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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Afternoon everyone, I got a late start today. I was having a great dream and wanted to finish the dream before I woke up, but it didn't finish. :lol:lol I didn't do anything today except went to buy a new shower curtain and window curtain for the bathroom. I also brought two panels of sheer curtain in a choclate color that has copper small beadings on it for my bedroom. My bedroom is the sunnyish and even with the AC blowing it can feel a bit hot quickly when the AC go off for a few moments. I started a new weaving project on my inkle loom last night and read over a pattern for the market babg CAL that I'm in over at Raverly, so I have a lot to keep me busy. Once the knitted blsanket is done I can also concentrate on my shawl and I wish my shawl was finished so that I could have used it in church this past Sunday. Tomorrow is my son's birthday so I also brought him a few gifts. I season some chicken to fry up today and with that I will make spanish rice but I haven't decided on the vegetables yet. I also went card shopping for my pen pal which was fun looking for the right card. I think I'm going to like having a pen pal or pals. :hug:hug It is so hot today and for some reason my eyes are burning and tearing so I was glad to get back home.


Sherri - Hi there, I see that you also joined in the market bag CAL at Raverly, at first I wasn't sure it was you until I seen the same avatar in Our House. Have you decided on a yarn yet???? I'm glad you're in the CAL since we are in the same House. :hug


Joann - I'm also wondering if our paths cross also. I have met a lot of people in my travels in and out of stores, churches etc.. Maybe one day you, Judy and myself will meet for lunch that will be so nice. :manyheart


Marsia - I really love the color of your square. The vasrigrated yarn you used made its own design which is real neat.


Cindy - so sorry that your grandbaby is breech. Sending my thoughts for a positive delivery. This week and we will have new grandbabies. Yipee. I'm so excited that I'm bursting. My son-in-law sent me a picture of the bassinet so pretty. :manyheart


Tam - I like the color of your square, real pretty.


Judy - I just wanted to say hi and I hope you are having a nice day. :hug


Well house mates it is time to start the dinner, have a great evening. After dinner I plan on starting another square and also to knit a little so I'll BBL. :manyheart

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Hi, Cheeria! We went out a bit this morning but have been hibernating because of the heat ever since. Every now and then it gets dark and very windy - we're waiting for the sky to open up!

Enjoy your evening.


Marisa, I love the design that variegated made!


I'm stopping at 2 squares - rememeber how I don't like to make wearables because of meeting the right gauge? Well, I'm having the same problem with this little square. So 2 is it for me. I'll post a pic Friday.



What all is in angelgomino soup ? I just make Campbells . I occasionally get energetic and make broccoli soup and it's ALWAYS good --- makes me hungry for it now .


I also make chili and potato soup, but those are the only home-made ones I ever tried .

Avgolemeno soup is made from a base of chicken stock, to which you add orzo (tiny macaroni), sliced carrots and small pieces of chicken. Before serving you have a mixture that you made of eggs and lemon juice and had set aside. Adding that a little at a time you stir it into the hot soup and that;s it. I do it by eye much of the time, so that can lead to some interesting results.:lol


I've had homemade broccoli soup once - it was really good!

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If you all remember the firetruck graph ghan I made a while back...here's the baby who is going to use it. Dylan Michael was born less than 24 hours ago to our sweet neighbors across the street at 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long:manyheart

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Afternoon everyone, I got a late start today. I was having a great dream and wanted to finish the dream before I woke up, but it didn't finish. :lol:lol I didn't do anything today except went to buy a new shower curtain and window curtain for the bathroom. I also brought two panels of sheer curtain in a choclate color that has copper small beadings on it for my bedroom. My bedroom is the sunnyish and even with the AC blowing it can feel a bit hot quickly when the AC go off for a few moments. I started a new weaving project on my inkle loom last night and read over a pattern for the market babg CAL that I'm in over at Raverly, so I have a lot to keep me busy. Once the knitted blsanket is done I can also concentrate on my shawl and I wish my shawl was finished so that I could have used it in church this past Sunday. Tomorrow is my son's birthday so I also brought him a few gifts. I season some chicken to fry up today and with that I will make spanish rice but I haven't decided on the vegetables yet. I also went card shopping for my pen pal which was fun looking for the right card. I think I'm going to like having a pen pal or pals. :hug:hug It is so hot today and for some reason my eyes are burning and tearing so I was glad to get back home.


