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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Housemates! It's officially the weekend!!!! And DH just called and is bringing chinese food home for dinner!!!


Sherri-all of your projects are so nice! Your knitting is really good! Glad to hear that you are feeling good and getting lots accomplished! WTG on all that exercise!!


Julie- Nice stash there- love all the bright colors!!!! It makes me happy just to look at them!!! I am going to make a ripple- And i'll use the pattern that Cheeria and Judy and you are using. Hopefully this time, my RR won't come out wonky!!!


Diane- this is the link to the tote patternHERE that Turtlelvr made and sent me- it was from a book. It is so beautiful!!!


Tab- I got your Red/White/Blue card today!! Love it and it was nice learning a little more about you. Kudos to you, my friend for raising 4 boys ! And WTG on the grades!!!:clap:cheer:clap That is awesome!! Be proud of yourself- that is really quite an accomplishment!!!!


Cheeria- The only other yarn store I go to is Michaels- there is one on Rt 9 in Manalapan (on the northbound side) and one in North Brunswick on Rt 1 South by Bed Bath and Beyond and Barnes and Noble. I've been to the AC Moore in Manalapan and Holmdel, but mostly go to the one in Mid State Mall. That would be fun to meet up there one day. I'm glad you are taking some ME time!! That is so important.


Judy- Glad to hear that the squish appt is over and done with. That reminds me that I have to call and make my appt! Thanks! What happened to the Yankees last night? I switched over to the Celtics game and saw this morning that they lost!


Cindy- Nice that your day went fast- so did mine!! Have fun with the GS and as someone who had 3 c-sections- yes, it seems like your DD may be overdoing it!:lol


Sheila- that was so nice of you to help out your neighbor with the tree branches :manyheart


LeaAnna- How's the tree of life? I will keep your neighbor in my prayers that all goes well with the chemo and the bone marrow transplant!!! And so glad that you explained what the hoo haa grill (or whatever you called it ) was:lol


Linda- Hope you are having a nice time with your Mom- thanks for filling us in on your wonderful vacation.


Marisa- hope you had a good day.


Well, DH just got home with dinner, so let me sign off and I'll be back after we eat!




Thanks, Joanne. Enjoy your dinner. :)

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Thanks for explaining the grill. I thought maybe it was some new kind we never heard of. Those are nice, but we hae never had one and dont even know anyone who does. They'd sure be handy. We used to have a neighbor that had a gas grill of some type and he'd grill out year round .






great start on your RR- is this the yarn that shades into different colors ? I haven't ever used it before, but it's very pretty !

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My old pal -- how the heck are you ? Great work on your grades,kiddo ! You are a brain !Keep up the good work .

Now will you be doing more classes during the summer or wait til fall to take more ?




Jude- that's great to have you doing a ripple with us. I will be excited to see it ,since I know you love the bright colors .

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Will your girl be going back to work after recovering from the c-section or does she stay at home with the boys ? I 'm with you, it does sound like she is trying to do too much too quickly. Maybe it's just because it was so long ago when I had kids. I forget what it's like to be that young,when you have lots more energy .





-great to have you off for the weekend. It sounds like several of us may be making some nice ripples. I have spent my spare time today working on the baby ripple I showed in the photo this morning .It probably won't take me too long to finish it ,so I want to get it done before starting the dreaded brown one up again .

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Dinner is done!


Diane- Boy, that was quick- already ordered the pattern book! What colors are you going to make your tote?


I must have missed where Tab explained DOA- can someone fill me in? :lol


I think tonight I'm going to make another square and stitch it on the ghan- that will make 9 squares so far - 3 across X 3 down- getting there! Since I already posted a pic last week with 4 of them together, I'll wait till it's done to post another. Tomorrow when it is bright sunlight I'm going to pull out the stitching for the square I put on the wrong side. UGH! :(


Almost time for the Yankee game! Is anyone going to watch the US Soccer Match tomorrow against England? I'm hoping that we can- or maybe I'll DVR it.


Julie- I wish I could say I have the whole weekend off, but alas, I have to work Sunday morning- but should be done by noon so its not all bad. I think DH is kind of glad- he'll get to sleep in, then sit around and not have me telling him all the things that need to get done!:lol


Hope everyone has a great evening!!!

