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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Nicole and Cara ~ I have the perfect solution for the cat fights! Gracie! :D


:lol :lol Actually, I've read from several vets that the way to keep two female cats from fighting is to add a male cats. We have Freckles who is a porch kitten. I keep trying to persuade him to come in. Maybe when it gets cold he'll be more willing :D And thank you for the compliments on the site. I'll pass them on to BD. He worked very hard on that :manyheart

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For the first time, Gracie fell asleep in my lap and I crocheted! She's like a light bulb-either on or off. :lol


Awww! How sweet is that? Peyton's other grandparents have the sweetest little Pomeranian that seems to love me. But I think if I had him in my lap while I crocheted I'd end up with a Pomeranian fur afghan :rofl

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Morning everyone.


Been busy with the Sky CAL and work and the girls. You know the regular. LOL


I wanted to stop in and let Mary know to add 44 solids for me.:D I've been working on my scrappy doo whenever I have a few minutes in the truck to work on them.


Hi Donna!! :hi Gosh, you've just been so busy since school started. You need more crochet time :D

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Cara, I didn't go to Chicago the city, we went to Old Chicago, the restuarant :D They're just down the road from my apartment, they have Woodchuck Cider on tap and football! Since I'm originally from MN, I'm a Vikings fan and that's pretty much the only way I can watch my boys in purple :D


I also take crochet with to work on while watching. Today I took the holiday homespun and started a RR. I'm contemplating it as a Christmas gift for someone, but it's so soft I might decide to keep it :lol


I'm starting to like Homespun more and more. It used to be a pain to work with...not I just use a larger hook and don't seem to have problems. No it's soft, cuddly and lovely. :yes


Val ~ I saw your post earlier and thought "how cool that she's in Chicago!" :D Glad you got to see your Vikings and were able to have some crochet time, too.


The baby RRs in college colors are about 6-8 rows from being finished. Do you think 38-40 inches is an okay size? I needed a break tonight and made some little squares. For the first time, Gracie fell asleep in my lap and I crocheted! She's like a light bulb-either on or off. :lol


Isn't that sweet?!?! I love it when my little Jacky curls up on my lap when I'm crocheting.


Morning everyone.


Been busy with the Sky CAL and work and the girls. You know the regular. LOL


I wanted to stop in and let Mary know to add 44 solids for me.:D I've been working on my scrappy doo whenever I have a few minutes in the truck to work on them.


Hi!!! :hi


last night after dinner was terrible. I apparently ruined my husbands bday but asking him to feed the baby, which he felt since it was his bday that he could lay on the couch instead. Ugh, it was and still is ugly. Please send some prayers my way. Im having a really rough month apparently. <3


:hug I'm so sorry! Hang in there

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last night after dinner was terrible. I apparently ruined my husbands bday but asking him to feed the baby, which he felt since it was his bday that he could lay on the couch instead. Ugh, it was and still is ugly. Please send some prayers my way. Im having a really rough month apparently. <3


:rolleyes: Alex still has to eat. BD had to take the trash out and lug his BBQ grill over to my sister's house on his b-day :lol That's what he gets for being born on 4th of July weekend :lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


I'm feeling much better today. BD went to get me medicine yesterday! I feel like a new woman :D


It'll be a busy, busy day around here today. I'm getting to where I hate Mondays :lol Clean the fridge out real quick, laundry (:yuck) and update the site. In between all that GB boy saltines :hook


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Cara, have a good day....


Erin....didn't HE help make the baby, too?:think


And after that, I'll keep my big mouth shut on the rest of what I was thinking....

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Nicole and Cara ~ I have the perfect solution for the cat fights! Gracie! :D



Oops! I missed this earlier. I'll glady have Gracie come over for a visit. That'll teach those ungrateful cats! :lol


:lol :lol Actually, I've read from several vets that the way to keep two female cats from fighting is to add a male cats. We have Freckles who is a porch kitten. I keep trying to persuade him to come in. Maybe when it gets cold he'll be more willing :D And thank you for the compliments on the site. I'll pass them on to BD. He worked very hard on that :manyheart


That's my problem!!!! I have one girl and three boys. There's not enough estrogen to go around. :rofl Of course, they've all been fixed so I guess there aren't too many hormones anyway.