Sherri - Hi there, I see that you also joined in the market bag CAL at Raverly, at first I wasn't sure it was you until I seen the same avatar in Our House. Have you decided on a yarn yet???? I'm glad you're in the CAL since we are in the same House. :hug


Joann - I'm also wondering if our paths cross also. I have met a lot of people in my travels in and out of stores, churches etc.. Maybe one day you, Judy and myself will meet for lunch that will be so nice. :manyheart


Marsia - I really love the color of your square. The vasrigrated yarn you used made its own design which is real neat.


Cindy - so sorry that your grandbaby is breech. Sending my thoughts for a positive delivery. This week and we will have new grandbabies. Yipee. I'm so excited that I'm bursting. My son-in-law sent me a picture of the bassinet so pretty. :manyheart


Tam - I like the color of your square, real pretty.


Judy - I just wanted to say hi and I hope you are having a nice day. :hug


Well house mates it is time to start the dinner, have a great evening. After dinner I plan on starting another square and also to knit a little so I'll BBL. :manyheart


I joined, but will not be starting anything until the LTK is done. I expect the knitting to be completed before the end of June. For now, I will just browse the photos for inspiration. What about you? Do you have your colors lined up?

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Dylan is adorable, Judy.


I just made a quick trip out to get more thread as I'm about to run out of both the top and bottom colors. Had to go to two stores, but managed to find some that matches. I'm getting sore, but I'm also making lots of progress. TCM is having a Clint Eastwood marathon in honor of his 80th birthday today, so I've got that going while I sew.

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I finished another octagon that I'm not going to whipstitch :D I think I only have 6 more to and and 3 more squares to complete them all :clap My goal for this evening is 1 more octagon and 1 more square; however, if I meet that goal, I don't think I'll get any knitting done. Only time will tell.


Judy - baby Dylan is absolutely adorable and I'm sure he will love the firetruck graph ghan :yay


Cheeria - Sounds like you've been very busy today. Supper is going to be yummy :drool


Linda - I'm glad you found the colors you needed, or at least something that was close enough :yes

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Thanks for explaining the soup - so do the eggs make it thicker ,or what is the point of them ?

I'm wondering if the soup is thin like chicken noodle or thick like cream of chicken ?



And the new baby is so precious !! He doesn't LOOK as much as he weighs. He looks like a little feller,like 6 pounds .

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All of we women are dying to play "pass the baby" - it'll be hard to restrain ourselves. Mom and son come home tomorrow - Phil saw the new dad and he said everyone is doing fine.


Dylan is adorable, Judy.


I just made a quick trip out to get more thread as I'm about to run out of both the top and bottom colors. Had to go to two stores, but managed to find some that matches. I'm getting sore, but I'm also making lots of progress. TCM is having a Clint Eastwood marathon in honor of his 80th birthday today, so I've got that going while I sew.

It's so hard to believe he's 80...those "spaghetti westerns" he was in were something else!


Thanks for explaining the soup - so do the eggs make it thicker ,or what is the point of them ?

I'm wondering if the soup is thin like chicken noodle or thick like cream of chicken ?



And the new baby is so precious !! He doesn't LOOK as much as he weighs. He looks like a little feller,like 6 pounds .

The eggs make the soup a pale yellow and initially leave a little foam on it. It's a regular soup - not thick...at least it's not thick unless I put in too much orzo:lol


When I was a teen I worked in a maternity ward as an aide, and the moms and babies were all doped up. Now the babies pop out looking so alert...like they're ready to ask for dinner!:D

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Judy! Dylan is adorable!!! I'll be your sweet neighbors are on:c9 with his arrival! How bout them Yankees? An A-bomb from A-Rod- did you see how far his grand slam went?


Cheeria- Sounds like you had a busy day- and early Happy Birthday to your son!! Only a few more days till the grandbaby arrives!!!! How exciting for you!


