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I Did It Again.........

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Once again, I have misplaced my crochet hook case. Since my wrist was bothering me (tendonitis.....yuck) anyways, I put my crochet hook case, with my latest wip.........i can't even remember what that was!!!! But now i don't know where it is! Time to tear the house apart again.


My wrist is feeling better, and i'm getting a super strong urge to crochet!!!!! the stack of patterns is piling up. i get new ones every day! and books.........i am out of control! lol


I know i've got doubles of crochet hooks in my case too. I think it's time I separated them, and kept them somewhere safe. lol but not too safe, cause i'll probably forget where that is!!!!!

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I actually have three different crochet case and a small plastic eyeglass case that I keep hooks in. I had to do that because I was always forgetting where I left them. I really need to make a case for the ones in the eyeglass case as they are my absolute favorite hooks. :hook

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I know i've got doubles of crochet hooks in my case too. I think it's time I separated them, and kept them somewhere safe. lol but not too safe, cause i'll probably forget where that is!!!!!


:lol :lol :lol I know exactly what you mean! I put something somewhere safe and then forget where that is!

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I figure the safest place for my hooks is where I can keep an eye on them - All The Time. :wlol


I have them sitting in open cups in my bedroom (computer room) and the living room if they are not committed to and stuck in a project. Every time I go to WM or the mall, i buy at least one more hook and a skein for the bus ride home so I have a few of most of them :rofl


Admittedly, I live alone and no little ones will get into my stuff.


However, I know that I have 3 of the green (6.5mm) crystallites hooks and I can only find 1 right now. Hmmnn

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I agree with Misssmaggie! Buying a new set ensures you will find the 'old' set. Never fails for me.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who loses things when they're put in a 'safe' place.



Me Too! It's just amazing how things can be forgotten when put in a safe place! I sure hope you find them quick. Or pick up a new hook and you can start crocheting again. Don't wait until you find them!



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Sounds like you are having one of my "SENIOR MOMENTS".


I finally had to buy multiples of each hook. I am bad about storing an item away, and leaving the hook tucked in.


I think someone should invent a "hook beeper" so we dedicated crocheters can locate our hooks.....


Hope you find it soon.

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Ok, I went to Wal-mart this morning, and bought a big skein of crochet cotton to do some washclothes. I also picked up a siz 4.5 hook, and found a hook at home (a double or triple of a 4mm hook) so i've got two hooks now! I think i've also got a large P hook too! yay! I've got 3 hooks! lol and i just remembered I've got a hook in the bottom of my trunk of the car. not sure of the size just yet. :cheer lol


So, can be sure i'll find my case soon!!!!

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Ok, I went to Wal-mart this morning, and bought a big skein of crochet cotton to do some washclothes. I also picked up a siz 4.5 hook, and found a hook at home (a double or triple of a 4mm hook) so i've got two hooks now! I think i've also got a large P hook too! yay! I've got 3 hooks! lol and i just remembered I've got a hook in the bottom of my trunk of the car. not sure of the size just yet. :cheer lol


So, can be sure i'll find my case soon!!!!

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OMG!! I thought I was the only one that misplaces the WHOLE case! Usually it's a needle here or there (found in the couch somewhere). I only crochet in one place, in one room of the house. For some reason I have lost my case. Thank goodness my fav needle was out, but I have 3 projects to do but they require needle sizes IN MY CASE!!


So now I have a GREAT excuse to visit MICHAEL'S!!! KM will be SO mad but he'll get over it. He thinks I did it on purpose just to have an excuse to go. HEHE

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hmmm, a beeper for the hook case, that's a good idea. One of those things that if you whistle or clap your hands it beep (designed to help find lost keys). One of those would fit in my hook case, now if it's just one missing hook, the couch usually eats it.:lol

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:cheer:clap:yay Yay!!!! I found it this morning!!! I decided to look in a bag of stuff, from when DS and I cleaned up the living room. I remembered that I asked him to put a stack of my crochet books, mags and printed patterns in the bag! Woo Hoo! I am so happy!!!


I immediately put it in my crochet bag and my washcloth wips'! btw, I love making washclothes! It is so addicting. I've made two so far, and plan on making lots more! talk about instant gratification!!!!


I've made a pineapple dishcloth, and some squarish lacey one. working on a flower one. and DS asked for one. i'll look at patterns with him later.


I think that I will go through the hooks, separate the doubles and put them somewhere. hmm. now where to put them. I think I will use an eyeglass case that I have and put it in the entertainment stand, by the VCR. I figure it's a good idea to put that here, so that i know in case i forget. Ok, when i forget! rofl

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