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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hey there Kiy0- you may be on to something for Julie- wearing one of those surgical masks when she crochets!!!


Don't know if you follow the Utah Jazz but Jerry Sloane just announced his (I think abrupt) retirement after coaching them for 23 years!


I don't follow but yes, did hear that. Hmmmmmm there's some reason, maybe it will come out sooner than later or maybe never at all! However, something is fishy cuz he and his next boy in command are done. Pretty closed lipped about it all. and....before the end of the season????

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Good evening ladies :hi


I feel like I've been lost :think My sixers lost last night :( We play here again tomorrow night :xfin Hopefully with a better outcome ;) I worked on a sock at the game and followed the pattern which claims to be for a childs foot 6-7 inches in length.....let's just say that I did from the toe up and have the whole forefoot done, but uh, one problem..........it fits MY foot!!!! :eek A little too big for my nephews :think Now I have some figuring to do :sigh


I feel like Mary might be the Nascar fan :think She was who immediately popped into my head :shrug I'll pay attention if someone else is watching it, but haven't really gotten into it myself, which is weird since I grew up about a half hour from the Pocono Downs Raceway.


Judy - How's that tooth holding up? Did you get alot of squares done yesterday?


Julie - I don't think there's anything wrong with purple for a boy :think Even if there was, he should be able to like what he likes....I wouldn't be happy if I was told I had to change my favorite color :( Your Al Roker story was funny :rofl As for the surgical mask....give it a shot, if it works, at least looking like an idiot would be in the privacy of your own home and you'd be able to continue enjoying your hobby, which otherwise is giving you problems :think:lol


Cindy - How was bfast and the potluck yesterday? Did you get your laundry done? We were also busy at work today, it started early and ended late, although we did get enough of a lull in the middle of the day to eat lunch :clap


Linda - Your snow pics were pretty :yes Your fabric is gorgeous and I'm excited to see it come together :bounce How are you joints holding up? :hug


Mary - beef veggie soup sounds wonderful right about now :yes I think I smell it :drool


Tam - Did you enjoy your manicure yesterday? Thanks for the info on the cucumbers :D


Sherri - Sounds like your 'moving' right along (pun intended :lol )


Peaches - How's your arm feeling?


Dusti - I love the pinwheel sweater :manyheart and find myself wishing I had one :think Cute coaster too :yes We don't mind you and Julie being gab-aholics ;)


Kiyo - I hope your day got better today :hug :hug :hug I also hope your tongue grew back :think:rofl I can mess around on the piano, but that's about it. I played the violin for many years though. I'm certainly not good by ear though. I can hear if it's out of tune or if I hit a wrong note, but I can't remedy the situation without my music :blush And I definitely can't listen to something then turn around and play it :no


Lorraine - :welcome aboard Although I'm not the nascar fan of the group...I do love football, baseball, and basketball. I also enjoy hockey, but don't follow it quite as closely :think That might change when I move to Pittsburgh later this year since they don't have a basketball team :( I currently live in Philadelphia with my 2 turtles. I'm not married (nor do I have a bf) and have no children. I grew up in the Poconos where my parents still live and I visit often. My sister lives in Pittsburgh and my parents will move out there after my dad retires. She just bought a house with her bf last year. My brother and SIL live in Phoenix with my 3 nephews and new niece :D I am a chiropractor and plan to open my own office with this move :think:xfin


Marlene - Glad to hear your strength improved at PT :clap:yay Just remember not to overdo it when your having a 'good' day :yes Keeping your Iowan's friend's mother and family in my prayers :hug :hug Did they make it home safe, or are they still traveling?


Joanne - We are the no middle name club :D My parents didn't give any of us a middle name :shrug I know some other people who don't have one, but not many. I like not having one :lol And the best is when people ask what it is and I tell them to guess....they go on for quite a while :devil


Tab - WTG getting the baby blanket started :yes


I had to go back to delete some emoticons because I had too many!!!!!

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Okay. I'll play. :D

1-What is your middle name? There never is one when I sign me name. :devil


2-Were you named after anyone? Yes.


3-What were your high school team colors,and team name? High Schools have Sports Teams?


4-Were you in any activities in high school (such as sports, band, etc)? Yup.

5-Favorite subject in school? Art.


6-What was your favorite board or card game as a kid? Mille Borne.


7-Favorite color? Royal Purple.


8-Favorite food? Pad Thai.

9-Have you met anyone famous? Nope.

10-How many states have you been to? Not a clue. Does Insanity count?


11-How many times have you moved in your life? Too Many.


12-What place would you choose to visit if you could go anywhere? Europe.

13-If you are or were married, what were your wedding colors, and if you could change anything about your wedding, what would it be? Royal Blue. Nothing.

14-What color is your car? House? One of those indescribable metallic colors. Yes.


15-If you could go back to one day in your childhood and do it over, what day would you choose and why? I wouldn't change it because then I wouldn't be me.


16-What famous person would you like to meet,and what one question would you have for them? (This person can be alive or deceased) Not a clue.

17-What TV show was your favorite as a small child? The Snorkles.


18-What is one current invention that you think was a bad idea? Bureaucracy.


19-Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.


20-Favorite candy? Tolberone.


21-A talent you would LOVE to have? Perfect Pitch.


22-The prettiest state you have ever seen? Whichever one is the home of the family or friends that I'm missing most at the moment.

23-Would you consider yourself adventurous, for example, would you like to climb a mountain, or bungee jump, or skydive? No.


24-If you had enough money to buy ANYTHING ,what one BIG item would you buy first? My house.


25-What goal would you like to achieve if you can reach the age of 100? To be in Heaven acting as a Guardian Angel for my children and grandchildren.

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Welcome to Friday housemates!!!!


I'm excited to be finishing up a normal work week! :clap:wbrr It is still cold out there (about 6 degrees F) but the forecast is for warmer (40"s) temps over the weekend. The snow is still on the ground, but I've noticed that it's not as high as it has been- could it be that we'll actually see grass soon?


