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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Joy- boy, that sounds interesting ! Can't wait to hear what the inspiration was !




Cindy- did I pm you with your partner's address ? I have it, but don't have it marked down as sending it to you . I was trying to be so organized ,too .


Anyhow, if you don't yet have it, let me know and I'll pm it to you !

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Cindy- did I pm you with your partner's address ? I have it, but don't have it marked down as sending it to you . I was trying to be so organized ,too .


Anyhow, if you don't yet have it, let me know and I'll pm it to you !


You sent it, thanks for checking.

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Good Morning. :mug


I can't wait to see what arrives in my mailbox. But the pressure is now on for me to get a move on with the card. I won't know until tomorrow night what day I'll be able to get out on the town. Currently sharing a car with a working college kid. :P I'm guessing Wednesday or Thursday.


Since it is the last day of the month, I'll be trying to catch up on a few projects. As usual I have several on the go. I best get to it.


Have a great day. :)

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Sherri -wouldnt happen to have a PHOTO of you in the punk hairdo, would you ? THAT would be a priceless picture !


Nope. I wouldn't let anyone with a camera get near me at the time. Good thing my hair grew fast that year. :lol

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Good Morning, House Mates!


I've been waiting for Sparkie to eat his breakfast - but other then scarfing down a piece of chees earlier he's turned up his nose at the food.

Just one of those days, I guess...I'm such a worry wart, though.



Just stopped in to say I'll be back tomorrow. Pretty tired tonight. Have a nice Memorial Day!

Have a good one, too, Marlene!

New grandchild coming for me this week too! DD is having a c-section on Friday.
:yay:yay...I'm sure it'll go fine:hug


Judy - Yes we don't live far, I wonder if our paths have crossed?????? :hug:hug

You never know!:)

Hi all!!



We had a busy day! Judy- Glad to hear that you found the perfect kitchen set!!! And good luck finding the perfect light for your corner of the room!!!

It sounds like you had a super productive day! Enjoy the "new" room!


We'll be checking at Lowes and also a lighting dtore down Route 35 somewhere near DS's office....other than that we're not going to brave the crowded roads! We drove over the Parkway yestrday and it was the usual parking lot heading South - in addition to their being an accident near our exit. ICK! We're trapped like rats for the Summer now....

I spliced in the new piece of border to replace the place where I marked it with the permanent marker, finished pinning it in place and have done little more than three rounds of quilting tonight. I put on the Davinci Code to listen to while I sewed. And I have marked the special quilting pattern for the first corner, too. I'm trying something new in the four corners and middle square. We'll see how it looks. Good, I hope. :lol :lol :lol I've already used up one bobbing of thread. :lol :lol :lol

You're so skilled!! Can't wait for a pic of the finished product!


Glad you found the kitchen set you liked !


And yep,June 10th is ending date for the V squares .


It's ok if we have more than one block of the same - in the beggining, I said we could try to find all different shades, but any one will do, even if we have more than one of each color .

It's going to be an interesting pile of colors!:lol I just pulled another old sk from my stash this morning:hook

Anyhow, a Happy Memorial Day to you all . Remembering all those who are no longer with us and all the military personel who have served our country proudly and lost their lives .

We have a military rifle salute in the backyard every Memorial Day - the cemetery right behind us has lots of veterans in it.

An important day to remember anyone who we no longer have with us .

or those of you living on STREET NAMES who are named for PEOPLE, can you tell me who those people were and what they are famous for ?

I don't think I've heard their names before .


Also ,to Tam-- how did your TOWN get its name ? It sounds like an Indian name ,but just guessing .


Our town was named for the guy who "founded it " or was fisrt to settle here I guess you'd say .Not very exciting ,but it goes well with the town. It isnt very exciting either .

Our town officialy split from Matawan, which is an Indian name, if I remember correctly...now is Aberdeen, after the town in Scotland...lots of pre Revolutionary war history here...the name Freneau is on one of the streets in Matawan...

1- Name a famous person from your state .BON JOVI , BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN (I THINK):think


2-What would you say is the best food item you make ?


3-How many years have you lived in the same town you now live in ?36 YEARS NEXT MONTH


4- Have you ever been to a class reunion,and what year did you graduate ?


5-What were your school colors and team name ?


6-What was your biggest "Hair Disaster " ?


7- When you were little,what was your favorite thing to play on in the park ?


8-What would your former high school classmates have said you were : most studious, funniest, loudest, cutest,etc ?


9-So far in your life, what has your biggest achievement been ?RAISING OUR SON AND KEEPING SANE WHILE HUBBY PUT HIS ENTIRE BEING INTO HIS JOB


10-What is something you'd like to achieve that you haven't yet ?


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My card is ready to go.


Judy, I can see where it would be difficult living in a vacation area in the summer. Around here everyone goes north for every vacation, and on Friday nights, the freeway heading out of Grand Rapids is like a parking lot. I live north of Grand Rapids and I've learned to stay off the freeway when I leave work on Friday afternoons. However, I'm sure its nowhere near as bad as living near the ocean. And it's never a problem getting to town.

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Good morning House,


Got to the questionnaire and decided to answer first then go back to read the posts I missed. Had a hard time falling asleep last night- and then when I got up I started putting some things back in the room. Taking a break from that- It is harder to put back then to take out!:lol



1- Name a famous person from your state .Bon Jovi


2-What would you say is the best food item you make ? Lasagna


3-How many years have you lived in the same town you now live in ?5 1/2 years


4- Have you ever been to a class reunion,and what year did you graduate ? 10 year reunion- graduated HS in 1973

5-What were your school colors and team name ? Blue and White- The Blue Devils


6-What was your biggest "Hair Disaster " ? Ironing my hair as a teen with a real iron and ironing board- boy did it dry out my hair- kept trying to straighten my naturally curly hair


7- When you were little,what was your favorite thing to play on in the park ?Swing Set


8-What would your former high school classmates have said you were : most studious, funniest, loudest, cutest,etc ? I honestly don't know- I wasn't the most studious, funnies, loudest or cutest. Maybe most perfectionist- as I have aged, I've learned to not always try to be perfect.

