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Does it bug you?

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I guess it depends. If someone wants maybe a shawl pattern to give to their mother in another city, nah, I'll never see it. But if they want to wear it to the same places I am (especially in the same color), I'm not very happy. On the other hand, if I'm making something from a free pattern off the yarn racks, I figure I have nothing to complain about if I see it on another person's back, LOL!

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I'm not very creative or artistic, so I have no original ideas regarding crochet. It's happened to me in other areas of life though. I'll make a comment, then someone else says the same exact thing, and I'm sitting there wondering if I'm invisible!

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If it's something simple (like a non-intricate waschloth, granny or even afghan of simple stitches) then no, it doesn't bother me. I know I'm guilty of taking existing patterns and fiddling with them to make something else or different. I don't call them my own though. I always say 'I adapted such-and-such pattern'. Or 'this is based off of whosit-whatsit'. To claim that this is totally my idea, no. That's just not right, and, if the pattern is written, could be concidered copyright infringement in some cases. Luckilly I haven't had too many unique ideas that I've made up or shown off and no one I know well crochets much to copy.

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That's why I don't design anymore. I had a website of free patterns and would put up about 4 or 5 at a time and then wow, suddenly 3 other crochet websites had very similar patterns (and these other websites weren't updating all that often before this because I was looking for patterns and I knew that--couldn't find what I wanted so I did my own). After about a year of this going on I just stopped designing and updating the site, it went down and some can still be found on "archives".... I do my own now if I can't find one or I adapt one, but I personally never say I designed it unless I did.


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If i try to copy something someone else has made i always try to remember to give credit to the original "my version of so and sos original" or i was inspired by someone and never give anyone directions for it. I can usually look and copy it pretty close from pictures most of the time but would never think of stealing someone elses work. I am in awe that people here are so generous with their work and am very thankful because there is no way i could have afforded to do the projects i have since becoming a memeber here. sorry people have not played by the rules.

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It would probably bother me if I designed something and someone else tried to claim it as their own design...but nowadays its so hard to know whats an original design and what isnt..for instance...Ill mentally make something up in my mind, maybe even get it started, and a week later I'll see something so similar to my idea that it could be someone read my mind, Lol. And Im thinking to myself.....if I try to say this was my own design no one will believe me since a similar one has already been made and/or shared. So I just don't claim any designs as my own...I modify lots of designs, but I always say that it was someone elses and I made some changes. And , heck its easier for me to follow a pattern than try to make up my own design anyway, Lol. Thanx so much to all of the generous people that give of their designs so freely.


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I only get mad when I think of a great idea but don't write it down or work it out to the point where I even could write it down, then I see it in a book or mag. Grrr. I've never actually designed enough for anyone to steal, luckily

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I know what you are saying. I don't put my designs out there for the whole world. Sorry! But recently I've seen these beanie visors on etsy selling like crazy. I've been making them for yrs for my kids and grandkids and sold some at my daughters work. I'd like to put mine in my store but now this other person has hers out there and I feel if I put mine out there, she'll think I'm copying hers! lol!:think

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I've never actually designed anything worthy of theft. :lol But I have been on the other end, where I've taken somebody's pattern and modified it my own way. I have posted it on my blog, but when I've done that, I've made sure I give credit to the original designer as well as a link to the original pattern that inspired me. I make sure to clearly indicate what was my idea and what was the original idea.


The way I see it, I want to take credit for what IS my idea, but at the same time, I want to give credit where it's due. I try to put myself in the other's shoes. If someone were to take a pattern of mine, change it, and post it but GIVE ME credit for the original idea, I wouldn't have a problem with it.


I don't think I've done anything wrong so far, as the one time I did modify a pattern, and gave credit where it was due, the original designer saw it and gave me :tup :tup for it. Put me on :c9, but at the same time I was relieved to know I hadn't "stepped over the line," so to speak.

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I haven't had a whole lot of people do that kind of thing to me, but I've had it happen to me enough to know that it can be a very frustrating problem.


What's even worse is when someone actually TRACES your drawings, and then turns around and gives the traced picture as a gift... :( I don't have too many original ideas with crochet, so it hasn't happened to me with that yet.

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its not only frustrating its illegal, i had this one gal i had met, she loved a backpack i had made and asked for the pattern, well i was trying to sell it and she said oh, clearly dissapointed so stupid me gave it to her, next thing i know she has tried to sell to a mag., which i knew about as i had also sent it in

so when i told them what happened they didn't buy it at all, was the last time i shared just to be nice, clearly some of my patterns are adaptions of someone elses, and also some i willingly share as with my shawl pattern on the original pattern page. but yes i get very upset when i design and someone steals it:angry

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I know just what you mean---I learned the hard way not to bother to design and if I do don't tell anyone and sure don't share the pattern. I designed an item and shared the pattern with a person that was suposed to be a friend--well to make a long story short- she sold my pattern to magazine as her own and had the nerve to use my name on the item( it was personalized) for the example in the magazine. thats what I call rubbing my nose in the fact that I was so stupid that I just let her steal it from me. It still makes me so angry that she could do somthing like that! When I use someone elses pattern I always give them credit for it when I get compliments and I'll even tell them where I found the pattern so they can get one if they want and make one for themselves. I think people should have more morals than to just steal someone elses hard work!

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and that my new friend is why now when i make something i don't want to share i copywrite my patterns now. crying shame we have to do it but its either that or give it to them to have. for myself i would much rather go to the trouble of doing it, don't take much time and worry free :D:D:D welcome to the ville:hug:hug
























































































































































































































































































































































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