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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Yay! Joanns online has all of their yarn on sale! :yarn I need to order a bunch, so it's great timing. I truly love the Bernat Berella 4 and none of our stores carry it.


Here is Miss Gracie with Zoe's collapsible tunnel.:lol She dragged it into the breakfast room from DH's office the other day and loves it.


Oh no! She squished Zoe's tunnel :rofl I sure hope Zoe isn't planning revenge for the mice theft and now the tunnel destruction :lol


I'm pretending it isn't 101 degrees and am putting on a big pot of vegetable-beef soup after while. I woke up thinking about soup...so I'll just turn the a.c. down to feel more like fall. :D


That's what I've done today too :lol With this heavy quilt in my lap and I decided I wanted to bake cookies. :lol


The saltines are all made and sewn together to make the whole body of the LC done :jumpyay Now just the border. After I go bake those cookies now that they've chilled :D

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Dusti ~ so glad you had a great time on your trip! When do the girls start school? Public school started today in our area.

MN public schools always start on the Tuesday after Labor Day. We have the girls enrolled in a parochial school, and the Board of Directors decided to start on Aug. 31 (next Monday) this year. For the first time, the students will enjoy a Spring Break in April, so it feels well-worth starting a little early to give them a break before the end-of-the-year busy-ness. Tonight is the Open House/Pot Luck Supper, and the girls are really looking forward to checking out their new classrooms, finding their coat hooks, and organizing their cubbies with new school supplies. Both of the new teachers are fantastic, and it seems as though this is going to be a really great year for everyone :clap

I have been working on skirts for the girls to wear during the first week of school. They went shopping with Gramma a week, or so, ago to pick out new outfits for the first day of school, but I wanted them to have crocheted skirts, too. Youngest's is finished, and it fit on the first try :yay I am making a jumper for the oldest, and I only have the straps and flower-shaped buttons left to make. I ought to make it. "I think I can. I think I can." :)


Mary & Cara ~ Your 100+ degree days sound a little steamy. More summer-like than what we have, but I can understand how tough it is to have a whole 'ghan spread over your lap as your border it these days.


Erin ~ Hope the Dr. visit is helpful, and that you are soon feeling better.


Nicole ~ Glad you are doing well ;) I peeked over at the comfortghan you assembled, and I have to tell you that I think you did a fantastic job! It will be much appreciated by your friends :hug


Ohhhh, yarn sales and free shipping and JoAnn's... I think I am going to have to check my WIM list and pay the website a visit :devil


Catch you all, later :manyheart

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MN public schools always start on the Tuesday after Labor Day. We have the girls enrolled in a parochial school, and the Board of Directors decided to start on Aug. 31 (next Monday) this year. For the first time, the students will enjoy a Spring Break in April, so it feels well-worth starting a little early to give them a break before the end-of-the-year busy-ness. Tonight is the Open House/Pot Luck Supper, and the girls are really looking forward to checking out their new classrooms, finding their coat hooks, and organizing their cubbies with new school supplies. Both of the new teachers are fantastic, and it seems as though this is going to be a really great year for everyone :clap

I have been working on skirts for the girls to wear during the first week of school. They went shopping with Gramma a week, or so, ago to pick out new outfits for the first day of school, but I wanted them to have crocheted skirts, too. Youngest's is finished, and it fit on the first try :yay I am making a jumper for the oldest, and I only have the straps and flower-shaped buttons left to make. I ought to make it. "I think I can. I think I can." :)


Mary & Cara ~ Your 100+ degree days sound a little steamy. More summer-like than what we have, but I can understand how tough it is to have a whole 'ghan spread over your lap as your border it these days.


Erin ~ Hope the Dr. visit is helpful, and that you are soon feeling better.


