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Mail from freepatterns.com?


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I haven't become a member of www.freepatterns.com because they ask for my mailing address and I do not like getting mail (I hate junk mail!) unless I specifically ask for it.


So...my question is for those of you that are members...do you get any mail? To your mailbox? In your e-mail? If so, how much and how often?


Thank you!! :)




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I've gotten a few offers from Annie's Attic about craft book clubs and such and I don't know if it's related to freepatterns.com or from subscribing to DRG's magazines.

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I'm a horrible person - I always put a fake address. If I ever did need to order something, I could go back and change it later. Rick wanted to fill out a survey once for a website and they required name, address AND phone number to fill it out. He submitted it with name and address, but left off the phone number. It wouldn't accept it without it, it was a required field. He emailed the website to complain and they swore up and down to him that it was just for regional survey, so they could see who and where their hits were coming from but "we'll never use it", :blah:blah:blah , and now we get tons of stuff in the mail from them. Ever since then I don't fill anything out because you never know. I'm bad, I know. :ohdear

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I get them too, Rachel, probably because I've ordered from Annie's Attic and get the catalog. Sometimes in an envelope, sometimes one of those 8½x11" clear plastic envelopes, and usually it's those offers for the big book collections or even the one that give the individual pattern sheets you collect and put in a binder (and shouldn't be selling on eBay :oops - I hate those guys!). It isn't too much, but it is definitely often enough to make me aware of who they are coming from.

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I get emails from them, but not as many as I thought I would get. I really don't remember having to give them an address other than the email address. But I'm old, I might have forgotten that I gave it.


As far as junk mail to my mail box...not yet that I'm aware of...we actually don't get alot of flyers and stuff because of being an APO box...I don't quite understand why, but it's a heck of a lot less than when we're in the states...

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I don't mind junk mail at all, so I freely give my address out. I simply don't care and sometimes that stuff comes in handy for school projects. Like last year, my son's teacher liked to make them do creative stuff with their spelling words to help learn them, so one day a week they had to cut out letters from magazines or newspapers, which I do not subscribe to, and use those letters to glue onto paper to spell out their spelling words. Those junk mail ads came in very handy! It was so fun!


I like getting coupons and stuff, so I sign up for them alot, and so I do get a bunch of junk along with it, but the coupons are worh that extra minute or two it takes to sort out my mail =)

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