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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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That speed reading will get ya every time :lol I got that flyer too. Take a real good look at the coupons. They're not general 40% coupons :no Like one is 40% off any notions and another is 40% a cut of fabric, etc etc.


Really?! Uh oh! I was planning on getting lots and lots of holiday homespun :( Guess I'll be getting it a week at a time instead.

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Hi Ladies. I logged on early this morning and just realized I never posted. :lol It's obviously been a busy day. :yes We had rain last night and this morning and it's only 78 degrees!


I only had about 45 minutes of crochet time today, so hope to have more this evening.


I can't wait to see the holiday yarn!

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Erin, I've been working on squares for you - should have an envie in the mail to you on Tueday. I'll let you know for sure, ad also how many squares to expect. So far I'm up to 5.

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Erin, I've been working on squares for you - should have an envie in the mail to you on Tueday. I'll let you know for sure, ad also how many squares to expect. So far I'm up to 5.




awesome :hug

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Linda got your squares

they are PERFECT =)


Great! That was much quicker than I was expecting.


This morning Rosie and I got up early and went to the Macy's One Day Sale. We were there before the doors opened, so we got a parking space right by the door. And at that time the crowds weren't at all bad. It was much more busy by 10:00 and a zoo by 11:00, but we were almost through by then. I got John and Kim a really nice professional deep fat fryer for their anniversary next month, but gave it to them early. This one comes apart for easy cleaning which I think is absolutely marvelous.


Now I can relax for most of the rest of the weekend. I've got another book that's getting interesting. (Read: it's getting hard to put down.)


And I ran across a project in the charity section where Houston, Texas has a Holocaust Museum and they are collecting butterflies for it. Their goal is to collect 1.5 million butterflies. One for each of the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. I've printed up the pattern for one butterfly, but I'm going to try to design one of my own. I've already got some ideas running around in my head. And since John has clients in Houston that he visits on a fairly regular basis, he's said that he'd take them and turn them in for me when they are ready. The goal is by spring of 2012. They want handcrafted butterflies no larger than 8" by 10". Just one more project to add to the list. Like I don't have anything to keep me busy.:rofl:rofl:rofl


Hope everybody is having a good day. It's sunny with some clouds and not too hot. A nice day.

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Good morning ladies :flower


I did absolutely nothing yesterday :lol It was just one of those unproductive days. Didn't even attempt the recording.


I can't record with BD home because he always seems to get into coughing fits or moves around too much so the mic picks it up :rolleyes So that'll have to wait until Monday.


So, what's a girl left to do. I could clean. I should clean. But I won't clean :lol We should go to the feed store for more cat food but it's been pouring rain for 2.5 days straight :dance Flash flood warnings out the wahzoo but our house is 3 feet of the ground on a raised lot so I doubt that would affect us. My sister is sort of low though so I hope they're not having too much trouble.


So the feed store is out because I can't go out in heavy rain. Slip and fall risk you know. Plus this particular feed store turns into a pet shop sometimes. They have birds and small animals and reptiles plus small livestock (chickens, rabbits, etc). I always want to bring someone home with me :lol


So I'm thinking today might be an excellent crochet day :hook

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Hi Ladies. :)


This morning Rosie and I got up early and went to the Macy's One Day Sale. We were there before the doors opened, so we got a parking space right by the door. And at that time the crowds weren't at all bad. It was much more busy by 10:00 and a zoo by 11:00, but we were almost through by then. I got John and Kim a really nice professional deep fat fryer for their anniversary next month, but gave it to them early. This one comes apart for easy cleaning which I think is absolutely marvelous.


Now I can relax for most of the rest of the weekend. I've got another book that's getting interesting. (Read: it's getting hard to put down.)


And I ran across a project in the charity section where Houston, Texas has a Holocaust Museum and they are collecting butterflies for it. Their goal is to collect 1.5 million butterflies. One for each of the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. I've printed up the pattern for one butterfly, but I'm going to try to design one of my own. I've already got some ideas running around in my head. And since John has clients in Houston that he visits on a fairly regular basis, he's said that he'd take them and turn them in for me when they are ready. The goal is by spring of 2012. They want handcrafted butterflies no larger than 8" by 10". Just one more project to add to the list. Like I don't have anything to keep me busy.:rofl:rofl:rofl


Hope everybody is having a good day. It's sunny with some clouds and not too hot. A nice day.

We passed our Macy's today on the way to puppy school and the parking lot was full! The butterfly project sounds wonderful. :yes


Good morning ladies :flower


I did absolutely nothing yesterday :lol It was just one of those unproductive days. Didn't even attempt the recording.