Marisa- I :lol about the socks! But look at it this way- they can grow into them!! At least you seem to be able to get a pair that match. I haven't attempted socks yet (or any wearable for that matter) so you are doing way better than me. I think the first wearable I attempt will be a baby sweater. Have fun at the game tonight! Are you going to be awake enough tomorrow to drive here? Oh, yea, you will be- you are YOUNG!!!:yes


Faille- It was nice that you decided to play the questionnaire game. So you have a middle name or you don't? :lol


Julie- I'll be interested to hear if those masks help!


Kiyo- I hope today is a much better day for you!


Mary- Are you the Nascar fan? DH said he'd like beef veggie stew so that is what is going in the crockpot before I leave for work. Bet your soup was yummy.


Peaches- Hope your arm is feeling ok.


Lorraine- I know there is another Nascar fan in the House, just need to find out who it is.


LeAnna- did you have your crochet club last night? I was trying to remember what night you go off island to meet at the LYS- or is it on Saturday? My mind, I think doesn't remember as well as it used to.


Linda- Hope today finds your joints feeling better. Again, I just love that fabric for your quilt- and the weekend of your quilting classes is getting nearer- you must be getting excited about that.


Marlene- sending warm wishes your way- you are in TX for some warmth after all!!! Hope your friends made it home safely!


Judy- This looks like the last day of cold for at least a few days:yay Looking forward to tomorrow!


Cheeria-:hug and hope you are ok- missing your wonderful uplifting posts! (and you)


Dusti- Did you get all that you wanted to accomplish yesterday accomplished? Have fun if you trek to NO Dakota to get some yarn!


Tab- Hope you got some "me" hooky time yesterday with the baby blanket- and here's hoping for some nice warm weather to brighten your spirits( and get the boys out of the house for a bit);)


Tammy- Just thought I'd let you know I'm drinking my coffee:mug and thinking of you(¯`v´¯)


¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•



Cindy- Have a fast Friday at work- just busy enough to have the day fly by!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise. Have a wonderful day everyone:hug

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Good morning Vietnam !!!


Oh, no, sorry ..... that's not where we are !!!


I never saw that movie, but just remember seeing that line for the movie with Robin Williams so long ago .... have had him on my mind after Marlene mentioned him .




Anyhow --- here we go :



Sorry to hear you are having a sock malfunction. Reminds me of my luck with FOOT accessories . Everytime I have tried making booties or slippers, one will turn out right size, the other is big enough to fit Shaquille Oneill .

Hope you get it figured out .




You funny thing --

No offense, but there is just something a little "off" in my Hillbilly Brain,when I think about wearing someone's underpants on my head . Sounds like some of the parties our hillbilly people in our town have when they have cheap liquor,but lots of it .


I do sincerely thank you for the offer though !




Thanks for filling out the question answers ! I like doing them every once in awhile ..fun to think up,and fun to read people's answers .

And I remember Mille borne card game -- it reminds me a little bit of the TV show Amazing Race .... I used to play it with a neighbor friend long ago in a galaxy far away .




I bet you are surely looking forward to the weekend ! You have put in lots of hours lately,so days off are probably like treasure for you !




Not much going on here today --another day ,another ..... hmmmmmmm ....... ?????


I dont know, I dont work,so I cant say DOLLAR ...


Anyhow, you all have a good Friday !

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Welcome to Friday housemates!!!!


I'm excited to be finishing up a normal work week! :clap:wbrr It is still cold out there (about 6 degrees F) but the forecast is for warmer (40"s) temps over the weekend. The snow is still on the ground, but I've noticed that it's not as high as it has been- could it be that we'll actually see grass soon?


Marisa- I :lol about the socks! But look at it this way- they can grow into them!! At least you seem to be able to get a pair that match. I haven't attempted socks yet (or any wearable for that matter) so you are doing way better than me. I think the first wearable I attempt will be a baby sweater. Have fun at the game tonight! Are you going to be awake enough tomorrow to drive here? Oh, yea, you will be- you are YOUNG!!!:yes


Faille- It was nice that you decided to play the questionnaire game. So you have a middle name or you don't? :lol


Julie- I'll be interested to hear if those masks help!


Kiyo- I hope today is a much better day for you!


Mary- Are you the Nascar fan? DH said he'd like beef veggie stew so that is what is going in the crockpot before I leave for work. Bet your soup was yummy.


Peaches- Hope your arm is feeling ok.


Lorraine- I know there is another Nascar fan in the House, just need to find out who it is.


LeAnna- did you have your crochet club last night? I was trying to remember what night you go off island to meet at the LYS- or is it on Saturday? My mind, I think doesn't remember as well as it used to.


Linda- Hope today finds your joints feeling better. Again, I just love that fabric for your quilt- and the weekend of your quilting classes is getting nearer- you must be getting excited about that.


Marlene- sending warm wishes your way- you are in TX for some warmth after all!!! Hope your friends made it home safely!


Judy- This looks like the last day of cold for at least a few days:yay Looking forward to tomorrow!


Cheeria-:hug and hope you are ok- missing your wonderful uplifting posts! (and you)


Dusti- Did you get all that you wanted to accomplish yesterday accomplished? Have fun if you trek to NO Dakota to get some yarn!


Tab- Hope you got some "me" hooky time yesterday with the baby blanket- and here's hoping for some nice warm weather to brighten your spirits( and get the boys out of the house for a bit);)


Tammy- Just thought I'd let you know I'm drinking my coffee:mug and thinking of you(¯`v´¯)


¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•



Cindy- Have a fast Friday at work- just busy enough to have the day fly by!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise. Have a wonderful day everyone:hug


The Crochet Club is the 2nd Saturday of the month at the yarn shop. Thursdays are open social at the yarn shop...you can go knit or crochet (or tat or whatever) on Thursdays. The 3rd Friday of the month is a big social gathering...I could have gone last night for the Thursday social, but since I'll be going over there on Saturday, I decided not to go last night.


