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Why crocheting is never boring to me...

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I have been asked if I ever get bored crocheting, and I can honestly say "NO". It just dawned on me today why this is true.


First of all - think of ALL the different things you can make: clothes, dolls, hats, afghans (my favorite), kitschy stuff, doilies, rugs, curtains, dishrags, etc. There's something for every mood right there alone.


Second, there are all the different mediums: yarn, thread, WIRE, jute, plastic bags, VCR tape, fabric. I'm waiting for someone to crochet with wet spaghetti noodles and then dry it. (I think Angel Hair would work best) Or maybe even rubber bands? If it's long and thin, I think one of us will figure out how to use it. Why not shredded paper?


Why am I not bored right now?


Because I was sorting through my house, trying to declutter (see flylady thread in OTC) when I looked at this PILE of mismatched bedsheets stretched out, threadbare and NOT worth donating. DH has more rags than he can shake a stick at in his garage.


Oh, and did I mention I want a rug in my laundry room, but I'm too cheap to buy something because it's IN the BASEMENT?


I'm feeling a little Laura Ingalls right now, and I have several sheets less in my house than I started the day with. My rag rug is still not as big as I want it, but there are STILL sheets to be ripped. My kids think I'm awesome that I can make a rug out of sheets, and they're even disappointed I'm putting it in the laundry room.


So no, I don't think crocheting is ever boring to me. When I'm feeling frugal, it jumps right in. When I want to make an elegant gift for a friend, I've got my glitter thread right here. When I want to comfort the sick, there's my closet of yarn. When I need something for scrubbing, let's grab the cotton! Coming up soon is a venture into wire and jewelry.


What else can we crochet with? How about a nice willow mat? :devil

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I feel the same way. There are so many books, patterns, and websites, that there is always something new in the crochet world to work on.


You can work on what you like. Maybe this week, it's making preemie hats to donate to a hospital. Or a blanket for a baby on the way. Or a scarf set for someone who could use something warm. There are just so many things that it doesn't get boring.


And even there are so many ways to crochet afghans. Squares. Flowers. Strips. And just going back and forth on one large afghan. It's amazing all the things you can make with a little hook and some yarn.


Sheets do make good rag rugs. Fleece can be cut and worked into afghans, ponchos, etc.


There are always projects going in our minds. It's just a great fun thing to relax with in this crazy world. Now, where is my project? I need to get a few rows done before I start dinner.


O yea. And it can be taken anywhere. Doctor's offices, hospital rooms, kid's sports games, etc.


Crochet is wonderful!:manyheart

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Newthingscrochet....I am right there with you. Before I fall asleep, I imagine doing stitches and following patterns. There is so much to do...you can always mix it up. Aways a new project in hand, and many others in my mindseye. I also listen to podcasts as I crochet...so I don't really get bored while doing a repetitive stitch!

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it will never be a bore to me! in fact, crochet kills my boredom! Imagine having to wait for hubby and my grown up kids who are all out for work and school the whole day.

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Without crochet I would be bored:eek !! I take it with me to the movies, my Dr. appts./my mom's Dr. appts, when my dh and I travel out of town, go camping, watch t.v. I always have a bag of crochet ready to go with me to wherever:hook !!

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You are so right Krystal it is impossible to get bored with crochet with so many things to make and crochet with and of coarse there is the shopping for yarn with is just great but very hard to limit yourself (that's why I only take what I want to spend with me) and there are so many good causes to crochet for. I have sever arthritis ( I am allergic to all the arthritis pain med's:() and I find crochet helps me with the pain, I can wrap it up clouds of soft yarn and make it less intrusive while I crochet, it works much better the the very strong pain meds I take. And with places like crochetville it bring people together form all around the world who would never have come into our lives if it wasn't for crochet, so no crochet never gets boring. :hook

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My health is just awful. Between the Chronic Pain and the exhaustion even keeping up on the house is an effort. Thank God I have my crochet. Even tho I feel awful most of the time I can keep my hands busy and make beautiful things.


My Grandmother always called it 'Woman's Work'. If I sat around mindlessly watching TV day in & out or playing video games I think I'd lose my mind. At least I know that I am accomplishing something. and it's something quite special.


I love coming here. I love that there's rules to this forum. That it's a nice friendly, warm & caring place to be. I love that there are so many wonderful and talented people here.


I can honestly say that if I didn't find the 'Ville I never (or at least it would've been years before I) would've branched out into some of the more intricate patterns that I'm making!


I love that we have a place to share our love of crochet. It makes it all the better to be able to share our projects with people that understand and know the effort that gets put into them.


Bored - Never - not when there's so many things to make!

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I am like everyone else. Crocheting to me is not boring. There is so many possibilities of what you can do with crocheting. It is so easy to take anywhere that you go. My husband and I have a couple of cars that we show in car shows, so guess what I do the whole day that we are there. I have had so many people stop at car shows and ask me about my crocheting and if I am making bookmarks, or something simple I end up selling them there at the show. So crocheting is never boring.

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I agree with what has been said here but I especially want to agree with RoseRed's mention of how Crochetville has helped me with my crochet.


I tried and tried to get a crochet group together here and it just didn't happen but I can come here and talk and share and encourage and be encouraged. The Ville is a major portion of my enjoyment because I can share here.



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How could anyone get bored with crochet - there are always so many fantastic new patterns around that I've got a list of about 40 different projects that I want to work through, all of which I'm so excited about!


Crochet calms me down when I get stressed and moody - I need it almost as much as I need my cuppa tea. I would love to retire early and just sit peacefully creating beautiful crochet items for my friends and family.

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Bored with crochet. Never. I have had slumps; where I wasn't motivated to crochet but that only lasted a day or so. Never have I been bored with the art! As others have said there are so many things to make and differrent ways to make them that it isn't possible to get bored!

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Reading Krystals post made me think of another medium someone could use to crochet with.. Grapevine!


I once took a basketweaving class and one of the materials we used was grapevine.. you had to soak it first for best results. The young and tender ends would be best.


LOL I might be raiding my husband's scuppernong plants next time it's time to prune them back!!

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I go through stages of wanting to try new crafts out. With crocheting I have really found what I like to do!!! I can easily start a different type of project with no worries at all. And I don't have to go buy new craft supplies, because it's still the same craft that I am doing. All the different toys, blankets, bookmarks, rattles . . . That's pretty much what my projects have been so far. And now I am beginning to be able to make up my own patterns! I am getting better. I love this craft!


An endless list of possibilities, to never get board with!!!


And now you have given me another idea! I have old sheets, well not that old, but they don't fit any of our beds now. They are full size, and our new bed is a queen. So now I can make me one of those rugs I have been wanting to make. LOL Well at least once I have finished making the gifts for teachers, graduates and babies that are on my list!

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I'm waiting for someone to crochet with wet spaghetti noodles and then dry it. (I think Angel Hair would work best) Or maybe even rubber bands? If it's long and thin, I think one of us will figure out how to use it.


I was looking through an old CROCHET! magazine (March 2006) and there's instructions for crocheting with spaghetti. There's instruction for a bolo tie, red pepper earings, and a place holder. Starts on page 20 and continued on page 74.


I was amused to find this last night.

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