I can't record with BD home because he always seems to get into coughing fits or moves around too much so the mic picks it up :rolleyes So that'll have to wait until Monday.


So, what's a girl left to do. I could clean. I should clean. But I won't clean :lol We should go to the feed store for more cat food but it's been pouring rain for 2.5 days straight :dance Flash flood warnings out the wahzoo but our house is 3 feet of the ground on a raised lot so I doubt that would affect us. My sister is sort of low though so I hope they're not having too much trouble.


So the feed store is out because I can't go out in heavy rain. Slip and fall risk you know. Plus this particular feed store turns into a pet shop sometimes. They have birds and small animals and reptiles plus small livestock (chickens, rabbits, etc). I always want to bring someone home with me :lol


So I'm thinking today might be an excellent crochet day :hook

Yay for rain! We've had 3 inches since yesterday morning. Speaking of the animals...I was early for Gracie's class today, so we walked around the store. She put her front paws up on the parakeets's cage and her little head went back and forth at least 50 times. :lol People were laughing at her and one lady took her picture. :)


I've started the second RR, but that's all the crocheting for me in two days. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. :manyheart

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Yay for rain! We've had 3 inches since yesterday morning. Speaking of the animals...I was early for Gracie's class today, so we walked around the store. She put her front paws up on the parakeets's cage and her little head went back and forth at least 50 times. :lol People were laughing at her and one lady took her picture. :)


:lol :lol So I take it Gracie is still the class clown of puppy class? :lol

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Hi Ladies. :rain


:lol :lol So I take it Gracie is still the class clown of puppy class? :lol

Actually, she's doing better this time. :lol There is a 4 month-old bull dog puppy named "Meatball" who is entertaining us all. He is the cutest thing...his parents are a great couple who are still trying to figure out why they got a bull dog. :D


We've had over 5 inches of rain since Thursday night and I'm finally willing to admit that we've had enough for a while. Gracie loves rain, worms, snails...her mom is officially tired of cleaning puppy feet. :yes


The baby Round Ripples are both at about 16 rows. DD is feeling great and will be into her 2nd trimester late next week. :c9 My saltine withdrawal set in this evening and I made a few turqua saltines for the water in the next Just Ducky ghan.:crocheting


Gee, I am rambling tonight. :blush:lol I hope you all have had a good weekend. :manyheart

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Actually, she's doing better this time. :lol There is a 4 month-old bull dog puppy named "Meatball" who is entertaining us all. He is the cutest thing...his parents are a great couple who are still trying to figure out why they got a bull dog. :D


Because they're just so darn cute :lol And what a great name is Meatball :lol


We've had over 5 inches of rain since Thursday night and I'm finally willing to admit that we've had enough for a while. Gracie loves rain, worms, snails...her mom is officially tired of cleaning puppy feet. :yes


Worse than washing chocolate off a 3 year old :lol


The baby Round Ripples are both at about 16 rows. DD is feeling great and will be into her 2nd trimester late next week. :c9 My saltine withdrawal set in this evening and I made a few turqua saltines for the water in the next Just Ducky ghan.:crocheting


That's great news Mary :manyheart Thanks for letting us be nosey Nellie's. We're just so very excited for all of you :2hug

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Good morning ladies :flower


I'm up with the chickens today :D That'll teach me to stay up for 36 hours straight :lol But now my sleep schedule is right again. No more naps for me :2nono


Today I have a baby blanket that I'm working on that is about half done :dance It'd going quickly as it's a one color wonder :hook


I'll work on that today alongside the cleaning that I *must* give some attention to today. :( That and the laundry. I need a maid. These chores are really cutting into my play time :lol


Have a great day ladies :2hug

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I'm just stopping in to say hi! It was a busy/relaxing weekend with lots of park time. Not much crochet was done though :( I'm leaving for my home town today after I say bye bye to the DH. Little man is coming with. We will spend the night with Gma and Gpa(his) and see Aunties, possibly Uncle, and cousins. Then tomorrow we are driving up to Traverse City for the Red Wings Training Camp. We will see my grandparents there. Should be interesting. Hope you are all well or getting better anyhow!

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Hi, Nicole!


Erin, I'll be mailing you 8 more quares tomorrow.