My youngest DD called and she and SIL invited DH and I over along with her MIL for hamburgers and hotdogs, salad and fruit salad. I had taken out a steak to grill so we brought that over. We had a nice visit, finished watching the Yankees over there and we were all done eating when the angels started bowling!!! IT was another nice surprise from one of my daughters:manyheart

Since my oldest is in Boston, she is forgiven for not surprising me today:lol


I finished another square before we went- I did it in the plum pudding. So I've gotten 4 squares done- and like Judy, the gauge is a little tricky- guess it depends on what mood I'm in when I'm crocheting?:think But they all measure 8 inches. I think this will be it for me as far as the squares (but hey, you never know if the mood strikes me to make another:lol). I really need to start an afghan and finish the garden hat.


Marissa- I like the way your "V" square turned out- Good luck with your "goal" for tonight on the octagon, square and maybe some knitting. Did you get that I put "goal" in quotations? You know- "goal" as in hockey goal- Go Blackhawks!!!:cheer:cheer


Linda- Glad that you were able to find the thread so you could work some more on your quilt!! Hope having Clint Eastwood on helped!


Julie- Yep, the air temp cooled off some as the boomers went through- and they still aren't done- when I got home it was raining, thundering, lightening and the sun was out- very strange indeed!


Tab- Hope your day went well- Looking forward to hearing from my pen-pal!!


To everyone- Hope your Memorial Day was nice. Thknk I'm going to go get my comfy pj's on and get settled in before the hockey game starts!

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Well, I'm going to close now.Been doing more work on the ghan's border....


CU all in the morning!:hug:manyheart

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Joanne, I did see A-rod's grand slam....he's 5 for 5 every time someone walks Tex to get to him:lol


Have a great night.

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Good morning ladies


Just a check in with everyone to see what's new today ? It's still dark out here (5 AM) so hard to see what our weather will bring today . I think we had a chance of storms each day this week due to the heat,but not sure what percentage. If you live HERE and the percentage is 30 -- you'll have rain .

Well, I made 2 more V squares last night and am on a 3rd one. I am almost done with the first panel of Cindy's afghan pattern . At least I'll have some photos to show this week .

We are making TENTATIVE plans to attend reuinion, just for the weekend .All will depend on how I am breathing Friday when we plan to leave ,and will only pay a night at a time for the motel in case I have to come home .

Keeping my fingers crossed that I get to go and it is an uneventful,but fun weekend .

Steph and Cam are going,and she always brings a friend with her kids too. Her friends actually argue to get to be the ones she takes with her . They love our reunion . Lots of fun,everyone makes them feel like part of the family. No one asks who are you and what are you doing here ? It's actually a very nice group of people. We have some with a Grumpy Exterior,, but once you get through that,they are marshmallows inside .

One of my cousins, who is probably around 70, looksand acts really grumpy, but I LOVE talking to him. He is actually very funny .

At last year's reunion, I was sitting in a lawn chair. He pulls his next to mine, sits down and waves his arm across at the whole crowd,then says to me : You know we're the 2 smartest people in this family, don't you ?

He is just a hoot. Always joking, but kinda hard to read ,unless you spend some time with him.

He's one of my favorite cousins, but I have a long list. Lots of favorite cousins, but no 2 are alike, they are favorites for totally different reasons .

I always lean towards the ones who are DIFFERENT and stand out in the crowd .


Anyhow, sorry to ramble ,I am just so excited for reunion and am crossing my fingers and every other part that will cross ,that I get to go .


Well, I guess I'll get off here now and find something to eat and get my day started .

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Good morning House mates and welcome to Tuesday! Excited that this is only a 4 day work week for me!!:clap


Marissa- Blackhawks up 2-0. Enough said.:lol Seriously though, have a good day at work today.


Julie- I am keeping fingers crossed and every other thing crossed as well that it will work out for you to attend the reunion. I can tell how much it means to you, and trust that you will use good common sense come Friday:hug


Time for me to get ready and hope that everyone has a good one. Looks like weather here is calling for showers and thunderstorms- I sure hope that this June is not going to be like last June where it rained 21 days!!!


Cya later all!

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Morning Joanne !

Have a good day at work and I hope you dont get the rain there too. We had some last night and it looks like more this morning -- kinda grey out . Might be one of those rain-stop-rain-stop days .

Thanks for crossing your "parts" that I get to go to reunion. I know the sensible thing to do is stay home, but it DOES mean a lot to me to go . These are family members I only get to see once a year . If I miss out ,then I won't get the chance for another YEAR .

