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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Whatcha been doing ? Saw your new dining room set --very pretty !



and a big welcome to MLAZARTIC ---

I hope you'll stop back in and tell us a little about yourself ,what type items you like making and what you are currently working on .


I think everyone pretty much filled you in on our group and were very welcoming, as always !


We mostly all work on anything we want, but we do a few things together as a group . I will toss out something new now and then if people want to work on it as a group project .


We have photo Fridays so you can show your week's progress if you want to ,but pictures are welcome anytime .:yes


We'd love to have your company ,so drop back in . It's a very friendly group .:)

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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


WELCOME BACK JULES!!!!! We missed you and were all thinking about you while you were gone, but I think we did a good job holding up the fort :yes


I'm glad to hear the reunion went well and y'all had a lot of fun. Also glad to hear you took care of yourself too :clap


Too bad it rained soo much, but sometimes that just adds to the fun if you don't let it get to you, and it doesn't look like it stopped y'all :yay I remember growing up there were times my mom went out in rain or snow to cook on the grill :rofl She's go in her poncho/trashbag or with her big jacket and gloves, or if it was warmer out my dad would go out and hold the umbrella over her. :lol Never let the weather stop you!!! :eek


I got both your cards back to back :gotmail I haven't gotten your second one yet, I have to try another store this evening after work, so will hopefully have it in the mail tomorrow.

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Well, my cake just came out of the oven :D and it smells wonderful in here. (Julie, I'm making carrot cake for the other Dr's bday at work today) Homemade of course, cooked the carrots last night, so was ready to go this morning :D


As I made the cake batter, I let the cream cheese and butter for the icing sit on top of the stove to soften from the heat of the oven :think So, I was able to right mix the cream cheese icing while the cake was in the oven. Now the cake is out and cooling, so while it does that I'm going to head upstairs and get a workout in...I've been slacking this past week :eek Ice the cake and hopefully out the door with time to stop at CVS, but if not, I'll go later :think


I hope everyone has a great day!!!

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Good morning everyone!


Welcome back Julie! Sounds like everyone had a good time even in the rain. I grill out in the rain or the snow to. Lots of yarn to keep you busy. Glad you were able join in the activities.


I finished a v square yesterday and measured it up and it is 7 1/2 by 8. Should I frog it and start over or can I take to 7 1/2 by 71/2 and put a boarder around it to make it 8 by 8? Let me know Julie, I don't have a problem starting it over. It was 8" when I started, guess it shrunk over night. lol! I just looked at it again and it looks like my tension is different at the beginning that the rest so I will frog it back and use a larger hook and mearsure every row.

This morning we seen a deer across the lake in the water. Sometimes we see them when it's hot out, but it's not hot out this morning.e

I have 3 nieces pregnant. One will find out today if they are going to induce her. Next week another niece will be finding out when she will be induced (she is having health issues, but the baby is ok). The third one isn't due until december or january.

Going to go fix my square. Catch you all later.

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Hi there Marisa !

It sounds like you are doing well . Save a slab of that cake for me, would you ? Sure wish somone would invent a computer where you could just hand CAKE through the screen to another person .


Thanks for helping hold down the fort-- you guys did great .


Glad you got both your cards ! I wanted to mail this one early since we'd be gone for a few days .

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Hi Marlene !

I missed you guys too ,but it was good to get a short trip away. I only wish we could have stayed longer. The weather now is beautiful ....


And as for the V square -- if you HAVEN't yet taken it apart to start over, just border it and it should size up just fine, but if you've already taken it apart, I'll be too late to tell you .

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Marlene - I vote to just put a border on it :D


Julie - I forgot to comment on all your yarn!!!!! :eek It's like christmas for you :think Oh boy, now you have enough to keep you busy for quite a while, and I'm sure you'll still find that you don't have a color you need or want :rofl It always works out that way :think I esp like that Sam didn't even bat an eye :D Pat him on the back for me :lol


Oooo, and thanks for announcing next weeks theme...now when I go to pick this weeks up tonight, I will get both....only I won't mail them together....gotta spread em out :D

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Well, my cake just came out of the oven :D and it smells wonderful in here. (Julie, I'm making carrot cake for the other Dr's bday at work today) Homemade of course, cooked the carrots last night, so was ready to go this morning :D


As I made the cake batter, I let the cream cheese and butter for the icing sit on top of the stove to soften from the heat of the oven :think So, I was able to right mix the cream cheese icing while the cake was in the oven. Now the cake is out and cooling, so while it does that I'm going to head upstairs and get a workout in...I've been slacking this past week :eek Ice the cake and hopefully out the door with time to stop at CVS, but if not, I'll go later :think


I hope everyone has a great day!!!

