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I wanna do what Mommy does!

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God love my 2 yr old :manyheart . She is almost my mini me sorda speak. Anyways the other night she got into my crochet stuff :ohdear (not to much damage done ;) ) and I just had to take a pic of her:photo . You can check her out on my blog because for some reason my pic sizing abilities are disabled right now :rant .(not here on the 'ville but thru my computer :shrug ).



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Aww how cute and she holding the hook with her left hand awww.


My 4 year old keep asking can she do it I show her a little here and there at a time I told her she can help me with her blanket next month.


Never to young to learn huh?

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that is sooooo cute, so far my 22mnth just runs away with the hooks - she has her own stash of leftover yarn to knot up, and if i touch it I get in big trouble...Abbies yarn, not mummies!

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thank you so much ladies for the wonderful comments. im glad you all enjoyed the pic as much as i do. both of my girls are truely blessing to my life and i love them both with all my heart.


i am in the process of trying to teach my 6 yr old how to crochet because she wants to learn as well :cheer . hopefully before they are both 10 I will have them on here sharing their beautiful projects with the rest of you ladies ;):lol .


once again thank you for the wonderful comments!

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Too cute. My 4 year old did the same thing today - walked over to a finished granny square blanket my grandmother had made years ago, stuck her hands in and said "Mama, I knitting!" as she moved her hands back and forth! (I was watching Knitty Gritty at the time). She's done the same with a plastic crochet hook before, too.


It makes me smile every time.

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