Nicole ~ Glad you are doing well ;) I peeked over at the comfortghan you assembled, and I have to tell you that I think you did a fantastic job! It will be much appreciated by your friends :hug


Ohhhh, yarn sales and free shipping and JoAnn's... I think I am going to have to check my WIM list and pay the website a visit :devil


Catch you all, later :manyheart


I am starting to feel a little better, and my bod is already reacting to the meds.

i thought about using the free shipping coupon but there is also a 10% off your order code on the front page, saved more that way and all the yarn I got was already on sale! Im pleased, and I used MY own money so the hubby cant yell at me for it (he wants me to slow the yarn fixation til I use some stash) :hook

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I need to win at the bingo tomorrow so I can get in on this yarn sale :yes I'm actually getting low. :scared Of course, BD looks at it and doesn't see that I'm low. Men :rolleyes:lol


Its honestly an addiction for me. :lol If I go to walmart I always treat myself to 1 thing of yarn. Josh hates it I think, but he knows better than to give me **** about it right now... 1) because Im sick... 2) because he bought 2 guns within a week and is obsessed with ammo(it was his anniversary gift) 3) because he plays too much WoW for his hobby and I haven't given him crap about it. He did however say I need to look at my stash before buying. BUT then I tell him lots of the stash is still packed because my craft room isn't done :D I went and got some more from Craft Ect too....I now feel rather guilty... :lol oh wait, no I don't cause it was all on sale and I had coupon codes this time around :hook:hook:hook


The steroids are doing their job already and Ive only taken two for the day so far. Im still puffy but I can blink without weird sensations now. Did have to bust out the glasses though. APPARENTLY Im hypersensitve to the sun. :( how crappy is that? I was told to carry sunscreen and benadryl in my purse from now on, wear hats if Im gonna be out in it for extended time periods too. I guess I should search for a BIG hat ;)

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Its honestly an addiction for me. :lol If I go to walmart I always treat myself to 1 thing of yarn. Josh hates it I think, but he knows better than to give me **** about it right now... 1) because Im sick... 2) because he bought 2 guns within a week and is obsessed with ammo(it was his anniversary gift) 3) because he plays too much WoW for his hobby and I haven't given him crap about it. He did however say I need to look at my stash before buying. BUT then I tell him lots of the stash is still packed because my craft room isn't done :D I went and got some more from Craft Ect too....I now feel rather guilty... :lol oh wait, no I don't cause it was all on sale and I had coupon codes this time around :hook:hook:hook


The steroids are doing their job already and Ive only taken two for the day so far. Im still puffy but I can blink without weird sensations now. Did have to bust out the glasses though. APPARENTLY Im hypersensitve to the sun. :( how crappy is that? I was told to carry sunscreen and benadryl in my purse from now on, wear hats if Im gonna be out in it for extended time periods too. I guess I should search for a BIG hat ;)


oh my, I didnt say a naughty word there I swear!! er I don't swear? hmmm gotta love adult content filters :lol

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Just talked to the MIL for an hour :(:worried

Its not looking too great for her mother



Asking for more squares if anyone has time/intrest

You all have already been amazing with the first comfortghan that I have almost enough squares to begin joining.

My MIL was here when I received 2 packages of squares and she thought it was so cool that people are willing to do those sort of things.

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Yay! Joanns online has all of their yarn on sale! :yarn I need to order a bunch, so it's great timing. I truly love the Bernat Berella 4 and none of our stores carry it.


Here is Miss Gracie with Zoe's collapsible tunnel.:lol She dragged it into the breakfast room from DH's office the other day and loves it.

She is cute!


Mary I saw that and found a free shipping code to use..JOANNSHIP25....just spend 25$ or more to use it.Have fun!!!
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2) because he bought 2 guns within a week and is obsessed with ammo(it was his anniversary gift) 3) because he plays too much WoW for his hobby and I haven't given him crap about it.


Are you sure we're not married to the same guy? :lol I finally got BD off the ammo thing. Now you can get ammo pretty easily :yes And he's a WoW freak. He's on there right now while I want him to hurry up and go eat his supper so I can finish the washing up :lol

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Just talked to the MIL for an hour :(:worried

Its not looking too great for her mother



Asking for more squares if anyone has time/intrest

You all have already been amazing with the first comfortghan that I have almost enough squares to begin joining.

My MIL was here when I received 2 packages of squares and she thought it was so cool that people are willing to do those sort of things.