Oh, I'm drooling!!!!!:drool

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I vote for a border of sc and the square will be fine.



Jules, what great pictures!

Your Aunt and Uncle must be amazing people. That was worth going to the reunion for you, to see them...and to see Cam win the fishing rod set! He and his Pap must have been in heaven.:)

I also didn't miss the HUGE grin your cousin Jim had either - young guy...cute girls...he's a happy guy.;)


And what fun sorting through all your new yarn! And how did you find out the names of the colors Lucy used for her colorful ripple ghan??


I'm glad that things worked out for you with the breathing....you can't know how much you were on our minds!

Good to have you back at Our House:manyheart

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I went and had breakfast (oatmeal and toast w/peanut butter) and came back here to see what you guys thought I should do with the square. So I will just border it. Thanks!

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Hey guys--

First of all, thanks for all the welcomes ! I feel like I am some type of celebrity or something ,and I'm just an ordinary old person .


Jude- the Lucy yarn colors are here- already bagged up for you :



Thanks for thinking of me while I was gone !


And yep, Cam and pap now have a new hobby together. Pap USED to fish all the time, but hasn't in years, so he now has the project of dusting all his stuff off and getting ready for some fishing adventures .


Marisa- yep, Sam's a good guy .Doesn't talk much, but other than that, no complaints .

I always feel guilty spending tons of money on yarn when I don't contribute to the income, but he says he doesn't care. He NEVER worries about money and bills,and when I say something about spending so much all he says is "It's only money , you can't take it with you ."


I'll see if I can get him to rustle me up a photo of all my hardware store yarn . I always think it's so funny . All this store has is MAN JUNK . Shovels, nails,spackling, screws,hammers and trash cans. BORING stuff .


First time I walked in and saw that YARN WALL I almost passed out with delight !

On the other side of the wall they have quilting and embroidery supplies,so it's a cool store .


Hey Tabby-O -


How's it going and how is your sore ankle ? I hope it's healing up and you can walk on it now .

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Welcome home Julie! I'm glad you had a great trip and brought home tons of yarn.


I'm still plugging away over here...but have to leave right now for a class...more later.

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Jude- the Lucy yarn colors are here- already bagged up for you :


Oh, goodness....32 for the yarn and then shipping...I might be headed for divorce court if I ordered it! Though I love the yarn...I'll wait till I have some "mad money " set aside. I have so much yarn in stash right now...Is this for the granny stripe ghan she started?

Thanks for thinking of me while I was gone !


And yep, Cam and pap now have a new hobby together. Pap USED to fish all the time, but hasn't in years, so he now has the project of dusting all his stuff off and getting ready for some fishing adventures .


I always feel guilty spending tons of money on yarn when I don't contribute to the income, but he says he doesn't care. He NEVER worries about money and bills,and when I say something about spending so much all he says is "It's only money , you can't take it with.

That's great Sam has a new hobby now that he can enjoy with Cam - as Cam gets older he's going to want to trail around after his Pap more and more. It just happens.


Phil is the opposite of Sam when dealing with money - all because of his temperment as well as the circumstances he lived under while growing up. I had an even harder time growing up, but have Sam's attitude toward the stuff:devil

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Yep, it was a pretty hefty price,though that company wasn't the one I went through .Their yarn still sounds really expensive to me, because they aren't the big hefty balls like RH ,but I was in the mood to SPLURGE for some reason.


I should have kept the money for bills, but once in awhile you just wanna BUY something ,you know ?

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Welcome home Julie!!!:hug

How is everyone this afternoon?

Working on my card for this week :D I hope to make a trip to the post office and get it mailed out!



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Hi there Tam~


how are you doing today ? And how is your boy feeling ? I hope better !


Are the kids enjoying summer break ? Cam sure likes it -- he's really smart in school, but he's never liked it much . Guess he'd rather be doing something more fun ~~

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Jules...so which of Lucy's patterns will you use the imported yarn for? And who did you go through for the yarn??


Hi, Tam:hug

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Hi All. Today was a shopping day. I found what will be a red/white/blue card very shortly and also a summer card. One of which will go out in tomorrow's mail. Also purchased are a mailer for the two not yet photographed V squares, 2 skeins of RHSS cornmeal, and some movies to watch when I'm too tired to do anything else.


Welcome back Julie. Glad you had a good time this weekend. Loved seeing the photos. And yea for new brightly colored yarn. Jeff is like Sam. He doesn't care if I buy yarn or fabric. Occasionally he'll ask me if I need it, but he knows I put myself on a buying diet. So it's all good. :)


To the carrot cake baker, please send some. I bought ingredients to make one last week but have been to exhausted to do it. Maybe tomorrow. :P

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