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Miscellaneous Afghan CAL


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Sure hope your able to find the same color. If not maybe one of us could pick the next color then next person and so on that might be fun. Then you could show each finished row or maybe not. It could be a suprise and see how it turns out. Then when your finished you could post it oh great I am babbling. I get that way when I am tired...

Have fun with it,

Deb. :)

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I agree with disneypal..

I was ready to throw mine in the trash. I have never done a afghan, this is my first... I have done many hats and baby blankets, slippers, stuff like that.

oh my this has been an experience for sure.

I love that pattern had to pass it up due to other projects that needed to get done.



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Barb, I hope you are starting to feel better.


I have to frog 10 rows of my 3 strander :cry:cry:cry:cry

I missed the last stitch of the row, didn't notice it, and kept going. So the last 10 rows are narrower :(


And I was almost done with it. I had about 3 more rows to finish the skeins, then the edging and it would have been on DD's bed. Oh well, I have all day to redo it :hook

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Sure hope your able to find the same color. If not maybe one of us could pick the next color then next person and so on that might be fun. Then you could show each finished row or maybe not. It could be a suprise and see how it turns out. Then when your finished you could post it oh great I am babbling. I get that way when I am tired...

Have fun with it,

Deb. :)


That's actually a great idea. :) Though I did find out that the color is still available. I'm making the blanket for my husband, and he decided he wants it all one color.


That WOULD be a fun way to be a blanket. Maybe on another one! :D


Btw, what does frog mean???

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I think I am going to pull out of this CAL for a little bit. I am having all I can do to get things done and this afghan has sat on the back burner for too long. It's going to go into my UFO pile and I will get to it soon hopefully. I will rejoin when I do that. Thanks for all the encouragement.

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All those strips and now they have to be adjusted! :( No wonder You're so frustrated. I think I'd look more like this:angry I'm just about to start a baby afghan that's done in strips, so I'll keep your frustration in mind, Mermaiden, and try to make them all turn out the same length. I know that doesn't help you, but I'm really glad I saw your post today.:ty


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Bizzyboppers - sorry you have to pull out for a while - hopefully you can come back soon - have fun working on the other projects.


stargazingirley - Welcome !!!


RoseRed - your lapgan is so pretty - love the colors !!!


natcat - you are moving right along - I think sewing as you go is a good idea - I am now very much wishing I had done that.


I've gotten 2 rows joined together so far - 5 more to go and the process is going sooooo sloooowww. It doesn't help that I'm having to work a lot of overtime right now so only have about about an hour a day that I can work on it.


On my other one that I just started (which I only work on during my lunch hour right now) is coming along - I'm almost done with the 1st square.

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I think I am going to pull out of this CAL for a little bit. I am having all I can do to get things done and this afghan has sat on the back burner for too long. It's going to go into my UFO pile and I will get to it soon hopefully. I will rejoin when I do that. Thanks for all the encouragement.


We'll look forward to seeing you later. :yes


Can I still join the CAL?


I'm just starting the Pound Of Love afghan pattern in pastel blue I think I'll add a boarder to it after i finish with the pattern, and honestly the pattern might change, not sure I like it yet! but I'll post again when I know for sure!


Sure! I'll add your name and project to the first post.




Rose, I must not have added this ghan to our list.

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well sorry but your going to have to change my project already!!! I really didn't like the way my pound of love one was coming out, so I switched toa blue and yellow ripple, for a baby boy ghan... I love the way this was coming out! I'll post a picture later today! i've got 8 inches so far! (and nothing besdies housework to do besides crochet all day!!)

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DreamsOfYarn : Congratulations on fixing the oops... :yay

Bizzyboppers : Come back when you can.... :D

stargazingirly : Hello hope you enjoy it here. I sure do. Everyone is friendly and nice.

RoseRed : When I first saw that I said to myself....ewwwawwww. I like that.

Natcat : Looken good...:woo

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so I switched to a blue and yellow ripple

I love blue and yellow together. That is going to be so pretty. My very favorite afghan that I've complete is one with blue and yellow granny squares.

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My 3 strander for my DD is done. :cheer:clap It is a monster ghan. My DS is holding it up in the pic, and kept asking if I was done because it is so heavy and he was getting tired of holding it up :lol He is 6' tall and is standing on a step so we could fit it all in the pic without it dragging on the ground.


I used Caron Simply Soft, the colors are watermelon, chocolate and new white. I used a size P hook. She wanted it long, so she got a long ghan!!





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My 3 strander for my DD is done.
:yay :yay :yay :yay

Mel, Wow ! that is long if your son is 6' - I can kind of see the step he is on - it looks like he is standing up at least another foot so that is probably around 7 feet long. :whew


I like the colors a lot. Your DD is going to love it!

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All those strips and now they have to be adjusted! :( No wonder You're so frustrated. I think I'd look more like this:angry I'm just about to start a baby afghan that's done in strips, so I'll keep your frustration in mind, Mermaiden, and try to make them all turn out the same length. I know that doesn't help you, but I'm really glad I saw your post today.:ty



:hook Live and learn, right? :lol:yes

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RoseRed, very nice lapghan! Love the colors! :cheer


Carol, it's coming along nicely! Keep up the good work! :cheer


Mel, beautiful colors on your 3 strander! Great job! :cheer

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