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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks for the compliments on the "Suki" ghan, ladies.

The little face looks just like my friend's ShiTzu....can't wait to give it to her next week!

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I would really like to join a crochet along. I Just joined crochetville today. Is there a project that has been started, is it too late to join in? If so, when does next one start? If not too late can someone let me know what we are working on so I can get started? Thank you very much and I am exited to hear from you.

Hi and welcome to Our House!

Julie, who keeps us moving on our projects, is away right now, so I'll jump in.

We use this thread to encourage each other to finish projects and now and then will start one up as a group - nothing complicated. Julie will also get us going with fun games, etc, just so we get to know each other better.


Are you working on anything at the moment? Or is there something you'd like to try but werent' sure of? Let us know and someone will be sure to jump in.


Also, we all pretty much know each others names here....would you like to share your first name? If not, that's fine, too.


Looking forward to getting to know you!

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Hi and welcome to new members...


I am typing this from the Tree House. Got back in here after a while of not working in here and got a lot done, but still have a ways to go...worked in here for over 3.5 hours. I have too much yarn...(yeah right, who really has too much yarn eh?) I know others have more than me, but I'm trying to make things fit a small space...I have more yarn downstairs that eventually has to come upstairs...


However, I did make a huge dent in this room today and got out of several cardboard boxes...we are seriously in to banning cardboard at the moment...this is because things have sat in boxes packed away for 2 decades (I'm serious) and this is it...things get unpacked, sort, organized (as best as possible) put away, even if 'put away' means repacked to a rubber maid tote...there is a bit of purging too...but it's all good.

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Hi, LeAnna,

I've been doing a bit or purging, too. Books, in my case.

I'm still trying to use my yarn up but it seems that every time I need to make a gift for someone I don't have the color I need!


Have a great night, everyone!:hug:manyheart

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LeAnna, I thought of your Serenghetti chasing the racoon today....I saw Sparkie by our split rail fence at the side of our property and I thought the neighbors dog was out when he wouldn't leave it and come in...I walked back and saw this creature hanging, head down, from an ivy covered tree making a sort of hissing sound and Sparkie's nose was a little too close to the business end - he finally came in when Phil called him!


The creature was the same coloras our squirrels, but not a squirrel...I thought it looked like a badger (where that thought came from, I don't know) but a bit ago we were out and I saw 2 hedgehogs run across my neighbor's yard! Mystery solved. Scary, though, esp if the critter had bitten Sparkie's nose!


Okay - 'nite now:c9

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I would really like to join a crochet along. I Just joined crochetville today. Is there a project that has been started, is it too late to join in? If so, when does next one start? If not too late can someone let me know what we are working on so I can get started? Thank you very much and I am exited to hear from you.


Hi, this group is just as much for socialization as it is for a specific project. We have become friends and we'd love to add you to our list of friends.


We all just work on whatever we want and show pictures of our progress. Friday is photo Friday, but you can show pictures at other times as well.


Sometimes a bunch of us work on the same project, either accidentally or intentionally.


At the moment Julie has us making 8 inch single crochet squares out of variegated yarn. For every different square that a person makes, they get a chance to win all the squares. No-one is obligated to join in and make squares if they don't want to though.

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Good evening house mates!!


Tabitha- Thank you for the cute cake card!! It was so nice to get mail other than bills!! Your red/white/blue card was put in the mail today! I can't wait for you to get it- I thought it was really cute! Hope your DH is doing ok and glad to hear your ankle is feeling better!


Judy- The Suki ghan is awesome!!! I can see why you are going to take a small break and read a book instead of picking up a hook (hey that rhymes!:lol) I was also glad to see the curls on the edge of your squares!:lol


Tammy- Glad to hear Michael is doing ok!


Lissa That's a nice rainbow lap ghan and the square is great! Congrats on 3 days of being pop-free!


LeAnna- WTG on the purging!!! Doesn't it feel great? I have some more purging to do since I need to make room for my yarn!!


