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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Erin, I'll work on some more blues for you - after frogging 10 rows of my latest graph ghan a few days ago I've been in the mood for mindless projects;)


Mine for you will be in the mail either today or tomorrow, Erin. :hug


Thank you ladies! I could really use the pick me up of lovely things in the mail. ;)

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Hi everyone. My name is Mindy. I have been crocheting for a while but still consider myself a novice because I just usually do things that go back and forth, like afghans. Is this CAL still more for the happy house patterns or about crocheting in general?

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Erin - 6" in blue, right?


Well, I know why I had the desire to make a pot of coffee so late. I just received a phone call that one of my best friend's mother passed away about a half an hour ago. I'm in shock. Her mom was only 53. She hadn't even been sick. Wednesday she went to the doctor. We found out that her gall bladder wasn't functioning. I hadn't talked to Nicole (we have the same name) until today because I was out of town. I'm not sure what happened, but she was admitted to the ICU on Thursday. Apparently all of her organs began systematically shutting down. Please send some good thoughts and prayers her way. She definitely could use them.


Oh sweetie........ I'm so sorry! :hug:hug

hugs..love and prayers coming your way!



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Hi everyone. My name is Mindy. I have been crocheting for a while but still consider myself a novice because I just usually do things that go back and forth, like afghans. Is this CAL still more for the happy house patterns or about crocheting in general?


Its a bit of both! :lol

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Josh is home sick from work again. We think we are fighting a litte bug now. I was running a slight temp but took some excedrin and its normal again. He also spoke to his mom. His grandma is "comfortable" . Apparently she is being very stubborn though and won't take some medications. Also, the home she is in is rather... whats the word? LAZY! Apparently my MILs sister found her in her own feces 2 times in a week. and one time she had also thrown up on herself. This makes my blood just boil.

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Mindy, we definitely include lots of different stuff in here.


That said, here's the picture of the top of Kim's quilt.


WOW......:eek Thats beautiful!!!



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Erin - 6" in blue, right?


Well, I know why I had the desire to make a pot of coffee so late. I just received a phone call that one of my best friend's mother passed away about a half an hour ago. I'm in shock. Her mom was only 53. She hadn't even been sick. Wednesday she went to the doctor. We found out that her gall bladder wasn't functioning. I hadn't talked to Nicole (we have the same name) until today because I was out of town. I'm not sure what happened, but she was admitted to the ICU on Thursday. Apparently all of her organs began systematically shutting down. Please send some good thoughts and prayers her way. She definitely could use them.


Oh my goodness! I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend's mom :hug:cry That's the second time I've heard that same thing happening! I had a friend whose mother died in recovery after having her gall bladder removed. Her BP just started dropping and they couldn't save her :no If they ever tell me I need mine out the answer will be a big old NO! Good vibes headed her way for sure! :manyheart

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Hi everyone. My name is Mindy. I have been crocheting for a while but still consider myself a novice because I just usually do things that go back and forth, like afghans. Is this CAL still more for the happy house patterns or about crocheting in general?


A bit of everything but mainly the crochet quilts and fabric quilts :yes

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Josh is home sick from work again. We think we are fighting a litte bug now. I was running a slight temp but took some excedrin and its normal again. He also spoke to his mom. His grandma is "comfortable" . Apparently she is being very stubborn though and won't take some medications. Also, the home she is in is rather... whats the word? LAZY! Apparently my MILs sister found her in her own feces 2 times in a week. and one time she had also thrown up on herself. This makes my blood just boil.


Oh that's awful! Can they get her moved?

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Good morning ladies :flower


Erin - I hope Josh feels better again real soon :hug


Still feeling great today :dance I think this pneumonia is finally going away :yay


Today should be a super busy day for me! I'll be cutting out more charms for Hailey's quilt, starting saltines for both the GB boy ghan and for a baby blanket I designed yesterday when trying to figure out the layout for my fabric quilt :lol And I have to start recording three novels. Yes, I have permission to do them from the publisher :yes BDs aunt is an author and her books have never been recorded.


My MIL hinted that she'd like them recorded for her and her sister (the aunt). She's heard my voice work before (I used to do it professionally) and after I recorded some stuff for my sister for school that MIL liked she also hinted that I might be a good narrator for the books :) So that's going to be my extra Christmas giftie for my MIL :manyheart If I can get it done by Christmas :lol

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Oh that's awful! Can they get her moved?


