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UGH! Reverse Single Crochet....

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AKA...the crab stitch.

Now I understand what it's called that. :eek

I can see I'll be crabby doing this stitch on the baby afghan I'm finishing up. :thair

I think this is my least favorite stitch to do..... :thumbdown

Anyone else "dislike" this stitch?

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Oh...I love the look too. It's a really nice finish....I'm just anxious to get the afghan done with.....but this stitch! Blah...LOL. But like you said....nice and slow....then before I know it...it'll be done!

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I believe you are supposed to finish your row in your regular stitch, let's say single crochet, then chain one and withOUT turning, do a single crochet in the stitch you just barely did, then work back along the row you just finished, so it's kind of like single crocheting backwards--or reversed, anyway.


I had to do it for some mittens and I found it VERY annoying at first but then it got easier after a while. I have to do it really slowly, though, with my brain protesting the whole way "this isn't right! Stop what you're doing and do it properly, you know you want to!" :D

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:manyheart I like this stitch. My problem comes when I get to the end to join with what I started on. It always looks bumpy.


Any ideas on how to fix it?

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:cheer Crab Stitch is not suitable on all crochet edges but I have to admit, I use it at every opportunity.

To make it easier to do, just turn the hook back towards you, then put it through the next stitch, hook the yarn and pull it through, YO and pull through both loops on the hook. Go on to the next one.

If it looks like it needs it, I sometimes SK every 4th stitch and you dontget the wavy edge that sometimes happens.


Here is a pic.

It becomes second nature after a while.

Have fun.


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I love this stitch I agree its not for everything but I do love it on a boarder for hats and blankets. I did it on a pair of gloves for myself and it just felt itchy. Anyhow Its just a bit hard to get useto

How I join is I work "backwards all around" when I get to the first stitch I turn the work and slip stitch I have not had a "bumpy" effect yet!

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It is very neat looking, but I absolutely cannot do it and, since I refuse to ruin crochet by getting frustrated (then it would just be like my attempts to knit!) I just won't do it. That one falls under the "life is too short" category for me.

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The first time I did that st was on a little western baby vest. I thought I never could get it, but after awhile it started to be easier. Still not a favorite, but I can do it if I need to and I like the way it looks.

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I found that stich hard at the first time, but now it goes without hardtime for me.

I think that in time you'll learn to like that stich as well....


I didn't like, at the begining, the TRD, but now, that i know how to do it right, i use it with a smile



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I'm using Bernat Baby Coordinates......which btw I really really REALLY don't like....cuz it has this something....this "thread" running through the yarn....and it snags every 2 seconds!!!!

I think if I had plain old yarn, this stitch wouldn't be that bad.

But it's done! The afghan is fini!!!! I had to even go buy a whole new skein of this awful yarn to finish up half of the last side I had to.....which required about 2' of the stuff......

I'll post a pic once I'm back from my daily taxi service round!!

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I Love this stitch too...Actually, it is kinda refreshing to be crocheting the other way in my opinion... It is quite natual ironically... we read and write (at least in the US/Other English speaking countries) from Left to Right...

Leonardo DaVinci was a lefty and he wrote backwards because as lefty it felt wrong to push the pen across the page... (righties pull the pen... he was trying to mimic that action.)


My advice... make sure you don't change the way you hold your hook... make sure it is always facing the same way... It is too easy to reverse the loops and create a completely different effect if you don't. (expecially when you are just learning...)

It might help to visit a website that has a video tutorial of it so that you can see it being done.

Glad to hear you finished it though.

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I tried for years to do the reverse stitch. Always got flustered & gave up. But.......... I found a book for beginners that explained it really well. Yesterday I finally got it. Just did it really slow like everyone was saying & it worked!!!!!!! I was totally amazed>>>>

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