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Cupcake Purse


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Thanks dneice! It's so funny you should ask where I found the pattern because I had forgotten where I got the pattern from so I did a google search and guess where it led me.....right back to crochetville :D. It is Tapanga's pattern. I guess I should have put this thread there instead of here.


At any rate, look under original patterns and there is a thread for the cupcake purse pattern. I would have put a link to it here, but I haven't figured out yet how to do that.


Thanks Tapanga for such a cute pattern. I have a request for another one already from a cute little 5 year old. She wants a pink bottom and blue top.

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Very nice job! Love your cupcake purse! :) It would be a cute Easter present filled with some goodies! :rabbit :rabbit

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