I don't think they wanna mess with that at this time. I think the help is hit or miss. Like, she was telling me about a girl my age that would sit and read to her before bedtime. Then of course the time she was found with the mess, her caretaker was on lunch apparently, which probably means someone else was in charge and didn't check it, I dunno. Its just really sad, no one deserves that sorta thing. I have the upmost respect for those who work in the medical field that actually take pride in what they do....like our new doctor. He did a bunch of tests on Alex eye issue, unlike his old doctor that just gave me stuff and then other stuff, and then other stuff to put in his eye. Then with my facial deal, the doctor I saw when in happened in 05' didn't believe me when I said itwas from the sun. The doctor we see now gave me info on the sun and stuff, and got me on a drug right away, then his office nurse actually calls a week later to check on all of us. Then you got my AWESOME mommy. She takes care of Neo Natal babies. Most of them at like 2lbs! All preemies, and usually have life threatening complications. She's pretty darn amazing.

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Hi everyone. My name is Mindy. I have been crocheting for a while but still consider myself a novice because I just usually do things that go back and forth, like afghans. Is this CAL still more for the happy house patterns or about crocheting in general?

Hey. Mindy - I'm over at SKY, too. We try and work on the quilt designs here, but anything goes, prettyy much.

Mindy, we definitely include lots of different stuff in here.


That said, here's the picture of the top of Kim's quilt.

Wow! :clap

Still feeling great today :dance I think this pneumonia is finally going away :yay


Today should be a super busy day for me! I'll be cutting out more charms for Hailey's quilt, starting saltines for both the GB boy ghan and for a baby blanket I designed yesterday when trying to figure out the layout for my fabric quilt :lol And I have to start recording three novels. Yes, I have permission to do them from the publisher :yes BDs aunt is an author and her books have never been recorded.


My MIL hinted that she'd like them recorded for her and her sister (the aunt). She's heard my voice work before (I used to do it professionally) and after I recorded some stuff for my sister for school that MIL liked she also hinted that I might be a good narrator for the books :) So that's going to be my extra Christmas giftie for my MIL :manyheart If I can get it done by Christmas :lol

I'm so glad you're feeling better:hug

And recording an audio book! That's great!!:clap You must have to be very disciplined...I know I couldn't do it.

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I was in Michaels today and struck up a conversation with alady there....passed on the name of your site, Cara, as well as info on crochetville:hook

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I'm so glad you're feeling better:hug

And recording an audio book! That's great!!:clap You must have to be very disciplined...I know I couldn't do it.


Not so much discipline. More liking the sound of my own voice which I've been accused of on more than one occasion :rofl


I was in Michaels today and struck up a conversation with alady there....passed on the name of your site, Cara, as well as info on crochetville:hook


Excellent! :tup I'm gonna have to send out business cards to some of y'all. I'm always handing those things out :lol

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Hi everyone. :) I've read through all of your posts and please forgive me if I don't respond right now. I never, never get headaches and I've had one today that was definitely no fun. It's much better now, but I need to do laundry and pay bills...which may give me another headache. :lol


Hugs to everyone going through a sad time. :hug


Linda ~ the quilt is beautiful!

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Oh, Mary ~ I hope your headache goes away completely very soon. Lots of :hug headed your way!


Cara ~ The quilt pattern you posted looks amazing. I cannot wait to see your take on it with your yarn. Ease up on that ruler, my dear, so that you can continue working with all of your energy :manyheart I love to hear about all of your projects, and I pray you continue feeling this well.


So sorry to hear about your friend's mother, Nicole. They are definitely in my prayers. I also felt badly that your return to work was so horribly. Sounds as though you did your best to do "damage control," but I hope the final 2 days of the week go a little more smoothly.




Linda ~ Very nice job on Kim's quilt :clap Does she know you were working on it for her in her chair this winter? The colors are very soothing.


Erin ~ Huge hugs to your whole family. I hope you and Josh are able to kick the bug quickly, and that Little Alex does not catch it. Did his teeth poke through and quit giving him fits? Poor little guy. In a way, it is nice they are all working their way through his gums at once, rather than dragging the discomfort out over a couple of weeks, but OUCH :eek Hoping Josh's grandmother can be comfortable and well taken care of this evening. Hang in there!


Nice, calm day on this end, so not much to report. I did get some crocheting in, and I am already working on the first arm of the jacket (main body is finished and stitched together). Within the week, I can work on another project :D Both girls had a good day at school, so I am off to make them some cute pizzas in the shape of teddy bears for dinner. Catch you, again, tomorrow.

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