Good morning ladies :flower


I'm feeling much better today. BD went to get me medicine yesterday! I feel like a new woman :D


It'll be a busy, busy day around here today. I'm getting to where I hate Mondays :lol Clean the fridge out real quick, laundry (:yuck) and update the site. In between all that GB boy saltines :hook


Have a great day everyone :manyheart


I'm so glad you're feeling better!


Cara, have a good day....


Erin....didn't HE help make the baby, too?:think


And after that, I'll keep my big mouth shut on the rest of what I was thinking....


Hi, Judy!

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Hey, Nicole! Are we going to see a pic of your newest purse?:D


I saw her pretty new purse :D She has a thread for it, under show and tell I think.


Erin, it seemed to be the weekend for irritation at men :lol. Saturday I was irritated at DBF for making a house looking appointment when we had a bday party to go to and another kid to pick up to take to the party. Other kid's mom was irritated at the dad for taking his sweet time when he knew they had to leave by 12:30 and since he's in a wheelchair it takes him longer. Hostess at the bday party is having a c-section this Friday, she was irritated at host because he layed around while she was decorating, including climbing up stepstools/ladders to hang streamers. Yep, seemed like this was the weekend for it :lol

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Morning Ladies!


I must be drama queen central this week or something I swear. Ugh. I blame my parents for raising me to be so nosey lol. Now my DH best friend is at my throat. He married my friend or whatever and they haven't been getting along. And he really likes to pull the "I work so" card with her, but he just went off on me for stupid things. I basically was saying that men should be more sensitive and nice to their wives. Then it went into how me not being in school is my fault because I can use my DH GI bill, which I cant. Just down right mean stuff to me, so now I feel the half of what his wife is going through. It was just outta line and now my DH is ticked that he talked to me like that. I dunno. Now Im scared him and his wife are gonna talk about it when she wakes up and its gonna cause a fight with them. Ugh. I should just crawl under a rock some days. This guy is my good friend too so thats really nice. I wasnt perfect of course, but I warned him.


Oh, but its DH birthday today! Sadly he has drill, but hopefully he will get out a little early. We're gonna go to eat someplace. He got his gift a while back, the guns and such lol. Got him a calendar of baby boy though. He's 27 and feels old....lol....

That's rough. Why is it that so many men have to strut their machismo by dumping a lot of crap on other people? I know there are good guys out there, but sometimes I have to wonder why so many or not.

Val ~ I saw your post earlier and thought "how cool that she's in Chicago!" :D Glad you got to see your Vikings and were able to have some crochet time, too.


The baby RRs in college colors are about 6-8 rows from being finished. Do you think 38-40 inches is an okay size? I needed a break tonight and made some little squares. For the first time, Gracie fell asleep in my lap and I crocheted! She's like a light bulb-either on or off. :lol

Most of the baby blanket patterns I've seen, are 36 to 40 inches in diameter so you should be fine.

last night after dinner was terrible. I apparently ruined my husbands bday but asking him to feed the baby, which he felt since it was his bday that he could lay on the couch instead. Ugh, it was and still is ugly. Please send some prayers my way. Im having a really rough month apparently. <3

:hug We're here for you. Hang in there. Things will get better. :hug


It has rained every day since Thursday and looks to keep at it at least through this coming Thursday. It's been varying from a very light misty rain to a steady soaking rain with an occasional thunderstorm and heavy rain thrown in for variety.


I don't think I was sick this weekend so much as just way overtired. Anyway I'm feeling good today and I did manage to get in some good crochet time yesterday while watching movies.


John flies out this afternoon for more client visits and will get back late on Thursday.

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I saw her pretty new purse :D She has a thread for it, under show and tell I think.

I forgot - she does put stuff there....off to check! Thanks....


Linda, have a good day!:hug

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Cara, have a good day....


Erin....didn't HE help make the baby, too?:think


And after that, I'll keep my big mouth shut on the rest of what I was thinking....




Hey, Nicole! Are we going to see a pic of your newest purse?:D


Yes, we want piccies :D


That's rough. Why is it that so many men have to strut their machismo by dumping a lot of crap on other people? I know there are good guys out there, but sometimes I have to wonder why so many or not.




I don't think I was sick this weekend so much as just way overtired. Anyway I'm feeling good today and I did manage to get in some good crochet time yesterday while watching movies.


