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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I had never heard of this Kindle thingy y'all are talking about but caught on quickly and thanks to Diane's commercial (you should be the spokesperson)...I want one :lol My concern is that my eyes aren't happy with reading on the computer, so how does it differ? Even when I took online classes, I actually printed out the chapters of my books each week! :yes Do you all find it easy to read?

The Kindle is very easy to read. The screen's background is more of a light grey, with black ink. Computers are backlit so you can read them even if all the lights are off in a room. I think that is what makes my eyes tired. A Kindle is not backlit, you need external light, either direct or indirect lighting. If you are outside, it is easier to read than a regular book...no glare from the sun, oh, and ..... you can change the size of the font to whatever is confortable for you. :devil


Thanks too for the PunchBowl Cake recipe. Looks like it would be easy to cut in half for a smaller version.


Tam~your boys with #73 for grandpa...how special is that....made me cry. :manyheart


Julie, your yarn looks lucious! Such pretty colors. Know you will make some spectacular stuff with that:yes.


Linda~Glad you had a good visit with your Mom and it sounds like she really loved the quilt. It certainly can be a shock to see how others have aged. I know that can't be happening to me. :rofl


I only got 3 rows added to my RR but I did make one heck of a good stew. :soup Looks like I am the only one of the late nite crew so think I will make a cuppa :kettle then :book and finally :sleep See you all in the a.m., although not too early.

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Good morning-

If Diane is the only one of the late crew, then I am the only one of the early crew!


Marisa- thanks for the recipe for the punch bowl cake!! And you go, sleeping in till 11:30! I think the latest I've "slept in" has been about 7:30 AM!!! Sounds like a great day with your Mom (and aunt) and all getting your hair colored! I've still never done mine myself- I'm afraid I'll pick the wrong color and end up with who knows what! I splurge and let my hairdresser do my color!


Diane- I agree, the Kindle or Nook (which is what I have)- DH has the Kindle- are very easy to read from- it is not the same backlit screen as a computer. And with both you can adjust the font size if you want. I am very happy with my Nook and DH is very happy with his Kindle- so I think either one is good. With the Nook they also have free classics and every Friday there is a book that is available for free download. I think I've downloaded all but one! Click on the button from my computer and voila- it is on my Nook! The really neat thing about one of these e-readers is no more storage issues for books!!!


I didn't get a stitch of crocheting done yesterday!!! Oh, well, maybe after work today!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!

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sounds like you had a good day yesterday and got a lot done,plus got some visiting time in .

Here's the name of the colors of my yarn :



Bright green
















Called DK Special by Stylecraft .


The yarn isn't as thick as like RH ww,it's more about as thick as sport weight yarn,but super-soft and doesn't split while working with it .


I'll be buying more whenever I get this used up .


And I was gonna make her ripple with it, but decided on her straight granny instead. No following a pattern,once you start it is pretty mindless,which is what I need most days !

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Luke sounds like such a little sweetheart. No wonder you like taking care of him so much !

I sure miss those days with Cam,but he is growing up now,and starting to spend more time with his friends, riding his bike, etc,so we don't spend as much time with him now. It's much harder to keep him occupied up here, with us 2 old fogeys .He still comes up every weekend, but usually goes home earlier than he used to. I knew that day would come. It's ok,though, because he'd be odd if he was 18 and still wanting to hang out with his grandma .

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Yea, the kindle is great-- changing the font size is also good for people like me, getting older and print being a little harder to see. The only thing is, like Diane said,it doesn't light up behind the words like a computer does, sut the print is very easy to see,ond does give the look of a book,with the no-glare type print .

I think it's a great purchase .There are a gazillion types of covers and skins for them.

My girl got one and her skin was kinda like colorforms-type design that you apply to it. It's very pretty.

I just went with a plain pink skin,which is a real thin rubber-ized type material that stretches to fit onto it . I found it so thin and slippery, I was afraid I'd drop it. Then I got a plain black zipper-type case to keep it in so it won't get dropped or broken .

I REALLY like mine,an am amazed at how fast the books appear on your screen .

Another good point : We don't have a credit card, because I HATE having one -- I always use it too much, then we have bills for years later of items that are long worn out .

SO, at most of the stores around here, you can buy amazon gift cards. Type those into your account,they show up as a credit, then click on the book you want ,and it's inside your kindle .

Also if you are wondering about a book ,whether you want it or not, you can click on Send Sample, and it'll appear in your kindle so you can read a few pages or a chapter from the book before deciding if you want it .


Diane, yep, we can split the commission 3 ways -- more book money !!!

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Lissa- glad you made it home before the storms hit !!!




