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Pattern Stash!

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Thread about building a stash prompted me to post this thread. I am such a pattern hog. My computer is becoming overrun with crochet patterns. Bookmarks galore....PDF files....it's nuts,...and I have a cavnas bag full of books, magazines, leaflets etc. And I am not slowing down AT ALL. I know I will never make 1/4 of all the patterns I hoard. But I HAVE to have them!!!!!!

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I have tons of patterns too. They are all over the house. I have them double stacked on the book case in my craft room and in boxes under the table in my bedroom too.


I cant pass up a crochet book that is on sale or at a garage sale.


I think I need help:hook

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what is an artist without his paintbrush? =P


....well, i guess in this case, our paintbrush would be our hook... but you know what i mean.


i have three overflowing folders full of patterns i've printed out - i don't save them on the computer for some reason, now i'm wondering why LOL. a whole section of my shelf is nothing but knitting and crochet books. this doesn't really seem like a lot after what you guys just said lol.

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I've subscribed to onlty 1 mag so far......oh and I get the doily patterns from House of White Birches....:hook



Off to read your blog, Sammi


HAHAHA....I have PAS for sure...and YAS (which is in remission right now) because I now have a bad case of TAS (thread acquisition syndrome).....

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I'm book/leaflet poor. I have ssc and a baby layette booklet. lol. But, my cpu is full of url's and pdfs. Walmart is the only place for yarn and booklets around here so i just dream of owning alot of pattern books.

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ditto...it'd be easier (for me) to pass on yarn than a pattern! I really do love and enjoy looking through them. The patterns bring me joy; especially the vintage ones. D

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I have only been collecting patterns for a few months, and boy do I have a lot of them.


I have bought about 20 books in the past 2 months. These are hardback and softback books, not the leaflets.

I have a very large stack of leaflets and small booklets.

I have a 3" binder full of patterns I have printed out.

I have quite a few crochet magazines too. Almost forgot about them


I have so many patterns saved on my computer, that the bookmark folders have many sub-folders. My documents folder is full of PDF files of patterns. And to top it off, my laptop is only 3 weeks old :eek


There is no way I will ever make even 1/8 of the patterns I have, but I still have to have them. And I am always on the lookout for new ones.


Hi, my name is Mel, and along with being a yarn addict, I am a pattern addict :lol

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:lol I am a pattern stash aholic. :help I haven't even been crocheting for a year yet and I have soooo many patterns stashed away in my document folders (I even have them sorted by type) that I need to back up my computer frequently because I'm afraid I'll lose them. I don't have much in the way of books and magazines (yet) because space is limited in my RV. My mom is giving me a stack of old Workbaskets (I can't wait to see these) and other books and patterns she has.


I didn't think I had a yarn stash problem, but now I'm finding the area behind my chair keeps getting more and more yarn in it. Pretty soon I'll be surrounded by it. :eek

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I just bought 3 more booklets last night and I got an afghan book in the mail off ebay yesterday! :woo Uh - oh, Husband just looked over my shoulder and saw that I wrote this... I'm in trouble! :oops




Mary <><

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I have a huge pattern stash because "you never know when you are going to need it" Of course I do that with alot of things. But my stash consists on 5 one inch binders, a large rubbermaid toete of books, and and half a gig of a memory stick on my computer.:eek wow i never realised tha tit was a common issue maybe we should start patterns anonymous and dfigure out a 12 step program.... well no maybe not you never know when that perfect pattern is going to be needed

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Geez this thread makes me feel better! Yes, I too am a pattern-a-holic. I just see a pattern and can see myself making that item and it takes me away to a better place...LOL:lol

I knew that I had a problem when I developed the need to check Annies Attic Pattern of the Day before getting my coffee first thing in the morning.


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If I started to crochet right now and did it for every waking moment of my life, I still couldn't use all of the patterns that I have. What I have started to do with patterns on the internet is email them to myself. I use a g-mail account and it is great. If anyone wants a gmail account I have plenty of invites so contact me off list.


Donna Marie

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:lol :lol :lol:D ok, I'm a junky too. Stacks, piles, shelves, boxes......tripping over, sliding on............:lol :lol

Looking at them is part of the fun, but I used to know what I had, but now it is out of control! Designing something consists of searching , searching, spreading things all over the floor, deciding, pondering, eliminatiing, thinking, and then perhaps doing something else!:P

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I'm a pattern stash aholic also! But I also knit, quilt and do cross stitch! I have a ton of patterns for each! I'll never make most of the items I have patterns for but... I check Annie's Attic every day to see what the free pattern is. :blush

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Oooh I am so naughty with patterns too....and wool!!:lol

I have 2 sets of 'craft drawers' that have 3 drawers each...and at least 4 of those are filled with patterns, not to mention all the patterns and links to patterns on the computer....and now I am just learning to knit so have started looking at patterns for that also...


You can never have too many patterns.....right?....:lol

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