I hope that's clearer than mud for you...:lol

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Good morning ladies :hi


TGIF!!!!! :D


Game tonight and meet up with the ladies in the morning :clap:yay Has anyone heard a confirmation from Cheeria? I hope her knee is ok :xfin I have to remember how long it took me to get there last time :think


Faile - Thanks for playing along, I forgot all about Mille Borne and I know I still have it around here :lol I also love Pad Thai too :drool


Joanne - I sure will be awake in the morning, I'll be back by about 10:30 from the game, so it'll still be fairly early. I probably won't make it back in here tonight, but will check in tomorrow before heading out :yes


Julie - I'm going to work on these socks again today and see if I can figure something out :think Maybe I'll just look for a new pattern. Since they're kids and in ww yarn, they work up quick so should be able to breeze through them over the weeekend with an apt pattern.


LeAnna - :hi


I hope y'all have a great friday :hug

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Hey Julie...after the bit of talk about Queen and Freddy Mercury and Bohemian Rhapsody and all that, I googled the works and did some serious reading on the subject. Wikipedia had a big ol' article just on Bohemian Rhapsody alone. And as it turned out, according to the article and within the article according to Freddy, I was right...the song is basically a mock opera...(makes sense, as the song was on the album, "Night at the Opera", the name of the album coming from the old Marx Brothers movie...which I own, the album (cd) not the movie.) Anyway, one thing led to another and I read an whole 'noter wiki article on Freddy himself.


Now...switching gears to actual crocheting. Red Heart has a free pattern for a heart shaped box and the chocolates within the box. I'm making the box...I'm not going to make the chocolates. Rather fill the box with actual chocolates or something else. One thing has led to another, and I got sidetracked making a Celtic knot heart. I have another issue of the British "In Crochet" magazine, and in that there are these Celtic knot mittens, and so taking the Celtic knot part of the mittens, I made the square, and then worked that into a heart in worsted weight, then got clever and in thread made another, slight different than the worsted weight version.. In that same magazine there was a pattern for a couple of very pretty thread lacy necklaces with a flower pendant...well, I made the necklace part and the little thread Celtic knot heart will be that pendant...I haven't taken pictures yet, but will later today.


Oh and last week I made a lacy hooded scarf that the pattern is from that same magazine. I love it. Made it out of Red Heart's Shimmer yarn in black. The ladies at last week's social gathering at the yarn shop loved it and said it the shimmer looks like I walked in from the rain, but it's a really neat affect. I've been wearing it every time I had to go somewhere.


In Chorale news...have done 5 rehearsals and man this is a tough gig this time. Even the seasoned pros of the Chorale are like, "Yes, this is a hard piece of music." Meanwhile, the assistant director Marita, of whom I've sang in other things she has put together since I've been home, asked for additional singers for a separate performance of movement 4 from the Requiem that will be performed in English. I signed up (I need the practice...) We had that rehearsal on Wednesday. Only two more rehearsals with her for the English piece and then that performance will be on March 6th. Meanwhile, our performances for the whole Requiem that will be sung in German entirely will be April 9th and 10th.


I came home a little low on Tuesday after rehearsal. I thought I had been doing okay (and I probably was) but the two ladies I had been sitting next to the previous rehearsals (and who are, honest to God, pros of the Alto section) sat away from me and I didn't think much about it, until one of them remarked to the lady sitting next to me, "it was a pleasure..." and I'm probably making more out of it than I should, but I took it as a slight. They know I struggle because even after singing now for the past couple of years, I still don't have super good control of my voice and while these ladies are very nice, sometimes they intimidate the heck out of me and sometimes I feel like they are condecending to me...that's probably not their intention at all.


But still, I went home a little low. However, the other really seasoned singers that I know personally outside the Chorale keep telling me that this music this time is out and out HARD.


It is beautiful though.


I was chatting with one of my friends from German (who is a classical music guitar teacher) about this term with the Chorale and what we are doing and she chimes up that movement 4 (the one I'll be singing in English as well as in German) is her favorite piece...it always makes her cry. It is beautiful to be sure.


So that's the haps on this end.

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Good morning ladies :hi


TGIF!!!!! :D


Game tonight and meet up with the ladies in the morning :clap:yay Has anyone heard a confirmation from Cheeria? I hope her knee is ok :xfin I have to remember how long it took me to get there last time :think


Faile - Thanks for playing along, I forgot all about Mille Borne and I know I still have it around here :lol I also love Pad Thai too :drool


Joanne - I sure will be awake in the morning, I'll be back by about 10:30 from the game, so it'll still be fairly early. I probably won't make it back in here tonight, but will check in tomorrow before heading out :yes


Julie - I'm going to work on these socks again today and see if I can figure something out :think Maybe I'll just look for a new pattern. Since they're kids and in ww yarn, they work up quick so should be able to breeze through them over the weeekend with an apt pattern.


LeAnna - :hi


I hope y'all have a great friday :hug


Hey there!

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'morning, peeps.:hug


18 degrees here this morning...but tomorrow it warms up to the 40's I think!:) AND we have our meetup at Starbucks.


I haven't heard from Cheeria - sent her that group PM about tomorrow but haven't heard. Maybe by tonight...

I hope her knee is okay...:(


Faile, thanks for doing the survey - everyone's answers are so different!

LeAnna, my only experience with singing was in a church choir...and I made sure to sit next to another alto because if I sat next to my high soprano friend I was sunk:lol The pitch that others sing at messes with my barely tolerable voice:lol

Maybe those ladies weren't confident enough in their own voices??:think

Your new projects sound so pretty!!


I'm heading downstairs soon. It's been a quiet day today. The weather change is making all my joints hurt, so haven't done much other than what just had to get done.


:ghug Love to all of you. :ghug

Gentle :hug:hug I hope this morning is better for you.:manyheart

Hi guys

Not sure if any of you may have already seen this pattern or not,but I think it is really cool,especially for those of you who like doing round ripples, or granny square type patterns.


Also if you love making very colorful items, this would be a perfect pattern :




I think it'd make a beautiful baby ghan if you like doing the RR's and want a change of pace !

I like that alot!!! Thanks!

I worked on a sock at the game and followed the pattern which claims to be for a childs foot 6-7 inches in length.....let's just say that I did from the toe up and have the whole forefoot done, but uh, one problem..........it fits MY foot!!!! :eek A little too big for my nephews :think Now I have some figuring to do :sigh

That was my problem making booties....always had to make three because the second one never matched the first:lol


Judy - How's that tooth holding up? Did you get alot of squares done yesterday?