I agree with the machismo statement. :rolleyes Even the good ones get a fly up their nose sometimes :lol I'm glad you got some rest and are feeling better today :hug

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Cara, have a good day....


Erin....didn't HE help make the baby, too?:think


And after that, I'll keep my big mouth shut on the rest of what I was thinking....


oh yeah...actually it was mostly his idea to start trying when he came back from the desert...

AND...Its not MY fault he had drill on his Bday...AND...he had Friday off and even though IT WAS MY DRILL FRI to sleep in... I let him sleep in til PAST 11...AND he got more than $1000 of guns for his bday gift...AND he took a 1/2 hour nap when he got home...THEN even though it was "his turn to change a poopy diaper in a public place"(which is apparently his new kick that we take turns) I CHANGED Alex at dinner...but since he had the flu shot two days ago, and had to work on his bday how dare I make him put Alex to bed and feed him ONE bottle, which just requires sitting in the chair with him since he holds his own bottle. Then of course the fight turns into everything else that has apparently been buggin him about me, which is more just him thinking of the meanest things he can say to shut me up because hes mad. I reminded him, that just because its your bday doesn't mean you don't have a responsiblity to your kid, AND that on my bday, he will have to work which means I'll still be taking care of Alex all day, so hmm. I was so mad this morning I told him if he dare get me anything for my bday it will be returned...well...unless its yarn or something of that nature :lol I mean I can't call in sick to work because Alex was up 4 times and til about 2:45 last night, and I got NO sleep because I was upset can I? Its gonna be a never ending battle with men. Ugh, I love the man but he is fulla it. :( I probably will not touch yarn today since the house is trashed and thats apperntly my job too. *sigh*


You know what really grinds my gears?!?(oh i wish family guy was on that would cheer me up) Most men only do "nice" things when they "have" to. Like a bday, or holiday or such. EVEN THOUGH they have it tatooed on their brains that women love unexpected nice things. For real!!

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Hey, Nicole! Are we going to see a pic of your newest purse?:D


Here's a link for you....just to make life easier. I really did mean to post a link here for you all.




I saw her pretty new purse :D She has a thread for it, under show and tell I think.


Erin, it seemed to be the weekend for irritation at men :lol. Saturday I was irritated at DBF for making a house looking appointment when we had a bday party to go to and another kid to pick up to take to the party. Other kid's mom was irritated at the dad for taking his sweet time when he knew they had to leave by 12:30 and since he's in a wheelchair it takes him longer. Hostess at the bday party is having a c-section this Friday, she was irritated at host because he layed around while she was decorating, including climbing up stepstools/ladders to hang streamers. Yep, seemed like this was the weekend for it :lol


:blush Thank you! There really must be something in the air....the cats fighting has rubbed off on the men. :lol


It has rained every day since Thursday and looks to keep at it at least through this coming Thursday. It's been varying from a very light misty rain to a steady soaking rain with an occasional thunderstorm and heavy rain thrown in for variety.


I don't think I was sick this weekend so much as just way overtired. Anyway I'm feeling good today and I did manage to get in some good crochet time yesterday while watching movies.


John flies out this afternoon for more client visits and will get back late on Thursday.


Glad you were able to rest! It started raining here yesterday and is supposed to keep it up all week. We need it though. I'm not complaining...yet. :D






Yes, we want piccies :D




I agree with the machismo statement. :rolleyes Even the good ones get a fly up their nose sometimes :lol I'm glad you got some rest and are feeling better today :hug


I'll remember to post here first next time!!! :yes

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Here's a link for you....just to make life easier. I really did mean to post a link here for you all.




:blush Thank you! There really must be something in the air....the cats fighting has rubbed off on the men. :lol


I'll remember to post here first next time!!! :yes

Nicole, that's a lovely purse! Wow! I haven't even thought about doing something like that. It boggles my mind.


Erin, hugs to you. :hug :hug :hug :hug


I'm not really complaining about the rain that much because we really need it too. Rosie did call me this morning to ask if we'd started building an ark in the back yard yet. :lol :lol :lol She and her John are supposed to fly to Colorado tomorrow to visit her daughter there. Said daughter had just called to tell her that it was snowing and sleeting there. I'll take the rain over snow and sleet any day.

