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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Cara, good luck at the doctor's visit. :hug I hope it's not the swine flu, but better safe than sorry.


It's in the school system here with a vengence. I'm really hoping than we can skip that one, especially the version that goes to the chest and requires hospitalization. That could be deadly for Kim.

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Well, we are home from the doctor's office and lunch. The good news is that Kim's sodium level is up to 133 from 127. :yay A significant improvement. It's still low, but better than it's been for about 4 months now. The bad news is that cooking just got a whole lot more complicated. :think Kim's to be on a high protein, high salt diet with restricted fluids, while I'm supposed to push fluids and be on a low protein, low salt diet. Kim - hamburger or some red meat at least once a day. :yes Me - no red meat. :no Kim - plenty of cheese and eggs. :yes Me - none. :no Oh, brother! :(

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Well, we are home from the doctor's office and lunch. The good news is that Kim's sodium level is up to 133 from 127. :yay A significant improvement. It's still low, but better than it's been for about 4 months now. The bad news is that cooking just got a whole lot more complicated. :think Kim's to be on a high protein, high salt diet with restricted fluids, while I'm supposed to push fluids and be on a low protein, low salt diet. Kim - hamburger or some red meat at least once a day. :yes Me - no red meat. :no Kim - plenty of cheese and eggs. :yes Me - none. :no Oh, brother! :(


Oh dear! :ohdear That is going to be rough. That's great about her sodium level though! :yay I have a low sodium level as well and am on a high sodium diet. That's actually rougher than it sounds to get enough every day :P Hope you can work out a system that won't be such a bother :hug

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So we're back from the doctor's. We had BD seen as well because of that marathon sleeping he did all weekend and he's got a cough and congestion.


Neither of us has swine flu :yay BDs have a bad combo sinus/allergy issue but no infection thankfully. I insisted on a chest/back x-ray since my back is still bugging me so much. I was thinking compression fractures or a dislocated rib or some such. Nope. Turns out I have pneumonia :faint But on the other side from where my back hurts. Figure that one out :think:lol


Anyway, I'm on an antibiotic and expectorant and BDs on sinus/allergy meds. I also pretty much bullied him into working from home today. That's the good thing about his job. He can telecommute if necessary :yes I'd like him to stay home tomorrow too but I don't see that happening :rolleyes

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i was looking at these and I'm totally intimidated, they look way beyond my skill leval.. while i been crochetin for 12 yrs.. I never ever used a pattern for afghans. Only thing i ever looked at once or twice from a pattern in the past.. was the egg covers i made... Then now the hats.

I dunno sometimes them patterns seem a diff lang to me. but i may one day try one. we will see.

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Cara, good thing you went to the doctor! Dont forget to drink your fluids...:hug


Welcome, Ann....there are easy patterns on Cara's site - or use no pattern with the little squares. Whatever you want to do. We all had to start somewhere!

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i was looking at these and I'm totally intimidated, they look way beyond my skill leval.. while i been crochetin for 12 yrs.. I never ever used a pattern for afghans. Only thing i ever looked at once or twice from a pattern in the past.. was the egg covers i made... Then now the hats.

I dunno sometimes them patterns seem a diff lang to me. but i may one day try one. we will see.


Hi Ann! :hi They're not near as difficult as they seem. Just a little time consuming :wink They're just pretty much simple double crochet. But yep, I like to put up some easier patterns to for folks not interested in the quilts. Even I get sick of them sometimes :lol But then I come right back because I do love making them :manyheart

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So we're back from the doctor's. We had BD seen as well because of that marathon sleeping he did all weekend and he's got a cough and congestion.


Neither of us has swine flu :yay BDs have a bad combo sinus/allergy issue but no infection thankfully. I insisted on a chest/back x-ray since my back is still bugging me so much. I was thinking compression fractures or a dislocated rib or some such. Nope. Turns out I have pneumonia :faint But on the other side from where my back hurts. Figure that one out :think:lol


Anyway, I'm on an antibiotic and expectorant and BDs on sinus/allergy meds. I also pretty much bullied him into working from home today. That's the good thing about his job. He can telecommute if necessary :yes I'd like him to stay home tomorrow too but I don't see that happening :rolleyes

I'm glad you both went to the doctor. Pain from inside organs can show up in some pretty weird places.

i was looking at these and I'm totally intimidated, they look way beyond my skill leval.. while i been crochetin for 12 yrs.. I never ever used a pattern for afghans. Only thing i ever looked at once or twice from a pattern in the past.. was the egg covers i made... Then now the hats.

I dunno sometimes them patterns seem a diff lang to me. but i may one day try one. we will see.

