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Ouch I have a cramp...

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i do. I have arthrirs and carnal tunnel snydrome. Mine get numb too.

I heard some one say to hold your arms down by your side and excrise you wrist and hands.

I do strenegthing excersies with a 2 lb. dumb bell. It helps but I still have the pain

Maybe you could also use something like ben gay may help while you are crocheting. :yes

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Switch how you change your hook every once in a while (knife versus pencil), and every half hour to 45 minutes, stop and do some stretches.


One of the crochet magazines (Crochet Today!, I think) has some good stretches in it this month.


And if you really hurt, stop. It's not worth it causing permanent damage for a hobby, right?

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You could also try those elastic "wrist brace" things. I've seen them in Hobby Lobby, too. usually buy the crochet hooks and notions or sometimes by the sewing stuff. It's kind of like a fingerless glove, but it's elasticized, and supposed to be really good for sore wrists.

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I have arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and a slowly healing chipped bone in my right wrist. I take frequent breaks to prevent cramping, numbness, etc. I stretch my fingers out and do other hand and finger exercises before I start crocheting. If I am on a deadline and need to get something done, am running out of time and can't take as many breaks as I normally do, I prop my right arm on a pillow and modify my normal crochet 'pose'.


It's the constant repetition of crocheting that gave me tendonitis and carpal years ago. That is one of the reasons I gave it up for so long. But I missed it so much, I had to start crocheting again. I now listen to my body and don't overdo it.

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Yeah, I noticed that my hands would hurt a lot, but it was a combination of pencil hold, surfing the 'net using my laptop propped waay up on my desk and chores.


Once I connected a regular mouse and keyboard and typed at waist level instead of lower rib, and also when I changed from pencil to knife hold, I am able to hold the owwies at bay.

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Get a tennis ball and rest your hand round it every thirty minutes for a few minutes. The relief is amazing, the tennis ball puts your hand in the most relaxed position possible. I was in tears with pain from a broken hand and dislocated finger (that and the fact I couldn`t crochet as it was my right hand) the releif is instant. another good tip from my Mom. xxxx

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If you don't already, try holding your hook "overhand." I wrap all 4 fingers around my hook and support the bottom with my thumb. I find this more comfortable and from what I've read, it is better for those with carple tunnel problems.

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omegosh, my hands hurt all the time, too....my dr. told me to get one of those wristbands (the one that looks like a fingerless glove)...well.......my hands hurt worse! so i cut off the glove part and just use the wrist part and it's great! they come in pairs, so you've got them for both hands:)

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