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A Yarn Winder Thingy,:? Pinkroses

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Hey all to all yall.

Question: A Yarn Winder Thingy. Does It really work good?

Is it easy to use? Is it worth investing money in?

Do you have one and do you like it.

Actually that is several questions. :lol

I am thinking about this as I always wind my yarn into balls and I have arthiris and carpatunnel syndrome. Thanks for your help.:yespinkroses

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:cheer Yarn winders are worth their weight in gold if you buy a lot of yarn in Skeins, but you really need a Skein Holder too, to hold the skein while you wind.

Just Google Skein Holder and you will see what I mean.

Have fun.


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I have this one http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/ErinLindsey/more%20crochet%20pictures/PB092767.jpg


I LOVE my yarn winder! It's one of the neatest accessories I have for my crochet stash. I have a lot of scrap yarn, it was all messy and unorganized...then I got the winder and I was finally able to organize it and get control of it all.


It actually helped me shrink down my stash. I was able to empty out two or three of my totes once I was able to stack the yarn neatly. It packs easier into the totes now.

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I bought the $39 one and love it!:manyheart It makes the best pull "cakes".

VERY easy to use. I wind all of my yarn that are not pull skeins and some that are. That way I know there won't be any knots or clumps while I am in the middle of a project. If I wind the hanks of yarn, my hubby is my yarn holder!:D

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The best investment I made was a yarn winder. I got mine at Joanns.com when they had a 50% off coupon, but I would pay full price for it. It really makes room where your yarn is, it takes all those long stiring sticking out of skinny hanks and finally, it makes it easier to use the yarn without it getting tangled.

Would I buy it again? You Bet.:hook

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Get a wool winder I have one and i have used it so much. It makes the wool easier to store and i love going through my stash and winding it all up. So much quicker than winding it into balls. I have spent many a happy hour winding up my stash, its so theraputic. go for it is what i say. You can get cheap ones off ebay have a look. mine cost £14 It will be easyer on your arthritis, I am developing arthritis in one knuckle and have an old injury where i broke my right hand and you can wind a ball in seconds rather than minutes. GET ONE you wont regret it lol. I wouldn`t be without mine. good luck in finding one. love sian. xxx

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:cheer I just had a look on our NZ Auction Site, Trade Me and Wool Winders are going for anything from $14.00 NZ to $159.00 for a very large one whoch winds 1Kilo Balls. There was also a few priced more than $80.00 for just a normal sized one. They will not sell at that price. (6cents US to $1.00 NZ I think right now.)

I noticed people advertising Wool Winders which were actually Skein Holders. I felt like leaving them a note to put them right but thought I should not be too pushy.

There was a couple of old wood Skein Holders which looked just like the one my mum used to have.

Have you purchased your Wool Winder yet?

Have fun.


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I just got one myself, and I don't know how I lasted this long without one!


I just use whoever is handy in the house as a yarn holder when I have hanks to wind, but other than that, it's AWESOME!

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I LOVE!, LOVE!, LOVE! my ball winder. I would not be without one. I wind all my yarn as soon as I receive it. No more skeins rolling away from me AND the added benefit of finding defective yarn (knots, breaks, bald spots, etc.) before I start my project. The cakes are also easier for me to slide in to zip bags for storage.

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Well, I guess the vote is in. I will tell dear hubby I need a yarn winder now.:yes

He'll say. What is that?:lol

I Will have to go check them all out. Haven't brought mine yet.:no

Thanks for the advice.

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I love mine. I wind everything. I didn't have a coffee table that it could attach to so I bought a little plant stand for $10 at one of the craft stores to attach it to. You don't really need a swift for hanks, I just use the back of the sofa.

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I love mine. My DH made me a yarn swift for the hanks of yarn but you really don't need a swift for anything else.


I don't wind the skeins until they start to unravel, since they are center pull there really isn't a reason to wind them. But once they have been partially used it helps a ton to tidy up my stash by making lovely little cakes!

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I loove my yarn winder!! I got it for $25 when JoAnn's had their 50% off online coupon...yes and that included shipping!! :cheer


I buy most of my cotton yarn/thread on cones and so a yarn winder is a must!! My kids fight over who gets to wind it, but most of the time they end up tangling the threads so....


It very therapeutic and a great thing to do when watching tv/movies.


And your stash gets organized because you can stack them up in cakes and that makes for more room for stash, right????

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I Love Love Love my yarn winder. I got mine at Joanns with a 40% coupon and free shipping. It is worth it's weight in gold! No more floppy skeins - all my yarn sits neatly in nice little cakes. Absolutely priceless for frogging - makes it much easier and so less painful . . . . If you can afford one, get one!

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Ever consider a nostepinde? Ever wonder what the #@$% a nostepinde is? Welp its a yarn winding tool that looks like a one handled tapered rolling pin only different. You can see several that i've made on my blog. They're alot less money than a winder thingie and fun to use once you get used to them.

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