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'Afternoon, Ladies. :)


That size is good for a baby ghan. My baby RR's are always at least 36 - sometimes they might get a hair over 40 inches.

Gracie sounds sooooo cute! She's always going to be a puppy!

Looking forward to seeing pics!:cheer

Thank you, Judy! I may get one of them finished today. :hook Yes, Gracie is a cutie...most of the time. ;)

Morning everyone.


Been busy with the Sky CAL and work and the girls. You know the regular. LOL


I wanted to stop in and let Mary know to add 44 solids for me.:D I've been working on my scrappy doo whenever I have a few minutes in the truck to work on them.

Hi Donna. 44 more added to the list!


last night after dinner was terrible. I apparently ruined my husbands bday but asking him to feed the baby, which he felt since it was his bday that he could lay on the couch instead. Ugh, it was and still is ugly. Please send some prayers my way. Im having a really rough month apparently. <3

:hug to you, Erin.


Awww! How sweet is that? Peyton's other grandparents have the sweetest little Pomeranian that seems to love me. But I think if I had him in my lap while I crocheted I'd end up with a Pomeranian fur afghan :rofl

Cairns don't shed, thank goodness. :lol I'm glad you're feeling much better!:manyheart


Here's a link for you....just to make life easier. I really did mean to post a link here for you all.



Your purse is wonderful, Nicole! :clap Thanks for sharing.


Linda ~ your rain sounds like what we had all last week. We always need it, but sometimes enough is enough!:yes


I was showered and dressed, lists made, all ready to run errands and my car wouldn't start. :( Our roadside assistance will come, but only if they can "access" the battery, etc. Well, DH's boat is in the other half of the garage and the motor is partially apart because he was doing a tune-up...so I can't wheel it out into the driveway. I may be here without a car until Wednesday night when DH comes home. :eek Of course, I only want to go somewhere when I can't. :lol

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Here's a link for you....just to make life easier. I really did mean to post a link here for you all.




Great job Nicole! :clap


I'm not really complaining about the rain that much because we really need it too. Rosie did call me this morning to ask if we'd started building an ark in the back yard yet. :lol :lol :lol She and her John are supposed to fly to Colorado tomorrow to visit her daughter there. Said daughter had just called to tell her that it was snowing and sleeting there. I'll take the rain over snow and sleet any day.


Already they're having sleet and snow?!? Wow. And to think we're up to 92* here today :P Tomorrow will be in the mid 70s with rain though. I can't wait :D


I was showered and dressed, lists made, all ready to run errands and my car wouldn't start. :( Our roadside assistance will come, but only if they can "access" the battery, etc. Well, DH's boat is in the other half of the garage and the motor is partially apart because he was doing a tune-up...so I can't wheel it out into the driveway. I may be here without a car until Wednesday night when DH comes home. :eek Of course, I only want to go somewhere when I can't. :lol


Oh no! Sounds like time to call Yellow Cab :yes They're expensive but when I really want to go somewhere and have no vehicle or I'm not in good enough shape to drive and there's no one available I hire a car :yes


Whew! :whew I'm plum tuckered out :lol Cleaned the fridge and updated the website. Laundry is doing its thing too :D


I decided to just share the pattern for the baby blanket. I find myself getting caught up in the wanting to make money or being published and it's sort of stressing me :P Time to just go back to the original plan and share :D

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I was showered and dressed, lists made, all ready to run errands and my car wouldn't start. :( Our roadside assistance will come, but only if they can "access" the battery, etc. Well, DH's boat is in the other half of the garage and the motor is partially apart because he was doing a tune-up...so I can't wheel it out into the driveway. I may be here without a car until Wednesday night when DH comes home. :eek Of course, I only want to go somewhere when I can't. :lol


Can you put it in neutral and push it out of the garage? I hope you find a way to get at the battery.


I'm supposed to be working (it's a work from home day) but I have absolutely no concentration. I haven't gotten a whole lot done today :lol. I actually spoke with my team lead about not working from home anymore. I like the extra hour of sleep, but I'm having too many moments of apathy/lethargic when I'm not working. I get off work and move to the couch. And depending on the night, then I move back to the computer to work my PT job. I think I really need the time out of the house. And less distractions (:crocheting:sleep:ebay- non work related surfing - :cat:dog)

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