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Wood hooks: Whats a good starter hook?

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:hook You see...I'd like to try a wood hook, but I don't want to spend a zillion dollars on something I don't like. I typically use boye aluminum J-Q depending on the project. I did a quick ebay search and it seems bamboo is considerably cheaper than other wood hooks. I'd like to just try it, I don't want to spend the money on it if I decide I don't like it. I supposed I should just buy a j or a K wood and take it from there, any suggestions?:think
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What ever wood hooks you buy in the stores keep your reciet so if you don't like it you can take it back and get your money back. I bought 1 bamboo hook just to see if I like it before I bought more,,,and I don't care for it. But there are other people who love it. some like it and some don't. I love the wood hooks off of E-bay and have many..I loved every crochet hook I bought so far.

If you have friends that have wood crochet hook ask them if you can see them.

You will love your wood crochet hooks I do...

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The Turn of The Century hooks are good starters :hook I'm so hooked on hooks now I love to buy the gorgeous and somtimes expensive ones it's a new addiction I have. I started with a TOTC hook though & I still love it :manyheart I didn't buy them for myself so I don't have a link to the site but I imagine if you do a search for Turn Of The Century Crochet hooks you could find them.

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I have a complete set of the Brittany wood hooks and absolutely love them. I would recommend that you buy one good wood hook in the size you use the most and work with it for a while. I don't know if the bamboo would give you the same feel as other wood hooks would.

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I prefer Boye hooks to Bates hooks and my ALL TIME FAVORITE hooks are Ozarktwist (sold on Ebay). They are pure perfection. I own one in every size I use, doubles (and even triples!) in many cases.


I don't care for Brittany hooks b/c they are not pointy like Boye hooks (they're rounder like Bates)


I've bought many a wooden hook off of Ebay just to try them out and Ozarktwist are the only I'd recommend. The rest are now in my "cool hook" collection and on display in my living room.


I found TOTC to be of good quality, especially for the price, but also a little too "Batey" for my taste.


As for bamboo... I LOVE bamboo knitting needles, can't stand bamboo crochet hooks. I think they feel a little too wimpy and I'm scared I'm going to snap them in half (I crochet tight and use a firm grip on my hooks). Therefore, I prefer wood that doesn't feel like it's bending/going to snap.

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I am also a happy owner of a couple of turn of the century hooks, but....


I am a new owner of one of these http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZg3studiosQQhtZ-1


I have to say that they are amazing! So comfortable and well made. Check them out!


Also, there are the Graydog hooks on ebay, but they are a little bit more pricey. One day I hope I win one of their auctions!

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i to love the ozarktwist hooks he carves them by hand and makes them in two sizes one he calls a stubby its like 6 1/2 inches long good for those with shorter fingers and smaller hands he doesnt use a lathe to make them like graydog both are very nice hooks i own several of both i dont care for the bamboo or britany but thats my opinion

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Ozarktwist is my recommendation. They are very friendly and helpful and will take custom orders.


I have a G and a K from them. The G worries me.. it feels like it might break.. but the K.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE. the "twist" in the wood makes up for a lack of a thumbrest.. which I never thought I could do without. And I too am a Boye girl. lol.. Every Girl needs a boye? But back to the Ozarktwist.


The classic twist that they make is 3/8 inch diameter, from sizes F to N.


Larger sizes they have 1/2 inch diameter (regular length and the "stubby").


The largest they make is an S hook, and that comes in 5/8 inch diameter.


All hooks are the same price, 30.00 with 3.00 shipping (extra for insurance)


I know all this because I've been researching hooking.. lol

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I have one wood hook. I don't know what size it is. My BF picked it up for me when he was at a civil was reenactment a while back. I only use it when I don't need to care about the size of the hook.

I guess I just like cause he gave it to me.

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Well it looks like I'll have to try to get an ozark in a K,,,My Birthday's this week...perhaps I'll get a few bucks and be able to get myself one with my B'day money!!!




Tell your family that's one of the things you'd like.. and they could put in an order for you (even get your exact preference in color).


I get a new one every year for xmas now.. my dh has been trained to go there.:lol

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I tried a Brittany hook but it had some sort of splinter or something that kept making the yarn snag. I understand that if you file it, it'll be better. I just got my first Crystal Palace crochet hook a couple of weeks ago and I love it. Same smooth finish as the knitting needles, through which I was first introduced to Crystal Palace.

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I have had several Britanny ones and they are good for certain pattern applications but they can be cumbersome too.

I used to use the metal Bates hooks - I never liked Boye because they felt more "rounded" at the hook and especially in the crook of the hook I never felt secure that they would "catch and hold" the yarn for a stitch -- tried a few times with one but had many missed stitches. The Bates had a deeper and more distinct notch so helped with this.

That being said I actually love the ones that are wooden that I too have picked up at the Civil War reinactments - they look alot like Jimbo's but are even a little more rustic in design - but they are buttery smooth (from prior use) and never snag the yarn.

The others that I like --- (shudder shudder) are a set of Balene plastics I was given that I keep in my camper for summer trips - I wouldn't freak out if I lost one so that is why those are there.

I too am interested in the Ozark Twists but don't know how I would feel about no thumb rest - interesting...

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