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Will your girl be going back to work after recovering from the c-section or does she stay at home with the boys ? I 'm with you, it does sound like she is trying to do too much too quickly. Maybe it's just because it was so long ago when I had kids. I forget what it's like to be that young,when you have lots more energy .





She is a stay at home mom.

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Anytime...all you have to do is shout...:hook



It sounds like you had a wonderful time...I'm so happy to see you have nice neighbors that you get along with just as we do with ours.

I'm not Sherri,:lolbut I taught myself to knit with Youtube and found the English method to be easier for me to do than the Continental...and I've made the first 2 squares in the same book Sherri has.:D


Is Addie sick?? Poor pup...


The color on that RR is gorgeous!! Looks like a boucle yarn...???

You're not confused...I didn't think I would make one, but changed my mind:devil...just won't do the penny thing, since my crocheting time is haphazard it'll be hard for me to do that.

Once I finish the edging on my current RR I'll be finishing a saltine ghan and since I always need another project to alternate with, I may use that pattern Cheeria and you are using. That'll be a bright colored one:D


Linda, that's all we can hope for, that our kids turn into good adults...and the bonus of having a wonderful grandson...priceless!:c9



When do you hear about Doa's tests??


Your welcome. We heard back and they both showed nothing, which is what the tech said they'de show. :think Thanks for asking. :manyheart


Shaylen, nice to see you back again. Sounds like you are feeling a bit better.


Sheila, it was so nice of you and your family to help out your mom's friend.


Linda, I hope you enjoy spending time with your mom. It sounds like you've had a really great time with Joy and your grandson.


Tab, have you gotten any results on Doa's tests yet? Is he feeling any better?


Cheeria, it will be mid week before I can get to the post office to mail your squares. I have to work Monday and Tuesday. I could go out tomorrow but our annual "Start of Summer" festival is on this weekend, and that makes it impossible to find a place to park anywhere near the post office.


His tests showed nothing. He is still hurting and could not get into the surgeon for 2 weeks. His doctor called from home about an hour ago and said she wants him to go to the ER, so we found a sitter and will go tomorrow. Thanks for asking. :manyheart


Hi Housemates! It's officially the weekend!!!! And DH just called and is bringing chinese food home for dinner!!!


Sherri-all of your projects are so nice! Your knitting is really good! Glad to hear that you are feeling good and getting lots accomplished! WTG on all that exercise!!


Julie- Nice stash there- love all the bright colors!!!! It makes me happy just to look at them!!! I am going to make a ripple- And i'll use the pattern that Cheeria and Judy and you are using. Hopefully this time, my RR won't come out wonky!!!


Diane- this is the link to the tote patternHERE that Turtlelvr made and sent me- it was from a book. It is so beautiful!!!


Tab- I got your Red/White/Blue card today!! Love it and it was nice learning a little more about you. Kudos to you, my friend for raising 4 boys ! And WTG on the grades!!!:clap:cheer:clap That is awesome!! Be proud of yourself- that is really quite an accomplishment!!!!


Cheeria- The only other yarn store I go to is Michaels- there is one on Rt 9 in Manalapan (on the northbound side) and one in North Brunswick on Rt 1 South by Bed Bath and Beyond and Barnes and Noble. I've been to the AC Moore in Manalapan and Holmdel, but mostly go to the one in Mid State Mall. That would be fun to meet up there one day. I'm glad you are taking some ME time!! That is so important.


Judy- Glad to hear that the squish appt is over and done with. That reminds me that I have to call and make my appt! Thanks! What happened to the Yankees last night? I switched over to the Celtics game and saw this morning that they lost!


Cindy- Nice that your day went fast- so did mine!! Have fun with the GS and as someone who had 3 c-sections- yes, it seems like your DD may be overdoing it!:lol


Sheila- that was so nice of you to help out your neighbor with the tree branches :manyheart


LeaAnna- How's the tree of life? I will keep your neighbor in my prayers that all goes well with the chemo and the bone marrow transplant!!! And so glad that you explained what the hoo haa grill (or whatever you called it ) was:lol


Linda- Hope you are having a nice time with your Mom- thanks for filling us in on your wonderful vacation.


Marisa- hope you had a good day.


Well, DH just got home with dinner, so let me sign off and I'll be back after we eat!