Yup... I had just enough of the 3 main colors to make 9 eight inch squares and am now bordering them in white. This one will go to the NICU. May not be totally finsihed when I see you all tomorrow but I'll bring the pile with me to work on if that's the case. That and my Homespun yarn for the nursing home ghan.

Judy- This looks like the last day of cold for at least a few days:yay Looking forward to tomorrow!

Me too...on BOTH counts!!!;)

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Dropping in again for a quickie

Got home from a couple errands,then have to go back downtown for a couple ,but nothing major . Just thought I'd jump in and try to cath up in here again quick .



Thanks for looking up more about the Queen song -- it really is unique ,nothing else like it out there in modern music .

And as for the comment from the church ladies ,just a guess. If you are anything like me, when "life" gets to me, I sometimes get angry at the world,and people might say something that isn't intentionally rude in any way,but I take it that way . So I doubt the ladies meant anything at all by their remark that would be hurtful to you ,but I understand why you may have felt that way .

It sounds like it is lots of work to learn ,but I bet it will be beautiful .


and your crafting skills absolutely amaze me, the magic you can do with a piece of string and a hook ! Could we see pictures if you feel like sharing ?




I know you will get the socks figured out --- I dont know why,but I have heard lots of people say the same thing about making footwear items--they have trouble making them both the same size .


Have fun tonite and again tomorrow !



Hey Jude

Hope you guys have a fun time in the morning . I hope we are worrying needlessly about Cheeria,and maybe she has just been real busy,as I know she does have a lot to keep her occupied ,but the last I remember her posting was about when she fell,so it may just be me -- I do tend to worry obsessively at times. I guess if we dont hear anything today,maybe she will be there tomorrow and we will know then that all is ok .


Could one of you guys bring a camera again and take some shots ,maybe of your projects, or whatever ? Do something CREATIVE with the picture .

THAT can be your project that you guys confer on ... what can we do to make this a CREATIVE picture to put on the ville ?


Do any of you have a video camera ? It'd be really cool to have a live video,say put on a youtube channel,then we could all watch it and hear you guys talking too !!


Well, off I go -- stuff to unload from the car and get put away .

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Hi there House family



I'm fine and have been resting my knee and it is so much better. I'm thanksful the huge swollen area went down. :P I have been extremely busy with my grand darlings and the baby is now holding on and standing up so that has been keeping me hoping so he don't fall and hurt himself. Today at 11 I have my appointment at the hospital for my monthly treatment which with this weather I really need for have been feeling some aches and pains here and there. :eek I have also been keeping myself busy crocheting, I'm alternating between my pebble shape afghan and my ripple afghan so I haven't gotten bore with my crocheting yet. :hook I haven't startedc a new dishcloth p-attern yet but this week-end I will nor have I weave on my loom in a week I guess I have been keeping a low profile in my fibre obsessions. :D Will got to run now the baby is climbing up on the bookcase, I got to run and get him. HUGS :hug


PS I weill be at the meet-up tomorrow, I can't wait to see you all. :manyheart

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Hi guys

Not sure if any of you may have already seen this pattern or not,but I think it is really cool,especially for those of you who like doing round ripples, or granny square type patterns.


Also if you love making very colorful items, this would be a perfect pattern :




I think it'd make a beautiful baby ghan if you like doing the RR's and want a change of pace !

Thanks for the link, Julie. I saved it and really want to try that round mandala.


I think you should try a mask while working with the yarn and see if it helps. Hey, you are in your own home so who's going to see you if you look silly? You don't have any pets to go nutty about it. And you see people with bad allergies to pollens wearing them when they are out and about during pollen season or at least I do. If it helps you do what you love it's worth looking a little silly.


My joints are feeling better today. It's supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow and up to 60 or better on Sunday. Yay! :yay


I'm not the Nascar fan....Don't remember who is.


Cheeria ~ Where are you? How are you? We miss you! :ghug Hope the knee is okay. :hug :hug :hug


I read all the posts but didn't take notes so shame on me.


LeAnna ~ If all choruses just had really, really good singers there wouldn't be many choruses. There are lots of us out there that sing because we love to do it and not because we are super good at it. I bet you are better than I am at it. Wish I lived closer so I could hear you in person.


Time to get Kim moving. Love to you all. Catch you later. :manyheart

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Happy Friday my Girls



Thank you for your kind words for my bad day yesterday! Needless to say....the person that was giving me the greif got a phone call before I left work. I don't know if I had the power or not......BUT I simply said---don't know what your problem is with me but something needs to change----I'm probably not the person you want on your bad side because I can make you miserable and not really care. You can ask any of our drivers how I am. They know I'm NOT afraid to let you know how it really is. Etc, etc.......I said this one is on you-you make the decision you can either keep acting a fool or you can make a change. He chose that we start over I said that's great- but it's on you and I will KINDLY remind you when you want to act a fool. i'm not interested in your drama so make sure you can stand behind your words. I told him I didn't want to be that unleashed beast but I would if I had to.


Anyhow.....Its a new day today and all seems well.


:woo:clap:cheer:flower:flying:morcoffee:kick-----just me shakin it alllll off!



Girls----I've been reading posts- just not much commenting. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Cheeria- she's MIA- hope shes ok.


You guys have fun at your get together!


I'm working tomorrow, going to get my new phone as well, and going to get my house in order for my honey to come and visit in the next week or 2. I'm SOOOOOO excited! I better get a move on my doily! :yes:yes


LEANNA----personally........look at it like-----WHO CARES WHAT THOSE LADYS THINK, SAY, FEEL. As long as you love to sing and are giving it your all and you feel good about it- SING YOUR HEART OUT BABE!!! I'm am alto too! I used to sing a lot- I sang all through high school- AcApella, Madrigals, Joint, and I sang at weddings, did duets w/ my mama on Christmas or special occasions at church. Kind of fun.

