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What kind of yarn are you working with? If you are using an aluminum hook, you can try rubbing it with wax paper....that might help. I do that with some of my hooks, if my yarn isn't flowing smoothly over my hook.

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Well I just got done working with some Suede yarn..and it squeaked..it was like there was some fiber rubbing off on my hook. but that's the only time it happened with me that I can think of..


Now, I do think there some yarns work better with aluminum and some better with plastic.....if you are squeaking maybe switch hooks? do you use both types????

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What kind of yarn are you working with? If you are using an aluminum hook, you can try rubbing it with wax paper....that might help. I do that with some of my hooks, if my yarn isn't flowing smoothly over my hook.


it does not matter what kinda yarn i use it happens with it all, currently i am working with caron simply soft.

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Well I just got done working with some Suede yarn..and it squeaked..it was like there was some fiber rubbing off on my hook. but that's the only time it happened with me that I can think of..


Now, I do think there some yarns work better with aluminum and some better with plastic.....if you are squeaking maybe switch hooks? do you use both types????


i usually use the susan bates hooks, with boyle i usually split the yarn have not tried plastic yet, would love to try the wood hooks everyone on here raves about them...i have also seen some balene hooks, is that like the whale balen?

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Some of my plastic hooks do that. I just turn the TV on so I can't hear it.:lol I've never tried this, but Lily Chin puts hand lotion on her hooks and wipes off the excess with a tissue. She does it so the yarn glides easier, so I imagine it would eliminate the squeakiness also.

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Could it be that you're pulling the yarn to tightly? I know if I pull the yarn too tight, especially with acrylics, that the yarn makes a strange noise on the hook, I also changed the angle that I hold the yarn at, that helped as well.

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I always keep a piece of wax paper by my chair. If I'm out with a carry along project I'll run the hook thru my hair a couple times. (I found that hint on another message board but I can't remember which one right now). It doesn't work as well as the wax paper but it's great in a pinch.

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geez i thought i was the only strange one. glad to see i am in good company. you have some ideas i am going to have to try out. the tv, radio and the kids don't drown out the squeak, its like nails on a chalk board thought ...i drives me bonkers:eek :eek

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I have never had this happen to me and I always use the Susan Bates aluminum hooks. I mostly use acrylic yarn. Do you hold your yarn really tightly?


I really like the tip of using hand lotion, though, to make the yarn slide easier--thanks!

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I agree with Secretstashers remedy which my DMIL always did and I now do. Im sure people think Im mad attacking my hair with a crochet hook but it works!

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I have to admit, I've had this happen - but only when using a Boye hook - and I felt too stupid to ask the question either.


I've been using nothing but the Susan Bates for about a year now, though, and I've never had this problem with them. I wonder if it makes a difference what kind of finish the hook has? :think:shrug

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I put lotion on my hands about 5 minutes before I start crocheting to help the yarn glide through my fingers easier. It also prevents the annoying squeaking that sometimes happens.


I also keep a fabric softener sheet close by to run over my hook after taking breaks to help control static. With all the dry heat in the house during the winter, it is static heaven in here :(

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I am a hand lotion person. I constantly reapply lotion to my ahnd and my hook as I work on projects. I never hear any squeeks and I use all types of hooks anfd yarn. I just hate having my hands feels dry.

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I've only noticed my hook squeaking if my hands are sweating. Always figuired it was the moisture on the hook w/ the yarn then rubbing against it (sort of like making a glass "sing" when you rub water around the rim of it). So far I've not found anything to work to help stop it except stopping and letting things dry back out.



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