make sense then.

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Been there, done that and hated the T-shirt. :wlol


Now, I am accounted a pretty useful soul with a pattern but some that I have tried just put me over the top. Nobody knows where those bodies are buried. :skeleton



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I think we've all had this happen. Where the pattern just doesn't make sense. But don't give up completely. Try again another time. It just might make sense then.


Sometimes, you may be too tired to be reading the pattern correctly. I do this all the time. When it gets me crazy, then I put it away for the night. In the morning, it usually makes sense and then I get going with it again.


Or the pattern can be written wrong. You can contact the book company and see if there are any corrections to the pattern you are working on. You'd be surprised how many patterns are not tested for correctness and go out with typos and other errors.


Good luck finding a pattern that is easy and fun to do. Best wishes on making a shawl.



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i get that way a lot to one certain pattern i tried and tried and tried and it just would not come out right for the life of me i put it away and came back to it a bit later and it was just fine worked up nice so sometimes just sit back and take a break it helps

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Been there !!!!! I have gotten so frustrated. I have found its best just to put it down, leave it alone, and save it for another day. Otherwise I am liable to really hurt that poor skein of yarn... LOL

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I got so frustrated working on a baby blanket where I had to work on the row below and around posts, I kept frogging over and over. Finally I gave up and picked an easier pattern. Maybe as I get more experience this won't be a problem. :hook

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I did last night. I was VERY frustrated! I hadn't been able to crochet for 2 weeks. First week was because of the MIL's visit, and I was too stressed, and couldn't concentrate. 2nd week, I spent getting the house back in order, and myself as well. Last night, I was trying to work on a motiff from one of my Italian mags, when Marvyn saw the thread, he came running! (He is in his walker) Well, he didn't break the thread, (size 30), but it got wrapped around a wheel. I stopped crocheting, jerked out the thread and walked away quietly. Hubby took Marvyn for me. After hanging out the laundry, I came back, and threw the motiff away, and hid the thread. I explained to hubby that crochet is my drug, I am going through withdrawals, and that I could survive without the internet longer than I could crochet. I threw the motiff away because I do not like the thread one bit, the color alone is horrid.

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Absolutely. There's this one pattern that I threw away a long time ago. It was an afghan, rated "difficult", and I figured that since I'd been crocheting for most of my life that I'd be able to tackle it. Makes sense, right?


I'm pretty sure the people next door heard me yelling obscenities.


Frustration happens to all of us, don't worry. :)

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Actually I am having that problem right now. I am trying to do a round ripple and I think I messed up on the pattern somewhere along the way. Looks like I will have frogs visiting me soon.

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Last night on my attempt to complete my second project, I messed up and ended up thinking I might be moving too fast, that maybe I should settle making easy stuff. But since I took up crochet because it was something that is so foreign to me, and it's supposed to be hard, I'm not about to surrender to those impure thoughts! On the bright side, I have a new rag to clean my monitor with (old project), and I'm trying again.

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