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Glad to have you back. We have all been worried about you after hearing you fell on the ice the other day, then nothing since, so we were all worried. I'm very glad you are ok and just busy ... Will your oldest grandson be in kindergarden this next coming fall ? Maybe then it won't be quite as challenging to watch just the baby . I somedays wonder how you keep up, I only ever had Cam here,so don't think I would keep up with 2 at a time .

Anyhow, it's ok if you don't have as much time to drop in as often, just so you aren't sick or something !

Have fun tomorrow -- I have you guys a project scheduled while together . I want you to get some pictures that are CREATIVE to show us ,so you have one day to think of something amongst yourselves !





Hey Kiyo

Good to see you today. I'm glad the problem at work might have gotten resolved. At least this guy knows if he messes up again, he is finished,so he will know to try and do the job right .

I bet it takes someone with nerves of steel to keep them truck drivers all in line ,and you sound like you are good at it .


Hope your day goes better today !! Better find some time to get that doily completed if the boyfriend is heading out to visit soon !

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Hi Linda

So good to hear that you are feeling a little better today . Maybe the worst of the bad weather is over. I hope you guys get some relief soon --it has been a rough winter for lots of people this year,very odd weather,with so many snows hitting areas that dont normally get much .

So, you will be coming into the good time of year for your joints,once the cold,wet days are behind you .


And you are right about the mask .. I may give it a whirl at some point .. If I could only find another craft I enjoyed as much as crocheting it'd help,but it seems to be my favorite .


You have a good day today !

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Dusti- Hope the girls had fun at the friends house after school!!! And that you got done what you needed to get done for your trip!! You all must be beyond excited to be heading to the warmth of Hawaii!!! I give you credit living that far outside of town. I'm actually thinking I'd love to live in a city- with all the hustle bustle and excitement- that would be cool to have an apt in a city that I could go to when I need that and then come home. Probably should have put that on the questionnaire.

Oh, the girls did have a good time :yes The mom who hosted them is super-creative, and they did a couple of layered paper craft projects, ate a snack, and then they played outside for a good long time. They came home tired and ready for dinner -- I could not thank her enough for giving me the entire day to concentrate on getting my act together.

As much as I love our country lifestyle, I have absolutely no problem making the switch to city living, as soon as we land in Honolulu. I love to walk, and the 10+ miles that I log per day to get groceries, take the girls window shopping, visit our favorite restaurants, etc. agrees with me. The hustle and bustle on the sidewalks is exciting, and I love going out to pick up just an item or two, rather than planning two week's worth of groceries and filling the trunk of my car when I shop, here. An apartment in the center of the city sounds as though it would work for you, definitely :yes


Who is the Nascar fan?? Come out, come out whoever you are!:lol:lol

Not me :)


Linda ~ I hope the cold weather moves on, soon, and you are not so sore :hug I do not think I remembered to comment on your fabric for the quilting Challenge, but it is lovely :yes I can "feel" your excitement about your design, especially now, since you have had a chance to hold the fabrics in your hands and move them around on your work table. I cannot wait to see your photos as you start to work on your entry.


HEY ** JULIE----i GOT IT!!!!! I could rig MY DOILY up for you!!!!!! I could put some kind of filter in it(maybe a swiffer pad cut down to size) , you could be styling AND still be able to yarn create alllll the way!!! ;0) No one would even have to know that the strings REALLY werent supposed to go over your ears!!!
:rofl I burst out laughing, when I read this. Kiyo, you are a stitch. And, so generous to boot -- you'd let Julie use your *doily...* that's mighty kind of you :lol And, then I read that Julie did not jump at the opportunity? I don't know, Julie, it may be your only chance, as I do not think Kiyo will offer more than once :wink


Marisa ~ Oh no, I am sorry to hear about the sock issue. Did you just get distracted at the game, or is the pattern really meant to be that large? :think What is your new Plan B? Can you use the one you made, stuff it, add some ears and, voila,an amigurumi? Children like little stuffie friends...

Julie - I don't think there's anything wrong with purple for a boy :think Even if there was, he should be able to like what he likes....I wouldn't be happy if I was told I had to change my favorite color :(

I agree :yes Purple was my brother's favorite color for years as we were growing up. It may be a little different here, as many locals eat and breathe the Purple and Gold of the Minnesota Vikings, but, still... Maybe Cam will 'try out' the yellow and go back to purple as his favorite in a short time.


I had to go back to delete some emoticons because I had too many!!!!!

I did not know there was a limit. That's funny :lol Huh, I will have to try for that error message one of these days :devil


Joanne, Marisa, Judy and Cheeria ~ Have a grand meet-up :ghug. We all wish we could join you!


Dusti- Did you get all that you wanted to accomplish yesterday accomplished? Have fun if you trek to NO Dakota to get some yarn!

I do not think I will be able to use yarn as an excuse to go shopping this weekend ;). But, it's alright, because I placed an order at Mary Maxim last night :yay I received info about a sale on all Patons yarns the other day, and as I was drooling over the keyboard at the 100% wool and wool/soy blend colors, DH encouraged me to just place an on-line order :yarn I foresee, at least, 2 felted purses in my future :lol The yarn will be waiting, when I return home in March.


Now...switching gears to actual crocheting. Red Heart has a free pattern for a heart shaped box and the chocolates within the box. I'm making the box...I'm not going to make the chocolates. Rather fill the box with actual chocolates or something else. One thing has led to another, and I got sidetracked making a Celtic knot heart. I have another issue of the British "In Crochet" magazine, and in that there are these Celtic knot mittens, and so taking the Celtic knot part of the mittens, I made the square, and then worked that into a heart in worsted weight, then got clever and in thread made another, slight different than the worsted weight version.. In that same magazine there was a pattern for a couple of very pretty thread lacy necklaces with a flower pendant...well, I made the necklace part and the little thread Celtic knot heart will be that pendant...I haven't taken pictures yet, but will later today.

All of your projects sound fabulous :yes Wow!! :nworthy I cannot wait to see the pictures. I am going to have to go and look for that pattern for the heart shaped-box -- sounds cute. But, it is the Celtic Knot projects I really think will be beautiful. Your fingers and mind are so creative!