Hi, Ann. :hi They aren't nearly as hard as they look for the most part. Just break them down into smaller size blocks or rows and don't think about how many there are in the whole thing. It all works out and the results are fantastic. Cara's patterns are so great. And the cuddle ghans go quickly and are a great place to start.

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My kids are in the back yard disrespecting the pouch. :rofl It's a Capri Sun commercial. It is entertaining to say the least.


Cali is still giving us the Evil Kitty Stink Eye. Robert (her daddy who is whipped beyond belief by her) cleans the litter box once a week (its a huge one so its all good). Well he got whatever it is I have & she's been yelling at us since yesterday. I brought home fresh kitty litter today & she stopped yelling at me. However Marmalade is mad at me. I found a treat toy for cats & she cant get the treats out. :rofl This is extremely entertaining to see her trying to open the itty bit of velcro to get treats. However we made up. Bought a toy that hangs from the bedroom door & she loves it. :lol


Just couldn't resist this...Gracie in her crate with her yellow Teddy under her head and her Kong toy in her mouth. I just emailed this to DH since he's been gone since Thursday. :)
She is so adorable!


Mary - As always, your Gracie is precious! :manyheart



I had to come on here and share with my fellow animal lovers...


I hurt my little Jackson. I was in the closet getting some fiber fill. Jack gets offended about closed doors. So, whenever a door is open that typically stays closed, he hurries to be involved. Well, he was laying outside the door. I shut the door once I was done. I heard him scream. He had his paw in the crack of the door trying to get at something.


Thankfully, he wasn't seriously hurt. I picked him up immediately and inspected the paw. It probably hurt pretty bad, but he's not limping and there was no blood. I just cried as I held him. I felt awful! :(

Awwwww. Glad he is ok.



Here are pictures of the fur-babies that live with Kim's family members. Honey and Kirby are Yorkies. Honey loves to watch for missing family members from the top of that chair. Kirby is old and arthritic and avoids chaos most of the time. Ming is just over a year old and Kim's mom's companion and a sweetheart.

Fur babies are cute!


I was looking at the pictures from Twin Lakes and realized that I never posted the pictures of the shawl I did while we were down there. It's the 4th one I've done using this pattern and the first one that I've actually gotten pictures of. :kick And for good measure, here's a picture of Kim with her son, Jonathan. Gentry is her cousin's little girl.
Lovely shawl!


Well, we are home from the doctor's office and lunch. The good news is that Kim's sodium level is up to 133 from 127. :yay A significant improvement. It's still low, but better than it's been for about 4 months now. The bad news is that cooking just got a whole lot more complicated. :think Kim's to be on a high protein, high salt diet with restricted fluids, while I'm supposed to push fluids and be on a low protein, low salt diet. Kim - hamburger or some red meat at least once a day. :yes Me - no red meat. :no Kim - plenty of cheese and eggs. :yes Me - none. :no Oh, brother! :(
That is going to be fun. I need red meat to live. :lol


So we're back from the doctor's. We had BD seen as well because of that marathon sleeping he did all weekend and he's got a cough and congestion.


Neither of us has swine flu :yay BDs have a bad combo sinus/allergy issue but no infection thankfully. I insisted on a chest/back x-ray since my back is still bugging me so much. I was thinking compression fractures or a dislocated rib or some such. Nope. Turns out I have pneumonia :faint But on the other side from where my back hurts. Figure that one out :think:lol


Anyway, I'm on an antibiotic and expectorant and BDs on sinus/allergy meds. I also pretty much bullied him into working from home today. That's the good thing about his job. He can telecommute if necessary :yes I'd like him to stay home tomorrow too but I don't see that happening :rolleyes

Well at least you know your back isnt getting worse! :hug
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Hi Ladies. :) Today turned into a super busy day and I'm so glad it's nearly over. :yes


Cara ~ :hug to you both. I'm so sorry you and BD are sick and hope you both feel better soon. Your new scarf is lovely!


Linda ~ :eek Menu planning doesn't sound like fun...but with your creativity you'll do great. Your shawl is gorgeous. :clap


Hi Nicole ~ After 40 years with pets, I totally empathise about Jackson. When Zoe was young, she was in the closet under our stairway all night before I missed her...she was fine, but I felt like a terrible Mama Bear. :yes


Erin ~ Your kitties are adorable! Gracie is a Cairn Terrier. We had a Beagle when I was little and she was a sweetie - but they do bark a lot. :lol


Val ~ Yay for a new house! I hope everything works out for you all. Just think of all the space for your yarn!