So ... I am really hoping I can go . The Dr said if it gets too hot, go in the room, stay in there and cool down. I have a breathing machine to give myself breathing treatments as needed,along with all my medicine . I will go in and lay down if I get too tired .

My cousins already said they'll take turns coming in my room and talking to me in there if I have to stay inside . We have a big group staying at the motel,so it'll be lots of fun .They are a fun group . Last year ,we did dances in the parking lot to that Low-Rida or whoever he is . I have no clue who these new singers are, but the dance was fun to learn . ( I dance as well as I SING, very poorly ). Doubt if I'll have the gumption to dance this year ,so that'll be a killer. If everyone else is having fun, I want to ,too .

Anyhow, we'll see how this week goes,and I am going to try to rest a LOT so I have power on the weekend .


Ok-- off to make my morning store trip before it gets too hot . Will check in later -

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Good Morning.


NOT awake yet.....got up late, UGHH!!




Consume caffeine

get 2 younger boys off to school

Consume caffeine



Off to get that TO DO list complete. BBL.


Have a great day!! :manyheart

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Good morning, House mates! Another humid day with a chance of :storms



Good night everyone. Work day for me tomorrow.
I hope it's a good day for you, Cindy...


Well, I made 2 more V squares last night and am on a 3rd one. I am almost done with the first panel of Cindy's afghan pattern . At least I'll have some photos to show this week . :cheerGO, JULES, GO:cheer

We are making TENTATIVE plans to attend reuinion, just for the weekend .All will depend on how I am breathing Friday when we plan to leave ,and will only pay a night at a time for the motel in case I have to come home .

Keeping my fingers crossed that I get to go and it is an uneventful,but fun weekend . LIKE, JOANNE, ALL MY PARTS WILL BE CROSSED FOR YOU!

Steph and Cam are going,and she always brings a friend with her kids too. Her friends actually argue to get to be the ones she takes with her . They love our reunion . Lots of fun,everyone makes them feel like part of the family. No one asks who are you and what are you doing here ?


You're going to have quite a pile of squares done! :clap

My cousins already said they'll take turns coming in my room and talking to me in there if I have to stay inside . We have a big group staying at the motel,so it'll be lots of fun .

What a wonderful family you have, Jules:hug:manyheart

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Good morning, Housemates. Rain off and on all day yesterday. Looks like it could be more of the same today. It's very muggy out and gray. I sewed until my shoulders, neck, and back couldn't take it anymore yesterday. I have four or five small center rounds to do and the very center motif and the quilting will be done. Then it will be trimming the edges and adding the binding and it'll be finished.


Julie - I hope you get to go. Be sure and take everything on that list I made for you last week in case of problems. I'm hoping there won't be any, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


Hope everyone has a great day today. At this time Friday, I'll be at the airport waiting for my plane to arrive so that I can speed my way to Joy's house. 3 days to go! Hurry up! :D

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Morning Houses Mates got some errands to run this morning,


Julie I hope and pray that you can go for I know you want to be there to enjoy your family so take it easy this coming week and I will also keep my fingers cross for you.


Well I got to run have to take care of grandbaby this morning while his mom go to doctor appointment and get her hair done. BBL Have a great day house mates. :hug

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Good Morning Housemates :coffee


I got a bit of my afghan done yesterday :clap But, never got to any knitting :( I now have 5 octagons left and 2 squares :yay I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! I'm debating at this point, and the pattern doesn't call for it, but I'm thinking of trying out some triangles to fill in between the octagons on the ends :think Not sure about that yet, but just because I think it will lay a little better. Problem is I don't know how to do a triangle yet :eek But no worries, I'm confident I'll figure it out!!! :D


Julie - You're going to have enough squares to make your own whole blanket! :lol Well, have fun at the reunion and like Judy and Joanne, I will have everything crossed that can be (I had to chuckle when you asked that since I actually just said it to a friend of mine on saturday :lol ) Be careful and responsible....make sure you go to the room as soon as you feel something coming on and please, please, please do not wait for it 'get worse' before you head inside!!! :hug Your family sounds similar to mine. We don't have reunions all the time, I only remember having 2 actually. One in the early 90's and the last in 2004. The last one I brought 2 friends to, one Irish and one latino so clearly not blood relatives, but they were welcomed and put to work like the rest of us!! :lol It is always a good time!!!