Linda- sorry to hear your mom is having some old-age problems. My parents are both "slipping" too. Not bad yet, but noticeable. They seem much more forgetful and slow-moving . Hard to see that happen,isn't it ?


I'm glad you got to see her and the visit went well, though,and she loved her quilt .

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I can't read a book off the computer either, because it bothers me that it scrolls UP,it's hard to keep place on the page I'm reading, etc .


These gadgets are actually almost exactly like books, the pages turn.You read a page, press the button ( one located on each side ,depending on how you want to hold it,then it goes on to the next page.


The Nook I saw is touch screen,so you just slide your finger on the page like when turning a book page, and it flips to your next page.

Handy-dandy .



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Good grief,these last few posts look like the Julie Show !!


Trying to answer just a couple at a time .


LINDA - have a safe journey home today !



JOANNE -- good find on the nightstands !



MARISA-thanks for the recipe-- it sounds very good and great for a summertime treat !

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WHEW ...............

Ok, I THINK I am caught up on posts . It was pretty quiet in here most of the day,then came in this morning to find lots of posts, so most of you must have checked in after I shut it down for the evening .


Looks like a rainy one here today -- grey out and wet, so don't guess we'll get any yardwork or things like that done today .


I started working with my new yarn yesterday,and started the Lucy ripple. but then saw her straight granny,so decided on that instead ,since it's easier to keep track of the pattern .

I'm only on the second color ( doing 2 rows of each,so I should have a nice photo by Friday with all the colors showing . )


Not much else new this direction, just a grey sunday in June . Good day to work on my afghan or read a little.


I have my kindle, but cannot resist these garage sale books -- I find them for a quarter each,so can't resist. I figure they are good for tossing into my purse ,or taking someplace where it might get wet or dirty ( like a picnic or camping ,etc).

I would also worry about bringing my kindle and leaving it in a motel room ,coming back to find it missing, so it's something you'd have to keep with you at all times .


I actually found the cutest little tote type thing down at goodwill - brand new ,that my kindle slides into perfectly ,so I keep it in that and can carry it with me if I go someplace .


Ok ... gotta get off heree and find some breakfast -- talk later guys ~

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Good morning everyone. Gloomy and humid here again.


Sounds like there are a few Kindle and Nook fans here. My son in law got a Kindle for Christmas two or three years ago and is crazy about it. However, he thinks that he likes some of the Nook capabilities better. Something about the way it lights up is different from the Kindle, I think he said. He got a Kindle when they first came out and the Nook wasn't out yet. His doesn't have all the latest bells and whistles either.


I woke up early this morning. 8 Am is sleeping in for me, but I was awake at 6:30 and up by 7. I was hoping to do my work schedule, but the software doesn't seem to be working. I'll try later today.


Marisa, thanks for the recipe. It looks yummy!


Yesterday I frogged a cardigan that I had started months ago. because it was coming out way too big. I don't know why, my gauge matched but it seemed huge. It was a bottom up design and it wrapped around my hips with about 8 inches extra. I was making the smallest size already so I decided to just give up. I don;t need help from my clothes to add extra inches to my hips! I started another cardigan from the Lion site, that is super easy and so far seems to be working out. This one is top down, which I prefer. That's a good thing about crocheting, if it doesn't work out, you can always use the yarn for something else.

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Hope your boy is ok today --


Is Tim McGraw the one married to Faith Hill ?


Yea, Willie is older than dirt, but so am I .We'd make a good pair .( Only he has more hair than I do )


Not anymore. I recently read somewhere online that he cut off his braids.

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Good morning everyone. My last day here. :sigh The time has flown by. Ayden is so adorable and Joy is such a good parent. Makes me sooooo proud of her. My suitcase is packed and the tote is only missing a couple of things. I even managed to get everything in them which was doubtful considering that I'm taking home more than I brought with me. Mom had found a bunch of crochet pieces done by my grandmother and wondered if I'd like them. No question! Absolutely! Positively! They are beautiful and some of the thread she used is not longer available which makes them even more special. And there were several pieces where mom had done the embroidery and grandma had done the crocheted edging. I'll try to take pictures of them when I get home so you can see what I mean. We'll being going to church and then to the airport with some lunch on the way. It's been a wonderful visit. But it will be good to be home, too. :manyheart


Marisa, thanks for the recipe. It sounds even better than it looked in the picture if that is possible.


Have a great day. I'll check in again when I get home. :hug

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Morning. :)


Another knitting day for me. I'm almost there which is good because I'm so ready to be doing something else.


Joy, I got the red/white/blue card you sent. It's so perfect! :manyheart


I'll be getting a Kindle this fall after a car is paid off. Hopefully, before the Christmas rush is on. ;)


Have a great day. Stay cool.

