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what if.........

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What if your DH or loved one had been gone for about 3 months and you were going to get them from the airport......... you had lost about 20 pounds(yep from stress but hey it is still 20 pounds :rofl)...............What would you wear?

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The Prettiest thing that I had in my wardrobe! I am sure he has missed you too! If you look FANTASTIC when he first sees you, the surprise will be an added bonus to your happiness.....Have fun!

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Congrats! On Hubby coming home and losing weight (even if it is from stress haha). Hmm... I'd wear the cutest thing you've got in your closet, or hit up some sale racks if you can afford it (hey, I only shop clearance lol) and shock the heck out of him when he sees you!! :cheer Good luck!

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I would go buy myself something pretty in a style I knew he liked, get my hair done and meet him with a huge smile. I am so happy you will be together again and I suspect he'll appreciate anything you wear, but really won't care! Just being with you again will be enough for him.





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The last time my husband left, it was for 6 months..I, too, had lost weight. Of course it was winter time and his plane didn't land until after 10 pm..so my options were a bit limited. But I did buy new jeans and a nice brown top...now what really mattered is what I wore after the kids went to bed :blush I say, if you can, treat yourself to a new outfit to compliment your new weight loss. Nice summer dress? Capri's and a new top? He's going to be overjoyed at just seeing you, but make yourself look and feel good. Just making yourself feel good in an outfit really makes a difference!

Best of luck,


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Donna you are too funny. I have looked for those kinds of things and can't find anything classy and not trashy looking. That drives me NUTS!


And to everyone I know he won't care what I wear it could be a potato sack and he would be happy. I just want to feel pretty. I so rarely get all dudded up. I have a nice comfortable pair of linen pants and got a top for it. I thought about whipping up a lovers knot shawl (I still have 4 days) to put over those. They are both white and nice but still pretty. I have this wonderfully solf and lovely silk handpainted thread/yarn and have been trying to decide what to make from it. It will give it a little color (all kinds of blues and greens reminds me of the ocean). But I have to find some shoes. YUCK I HATE shopping for shoes cause I can't find pretty ones in a size 10.5.

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Donna you are too funny. I have looked for those kinds of things and can't find anything classy and not trashy looking. That drives me NUTS!


And to everyone I know he won't care what I wear it could be a potato sack and he would be happy. I just want to feel pretty. I so rarely get all dudded up. I have a nice comfortable pair of linen pants and got a top for it. I thought about whipping up a lovers knot shawl (I still have 4 days) to put over those. They are both white and nice but still pretty. I have this wonderfully solf and lovely silk handpainted thread/yarn and have been trying to decide what to make from it. It will give it a little color (all kinds of blues and greens reminds me of the ocean). But I have to find some shoes. YUCK I HATE shopping for shoes cause I can't find pretty ones in a size 10.5.


I feel your pain.... its like all the pretty ones are in sizes 5-8


Congrats on your DH comming home. And I'm sure he'll flip for you, no matter what!



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I tell you when my wife would pick me up from a deployment, it never mattered if it was Jeans and a T-shirt, or sweats and jacket. I was always just happy to see her. I remember seeing her after being gone for 6 mos at GTMO and I just wanted her to wear something that wasn't too complicated to remove. :) Sorry if that is too personal, but after I had been 6 months away from my wife for the 2nd time in 2 years (this was back in peace time) I just wanted to spend time with her.


Just remember that he is just glad to be home with you :)



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When we first married, my husband, worked 10 years

off-shore on an oil drilling platform. We had a 10 year plan to make the big money and build a home. (We succeeded, and he came home, taking a public job.)

At that time,We were apart for 2 weeks, then he was home for 2 weeks. That fresh love and the excitement of seeing eachother made our relationship remain romantic.


It did not matter how we were dressed, because when he got home, it was going to wind up on the floor, in about 5 minutes anyway. (oops, sorry got carried away.)


Then along came 2 kids. Lots of family time, and we still had our time too.


My husband of 29 years, was a volunteer fireman, and was killed May 20th, 2007. He was killed due to a firetruck malfuntioning and it rolled over. We always had a "date" on Friday night. Might not have been anything but pizza and a movie, at home. We always held hands, hugged and shared tons of laughter. His laughter is what I miss the most.


Have fun, light some candles, have so sparkling white grape juice in fancy glasses. Just enjoy eachother.


Enjoy your man!!! Life is to short.


Granny Sunshine

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See what you all are failing to know is that I have to bring home 3 other men with us. :( So too tempting he would be like you guys can ride ON TOP of the truck! :rofl :rofl


And We have been married and doing this for 13 years so I know all about it doesn't matter and no matter what they will be in a pile close to the door in a few seconds. But I just gotta look pretty for me this time. It has just been a long 3 months and I just need a warm and loving hug from that man to make it all go away.

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See what you all are failing to know is that I have to bring home 3 other men with us. :( So too tempting he would be like you guys can ride ON TOP of the truck! :rofl :rofl


And We have been married and doing this for 13 years so I know all about it doesn't matter and no matter what they will be in a pile close to the door in a few seconds. But I just gotta look pretty for me this time. It has just been a long 3 months and I just need a warm and loving hug from that man to make it all go away.


lol, I understand where you are coming from. I had three kids in the backseat on our trip home. Just wear something that will compliment you, the weight loss you have acheived, something that will make you feel comfortable and senusal. I am sure you will look beautiful and on :c9


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Congratulations on the weight loss, :clap (stress seems to be the only way that I can lose a lot of weight too). Wear whatever it is that you have that makes you feel beautiful. When you feel beautiful it will show and he will be so thrilled to see you looking so wonderful.


Thank you and your husband for your service to our country and contributing to our freedom. May God bless your family.

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I love wearing a sexy pair of shoes to dress up anything, even it is just jeans. I have big ol' feet, size 11, and I have been buying a lot of my shoes from zappos.com. They have such a variety of shoes in big sizes and right now they have free overnight shipping, which is an added bonus. You could always wear a really cute pair of jeans, a nice top, and really sexy shoes. Just have fun! :hook

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I would wear a summer dress with sandals, bare legs, and a big SMILE!!!!

I am so happy to hear you will be able to be with your DH and I am sure he will be thrilled to see you! And hug you and kiss you. YAY! for you and him. Have fun after you deliver the other guys! Wink, wink!

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I too have size 11 feet and my mother in law, who is very stylish, got me hooked on the wedge heels with the canvas roping to them. I think they make any foot look great and i have found a few pairs in my size! Congrats on losing weight and thank you to your family for sharing your husband with our country. He and all of the soldiers are my sons' heroes!

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I'll bet you could wear a potato sack and he would still think you are beautiful. You will probably have so much fun dressing in anticipation. So glad you will be reunited. Please tell him that even though I am a complete stranger, I appreciate what he is doing and has done for me too!

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I say wear something nice for him, but wear something even nicer underneath for him. Yeah, it won't be on long (speaking from experience as my hubby is in Iraq right now and was home on R & R in Dec) but it's so fun to see the look in their eyes. Pick something pretty that showcases your beauty. Congratsulations on the weight loss. Hope you guys enjoy. Oh, or you could go with the suggestion of no underwear and make sure you tell him when you hug him hi. Bet you he'll break a few speed limits getting home. LOL

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Oh, or you could go with the suggestion of no underwear and make sure you tell him when you hug him hi. Bet you he'll break a few speed limits getting home. LOL:devil

:roflGreat Idea!

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