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Van Gogh's Closet


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Kimberly, did you get more yarn? In your post a while back I think you mentioned it...I loved what you had done with the colors you picked...I think they were reds and a pink?

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Kimberly, did you get more yarn? In your post a while back I think you mentioned it...I loved what you had done with the colors you picked...I think they were reds and a pink?
I still need to go buy more! I'm hoping that they still have the pinks and reds - its hit or miss at the store I found it at! I had asked the BF to go pick it up for me while on vacation......he forgot to go do that along with watering my plants.....one of which I've managed to save the other was a lost cause!
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I still need to go buy more! I'm hoping that they still have the pinks and reds - its hit or miss at the store I found it at! I had asked the BF to go pick it up for me while on vacation......he forgot to go do that along with watering my plants.....one of which I've managed to save the other was a lost cause!

Men....:lol ...hope you weren't too attached to your plant that died. It would bother me if someone forgot to water mine...AFTER being asked to do it!!

And the good thing with this shaded design - it shouldn't matter a bit about dye lots! So whenever you find more it should all work out.

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Men....:lol ...hope you weren't too attached to your plant that died. It would bother me if someone forgot to water mine...AFTER being asked to do it!!

And the good thing with this shaded design - it shouldn't matter a bit about dye lots! So whenever you find more it should all work out.

The funny thing is that the plant that kicked the bucket is one that the BF gave to me......kinda fitting! :lol
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Hi everyone,


I have nearly finished my van gogh pillow. Hopefully I will have a pic this week.

Yay Wendy!! Can not wait to see it! :cheer
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I just wanted you all to know that I am on the 8th set of colors (the grape and blue mint mixture) and I only have one more set to go till I am done. Right now, I am OUT OF YARN! I hate when that happens!

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I just wanted you all to know that I am on the 8th set of colors (the grape and blue mint mixture) and I only have one more set to go till I am done. Right now, I am OUT OF YARN! I hate when that happens!

That seems to happen very quickly on these designs! Hope you get more yarn really soon!!

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These are all beautiful projects. I'm in. I've found a baby afghan pattern, and I'm searching frantically for enough yarn in my stash to do shades of pink and lavender. Unfortunately, I might have to go buy some:lol . What a lovely idea this was. :cheer Marci

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:lol Well I have crocheted the beginning of my round ripple a few times now and sometimes I get a snowflake, sometimes I get a sort of crazy looking coaster! So it is always a surprise what kind of shape will come out next. .. But I am tenacious and I will do it! How hard could this be? I am supposed to know what I am doing here! :no


:hug Thank you Darski for your encouragement .. lol.. I will do it .. I am very determined. (In other words stubborn) :lol


My purple amythyst sunburst van gogh squares are coming along.. I love having two or three projects going at once. I like the speed of the double strand project (s?) I have going now.. this is great fun! I love love love all the projects I see posted on Fridays, wow you all are talented and fun reading all your postings! I love this place! I will bravely post a little picture on Friday when I figure out the round ripple.. I am determined to make a pet bed haha.. so that is my plan. Was going to make a round ripple and put it over a round pillow, then edge it with a cushioned border for my little dog. My little dog is 8 pounds. My big puppy is a ten year old sweetie named Magic, a nice collie. He will most likely want one too, so I am practicing on the little one first. (he is very spoiled, both of my furbabies are. Imagine my kids). They usually snatch up the afghans and say "ohhhh mom is this for me" and I usually say 'of course it is!'. I have a will of steeeeeeeeeeel.


Thanks again hugs all around from Thimble :hook

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Oh Wormie this is beautiful! gorgeous hat and bag wowie nice turnaround! ( I think I will be making my ripple van gogh into an ashtray or something .. lol.. it's just.. not working..! Maybe I can make a.. sort of.. drawstring pouch? haha




if you make an ashtray, please only use it with crochet cigarettes!!!


Thank you everyone!! You've all great!


And I love seeing everyone else's projects in this thread - they're all different and so beautiful!

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Thimble, I enjoyed reading your last post. It's great getting to know you more! I also have 2 furbabies...german shepherds...and they are also completely spoiled...:lol

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Hi Gang

I came in and took notes and posted to everyone, then lost C-ville for about the past hour.So now I have to repost- here goes-



Very pretty RR- love the greens to finish it off


Worm, welcome and i love your first simple pattern-it highlights the colors nicely. The blue is really cool on the diagonal like that .


Christi- nice work, what is the stitch for the 2nd one ?


Mick-Welcome and your idea sounds neat !


Laura- very pretty doily !


Knic- the first thing I thought when I saw yours was CITRUS . If you made it huge, it'd be a really neat beach blanket !


Renee- gonna have a photo to share soon ?


Jill -love the purples !


Linda- very interesting to see the color scheme in reverse !


Becky-you must have the patience of a saint to rip out that many rows-- hope it is working out now .


Marci- the pinks and lavendars sound pretty.


Joy- your colors sound intersting -can't wait to see them .


Hope this goes through this time ................................

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I am allergic to smoke and nobody smokes around here.. but was kidding because you know how kids will make stuff out of clay, and then if it doesn't work, they turn it into an ashtray. (I have about ten of them in my china hutch cupboard.. I can't throw any of their stuff away) :lol


Good news, I think I see a ripple happening on the round ripple :cheer

Happy happy Thimble

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I am allergic to smoke and nobody smokes around here.. but was kidding because you know how kids will make stuff out of clay, and then if it doesn't work, they turn it into an ashtray. (I have about ten of them in my china hutch cupboard.. I can't throw any of their stuff away) :lol


Good news, I think I see a ripple happening on the round ripple :cheer

Happy happy Thimble

:lol My Mother has several in her hutch as well!

I've tried the RR in the past and it never worked for me - I thought that I was just inept at reading patterns - glad to know someone else is having issues!

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Well I stopped at Michael's on the way home tonight and I now have my yarn for the round ripple. I decided on Caron Simply Soft Black, Country Blue, Lt Country Blue, Soft Blue, and White. I picked up two 7oz skeins of each, since I wasn't sure if I could use both ends of a single skein when doing two strands of a single color, so I'm sure to have plenty. I also picked up an N hook since my largest was a K hook. Now I've got extra incentive to finish up my Baby Afghan so I can start on a this project.


Welcome Joy and I look forward to seeing your round ripple. The colors you have chosen will work really well with this technique.

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Morning, everybody. I'm usually the one who would have trouble with the round ripple, but for some reason, this time it worked right off the bat for me. I'm loving these and planning a whole bunch of them as Christmas presents for family.

Thimble, glad yours is finally working. Your determination paid off. Not sure I would have kept trying.

Joy, those colors sound great. I haven't tried to use both ends of a skein yet, so wish you lots of good luck with it.

Julie, welcome back. We've missed you. Hope the reunion was a big success. How much yarn did you end up getting? Any new fantastic colors?

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These round ripples work up so incredibly fast it's not even funny! My girlfriend who I craft with was looking at mine and now she wants to make herself one in blues. I told her to go for it!!! You will have it done by the weekend!

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Christi- nice work, what is the stitch for the 2nd one ?


Thanks Julie!! I used #13 from the 63 Blocks book........it's one of my favorites!

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Hey Linda

Thanks, and I'll have to count how many skeins I brought home -- I'll get back to you on that here after I run to the store !


This sounds suspiciously like someone may be planning some new projects... but nah... couldn't be!




it just struck me as funny is all

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I didn't want to buy any more yarn so I did use both ends of the skein. It was kind of a pain but saved me from buying more yarn for that one project.

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