Hi Jessica. Are you near the fires? I hope you and the boys are safe. :manyheart


I'm sorry if I missed anyone. It's been a long day (family, of course) and it's time for bed. See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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I forgot! The Fed Ex tracking site shows my JoAnn's yarn arriving Thursday. :D It also shows my order weighing over 11 pounds. :lol


Mine was 11lbs! Haha. My Crafts Ect! is 10lbs. K I lied, its 11lbs too! SHEESH! What's the matter with me? :think:hookBUT its already out for delivery from Roseville, which is 20 minutes from here.










I promise to have a picture of the quick ghan I did in one day up today, promise! I just need to trip all the fringe to be even, but I love it so much I want my own! :devil

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hey all



yea i know if i Realy tryed I probly could do the afghans.

Just with all them instrctions on one line. then jumped together it get confused where i am. and i skip spots UGGGG:eek


I see a few that look really nice. What i may end up doing is Copy and pasting them to my note pad in Sections. then print each section out and only have so much in front of me at a time.. then when im done with that set of instructions it's off to the next. and maybe break each line down a little.

That is where i get confused.. and my learning disability kicks in. and i start to get flustered and frustrated.


Like last night with this new hat pattern i wanted to make madyson. I have the color and how i want it set up in my head. but i ended up tearing it apart 3 times. because i skip a stitch.. or step.. had to many stitches in the row and couldn't fig what the heck i did. That and hubby kept thinking he had to yap and complain about the pc being slow.


I did find this cute flower afghan im going to try to make.. Excpt For my first try at a afghan pattern I may just not go with the color combo. I may make it a "hobo" blanket.. with all sorts of diffrent yarns. yea some may clash but oh well that is the fun of it. then if this turns out Ill invest my money into a few solids and go for it.:yarn:crocheting

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hey all



yea i know if i Realy tryed I probly could do the afghans.

Just with all them instrctions on one line. then jumped together it get confused where i am. and i skip spots UGGGG:eek


I see a few that look really nice. What i may end up doing is Copy and pasting them to my note pad in Sections. then print each section out and only have so much in front of me at a time.. then when im done with that set of instructions it's off to the next. and maybe break each line down a little.

That is where i get confused.. and my learning disability kicks in. and i start to get flustered and frustrated.


Like last night with this new hat pattern i wanted to make madyson. I have the color and how i want it set up in my head. but i ended up tearing it apart 3 times. because i skip a stitch.. or step.. had to many stitches in the row and couldn't fig what the heck i did. That and hubby kept thinking he had to yap and complain about the pc being slow.


I did find this cute flower afghan im going to try to make.. Excpt For my first try at a afghan pattern I may just not go with the color combo. I may make it a "hobo" blanket.. with all sorts of diffrent yarns. yea some may clash but oh well that is the fun of it. then if this turns out Ill invest my money into a few solids and go for it.:yarn:crocheting


Im not gonna lie to you, crochet has always been challenging to me. I have to really focus or I miss stitches, drop them, or skip a row. Something like that. I love to watch my Forensic Files and such on the TV but I can really only listen to it. Im thinking I should really order up some audio books. I loved doing the Geo 101 quilt ghan though because making saltines worked up fairly fast and they were pretty mindless. It was the joining them that really drove me bonkers. I hate joining lol.


Im sorry about your learning disability, and even though I know nothing about it, I honestly think printing the pattern is the way to go. When I work with one that has a lot of steps, rows, colors, ect, I personally print the pattern and use a highlighter. I do this with EVERY hat I make, because they are usually done in rounds. It never fails that I have to rip some of it out, or count over and over and over. I say, my printer gets its work out for sure. Also, I try to space the pattern in a Wordpad or Notepad document. It helps me see things easier. Then I actually change each Row name to a BOLD font. If I have the energy and time, I may even make each step a one liner.


Like if the pattern were to say: Row 1: Ch3, dc in 3rd 3rd ch. from hook. DC in each chain across. Ch1. Turn. I would do this to it


Row 1: Ch3.

Dc in 3rd Ch. from hook.

Dc in each Ch. across

Ch. 1.



or if I REALLY feel that it is something I need to concentrate on, it would like this...


Row 1: Ch3.


Dc in 3rd Ch. from hook.


Dc in each Ch. across.


Ch. 1.






That idea REALLY helped me with hats in rounds too. I hope that helps a tad. Sorry that was a long post. I hope Im helpful

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Morning all. Well, I spoke with DBF last night and I guess it's back to the drawing board. The one house that we both really liked (I just wasn't thrilled with the location) went under contract the other day. He found this out when he took his parents by it. And the second house, the one with the pool, he checked the tax appraisers site and the realtor had the tax information wrong (not sure if she read it wrong or it was listed/printed wrong). Instead of $300/year, which I thought was strange, it's $3,000 a year! So yeah, back to the drawing board.