Oh and last week I made a lacy hooded scarf that the pattern is from that same magazine. I love it. Made it out of Red Heart's Shimmer yarn in black. The ladies at last week's social gathering at the yarn shop loved it and said it the shimmer looks like I walked in from the rain, but it's a really neat affect. I've been wearing it every time I had to go somewhere.

I am working with the black shimmer and pink shimmer this week, too. I had made a shrug for Kyri to wear to the Christmas Program, but then her music instructor came up with 'costumes' the children could wear, and she did not need the shrug :( I am repurposing that yarn into a hat for her with the black. I like how easy the yarn is to work with. Annika just wanted 'something' in sparkly pink. I had a cardigan pattern marked, but when I looked at it, yesterday, I think it is missing a whole section of instructions, so I am going to have to go on a search to see what is wrong with the pattern, or what else I can make for a 6-year-old with this yarn. More time spent looking through patterns :hook


LeAnna ~ I love the "Requiem," too. It was performed during my last year in college by *the* elite, traveling chorale members :faint Your rehearsals must be intense, but we are proud of you for being asked to sing Movement 4 with the smaller group of singers :hug Your voice and willingness to work with the director must have impressed her :clap I hope you will not let the remarks of your co-singers bother you in the light of a new day. All you can do is offer your best effort.


Judy, Mary, Tam, Cheeria, Peachy, Faile, Lorraine, Marlene, and those whose names are eluding me ~ May you all have a good Friday!!


I am off to package-up a birthday present for my 3-yr-old nephew, and pack for Miss Kyri. Annika and I are finished :yay After that, I only need to round-up the inconsequential little things, and I think we will be ready to :plane


Catch you all, later :waving

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:sun From sunny Florida


TGIF to you all. Fridays are never my best days at work--as alot of my customers are either out of the office, offices are closed etc..UGH.


I beagn making the pinwheel sweater a few weeks ago and ran out of yarn so had to send for more. Today I received an order confirmation so at least I know it's on it's way--should be here this time next week.:(


So I started on another sweater. After beginning I realized I didn't see no front part--( I cannot make this up :eek) so I posted here at the ville for someone to look at the pattern to see if I missed something...usually I don't look ahead in the pattern but I just happen to notice there was no front part. I then found out the designer is a ville member so I PM'd her. She responded that she never realized there was a problem with the pattern until now-she is suppose to get me the front part of the pattern.:yay


So while I'm waiting for the yarn for sweater #1 and rest of pattern for sweater #2, I statred making rectangles for HAP.....makes me feel good to know I'm helping the troops.


I usually enter our county fair which is next month....trying to decide what to enter as I make so many different things. Usually I enter crocheted things but this year I have pair of mini "hide and seek" dolls I've designed (sewn) and I'm rather proud of.


Well I hope you all have a good weekend!!!:manyheart

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The van is fixed. It only took Harry's brother 4 hours to fix it. Now it's on to saving for new A/C unit for the living room and the new heater core on the van.


Sounds like everyone here has been very busy. I haven't been. Been too busy fighting what looks like an allergic reaction on my lower legs. But we can't figure out what's causing it. I know that I shouldn't itch it and I try not to. It helped today that I took a nice soak in a hot oatmeal bath. I think I'll start doing that every morning when I get home.


Two nights this week we had big sales numbers. I was glad. I just wish my tips would have reflected the amount a little more accurately.


Sales up though means that the possibility for tips is even higher.


Well need to run boy to work so I'll talk more later.

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'morning, peeps.:hug


18 degrees here this morning...but tomorrow it warms up to the 40's I think!:) AND we have our meetup at Starbucks.


I haven't heard from Cheeria - sent her that group PM about tomorrow but haven't heard. Maybe by tonight...

I hope her knee is okay...:(


Faile, thanks for doing the survey - everyone's answers are so different!

LeAnna, my only experience with singing was in a church choir...and I made sure to sit next to another alto because if I sat next to my high soprano friend I was sunk:lol The pitch that others sing at messes with my barely tolerable voice:lol

Maybe those ladies weren't confident enough in their own voices??:think

Your new projects sound so pretty!!


I actually started out when I was 19 singing in a church choir and we did a Latin Mass...totally awesome. But then I didn't sing except here in the house, until 2008 with my church here. And that was fun...for a while. We had a new music director and he was awesome, but by the end of his short tenure with our church, one by one, members of the choir left. He was nice, but people were turned off by him being more into his music instead of "praising God with the music..." Some felt that he was forgetting God in the process. There were other issues as well, but he truly is gifted musically. I got to hear him play recently and truly gifted. But I'm glad he's not my director any more.


As far as the ladies...truly they are very nice...they miss me when I'm not there and they do try to be helpful. They are sisters. I'm personally chalking the situation up to me still being not too confident with my own voice. I keep telling myself that if Gary and Marita don't hear me being off 99% of the time, then quite frankly, all is well. I just worry about dragging down the alto section. Gary and Marita are the two directors I work with in the Choral and the other performance. In fact, I sat in front of Marita the other night and she didn't have a problem with me at all...and I totally trust her judgment.


Gentle :hug:hug I hope this morning is better for you.:manyheart


I like that alot!!! Thanks!


Yup... I had just enough of the 3 main colors to make 9 eight inch squares and am now bordering them in white. This one will go to the NICU. May not be totally finsihed when I see you all tomorrow but I'll bring the pile with me to work on if that's the case. That and my Homespun yarn for the nursing home ghan.


Me too...on BOTH counts!!!;)


Dropping in again for a quickie

Got home from a couple errands,then have to go back downtown for a couple ,but nothing major . Just thought I'd jump in and try to cath up in here again quick .



Thanks for looking up more about the Queen song -- it really is unique ,nothing else like it out there in modern music .

And as for the comment from the church ladies ,just a guess. If you are anything like me, when "life" gets to me, I sometimes get angry at the world,and people might say something that isn't intentionally rude in any way,but I take it that way . So I doubt the ladies meant anything at all by their remark that would be hurtful to you ,but I understand why you may have felt that way .

It sounds like it is lots of work to learn ,but I bet it will be beautiful .


and your crafting skills absolutely amaze me, the magic you can do with a piece of string and a hook ! Could we see pictures if you feel like sharing ?