Thank you! :manyheart



My old pal -- how the heck are you ? Great work on your grades,kiddo ! You are a brain !Keep up the good work .

Now will you be doing more classes during the summer or wait til fall to take more ?




Jude- that's great to have you doing a ripple with us. I will be excited to see it ,since I know you love the bright colors .


I am good. How bout you? Thanks and yep my classes keep on going, no breaks not even for holidays except christmas. I've already completed a week of my new classes Environmental Science & Cultural Diversity. :eek

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Joanne- were you wondering about Doa's name or how he is feeling ? Tab just explained the last part right above me --


As for the Doa part - his whole name is Shenandoah.





wow it sounds like you have a couple of rough-sounding classes for summer . Hope they are easier than they sound !

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Joanne- were you wondering about Doa's name or how he is feeling ? Tab just explained the last part right above me --


As for the Doa part - his whole name is Shenandoah


Both!! Now I know what Doa stands for!!:lol


Tab- Hope he can get some relief from is pain soon!:hug

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Hey Judy, I've always knitted English style so thanks for letting me know from your experience that the book will be o.k. Think I wanna order it now. :D

Glad I could enable help :devil

Yup, Addie was having problems with her hind legs. She wouldn't put any weight on them so was walking around on her front legs (looked like a circus dog..just needed a tutu). She doesn't seem to be in pain and it only happens when she gets up after laying down for awhile. Almost like her legs have gone to sleep. Vet put her on pain/anti inflammatory meds for 2 weeks. After the first week she is back to her old self so the pills worked. Vet was going to do research in the meantime. Now meds are used up and we are waiting for him to let us know the next step. Was this a temp. thing or is it going to be lifelong treatment???:think


Hey you're good!! The rr is boucle yarn, the self striping kind, so easy, I don't have to think about it. :yes The color is called amethyst. (sp?)

Poor pup! maybe it was just a pinched nerve. We have vets around here that will do chiro-type treatments on dogs, but I've never used one. If she's a little dog it's not as hard to help her a bit... It's hard watching them have difficulties, but at least they don't usually realize they DO have problems...they live in the moment. I hope it goes well for her:hug Give her some good scritches for me...

And I'm such a fiber addict...I think I've examined every type in AC Moore....:D


Judy- Glad to hear that the squish appt is over and done with. That reminds me that I have to call and make my appt! Thanks! What happened to the Yankees last night? I switched over to the Celtics game and saw this morning that they lost!

Remember AJ's bad first inning? Well, add that to Swisher (who I really like) misplaying a ball that turned into a triple (and the guy scored later) and A-rod leaving the game and that was it in a nutshell.

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I'm going back to the Yankee game in a sec.

Here's my 44 inch RR. I used ILTY from Hobby Lobby that someone gifted me a while back. It's for a children's charity so I thought it was a perfect use for it.

Pic came out dark....the turqua really pops and the purple is also light colored


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Joanne- were you wondering about Doa's name or how he is feeling ? Tab just explained the last part right above me --


As for the Doa part - his whole name is Shenandoah.





wow it sounds like you have a couple of rough-sounding classes for summer . Hope they are easier than they sound !


Thanks I didn't see that post. *DOH* :blush


And so far they are not too bad just boring....all about earth's sustainability and race, culture, etc. BLAH!


Both!! Now I know what Doa stands for!!:lol


Tab- Hope he can get some relief from is pain soon!:hug


Thanks and yep, now you know.....did ya think it stood for dead on arrival? :lol


I'm going back to the Yankee game in a sec.

Here's my 44 inch RR. I used ILTY from Hobby Lobby that someone gifted me a while back. It's for a children's charity so I thought it was a perfect use for it.

Pic came out dark....the turqua really pops and the purple is also light colored


Very pretty. :clap Night! :manyheart

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Wow ladies....it was a long day, both at work and in here ;)


Well, since I put up the pic of my finished rainbow granny ghan last weekend, I don't have a pic for today. I did start my next afghan, but literally only have a couple rows of one panel, so will wait until next week. I think I only crocheted 1 night this week :eek


I do however have a pic for you....and Julie will especially enjoy it!!!


