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South Eastern Wisconsin.. you ready

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I'm all set. I was glad to have the day off today so I could go to the grocery store this morning and avoid the mad rush in the afternoon. I hope they're wrong and it misses us. It's been a warm week and it's nice to see the grass again.

lol I know it has happend before where it moved all of the sudden and we get nothing. lol

oh well.

it has been one strange winter here so far.

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On our news here in Ohio they are saying there are blizzard warnings out for your area and MN and NE. They haven't said what Ohio is getting yet. They said it is too far off to tell at this time. I'm going to the store tomorrow anyway, so will just pick up a little extra so I don't have to stop in the bad weather. Even if we don't get the snow, we are getting a rain/ice mix so they say.


Good luck, happy crocheting and stay warm!

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My husband's taken to calling it the "White Death" storm. I went out last night and stocked up on all the important things: cat food, ice cream, and yarn. ;) So bring it on!

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Here on the east coast in Baltimore County we are goona get a little bit of everything. Snow, sleet, freezing rain! YUCKY! My hubby will have to go to work and stay until eveything is cleared off the sidewalks and parking lots. He is head of maintenance at one of our big hospitals and has to make sure everything is being taken care of and then he gets to use the snow plow(he likes that)! Sometimes he even has to make sure the doctors and nurses can get in to the hospital. I sure hope he doesn't have to stay long!

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I got a whole lot of snow last night. They kept saying "light snow" for yesterday and then the blizzard tonight. If the 4' drifts I have outside now are from a light snow, I'm a little worried what a blizzard will do.:lol

All kinds of events planned for tonight and tomorrow are getting cancelled around here, but I'm thinking (hoping) we won't even get much more than we got last night. The wind is picking up now. I can hear it howling through the trees. Everybody stay warm and be careful if you have to shovel. Remember, bend with the knees.;)

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Well the second round has started-bring it on we will be brave and crochet through the whole thing

DH is ecited as he gets to plow---what ever makes you happy I suppose

For me it the hook, yarn, a movie and a cup of tea:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

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We just started getting some of the icky weather. I wouldn't even care since it is the weekend, but we are supposed to be celebrating my father's 80th birthday tomorrow and now I'm concerned about my sister's family getting here (they live an hour away). Oh well, we can always delay it a week, I guess.

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Just waiting for the storm to hit. Got 4" last night and tonight thru Monday AM suppose to get anywhere from 10-20". I love Wisconsin!

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We got snow here in Appleton. 3' drifts after plowing and blowing. I suppose its the last blast before warm up. I just want to know why it does this on the weekends I have to work instead of the weekends I am home and can relax and crochet all day? :think Oh well. Stay warm, drive safe and enjoy your day off coffee and crocheting.

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Wow! Sounds like you got eleven inches over night in Milwaukee! Here in Neenah we had 5 inches overnight with a total accumulationg when it's all over of about 14 inches.


Yes, I'm stocked up on yarn and projects for the duration. We went to visit my son a week ago in Wauwatosa. I talked my DH into stopping at Michaels since we don't have one in this area. I found all kinds of Patons yarn we don't have here...including the new SWS. Then we also stopped at Kro-Sha...my first time there. My purchases are all in my "yarn studio" (extra bedroom/storage room) and I go in and stroke them, waiting for them to tell me what they want to be. Meanwhile I'm continuing on my stash-busting ripple aghan as I wait for inspiration.

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Here in South east MN I got out to go to work for about 4 hours out of my 9 hour shift after paying a tow truck $79.88 after I got stuck in the alley after I got out of my garage! Then I got home and Iam snowed in again! I tried to call a cab they said they were only taking emerency calls! Well come to find out when I called work the drifts are so big you can't get in anyway!

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they miss judged it here in Sheboygan. at 10:00 pm last night I was flipping between channel 12, channel 6 (FOX) and channel 4 (TMJ) and they all showed we were getting snow but it was not snowing here. lol

then at 10:07 the wind totally picked up.

and my guess is we probably got maybe 6" at the most.

but the kids are happy because its over 30 and the wind died down so they can go out shoveling with is

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Well, I'm in real southeastern Wisconsin about 2 blocks off the lake. Only thing we've got is ice and rain and more of the same to come.

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It is never as bad as they say! Besides here they keep the roads plowed pretty well and if people would just drive slow you can get around alright. No offence to those of you with suv's but they cause the most problems and are usually the cars that end of in the ditch. Why suv people think they can drive fast in icy conditions is beyond me.

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urggggggggggg in Iowa here, in the "tri-states, yes, you are a 20 minute at the MOST to drive to three different states, Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. Iowa frequently gets left out of the news, but we got HAMMERED, see my post in off topics...lol..I was HOT when I couldn't leave work....

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