I know you will get the socks figured out --- I dont know why,but I have heard lots of people say the same thing about making footwear items--they have trouble making them both the same size .


Have fun tonite and again tomorrow !



Hey Jude

Hope you guys have a fun time in the morning . I hope we are worrying needlessly about Cheeria,and maybe she has just been real busy,as I know she does have a lot to keep her occupied ,but the last I remember her posting was about when she fell,so it may just be me -- I do tend to worry obsessively at times. I guess if we dont hear anything today,maybe she will be there tomorrow and we will know then that all is ok .


Could one of you guys bring a camera again and take some shots ,maybe of your projects, or whatever ? Do something CREATIVE with the picture .

THAT can be your project that you guys confer on ... what can we do to make this a CREATIVE picture to put on the ville ?


Do any of you have a video camera ? It'd be really cool to have a live video,say put on a youtube channel,then we could all watch it and hear you guys talking too !!


Well, off I go -- stuff to unload from the car and get put away .


Hi there House family



I'm fine and have been resting my knee and it is so much better. I'm thanksful the huge swollen area went down. :P I have been extremely busy with my grand darlings and the baby is now holding on and standing up so that has been keeping me hoping so he don't fall and hurt himself. Today at 11 I have my appointment at the hospital for my monthly treatment which with this weather I really need for have been feeling some aches and pains here and there. :eek I have also been keeping myself busy crocheting, I'm alternating between my pebble shape afghan and my ripple afghan so I haven't gotten bore with my crocheting yet. :hook I haven't startedc a new dishcloth p-attern yet but this week-end I will nor have I weave on my loom in a week I guess I have been keeping a low profile in my fibre obsessions. :D Will got to run now the baby is climbing up on the bookcase, I got to run and get him. HUGS :hug


PS I weill be at the meet-up tomorrow, I can't wait to see you all. :manyheart


Thanks for the link, Julie. I saved it and really want to try that round mandala.


I think you should try a mask while working with the yarn and see if it helps. Hey, you are in your own home so who's going to see you if you look silly? You don't have any pets to go nutty about it. And you see people with bad allergies to pollens wearing them when they are out and about during pollen season or at least I do. If it helps you do what you love it's worth looking a little silly.


My joints are feeling better today. It's supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow and up to 60 or better on Sunday. Yay! :yay


I'm not the Nascar fan....Don't remember who is.


Cheeria ~ Where are you? How are you? We miss you! :ghug Hope the knee is okay. :hug :hug :hug


I read all the posts but didn't take notes so shame on me.


LeAnna ~ If all choruses just had really, really good singers there wouldn't be many choruses. There are lots of us out there that sing because we love to do it and not because we are super good at it. I bet you are better than I am at it. Wish I lived closer so I could hear you in person.


Yeah, I know...I think I'm basically fine in a choir/chorus, just don't ask me to solo (although I did do a duet in church once and was told I did great...)


Time to get Kim moving. Love to you all. Catch you later. :manyheart


Happy Friday my Girls



Thank you for your kind words for my bad day yesterday! Needless to say....the person that was giving me the greif got a phone call before I left work. I don't know if I had the power or not......BUT I simply said---don't know what your problem is with me but something needs to change----I'm probably not the person you want on your bad side because I can make you miserable and not really care. You can ask any of our drivers how I am. They know I'm NOT afraid to let you know how it really is. Etc, etc.......I said this one is on you-you make the decision you can either keep acting a fool or you can make a change. He chose that we start over I said that's great- but it's on you and I will KINDLY remind you when you want to act a fool. i'm not interested in your drama so make sure you can stand behind your words. I told him I didn't want to be that unleashed beast but I would if I had to.


Anyhow.....Its a new day today and all seems well.


:woo:clap:cheer:flower:flying:morcoffee:kick-----just me shakin it alllll off!



Girls----I've been reading posts- just not much commenting. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Cheeria- she's MIA- hope shes ok.


You guys have fun at your get together!


I'm working tomorrow, going to get my new phone as well, and going to get my house in order for my honey to come and visit in the next week or 2. I'm SOOOOOO excited! I better get a move on my doily! :yes:yes


LEANNA----personally........look at it like-----WHO CARES WHAT THOSE LADYS THINK, SAY, FEEL. As long as you love to sing and are giving it your all and you feel good about it- SING YOUR HEART OUT BABE!!! I'm am alto too! I used to sing a lot- I sang all through high school- AcApella, Madrigals, Joint, and I sang at weddings, did duets w/ my mama on Christmas or special occasions at church. Kind of fun.


Right now, I care. But I am trying not to care too much...


Oh, the girls did have a good time :yes The mom who hosted them is super-creative, and they did a couple of layered paper craft projects, ate a snack, and then they played outside for a good long time. They came home tired and ready for dinner -- I could not thank her enough for giving me the entire day to concentrate on getting my act together.

As much as I love our country lifestyle, I have absolutely no problem making the switch to city living, as soon as we land in Honolulu. I love to walk, and the 10+ miles that I log per day to get groceries, take the girls window shopping, visit our favorite restaurants, etc. agrees with me. The hustle and bustle on the sidewalks is exciting, and I love going out to pick up just an item or two, rather than planning two week's worth of groceries and filling the trunk of my car when I shop, here. An apartment in the center of the city sounds as though it would work for you, definitely :yes



Not me :)


Linda ~ I hope the cold weather moves on, soon, and you are not so sore :hug I do not think I remembered to comment on your fabric for the quilting Challenge, but it is lovely :yes I can "feel" your excitement about your design, especially now, since you have had a chance to hold the fabrics in your hands and move them around on your work table. I cannot wait to see your photos as you start to work on your entry.


:rofl I burst out laughing, when I read this. Kiyo, you are a stitch. And, so generous to boot -- you'd let Julie use your *doily...* that's mighty kind of you :lol And, then I read that Julie did not jump at the opportunity? I don't know, Julie, it may be your only chance, as I do not think Kiyo will offer more than once :wink


Marisa ~ Oh no, I am sorry to hear about the sock issue. Did you just get distracted at the game, or is the pattern really meant to be that large? :think What is your new Plan B? Can you use the one you made, stuff it, add some ears and, voila,an amigurumi? Children like little stuffie friends...