Good morning ladies :flower


I'm up with the chickens today :D That'll teach me to stay up for 36 hours straight :lol But now my sleep schedule is right again. No more naps for me :2nono


Today I have a baby blanket that I'm working on that is about half done :dance It'd going quickly as it's a one color wonder :hook


I'll work on that today alongside the cleaning that I *must* give some attention to today. :( That and the laundry. I need a maid. These chores are really cutting into my play time :lol


Have a great day ladies :2hug

Hi, Cara. I can't remember the last time I made a one color baby ghan:lol Waiting for a oic, you know:yes

Hi Ladies. :rain



Actually, she's doing better this time. :lol There is a 4 month-old bull dog puppy named "Meatball" who is entertaining us all. He is the cutest thing...his parents are a great couple who are still trying to figure out why they got a bull dog. :D


We've had over 5 inches of rain since Thursday night and I'm finally willing to admit that we've had enough for a while. Gracie loves rain, worms, snails...her mom is officially tired of cleaning puppy feet. :yes


The baby Round Ripples are both at about 16 rows. DD is feeling great and will be into her 2nd trimester late next week. :c9 My saltine withdrawal set in this evening and I made a few turqua saltines for the water in the next Just Ducky ghan.:crocheting


Gee, I am rambling tonight. :blush:lol I hope you all have had a good weekend. :manyheart


And Miss Gracie IS a terrier (as in "earth"...terra) so she's living up to the rname. And after all, snails and worms are right at her level:lol:lol


We're doing better here....SDR (Studly Do Right, for those not in SKY Cal) is doing a little better after having that fatty tumor removed from his forehead and the swelling around his eye isn't looking quite as bad this morning. My tummy trouble seems to have mysteriously disappeared (for the most part) as quickly as it appeared over the weekend.

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I'm just stopping in to say hi! It was a busy/relaxing weekend with lots of park time. Not much crochet was done though :( I'm leaving for my home town today after I say bye bye to the DH. Little man is coming with. We will spend the night with Gma and Gpa(his) and see Aunties, possibly Uncle, and cousins. Then tomorrow we are driving up to Traverse City for the Red Wings Training Camp. We will see my grandparents there. Should be interesting. Hope you are all well or getting better anyhow!


Have a great trip Erin :hug

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We're doing better here....SDR (Studly Do Right, for those not in SKY Cal) is doing a little better after having that fatty tumor removed from his forehead and the swelling around his eye isn't looking quite as bad this morning. My tummy trouble seems to have mysteriously disappeared (for the most part) as quickly as it appeared over the weekend.


Glad y'all are doing better today :hug

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Hi, Nicole!


Erin, I'll be mailing you 8 more quares tomorrow.




Sounds great, hubby already knows to watch the mail while Im gone! :lol I laid them all out last night and its gonna be pretty


Megans has 3 stripes already assembled. Shouldn't be too long now for that one either :clap


See ya'll Wed!

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:sun.............. good morning all.

Whew... a day to get some things caught up. Yesterday was so busy.... off to church early for a Fellowship Breakfast.. then service... leave a touch early from church to go to two of my boys baseball games.... both had double headers... then home late to find internet not working correctly... so knitted a few rows on a sweater I'm making... then to bed to not sleep worth beans............... man I'm not sure what my problem is anymore with sleeping. I am just getting so old! My hips hurt so bad this morning.... *sigh*... oh well. Today is new and I'm going to make the best of it! I have laundry going... plenty of coffee to keep my happy through the day... I have new ink for my printer so that I can get labels and such printed for mailing out packages.... like I said.... a good day to get caught up! :hook


I need to get a few saltines made today while I'm at it! :hook

hope everyone else has a good day planned!!!!





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Hi, Tam - I know all about the "feeling old" feeling you get in the morning:lol

No more caffeine for me today - my heart is doing a happy dance right now!

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Good morning, friends. I've been up since about 9:20 and running errands. I've already been to OfficeMax, WalMart, the bank, the car insurance company, the doctor's office to drop off some paperwork, the post office, the local pawn shop (got 10 DVDs for $10), and back to Wal-Mart to pick up cereal and a prescription.

Actually, she's doing better this time. :lol There is a 4 month-old bull dog puppy named "Meatball" who is entertaining us all. He is the cutest thing...his parents are a great couple who are still trying to figure out why they got a bull dog. :D


We've had over 5 inches of rain since Thursday night and I'm finally willing to admit that we've had enough for a while. Gracie loves rain, worms, snails...her mom is officially tired of cleaning puppy feet. :yes

I love the name Meatball. And they got a bull dog because that was the breed they thought they wanted.