Sheila- Glad to hear the truck should be ready by the weekend. Keep cool and safe- those are some brutal temps!


Cindy- Hope your evaluation went well and glad that you work for such a great team! It does make all the difference in the world. I have a great group of co-workers that I work with on the special project that I was assigned to last year. I love coming to work now!! (Maybe I exaggerate- it IS STILL work!!):lol


I stopped at Michael's on my way home and :yay they had the color yarn in the same dye lot that I needed:clap I was so excited. I looked through the entire bin and there was one skein that was the same dye lot as the one I had. And I bought this yarn at least 2 months ago- maybe longer:think. It was like it was there waiting for me to claim it!


After the yarn store I went over to DD and SIL's for Chinese food dinner. They invited me and his mom to come over. Their 2nd anniversary is today! We ate out on the deck- it was a lovely evening- the temperature was perfect!!!


Needless to say, I didn't get any hooking done tonight- and I think I may take a break from it tonight and read a little too. There are no sports on and that is when I do my best crocheting!!:lol


Oh, Marissa- Are you doing OK after the Flyers loss last night? :hug


Have a good evening all! CYA in the AM!

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Hi everyone! So Day 3 with no pop is going well! No headaches at all! I did drink a chocolate shake yesterday when I thought a headache was coming on. LOL


I finished my first Granny Square to send to someone and I really want to share it because I'm so proud!


I also finished my rainbow lap afghan! YAY! :clap


Today is a down day. We had such a full weekend we're just hanging out at home and staying cool and dry.

Hi, Lissa. Your square and lapghan look great! Your cards went out this morning.

I would really like to join a crochet along. I Just joined crochetville today. Is there a project that has been started, is it too late to join in? If so, when does next one start? If not too late can someone let me know what we are working on so I can get started? Thank you very much and I am exited to hear from you.

Hi! :hi Welcome to Crochetville and the House CAL (Crochet along)!:welcome Glad to have you join us.


Joy and I went to another quilt shop today and I spent another $111 on material for my stash. Most of it is for an oriental quilt using predominantly what I bought today and a little of what I bought yesterday. It won't be fancy in the piecing but should be very pretty overall. :D


I'm off to read Ayden his bedtime stories.

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LeAnna, I thought of your Serenghetti chasing the racoon today....I saw Sparkie by our split rail fence at the side of our property and I thought the neighbors dog was out when he wouldn't leave it and come in...I walked back and saw this creature hanging, head down, from an ivy covered tree making a sort of hissing sound and Sparkie's nose was a little too close to the business end - he finally came in when Phil called him!


The creature was the same coloras our squirrels, but not a squirrel...I thought it looked like a badger (where that thought came from, I don't know) but a bit ago we were out and I saw 2 hedgehogs run across my neighbor's yard! Mystery solved. Scary, though, esp if the critter had bitten Sparkie's nose!


Okay - 'nite now:c9


Too funny about Sparkie...scritch him for me.


I am so tired...but it's a good tired...


So guess who caught her first mousie today and presented it to us???? Our little girl Serenghetti...she was so proud...I can't begin to tell ya...*sniff* Our little girl is growing up!


No quite as much purging today, but tons of stuff finding homes and getting out of the cardboard...very exciting...Not to worry though, there will be some purging down the road...although honestly for the last 10 years it's been one constant purge...

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Hello Housemates,


Sorry I've been MIA all day. I got a late start this morning, but it was beautiful so got to enjoy the motorcycle a bit. I took it to work today and since I only take a small backpack with me, was able to take my sock I'm knitting with me and got a couple rounds in at lunch time.


I had a dentist appt after work for a cleaning and he is such a chatty cathy it's insane. I didn't get out of there until 8, then came home and switched out the bike for car to run to the market. Tomorrow is the other Dr's bday that works with me, so I'm baking a cake and he requested carrot cake....I might have put it in his ear :lol I've been hungry for it since I think it was Linda that made one last week :think But, that required the trip to the market to get what I needed.