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Hey folks

Just back in to answer a couple posts .




your son in law may have the kindle 1 -- I've never seen it,so maybe he likes the Nook because it does probably have some functions the kindle 1 doesnt.


As far as I know, none of them light up -- they may have another kind of company that makes on that lights up, but the Nook lady says hers doesnt ,and mine doest ( kindle 2 ) ,so not sure .


I'd kinda like to see the bigger screen version of the kindle - can't remember what it's called ,maybe kindle notebook ?

It's almost 500 bucks, though ,so I'm too cheap to spend that much on it .

I'll stick with the one I have . I DO wish they'd light up like computer screens do, but apparently they want this to look as much like a page in a book as possible, so they dont light up .


Glad you found a different sweater pattern that is working out better for you .


Sherri- WOW, I cannot imagine Willie without his long hair !


And I hope you can get a kindle- they are really neat. I think you'd like it a lot .


Linda- sorry your visit is almost up, but you are at least bringing home lots of good memories of a great visit ,and souveniers of your trip there that will be good reminders everytime you look at them .


Sheila- good morning -- how are things out your way ?

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Hope your boy is ok today --


Is Tim McGraw the one married to Faith Hill ?


Yea, Willie is older than dirt, but so am I .We'd make a good pair .( Only he has more hair than I do )


Yep, he is married to Faith Hill.......she is one lucky woman. :yes

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Good Morning.


Darius is feeling better, no fever since last evening. :cheer And he is back to be loud, so I guess he is no longer sick. :lol


It is dark and dreary here today and I just want to go back to bed. *YAWNS* But I have an assignment due today so I guess I can't. :( My Hubby is watching all of the Back to the Futures, UGHHH! They do not go off until 4.....I hope I survive. :P


Alrighty, I need more caffeine. BBL.

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Hey folks

Just back in to answer a couple posts .




your son in law may have the kindle 1 -- I've never seen it,so maybe he likes the Nook because it does probably have some functions the kindle 1 doesnt.


As far as I know, none of them light up -- they may have another kind of company that makes on that lights up, but the Nook lady says hers doesnt ,and mine doest ( kindle 2 ) ,so not sure .


I'd kinda like to see the bigger screen version of the kindle - can't remember what it's called ,maybe kindle notebook ?

It's almost 500 bucks, though ,so I'm too cheap to spend that much on it .

I'll stick with the one I have . I DO wish they'd light up like computer screens do, but apparently they want this to look as much like a page in a book as possible, so they dont light up .


Glad you found a different sweater pattern that is working out better for you .


Sherri- WOW, I cannot imagine Willie without his long hair !


And I hope you can get a kindle- they are really neat. I think you'd like it a lot .


Linda- sorry your visit is almost up, but you are at least bringing home lots of good memories of a great visit ,and souveniers of your trip there that will be good reminders everytime you look at them .


Sheila- good morning -- how are things out your way ?


I also wish they lit up, that would be so cool. I could just lay in bed and not have to worry about having a light on to bother anyone. Go figure they can make a crochet hook light up, but not a book reader. Instead I have this lap desk thingy with a light on it so it doesn't bother anyone. I have not seen the big one yet, I bet that is mighty nice. :yes I love my reader, but I still buy books too because all books are not available for the reader. But I still love it! :manyheart:hug

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:rain Good Morning Family!


I just wanted to pop in real quick and give you an update on Michael.

Tested him this morning and his levels are getting better. Remission is close!

thank you all for your love and prayers..... :hug

God is so Good!!!






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Good afternoon ladies,


I'm back at my place :) I came back early because I have a graduation party this afternoon. Just waiting for my friend to get here so we can head out. I hope the rain continues to hold out for the party :think Only time will tell :lol The fireworks from last weekend were rescheduled for today, so we'll see if they go on tonight or not.


Now I have to go google these kindle's and nook's ;)

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That is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you and your whole family that your boy is showing improvement !:)

Tell him to keep on fighting, he is doing great .



Marisa- have a fun time ,and I hope you don't get rained out . It looks pretty grey here, but no rain this morning yet .


Good luck choosing between a Kindle and Nook .


I never knew I could get onto C-ville from my Kindle ! Also CNN ...


I never tried much besides reading books on it . I've had it for several months now and not ever clicked on some of the things to try them yet .


I need to start using the read-to-me thing more often, then I could dig through my piles of books, plus work on crochet at the same time .:hook

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I feel for you,watching that many hours in a row of Back to the Future . I'd go back to bed too .

Sam has watched reruns of MASH so many times, I think I'll run out the front door screeching like a cat on fire if I have to see one more of them .

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