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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks very much everyone for the nice comments on my work. I've really got the urge to embroider and with that in mind I found a really cute quilt pattern that combines embroidery with piecing. I'm not sure if I'm ambitious enough to tackle it, but I'm thinking about it.


Julie, hope your weekend is wonderful.


Linda, enjoy spending time with Joy and your grandchild.


Marisa, hope you and your dad have a great weekend together.


Another very busy day at work today. At least it makes the time fly by. I'm just waiting for dinner to be ready (it's in the oven), and then dh and I are going to go run some errands.


I have started another variegated square too. I don't want to buy any yarn for these squares, but I'm finding some v. yarn in my stash.

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Hi everyone! It's the weekend and Judy is right~it is hot as Hades here!


Judy- I love the table set- I had one like your old one when my DD's were growing up. I had given it to my middle DD when she got an apartment. Then she moved a few times and somehow, the table is no longer- Mmmm --wonder if it disappeared on purpose? LOL


Cheeria- So happy that you are spending time with your grandson- it is hard on the older child when the baby comes along. It will be nice when his Daddy comes to visit!!


Tam- That shrug is beautiful! Your Mom is sure to LOVE it!!!!


Joy- Thanks for letting us know that Linda arrived safe and sound. Have fun you two!!!!!


Julie- thinking of you and wishing you a fun, safe, healthy time!


Tabitha- Hope the US went well and that you only have a sprain. I'm glad that the card arrived!!! Can't wait to get mine. I saw Alice in 3D at the movies- I loved it- we went for middle DD's birthday- She was an Alice fan all her life- even got the Alice in Wonderland dress for her 4th birthday.


DH just called- he wants me to meet him at the diner for dinner- so who am I to turn down cooking? Plus, I feel like breakfast food anyway!!!


I'll try to pop back in later


Hugs to all!

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Tam: Shrug is great. Couldn't help but like it.


Judi. Like to old table, but new one is classy.


Been at DD for several days. Garden really coming along. Took some photos while I was there.





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She's here!!! Okay back to enjoying her company.

Have fun:manyheart


Judy that set is gorgeous. Exactly what I hope to have someday. Dh looked at it and agrees with me. Of course I just got a new kitchen set a couple of years ago, so it will have to wait a few years still!:)

It's funny - we had no idea what we were looking for but when we saw it it made us both stop and stare.

This set was only 299...a half price Memorial Day sale:D You could always donate your current set to charity and get a tax credit;)


I'm enjoying the stamped pieces. It's a lot easier on the eyes than counted cross stitch, and it's really a much different art.

I may be headed that way soon....x-st is gorgeous when done but the better-looking pieces seem to all be done on the smaller count cloth.

Wow, what a difference.....very modern.....love the centerpiece. :manyheart

Thanks! We actually had that centerpiece but it was too dark for the other table. Nothing like repurposing:lol


Joanne, AJ is pitching tonight!

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Judi. Like to old table, but new one is classy.

Perfect word to describe it!

Been at DD for several days. Garden really coming along. Took some photos while I was there.

Wow!! Looks like she could grow enough to sell some of it!! What a lot of work....:clap

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Good evening ladies.....


Home from work and ate leftovers while reading through the posts ;)


Julie - I know your gone and I hope you're having fun already!!! I got your second card today :D Thanks-a-bunch....you're going to spoil me :D And you're right, they both cheered me up :clap


Judy - the table set is gorgeous....I love it!!!! :yay


Tam - swimming sounds soo refreshing and you're mom will love the shrug...it came out beautifully :cheer


Mary - are you helping with your DDs baby shower? They are also soo much fun :)


Tab- I hope the US went well and it's just a sprain. I'm getting ready to start a new project too, not sure what yet, but it's exciting ;)


Cheeria - Your grandbaby will enjoy spending time with his father!! Kids will feel left out a bit, but hopefully they'll try to include him with the little things taking care of the new baby, that way he'll feel 'needed'. :D


LeAnna - have fun at the relay 4 life tomorrow. Is it the actual event or just the fundraiser for now?