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Morning all. Well, I spoke with DBF last night and I guess it's back to the drawing board. The one house that we both really liked (I just wasn't thrilled with the location) went under contract the other day. He found this out when he took his parents by it. And the second house, the one with the pool, he checked the tax appraisers site and the realtor had the tax information wrong (not sure if she read it wrong or it was listed/printed wrong). Instead of $300/year, which I thought was strange, it's $3,000 a year! So yeah, back to the drawing board.

Good luck with the search.

I'd give almost anything if our taxes were as low as 3K a year.:(

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Ann, I can empathize with your problem in reading wordy instructions. I have a similar problem, though not quite as severe - and it's gotten me mixed up more than once, whether it's a crochet pattern or putting together furniture!

I need to start trying some patterns that use graphs to show you what to do instead of wordy directions!

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Cali is still giving us the Evil Kitty Stink Eye. Robert (her daddy who is whipped beyond belief by her) cleans the litter box once a week (its a huge one so its all good). Well he got whatever it is I have & she's been yelling at us since yesterday. I brought home fresh kitty litter today & she stopped yelling at me. However Marmalade is mad at me. I found a treat toy for cats & she cant get the treats out. :rofl This is extremely entertaining to see her trying to open the itty bit of velcro to get treats. However we made up. Bought a toy that hangs from the bedroom door & she loves it. :lol


That is going to be fun. I need red meat to live. :lol

When Sarge is mad at me, he sits on the top step and yowls through the door for attention.


Giving up red meat was the hardest thing to do when my kidneys went on the blink. But I'm to the point where I only crave it so badly that I cheat maybe once in 2 or 3 months now. Oh course, it's taken 5 years to get to that point! :lol :lol

I forgot! The Fed Ex tracking site shows my JoAnn's yarn arriving Thursday. :D It also shows my order weighing over 11 pounds. :lol

:rofl :rofl :rofl That's some order Mary!



yea i know if i Realy tryed I probly could do the afghans.

Just with all them instrctions on one line. then jumped together it get confused where i am. and i skip spots UGGGG:eek


I see a few that look really nice. What i may end up doing is Copy and pasting them to my note pad in Sections. then print each section out and only have so much in front of me at a time.. then when im done with that set of instructions it's off to the next. and maybe break each line down a little.

That is where i get confused.. and my learning disability kicks in. and i start to get flustered and frustrated.


Like last night with this new hat pattern i wanted to make madyson. I have the color and how i want it set up in my head. but i ended up tearing it apart 3 times. because i skip a stitch.. or step.. had to many stitches in the row and couldn't fig what the heck i did. That and hubby kept thinking he had to yap and complain about the pc being slow.


I did find this cute flower afghan im going to try to make.. Excpt For my first try at a afghan pattern I may just not go with the color combo. I may make it a "hobo" blanket.. with all sorts of diffrent yarns. yea some may clash but oh well that is the fun of it. then if this turns out Ill invest my money into a few solids and go for it.:yarn:crocheting

LD makes life really interesting. My DD has it and it made school super challenging for her. On complex patterns one of the things that I found helpful was to print the pattern out and highlight the rows as I completed them. That way I always knew that the row I was on was the first unhighlighted row.

Morning all. Well, I spoke with DBF last night and I guess it's back to the drawing board. The one house that we both really liked (I just wasn't thrilled with the location) went under contract the other day. He found this out when he took his parents by it. And the second house, the one with the pool, he checked the tax appraisers site and the realtor had the tax information wrong (not sure if she read it wrong or it was listed/printed wrong). Instead of $300/year, which I thought was strange, it's $3,000 a year! So yeah, back to the drawing board.

Good luck with the house hunting, Priszm. It's so hard to find just the right house at just the right price in just the right neighborhood. It seems that I've had to look at a million houses to find the right one every time I've moved.


Kim & I have a quiet day today and then Kim sees a pulmonologist for the first time on Thursday. That should be interesting. The preliminary paperwork took forever to fill out. 10 pages! :eek I had to go over some of it with John, because it went all the way back to childhood stuff that I didn't know. Sheesh! After we got done, I made a spreadsheet of it to keep on the computer for future reference. :D

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K so I now can share the ripple I made for my niece. My sis got around to sending me the pics! Omg shes so stinkin' cute too.








It looks great and she looks so happy.

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