Today is my mom's birthday and I'm heading back up there tonight, but have to come back sunday for a friend's graduation party, which I was asked to make my Punch Bowl Cake for....so I put it together after work since I won't have time sunday between coming back from my parents and heading to the party.


So, I took a pic of the cake :D:lol It's a very refreshing dessert and is ALWAYS a big hit at any event.


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Lissa - I love Pippi too!! Always did, and I agree with you, they are alike


Diane- Glad Addie is doing better, I hope it's not an ongoing problem :(


Shaylen - Nice to see you back and glad to hear you are feeling better :clap


Julie - Awesome yarn stash!!! and the baby rr is going to be really cute. :D


Sherri - WTG --- exercise and knitting...your on the ball :yay


Cheeria - good luck with all those projects :eek and I like your new word ;)


Linda - Sorry you didn't get to use the long arm :( And you should be proud of Joy!!!!!


Judy - your rr is gorgeous, some kid will be very happy with it :D


Tab - Great grades!!!! :clap


Joanne - nice surprise for hubby to bring chinese home :yay I probably won't catch the soccer game, but would have liked to :( I'll be at my parents so we'll probably just be bumming around.


Hello to everyone else....Tam, Sheila, LeAnna, Marlene, Mary, etc...Sorry if I missed anyone!


Alright, I gotta run so I can hit the road. After I finished the cake, I was just checking in quick and it took a half hour to read the posts from this morning :eek I'll check back before bed tonight :D

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Hi Housemates! It's officially the weekend!!!! And DH just called and is bringing chinese food home for dinner!!!


Sherri-all of your projects are so nice! Your knitting is really good! Glad to hear that you are feeling good and getting lots accomplished! WTG on all that exercise!!


Julie- Nice stash there- love all the bright colors!!!! It makes me happy just to look at them!!! I am going to make a ripple- And i'll use the pattern that Cheeria and Judy and you are using. Hopefully this time, my RR won't come out wonky!!!


Diane- this is the link to the tote patternHERE that Turtlelvr made and sent me- it was from a book. It is so beautiful!!!


Tab- I got your Red/White/Blue card today!! Love it and it was nice learning a little more about you. Kudos to you, my friend for raising 4 boys ! And WTG on the grades!!!:clap:cheer:clap That is awesome!! Be proud of yourself- that is really quite an accomplishment!!!!


Cheeria- The only other yarn store I go to is Michaels- there is one on Rt 9 in Manalapan (on the northbound side) and one in North Brunswick on Rt 1 South by Bed Bath and Beyond and Barnes and Noble. I've been to the AC Moore in Manalapan and Holmdel, but mostly go to the one in Mid State Mall. That would be fun to meet up there one day. I'm glad you are taking some ME time!! That is so important.


Judy- Glad to hear that the squish appt is over and done with. That reminds me that I have to call and make my appt! Thanks! What happened to the Yankees last night? I switched over to the Celtics game and saw this morning that they lost!


Cindy- Nice that your day went fast- so did mine!! Have fun with the GS and as someone who had 3 c-sections- yes, it seems like your DD may be overdoing it!:lol


Sheila- that was so nice of you to help out your neighbor with the tree branches :manyheart


LeaAnna- How's the tree of life? I will keep your neighbor in my prayers that all goes well with the chemo and the bone marrow transplant!!! And so glad that you explained what the hoo haa grill (or whatever you called it ) was:lol


Linda- Hope you are having a nice time with your Mom- thanks for filling us in on your wonderful vacation.


Marisa- hope you had a good day.


Well, DH just got home with dinner, so let me sign off and I'll be back after we eat!




I haven't worked on the ghan today...nothing went according to plan at all today. Ended up going off island to go run some errands.


The Hoo Ha (actually Hoo ah...) is an Army thing...Hub-E says it all the time...

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Goodmorning all!

Love seeing everyones photos so far of what they are working on or have done. still without a cord but one day:lol

not that I have anything share except half done squares then working on square last night and ran out of yarn with only 10 dc to go.hope I have little bit of the same color in a stash.

spent 3or more hours sawing branches off one of my mothers friend tree so the city would get off of her. some kind of mexican willow looking tree with pea pods thingys.So we all got a little sunburned but the kids had fun dragging the branches around the house to the back.

She is going through rough confused time right now her DH in nursing home they are trying to take her house and she is 84 and trying to take it all in and so forth.So suffering in the heat to help her out wasnt that bad.