Oh your poor MIL :hug I happen to have some lovely blue yarn on the sofa here next to me that I pulled out earlier. I still haven't mailed your pink square :blush I swear to you that come heck or high water I'll get it out tomorrow :yes I'll just add a pretty blue one to go with :hook

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Are you sure we're not married to the same guy? :lol I finally got BD off the ammo thing. Now you can get ammo pretty easily :yes And he's a WoW freak. He's on there right now while I want him to hurry up and go eat his supper so I can finish the washing up :lol


uhhhh maybe we did....mines been on WoW/babysitting all day...must be nice to be allowed off work for your wifes fat face. :headache:outId laugh if they played together and didn't know it. Ammo is still pretty hard to get here for the 9mm, people keep "stocking up" because they think Obama is gonna take it all away soon... hes well stocked now....BUT that doesnt stop him from calling walmart everyday asking for it:loser:kick :think So long as he keeps letting me do my kitty cat thing with yarn, it will be okay :yarn:cat:yarn

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uhhhh maybe we did....mines been on WoW/babysitting all day...must be nice to be allowed off work for your wifes fat face. :headache:outId laugh if they played together and didn't know it. Ammo is still pretty hard to get here for the 9mm, people keep "stocking up" because they think Obama is gonna take it all away soon... hes well stocked now....BUT that doesnt stop him from calling walmart everyday asking for it:loser:kick :think So long as he keeps letting me do my kitty cat thing with yarn, it will be okay :yarn:cat:yarn


Oh we have the same thing with the ammo going on here :lol But he finally feels we're stocked up well enough :lol I must admit I'm a bit of a WoW freak myself. Not nearly like BD and your DH but I do have several high level characters. We play on the Shu' Halo server. Which one does he play on?

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Oh we have the same thing with the ammo going on here :lol But he finally feels we're stocked up well enough :lol I must admit I'm a bit of a WoW freak myself. Not nearly like BD and your DH but I do have several high level characters. We play on the Shu' Halo server. Which one does he play on?


Okay, you got me..... I play too........... :blush

We are on the Skywall server.

He of course has several 80s, me I only got one... shes my pretty lil mage named after our kitty cat :devil

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Okay, you got me..... I play too........... :blush

We are on the Skywall server.

He of course has several 80s, me I only got one... shes my pretty lil mage named after our kitty cat :devil


I have a 75, a 72, a 71 and a 68 :blush I've been playing off and on for years. My 71 is my first character and she's named after our cat Misa :lol We've got more in common than we thought :D BDs arguing with his guild atm. :rolleyes That's why I steer WAY clear of guilds :P

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I just realized I've been logged in since this afternoon. Everything is okay but DH is checking on his Mom who fell again. She is okay, but it's been another crazy evening. :( I will catch up with you all in the morning. :manyheart

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I have a 75, a 72, a 71 and a 68 :blush I've been playing off and on for years. My 71 is my first character and she's named after our cat Misa :lol We've got more in common than we thought :D BDs arguing with his guild atm. :rolleyes That's why I steer WAY clear of guilds :P



uhhhh yeah DH just left his guild a few weeks ago over drama. He raids so its way too much for me...I steer clear of that bs. Now hes back into one of the top raiding guilds on the server...I like it because I can get to sleep before he comes to bed, but I miss him a lot too lol

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I just realized I've been logged in since this afternoon. Everything is okay but DH is checking on his Mom who fell again. She is okay, but it's been another crazy evening. :( I will catch up with you all in the morning. :manyheart


Oh no :( Poor mom :( I sure hope things calm down for y'all soon :hug

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Hey everyone.


I have all the saltines made for the PTC :yay Now it's just finishing up the sewing and then the border.


I have 23 more solids to report too.


:cheer Go you!



Oh, does any one know what GBU stands for? I keep seeing it on show & tell posts, but can't figure it out to save my life! :blush

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Hey everyone.


I have all the saltines made for the PTC :yay Now it's just finishing up the sewing and then the border.


I have 23 more solids to report too.

That's great!:cheer:cheer

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Mary....:hug:hugto you and DH. It's so hard.


:cheer Go you!



Oh, does any one know what GBU stands for? I keep seeing it on show & tell posts, but can't figure it out to save my life! :blush

Haven't a clue:think

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Hey everyone.


I have all the saltines made for the PTC :yay Now it's just finishing up the sewing and then the border.


I have 23 more solids to report too.


Go Donna! :cheer Go Donna! :cheer


Oh, does any one know what GBU stands for? I keep seeing it on show & tell posts, but can't figure it out to save my life! :blush


Nope, that one escapes me :think


Good morning ladies :flower


Well, I got through about half of round 3 of 9 on the LC border before I went to bed :yay I'll have to get more black yarn today though. It's not gonna stretch that far :lol


Today is my day out! :dance I hope it's not quite so very hot but I know it will be :yes I need to make a list though. Let's see...bingo, post office, JoAnns....

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