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What do you store yarn in

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OK after reading some posts I have come to the conclusion most people have a room or a special place to keep their yarn. I have rubbre made containers under my stepsons bed 2 in my rood behind the door. I also have my "working" area between the wall and the end of my couch where I sit. I have a smaller rubbermaid container full to the brim and a couple bags with skeins in it. The area looks horrible. ok so my question..............



Does anyone have and use a steamer trunk or foot locker to keep yarn in where it is visible to visitors??? what do you use???

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Right now? Nothing. I have some in a rubbermaid drawer, but that overflowed. Then I put the stuff I was currently using in a back pack that I could keep out in the living room for quick access. Then I went to Michaels and haven't even taken that out of the bag I brought it home in because I don't know where to put it! My husband is now suggesting different kinds of storage for me, but there's not money for his ideas right now.

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For me, I don't like the look of plastic tubs for my storage, unless it's in a closet or not out in the open. I keep my yarn in big, deep baskets. I keep the skeins on their ends so I can see their color but not have to dig to find what I want. I also have a big laundry hamper/basket that I have fabric in right now but I'm sure at some point it will be full of yarn. So baskets for me! I like to glance over and see all the pretty yarn :yarn waiting for me, whenever the kids go to bed. :D

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Right now I have a couple plastic totes. I use the clear ones so I have somewhat of an idea what is in them. I also have a rolling yarn tote and a smaller pull-string bag I use when I'm going places where I don't want to take my big tote.

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Want to know the truth???

I store my yarn anywhere it will fit!

I live in a one bedroom apartment that I share with my :cat .

No special craft rooms for me unfortunately.

I have yarn in big storage bins, I have them lined up on a bookshelf, I have them on those wire bins that you attach together yourself.

I'm going to need to move just so I can have more room for yarn! :eek

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I have several yarn storage solutions:


1. In my walk-in closet, in my bedroom, I keep yarn in Space Bags, in two of those three drawer plastic thingies from Walmart and in Ziploc XL bags.

2. At the foot of my bed, I keep my yarn in one of three baskets and in a "ladder" that has canvas bins instead of shelves. These used to be in the living room, but my mother got sick of looking at my yarn.

3. In my "crochet corner" in my bedroom (a small upholstered chair by a window), I keep two of the travelling yarn totes from JoAnn's - one pink one and one black one. Those have my WIPs in them. I also currently have a Ziploc Big Bag tucked behind my chair that has all my yarn for the Lace and Bobbles afghan in it, but that's only b/c that has at least 2,518 colors in it. Okay, maybe a few less, but more than I can stuff into one of the yarn totes.


I'm thinking of getting a footlocker for the foot of my bed, to put the Big Bags and Space Bags from closet it, and then I can put my baskets up on the top of the footlocker and get them off the floor.

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I'd like to build myself a decent shelf or cupboard or something, because my Yarn is out of hand.


I have a big 150 litre tub with some yarn in it. Then I have 2 smaller crates, a massive hessian bag, plus numerous plastic shopping bags full. I've seriously got to de-stash.

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I am in with everyone on this I use plastic totes when I am not working on a project and when I am I just use a plastic bag to keep my ball of yarn in so that my cat doesnt chase it around and get kitty hair all over it...

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I finally did some organizing *gasp*.

I bought those closet hangy shelves as suggested and organized my stash that way. I will post pics one of these days.

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I store mine mainly in clear plastic tubs flat, large, and medium(for projects planned and scraps). I also sometimes just keep them in plastic grocery bags in a bench, which I'm sorting through.

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My full skeins are in plastic tubs but I thought I would share this:

I have to buy (well don't really have to....) the large plastic containers of pretzels to have on hand as snacks for my classroom. Some of them are shaped like (beer) barrels - others are more squat. But they are interesting shapes and quite large.

I fill them with the little balls of yarn left over after a project. You know that fist size leftovers. With lots of different colors and patterns it kind of makes a pretty display on the chest I keep the full skein yarn in. And it is fun to look at all the remnants. And because it is a clear container, it is easy to find something when you need a tiny bit of trim.

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OK after reading some posts I have come to the conclusion most people have a room or a special place to keep their yarn. I have rubbre made containers under my stepsons bed 2 in my rood behind the door. I also have my "working" area between the wall and the end of my couch where I sit. I have a smaller rubbermaid container full to the brim and a couple bags with skeins in it. The area looks horrible. ok so my question..............



Does anyone have and use a steamer trunk or foot locker to keep yarn in where it is visible to visitors??? what do you use???

put all me clothes in the chest and dresser and my closet is my yarntrove along with the projects.

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It isn't a very glamorous idea but I stash mine in milk crates. I have one in the bedroom and one in the living room. The one in the living room is hidden by the futon though so it isn't too much of an eye sore. Hope this helped!

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I have a great solution for anyone who is low on space and doesn't want to spend very much money. When I started college I lived in a dorm room and didn't have room to have very much yarn, until I realized, well I consolidated all of my clothes in a sweater hanger (8 pockets i think) so why not my yarn! It works great...Joann also had these hanging things last summer that can hang in your closet..the sweater hanger works better though. I also keep some in the rolling tote my aunt got me when I graduated High school (the only source of yarn when I started college) and i put larger projects in the top bin of a rolling cart! The sweater things are only around 10 dollars, and if you decide to, get the fabric/canvas ones...the plastic ones do tend to tear with too much weight!

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Since I live in a tropical country, I keep my crochet cotton threads (my favorite) and yarns in plastic chests/containers to keep them away from dusts. I stow my plastic chests in my Hobby Room.

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Mostly...large clear plastic bins on those plastic put-it-together shelves...and...some in large clear plastic bags...and others in those abundant white bags. Oh...I almost forgot...I buy pretzel in those large, clear, hard plastic jugs...they are great for the small skeins and when I "ball" my scraps.

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