I agree :yes Purple was my brother's favorite color for years as we were growing up. It may be a little different here, as many locals eat and breathe the Purple and Gold of the Minnesota Vikings, but, still... Maybe Cam will 'try out' the yellow and go back to purple as his favorite in a short time.



I did not know there was a limit. That's funny :lol Huh, I will have to try for that error message one of these days :devil


Joanne, Marisa, Judy and Cheeria ~ Have a grand meet-up :ghug. We all wish we could join you!



I do not think I will be able to use yarn as an excuse to go shopping this weekend ;). But, it's alright, because I placed an order at Mary Maxim last night :yay I received info about a sale on all Patons yarns the other day, and as I was drooling over the keyboard at the 100% wool and wool/soy blend colors, DH encouraged me to just place an on-line order :yarn I foresee, at least, 2 felted purses in my future :lol The yarn will be waiting, when I return home in March.



All of your projects sound fabulous :yes Wow!! :nworthy I cannot wait to see the pictures. I am going to have to go and look for that pattern for the heart shaped-box -- sounds cute. But, it is the Celtic Knot projects I really think will be beautiful. Your fingers and mind are so creative!



I am working with the black shimmer and pink shimmer this week, too. I had made a shrug for Kyri to wear to the Christmas Program, but then her music instructor came up with 'costumes' the children could wear, and she did not need the shrug :( I am repurposing that yarn into a hat for her with the black. I like how easy the yarn is to work with. Annika just wanted 'something' in sparkly pink. I had a cardigan pattern marked, but when I looked at it, yesterday, I think it is missing a whole section of instructions, so I am going to have to go on a search to see what is wrong with the pattern, or what else I can make for a 6-year-old with this yarn. More time spent looking through patterns :hook


LeAnna ~ I love the "Requiem," too. It was performed during my last year in college by *the* elite, traveling chorale members :faint Your rehearsals must be intense, but we are proud of you for being asked to sing Movement 4 with the smaller group of singers :hug Your voice and willingness to work with the director must have impressed her :clap I hope you will not let the remarks of your co-singers bother you in the light of a new day. All you can do is offer your best effort.


Well this is what I've decided to do: All this talk about Freddy Mercury lately, I've decided to make him my patron saint of singing...not that I have to be as flamboyent as he was in concert (then energy that boy had was simply amazing...) but he had two different personas...his concert over the top persona and at home he was quiet, slippers and tea and cats...and private. Well, I can channel a bit of him for the rehearsals...


Our director Gary is truly wonderful. He's 35, commutes from North Seattle out to our island and deals with a chorale that is over 3/4ths confirmed senior citizens. Those over 62 and retired (active as heck, but retired none the less...) He composed a piece of music for our eldest member who is in her 90's. He is funny, extremely knowledgable and I could just listen to him talk or sing for hours. No matter how I might feel about my singing personally (or what anyone else thinks of my singing) him and Marita are truly the main reasons I keep going back again and again. Marita's a soprano and he is a tenure. He makes the whole experience fun. He cracks silly jokes, but what I like about his directing style is that he is so expressive in how he tells you what he wants that you just "get it..." He's gentle, and he wants to put everyone at ease any way he can. Not that I haven't seen him get annoyed...the first term with the Chorale I saw him get almost more than a little annoyed with the accompanist (heck, I was annoyed with her myself...) He is also humble too. I don't know that I will always sing in every term of the Chorale, but when the time comes that he decides it's time for him to not commute to our island to direct our Chorale, that's probably the time I'll move on to other things (Lord knows on my island, there are a zillion different opportunities to sing.)

Judy, Mary, Tam, Cheeria, Peachy, Faile, Lorraine, Marlene, and those whose names are eluding me ~ May you all have a good Friday!!


I am off to package-up a birthday present for my 3-yr-old nephew, and pack for Miss Kyri. Annika and I are finished :yay After that, I only need to round-up the inconsequential little things, and I think we will be ready to :plane


Catch you all, later :waving


Cheeria, good to hear from you!! Looking forward to tomorrow:yay:yay:yay:yay


Cheeria...sweetie, I'm so sorry you fell (boy I know how that feels...and FYI, finally my leg is healed...no more pain...) Meanwhile, did you receive my little package? If you posted early that you did, I might have missed it...


And Judy et al that are getting together tomorrow, if Cheeria doesn't answer in the thread today, can you ask her if she received my package and let me know?


And yeah, I will be taking and posting pictures today...I'm really happy with how the Celtic Knot stuff turned out. It's really a circle and you fasten off and chain for the next circle and before you hook that circle you put the chain through the first circle, make the 2nd circle, fasten off, and then chain again and before closing that one up as a circle, you put the chain through both of the other circles...the worsted weight heart is a four circle knot and the little thread one is a 3 circle knot...it is so cool.

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Shannon-----take 2 benadryl and see if that helps----I got shell fish poising once and about died- I puffed up like the fattest puffy fish you'd ever seen, every joint in my body killed me and the doctor had the nerve to ask me if this was normal!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME I SAID!!! I only had a rash on my legs which was weird but I puffed up everywhere. If the benadryl fixes it keep on it today and see what happens- might make you way groggy.

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Wow, sounds like you have 2 sweaters on hold right now ! Hopefully you'll get your new yarn soon,plus the other piece of the other pattern .At least you found something else to occupy you til you can get another start on the sweaters .



You just get ornerier every day !!! If I 'm gonna wear underpants on my head, I have a whole drawerful !!! I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon.At my age, if I start doing odd things like that,they will put me in the nursing home ,so I have to ACT like I still have a little bit of sense ,which somedays is hard .




Great news that your van is fixed ! I hope things take a U turn for you now and you begin having good luck.It's your turn !

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**You love me Julie!** lol I am sorry I had to crack that last night, I had such a stressful day and that made me chuckle and I knew you would have a funny back! Lovin' ya! If they questioned ya' w/ sense I would vouch for ya'! no worries! lol

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