Cindy - my nanny and I used to sit and do the stamped embroidery when I was growing up, she taught me as a kid. I always that it was cheating to have the pattern stamped on it already :lol I do currently have a x stitch WIP, but come to think of it, I don't know where it is :think I'll have to look for it.


Joy - glad to hear your mom made it safe and sound :clap Have fun and tell her to do the same.


Joanne - I love diners and breakfast...they make the best combo ;) Enjoy!!! Let's go Flyers!!!! ;)


Wani - your garden looks amazing!!! Great work :clap


Hello Sheila and Sherri, hope you ladies had a great day :D


Going to change out of my work clothes and see what's on tv, while I :hook I'm going to hold off on my photo and will probably get it up tomorrow...I'm too close to finishing ;)

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I had breakfast at the diner- eggs, home fries and toast! It was delish! Now I'm home watching the Yankees and then will switch to the Hockey game


Marisa- Go Blackhawks;) Can't wait to see your finished ghan!!!


I didn't take pics of my squares- but honestly, nothing exciting- the sky is getting dark oh, I guess that is because it's almost 8PM!


I'll try in the AM


That garden is awesome Wani!! Wow- what a lot of work that is- Yes, there's enough there to feed the House!!!!


Hope everyone has a great evening!!!:hug

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I'm having a bad day. It's been stressful and upsetting. I'm about to head to bed, R and I have to get up very early and head out of town at about 4:30 to begin setting up for the festival at 5. F is staying the night at Grandmas. I'm kind of sad at how much time she wants to spend at my mils. I love my mother-in-law to pieces but I miss my kid :(


I'll post photos of all my stuff tomorrow when I get home. Have a nice night ladies!

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Wanda, your dd's garden looks amazing!


Marisa, I have several cross stitch WIPs (and I think I know where they are too!), but I'm not too into cross stitch at the moment. Every once in a while I get them out and work on them. Its not as easy as it used to be because of my aging eyes.




Good night everyone.

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Well ladies, I finally got my power chair from the Scooter store. If I can just get a ramp and carrier for it, I might be able to get out into the world again. lol. Right now I am learning to drive it around the house and not hit stuff. Not as easy as you might think. Practice, practice, and more practice. Hope you all have a great weekend. :hug:hug

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Tam your shrug you made is very pretty!! What a wonderful gift for your mom!!

Judy love the new table!! It does make a big difference!!

Thank you hon!!!! I think she'll like it! I made her a sweater for Christmas and she LOVED it!


Beautiful.....I am sure she will love it! :clap How is Michael doing?


Wow, what a difference.....very modern.....love the centerpiece. :manyheart


Joanne~Thank you for the card, it was so nice to learn more about you and your famiy. :manyheart I sent yours out today....I know last minute Charlie. :blush

Thank you!!!!

Michael is doing okay. The edema is really bugging him today... but he's hangin' tough! He had a baseball game tonight.. so he's pooped now!



I love it!! (so if your mom hates it....., just kidding, she will love it too!) What yarn did you use? Your yarn shows off the pattern a lot better than mine does.

aww.. thanks sweetie!

I used ILTY Antique White its nice and soft!



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I'm having a bad day. It's been stressful and upsetting. I'm about to head to bed, R and I have to get up very early and head out of town at about 4:30 to begin setting up for the festival at 5. F is staying the night at Grandmas. I'm kind of sad at how much time she wants to spend at my mils. I love my mother-in-law to pieces but I miss my kid :(


I'll post photos of all my stuff tomorrow when I get home. Have a nice night ladies!







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Good morning!


Well, it was a not a good sports night for me. But I must give congrats where they are due- so Marissa- here you go--:clap congrats on the Flyers win- Now the series is tied so it should be really fun to see who comes out on top!!!


That is great news about your SIL!! Fingers crossed for a girl- but mostly for a healthy baby! I chuckled when you said they keep trying for a girl. Three was my limit! And I have 3 girls! then my nephew was born 6 mos after my youngest- and I'm his godmother- closest I came to having a son!:lol


Wani- that's great that you got your power chair- good luck with the practicing!!