Hope everyone has a good day today.

Bless that sweet womans heart! Poor thing! What a blessing you and your family was to her today!!! :hug


Thank you for the prayers for my neighbor. We had a nice time last night at dinner. I made stuffed hamburgers (basically two patties squeezed together around grated cheese and bacon bits and the burger has been seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried onion and worchestershire sauce and mixed in the meat...) and they were grilled on their hoo ha hoo ha gas grill...de...lish! I thought he was to leave today for chemo, but he leaves tomorrow and he himself will not be back home for about 100 days out at the least...we live on an island as you know and have to take ferry to get off island and he has to be close to the hospital when he's on outpatient status until his immune system is "back to normal" or better.


Going to be wood chipping my Tree of Life afghan today (doing a row at a time...) every little bit helps.


Hope you all have a good day.

ooooh... I love making stuffed burgers.. you can make them different every time!

I need to get back to work on my Tree of Life afghan ..... OMy.






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Good Afternoon,


Here is quick pic of my 12 row rr and my pennies. :D

Oh.............very cool!!!


Hey Judy, I've always knitted English style so thanks for letting me know from your experience that the book will be o.k. Think I wanna order it now. :D


Yup, Addie was having problems with her hind legs. She wouldn't put any weight on them so was walking around on her front legs (looked like a circus dog..just needed a tutu). She doesn't seem to be in pain and it only happens when she gets up after laying down for awhile. Almost like her legs have gone to sleep. Vet put her on pain/anti inflammatory meds for 2 weeks. After the first week she is back to her old self so the pills worked. Vet was going to do research in the meantime. Now meds are used up and we are waiting for him to let us know the next step. Was this a temp. thing or is it going to be lifelong treatment???:think


Hey you're good!! The rr is boucle yarn, the self striping kind, so easy, I don't have to think about it. :yes The color is called amethyst. (sp?)

Aww... bless little Addie's heart! hope it was all a temporary thing!!!






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I'm going back to the Yankee game in a sec.

Here's my 44 inch RR. I used ILTY from Hobby Lobby that someone gifted me a while back. It's for a children's charity so I thought it was a perfect use for it.

Pic came out dark....the turqua really pops and the purple is also light colored

Wow............thats nice! Love the color!!


Wow ladies....it was a long day, both at work and in here ;)


Well, since I put up the pic of my finished rainbow granny ghan last weekend, I don't have a pic for today. I did start my next afghan, but literally only have a couple rows of one panel, so will wait until next week. I think I only crocheted 1 night this week :eek


I do however have a pic for you....and Julie will especially enjoy it!!!


Today is my mom's birthday and I'm heading back up there tonight, but have to come back sunday for a friend's graduation party, which I was asked to make my Punch Bowl Cake for....so I put it together after work since I won't have time sunday between coming back from my parents and heading to the party.


So, I took a pic of the cake :D:lol It's a very refreshing dessert and is ALWAYS a big hit at any event.

Yum.. Yum... I havent made one of those in AGES!

last one I made was Chocolate! :D


Lissa - I love Pippi too!! Always did, and I agree with you, they are alike


Diane- Glad Addie is doing better, I hope it's not an ongoing problem :(


Shaylen - Nice to see you back and glad to hear you are feeling better :clap


Julie - Awesome yarn stash!!! and the baby rr is going to be really cute. :D


Sherri - WTG --- exercise and knitting...your on the ball :yay


Cheeria - good luck with all those projects :eek and I like your new word ;)


Linda - Sorry you didn't get to use the long arm :( And you should be proud of Joy!!!!!


Judy - your rr is gorgeous, some kid will be very happy with it :D


Tab - Great grades!!!! :clap


Joanne - nice surprise for hubby to bring chinese home :yay I probably won't catch the soccer game, but would have liked to :( I'll be at my parents so we'll probably just be bumming around.


Hello to everyone else....Tam, Sheila, LeAnna, Marlene, Mary, etc...Sorry if I missed anyone!


Alright, I gotta run so I can hit the road. After I finished the cake, I was just checking in quick and it took a half hour to read the posts from this morning :eek I'll check back before bed tonight :D

:hi HI back at ya... heheheheehee







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