By the time I got home, I had to have a quick bite to eat and while the carrots were boiling, I read through all the posts from today, boy was it busy!!! :yes Now the carrots are mashed and I think I'm going to call it a night and wake up early to bake the cake in the morning instead of tonight. It's our late day and we don't start until 11 anyway, so will work out alright.


No hooking for me today :( If I try to pull something out now, I will be up until pushing 1, so will avoid that :eek

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Tab, glad your ankle is doing better.


Judy, your squares are nice and the suki ghan is really nice. Your friend is going to love it.


Sheila, try and stay cool. Hope you get your truck fixed.


Lissa, that is a nice square and your afhan is pretty and colorful.


Tam, glad Michael is doing well on the medicine he is on. Ouch on the neck! I hope it doesn't take long to fix you up. You'll feel lots better when it's done.


Mlazartic, :welcome to are group!


LeAnna, sounds like your making good progress!


Joanne, your lucky day being able to match the dye lots after this much time.


Linda, glad your having a good time with everyone.


Julie, I hope your resting!


Today Maya and I was out of the house early. The library has a new program starting this week and runs through July. We returned to books and got two new ones. We always get two new books every week when we go to story time. This time every 4 books we read to her she gets a prize and for 8 books she gets a prize. She'll be beyond 8 books before this ends.

Then we went to the post office and the store. Came home and did some laundry.

The president was in Michigan tonight to do a graduation in Kalamazoo. I watched through his speech. I have a gf who graduated from MSU and president Clinton was there that year. It has to be awesome to greet the president.

I'm heading to bed, see everyone tomorrow.

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Thank you for all your wonderful compliments on the v square. I really was excited with the finished product, esp that it was a yarn that I always see, but wonder what the heck I'd do with it :eek


Julie - thinking of you and hoping your having fun while being safe at your reunion. I didn't get a chance to pick up your week 2 card yet :( The store I was at this evening didn't have any to match the red, white, and blue theme so will try somewhere else tomorrow after work.


Linda and Joy - You ladies must be having soo much fun :yay Enjoy it while you can :yes and Linda, we'll be waiting to hear about your mom's reaction!


LeAnna - WTG unpacking :clap Keep it up :cheer


Joanne - Glad you got your yarn in the same dye lot :clap As for the Flyers...the 3 games I got, they lost....maybe I'm bad luck for them :eek


Cindy - Hope your eval goes well and it's wonderful to work with a great team :yay


Sherri - Your really going to town with your knitting :yes I can't wait to see it when it's finished.


Judy - the lapghan is gorgeous, wonder work :yes And I love your squares and their patterns :cheer


Sheila - :yay:clap for your tires!!!


Tab - Glad to hear your ankle is feeling better :hug:clap


Lissa - I love your granny square and your lapghan!!! :yes They are both something you should be proud of!! :yay Was your lapghan a pattern, or did the yarn you used make it's own?


Tam - Sorry to hear about your neck :( If it makes you feel any better, I also have no curve and it's actually reversed :eek Good luck with your new chiro!!! If you lived near by, I would have fixed you up :hug


Marlene - I will probably have a piece for everyone!! :eek:rofl

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I would really like to join a crochet along. I Just joined crochetville today. Is there a project that has been started, is it too late to join in? If so, when does next one start? If not too late can someone let me know what we are working on so I can get started? Thank you very much and I am exited to hear from you.





Like the other ladies already mentioned, we all kind of do our own thing in here and share our progress. Sometimes we work on the same or similar projects too. You may get on one day and someone will have an idea to work on something and ask if anyone wants to join them with that project. We do a lot of chatting in here and there's always room for more :clap


If you had a idea of something you'd like to work on, throw it out there and others may join you. If you're just looking for something to work on and don't really have any ideas, I'm sure the group of us can throw some out there for you :yes



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Quick good morning to the House!!!


Oh, that carrot cake sounds divine Marisa!! I am drooling here for a piece and it's not even 6AM!!! LOL


I'm going to be heading in early today- have an 8AM meeting. But I couldn't start my day without stopping by to wish everyone a Good Tuesday!!!!