Joanne - Yes, the Flyers went down again :( But, tomorrow will be on our turf :devil which will alter the battlefield a bit :lol However, game 3 might still be a little early for my boys to start turning it around :lol Hopefully, they get it together...I think they would have won if they played the whole game like they played in the 3rd :think Phils lost too, it was a bad sports day for Philly :( But, today's a new day ;) I hope you also have a good day at work :D I think mine will be long, not used to started with the 11-7 day (we don't close for a lunch break so seems longer than the 8-6 days :( )


Tab - You should be done with your to do list by now and if it's not complete yet, I sure hope your at #3 :lol


Have a great day ladies.

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Linda - you are going to have a great vaca. The week will probably feel long to you, even though it's a short week after the holiday. My mom is flying down to Tampa tomorrow for my cousin's graduation on friday and party saturday, I think she comes home monday. So me and my dad will go for supper after work tomorrow night because I will be getting done when he drops her off and since he'll be down here (Philly's the closest big airport to my parents, Allentown is half the distance but much higher prices).


Cheeria - I'm sure you'll have your errands done in no time and of course will enjoy your time with your grandbaby!!! :clap:yay


It is not raining right now, but they are calling for possible thunder showers later, so will take the car to work today. Well, I had to anyway because I have to stop at the post office on the way to send my penpal her card, my sister's bday gift, and return my old ez pass (I called to get a new one for my motorcycle and they told me the one in my car is soooooo old, that they want to update it :lol ).


Gotta go get ready for the day :D

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Good morning, Housemates. Rain off and on all day yesterday. Looks like it could be more of the same today. It's very muggy out and gray. I sewed until my shoulders, neck, and back couldn't take it anymore yesterday. I have four or five small center rounds to do and the very center motif and the quilting will be done. Then it will be trimming the edges and adding the binding and it'll be finished.


Julie - I hope you get to go. Be sure and take everything on that list I made for you last week in case of problems. I'm hoping there won't be any, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


Hope everyone has a great day today. At this time Friday, I'll be at the airport waiting for my plane to arrive so that I can speed my way to Joy's house. 3 days to go! Hurry up! :D


Are you long arm quilting? I so want one of those one day. :yes

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Good morning ladies


Just a check in with everyone to see what's new today ? It's still dark out here (5 AM) so hard to see what our weather will bring today . I think we had a chance of storms each day this week due to the heat,but not sure what percentage. If you live HERE and the percentage is 30 -- you'll have rain .

Well, I made 2 more V squares last night and am on a 3rd one. I am almost done with the first panel of Cindy's afghan pattern . At least I'll have some photos to show this week .

We are making TENTATIVE plans to attend reuinion, just for the weekend .All will depend on how I am breathing Friday when we plan to leave ,and will only pay a night at a time for the motel in case I have to come home .

Keeping my fingers crossed that I get to go and it is an uneventful,but fun weekend .

Steph and Cam are going,and she always brings a friend with her kids too. Her friends actually argue to get to be the ones she takes with her . They love our reunion . Lots of fun,everyone makes them feel like part of the family. No one asks who are you and what are you doing here ? It's actually a very nice group of people. We have some with a Grumpy Exterior,, but once you get through that,they are marshmallows inside .

One of my cousins, who is probably around 70, looksand acts really grumpy, but I LOVE talking to him. He is actually very funny .

At last year's reunion, I was sitting in a lawn chair. He pulls his next to mine, sits down and waves his arm across at the whole crowd,then says to me : You know we're the 2 smartest people in this family, don't you ?

He is just a hoot. Always joking, but kinda hard to read ,unless you spend some time with him.

He's one of my favorite cousins, but I have a long list. Lots of favorite cousins, but no 2 are alike, they are favorites for totally different reasons .

I always lean towards the ones who are DIFFERENT and stand out in the crowd .


Anyhow, sorry to ramble ,I am just so excited for reunion and am crossing my fingers and every other part that will cross ,that I get to go .


Well, I guess I'll get off here now and find something to eat and get my day started .


Fingers crossed you get to go. :hug

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