Cleaning puppy feet is a pain. Especially when those puppy feet have long hair right above them that also gets wet and muddy. (Trouble)

I'm just stopping in to say hi! It was a busy/relaxing weekend with lots of park time. Not much crochet was done though :( I'm leaving for my home town today after I say bye bye to the DH. Little man is coming with. We will spend the night with Gma and Gpa(his) and see Aunties, possibly Uncle, and cousins. Then tomorrow we are driving up to Traverse City for the Red Wings Training Camp. We will see my grandparents there. Should be interesting. Hope you are all well or getting better anyhow!

Erin, hope you have a wonderful time with family while you're gone.

:sun.............. good morning all.

Whew... a day to get some things caught up. Yesterday was so busy.... off to church early for a Fellowship Breakfast.. then service... leave a touch early from church to go to two of my boys baseball games.... both had double headers... then home late to find internet not working correctly... so knitted a few rows on a sweater I'm making... then to bed to not sleep worth beans............... man I'm not sure what my problem is anymore with sleeping. I am just getting so old! My hips hurt so bad this morning.... *sigh*... oh well. Today is new and I'm going to make the best of it! I have laundry going... plenty of coffee to keep my happy through the day... I have new ink for my printer so that I can get labels and such printed for mailing out packages.... like I said.... a good day to get caught up! :hook:heart:mug

Hi, Tam. I can sure understand about the aching joints! Mine have been giving me fits this summer.


Got a letter from my mom on Saturday. Sigh! :sigh I'm in the dog house again. I haven't written or call often enough. Again! :sigh Wrote her a 3 page letter and printed off 6 pictures for her to go with it and put it all in the mail yesterday. Maybe that will make her happy for a few days. Wishful thinking, I know. :( Oh, well. :( Sorry for the rant. She's always been this way and isn't about to change just because she's now 84. She never did believe in giving anyone a compliment. And good was never good enough. Sigh! :sigh :sigh :sigh

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Linda......... :hugs :hugs :hugs

I for one find you to be a very sweet... giving ... talented lady!!! The work I have seen here on the 'ville of yours is just amazing!! The giving of snowflake patterns and charity items when needed is just awesome... what a heart you have! And not to mention your sweet words of encouragement and love to everyone here .... it's just so heartwarming! So... dont let your mom get you down. We love you!!!!!!






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'Afternoon, Ladies. :)




Good morning! I'll check in with you all later. Have a great day!!!

Hi Nicole!


Today I have a baby blanket that I'm working on that is about half done :dance It'd going quickly as it's a one color wonder :hook


I'll work on that today alongside the cleaning that I *must* give some attention to today. :( That and the laundry. I need a maid. These chores are really cutting into my play time :lol


Have a great day ladies :2hug

What pattern and color is your baby blanket? I agree about the chores...my house is never all clean at the same time, but I'd rather be crocheting. :hook



And Miss Gracie IS a terrier (as in "earth"...terra) so she's living up to the rname. And after all, snails and worms are right at her level:lol:lol

We're doing better here....SDR (Studly Do Right, for those not in SKY Cal) is doing a little better after having that fatty tumor removed from his forehead and the swelling around his eye isn't looking quite as bad this morning. My tummy trouble seems to have mysteriously disappeared (for the most part) as quickly as it appeared over the weekend.

I hope SDR is much better soon and that you are okay, too! :manyheart


Sounds great, hubby already knows to watch the mail while Im gone! :lol I laid them all out last night and its gonna be pretty


Megans has 3 stripes already assembled. Shouldn't be too long now for that one either :clap


See ya'll Wed!

Have a wonderful time, Erin. :)


Got a letter from my mom on Saturday. Sigh! :sigh I'm in the dog house again. I haven't written or call often enough. Again! :sigh Wrote her a 3 page letter and printed off 6 pictures for her to go with it and put it all in the mail yesterday. Maybe that will make her happy for a few days. Wishful thinking, I know. :( Oh, well. :( Sorry for the rant. She's always been this way and isn't about to change just because she's now 84. She never did believe in giving anyone a compliment. And good was never good enough. Sigh! :sigh :sigh :sigh

Gee, I could have written this. :hug Your mom and my mom definitely have lots in common. Nothing makes mine happy and I only call them twice a week to be a dutiful daughter.


Linda......... :hugs :hugs :hugs

I for one find you to be a very sweet... giving ... talented lady!!! The work I have seen here on the 'ville of yours is just amazing!! The giving of snowflake patterns and charity items when needed is just awesome... what a heart you have! And not to mention your sweet words of encouragement and love to everyone here .... it's just so heartwarming! So... dont let your mom get you down. We love you!!!!!!






Hi Tam! I second everything you've said.:yes Linda always amazes me with all she does for Kim and still puts her heart into such beautiful work.

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