Tam- Glad to hear Michael's doing ok- and that he was able to play baseball! And again, the shrug is gorgeous.


Judy- I was flipping back and forth between the Yankees and hockey. I guess AJ didn't have a good night...oh, well, today is another day!


Tabitha- Glad to hear that the US was negative and that you "only" have a sprain!


Have a great day everyone- it's a muggy one here! Off to get another cup of coffee and do some cleaning!



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Good Morning House :coffee


Decided to check in while having my :coffee this morning. Went outside to grab my paper and it's very humid and is supposed to :storm today. I'm almost done with my afghan and will finish when I get to my parents house. Taking my camera with me so I can post a pic for y'all when I finish....which will be today!!!!! :clap I'll also try to get another vareigated square done this weekend.


Lissa - I'm soo sorry you had a bad day yesterday :hug :hug I hope today is better even though I remember you had to get up really early to head out for a festival :)


Tab - Glad to hear there's no clot :clap:yay


Wanda - :cheer for the new scooter!!!! Good luck with your practicing, you'll be a pro in no time :yes;)


Tam - Glad to hear Michael's hanging in there and continues to play at his baseball games :clap:hug


Joanne - :cheer FLYERS :cheer;) Well, it was good day for sports in Philly yesterday....Flyers and Phils won!!! :clap I believe the rest of the games will be on NBC, so I'll get the rest of them :clap Better luck today for your yanks ;)

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Well ladies, I finally got my power chair from the Scooter store. If I can just get a ramp and carrier for it, I might be able to get out into the world again. lol. Right now I am learning to drive it around the house and not hit stuff. Not as easy as you might think. Practice, practice, and more practice. Hope you all have a great weekend. :hug:hug

Thats great. Hope you learn all the ins and outs of it quickly!

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Good morning everyone. Its humid here too. Its supposed to be a rainy weekend, although it doesn't look too bad out there at the moment.


Tab, glad you got good news about the ankle. Somehow I missed that yesterday.


I have another variegated square half finished and I hope to finish dd's shrug today as well. I just need her to stand still long enough to see if she likes the length of the sleeves. And of course there is always cleaning and laundry to do!

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Good morning, House mates!:hug


Thanks Joanne and Marissa....I forgot to mention that there is no clot. :cheer Just a sprain....I hope. :yes

That's good news - now you have to REST IT!:D:yes

F is staying the night at Grandmas. I'm kind of sad at how much time she wants to spend at my mils. I love my mother-in-law to pieces but I miss my kid :(

She's grow up with wonderful memories, though - one on one attention is good. I had that from my godmother as a kid and after all theses decades I still remember how great it felt.

Well, I just heard my SIL is pregnant!!!! :yay


She has 3 boys and I think they plan to keep trying for a girl, so keep your fingers crossed. :clap


Back to my :hook

A baby blanket will soon be on your hook, methinks:hook

Well ladies, I finally got my power chair from the Scooter store. If I can just get a ramp and carrier for it, I might be able to get out into the world again. lol. Right now I am learning to drive it around the house and not hit stuff. Not as easy as you might think. Practice, practice, and more practice. Hope you all have a great weekend. :hug:hug

A dear friend put more than a few knicks and dings on her door frames as she learned to use hers. But now she's a pro...practice will get you there, too.

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I still have to take a pic of my V squares (2 is all I'm doing) I'll do that by Monday.

I want to do another deep border section on the graph ghan to make it a decent sized lapghan, then it's on to other projects.


CU all later - keep cool! It's an icky day here....leaving my haor in curly mode since there's no sense in fighting it.:lol


Later, gators:hug

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Well ladies, I finally got my power chair from the Scooter store. If I can just get a ramp and carrier for it, I might be able to get out into the world again. lol. Right now I am learning to drive it around the house and not hit stuff. Not as easy as you might think. Practice, practice, and more practice. Hope you all have a great weekend. :hug:hug



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