I can't wait to "hear" what you've all been up to when I get home from work!


Make it a good one!!!

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Hi gang

We drifted back home ,came in to read posts ,but wow, am I behind ! You all did such a good job keeping the boards moving while I was gone .


Please forgive me if I don't answer anyone individually. I DID read all the posts, but don't have the energy to answer them all,so will just start out new today .


I hope you are all doing well,keeping busy and keeping your hooks going .


Don't forget ,the deadline for the Variegated squares is Thursday. I'll be putting names in a bowl and will have Cam pull one out ,so if you want a chance to win ALL the squares AND the new afghan pattern booklet, try to get a square done before Thursday morning so your name will be in the drawing .


We had a really good time at reunion .The weather could have co-operated a little more on Saturday, but we just went into town and bought a bunch of tarps and strung them up on the building so we'd stay dry and be able to cook out . They had severe storms that day and flash flood warnings, but we did ok .

Here's my cousin Chris and wife Tyra --grilling out in the rain .


To be continued in next message . :yes

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The weather got wicked for awhile ,but it didnt ruin the fun. Here's a photo of the sky that evening .


We had fun despite the weather. They got in some swimming earlier in the day,then the kids lit their sparklers ,played volleyball,and did some dancing .I'll see if we have a photo of that next .

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Good Morning, House mates!


Ladies, thanks for the kind words about the Suki ghan. I'm chomping at the bit to give it to my friend but she's busy these days so it waits till next Tuesday.

Too funny about Sparkie...scritch him for me.

I will....he's been getting lots more scritches since he became an only "child".... He's like having a perpetual 2 yo around!

So guess who caught her first mousie today and presented it to us???? Our little girl Serenghetti...she was so proud...I can't begin to tell ya...*sniff* Our little girl is growing up!

She's a real hunter! I guess she gave up trying to catch racoons:lol

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Jules, I love the pics....grilling in the rain is funny, but the best flavors are from the grill.



Gotta go...will check in to see what else you've posted later on!

Missed ya!:hug:manyheart

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Ok,here's a few of us at a local pizza place done in th 50's style. My cousin Jim on the left-- he got all the young pretty girls at his table.

Us OLD GEEZERS sat at another one .


And the other photo is a few of them doing their dances -- we didnt get a shot of the bigger group doing them the previous night .

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So, to sum it up,it was a good weekend away. I'm glad I got to go. The breathing did fairly well. I had 2 episodes that were a little scarey, but after going inside for a bit and taking my extra breathing meds, it seemed to behave .


We didnt have as huge a crowd as we usually do, I'd guess about 75 on Sunday,but due to the weather being kinda bad, it could have turned many off on coming .



It's good to be home though and get things back in place and organized again .


I made my yearly stop in the hardware store ,which has an entire crafts section. they sell EVERY COLOR of RH yarn made ,so I literally picked up a wheelbarrow on display in the store and FILLED IT with yarn .

( To the tune of 143 bucks )

Sam didnt blink an eye, he said You Deserve It ,so no feeling guilty about it !

I'm glad he's so nice about it . * Little does he know ,after me staring at Lucy 24's colorful yarn ripple, I went hog wild and ordered yarn from England in all the pretty colors she used ( 60 bucks more ,including shipping )


SO.... I dropped 200 bucks on yarn .


THEN my cousin gave me 3 yarn kits that had been her mom's ( who passed away about 5 years ago). She doesnt know how to crochet or knit and really isn't interested in learning ,so she gave them to me,saying her mom would have wanted me to have them since I will use them.

2 were for the butt-ugliest stuffed animals I have ever seen,so I am making them into rr babyghans instead.

The other is for a granny square lapghan . I will make all of them,then donate them to reunion raffles next year in honor of her mom .

Kinda like a gift from the grave,so to speak .


Anyhow, we had a good time ,no mishaps ,and back home safely with enough yarn to last me a L O N G time .


Hope all is well in here --will try to get used to the boards again and catching up with you all to see what I missed .

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