9-So far in your life, what has your biggest achievement been ?Being a Mom to 3 wonderful daughters and finishing college and getting my BA degree in October 2008


10-What is something you'd like to achieve that you haven't yet ?Become a grandmother - but this will all depend on whether any of my daughters decide to help me achieve this

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Thought it was interesting that Judy and I both said Bon Jovi as the answer for the question on a famous person from the state!!! And Yes, Springsteen is also from NJ- Freehold! Got his start at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park!!!


Well, all, back to putting this room together so I can have some me time today- which to me is watching the Yankee game with some hook and yarn!!!



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Oh, and Happy Memorial Day!!! Thanks to all the wonderful brave men and women who have given of themselves for all of us!!!! :manyheart


Where is a little flag smiley when you could use one? :lol

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1- name a famous person from your state .


i dunno :think


2-what would you say is the best food item you make ?




3-how many years have you lived in the same town you now live in ?


8 years


4- have you ever been to a class reunion,and what year did you graduate ?




5-what were your school colors and team name ?


the riders....blue & white


6-what was your biggest "hair disaster " ?


everyday :yes


7- when you were little,what was your favorite thing to play on in the park ?


no clue :think


8-what would your former high school classmates have said you were : Most studious, funniest, loudest, cutest,etc ?


i was a loner so i guess they would have said shy, quiet


9-so far in your life, what has your biggest achievement been ?


hmm....having 4 boys, being able to raise twins at 16, giving birth naturally at 16, graduating nursing school


10-what is something you'd like to achieve that you haven't yet ?


graduating college....i am working on it :cheer



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post-18634-135897535709_thumb.jpg :sun Good Morning all........... :mug




Well..... I finished my varigated sc square.

I may make another... we'll see how time plays out for me.




Because "SOMEONE" on here........ *wink wink* :D shared this really neat shrug pattern..........(thank you btw) I'm making one for my mom for her birthday this month. Here's to hoping I get it done by the 25th.




Julie........ Yep... our town name is Indian........meaning 'Rustling Water' the postal service approved the name back in January of 1875.

Our town population last taken in 2000 showed 232.



Well........ off to get a refill on my :mug

you all have a great day

check back in a bit.





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Good Morning House :coffee


Questionnaire, then posts ;)


1- Name a famous person from your state . William Penn (not from here, but landed here and for whom the state is named), Louisa May Alcott, Bill Cosby, Will Smith, Gene Kelly, Arnold Palmer, Kevin Bacon, Michael Keaton, Seth Green, Andy Warhol, Dan Marino, Joe Nameth, Milton Hershey, Hall & Oates, Patti LaBelle, Boyz II Men, Taylor Swift (I googled and these were some of the bigger names, most I already knew and found others interesting)


2-What would you say is the best food item you make ? Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, homemade pasta sauce, steak, etc....I'm better off telling you that I'm bad with gravy!! It always is lumpy for some reason :(


3-How many years have you lived in the same town you now live in ?2 and a half. Before here I lived 2 years a couple towns over only about 4 miles away.


4- Have you ever been to a class reunion,and what year did you graduate ?Graduated in 1996 and my class hasn't even had a class reunion; however, when I thought they would plan a 10th, I had no intensions of going. The way I figure, I keep in touch with the people I want to and everyone else I didn't talk to then and have no interest in talking to them now :lol


5-What were your school colors and team name ?Cougars...red and white/silver


6-What was your biggest "Hair Disaster " ? Never had one!!! Seriously!!! Late 80's ish I wanted a perm and both my mom and my hairdresser refused...that would have been my biggest hair disaster. But, my mom had her cosmetology license, so we all always had good hair :lol


7- When you were little,what was your favorite thing to play on in the park ?Swings....still love them :yay


8-What would your former high school classmates have said you were : most studious, funniest, loudest, cutest,etc ?Depends which classmates you asked :lol I pretty much kept to myself and had my handful of friends. I had over 600 kids in my class alone, plus 2 more years in the school!!! :eek To those I didn't hang out with, I'd be the quiet one; to my friends, I'd be the loyal one.


9-So far in your life, what has your biggest achievement been ?Becoming a doctor


10-What is something you'd like to achieve that you haven't yet ? Children

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Your town name is interesting -- the same name our girl was while in Md -- at the army base there .


And as for the novel -- never give up on your dreams. If you want it enough, you can do it . I have faith in you .

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Weren't the 70's difficult HAIR years ? The boys all had the long hippie type hair ,girls with curly hair always tried straightening it. I remember some of the girls putting scotch tape on their bangs while their hair was wet,so they'd dry straight .

I never bothered- never really cared .

I DID have a SHAG haircut ,probably 9th grade ...



And don't worry that you won't have grandbabies- I'll bet you'll have some one of these days, just wait and see !

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1- Name a famous person from your state . (I googled to make sure I got them right.) Julia Roberts, Charlayne Hunter-Gault (1st black woman to attend a previously segregated university - University of Georgia), Hank Aaron, James Brown, Ty Cobb, Newt Gingrich, Lewis Grizzard, Oliver Hardy, Martin Luther Kin, Jr. Earl Mann, Burt Reynolds, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Carl Sanders, Ted Turner


2-What would you say is the best food item you make ? Cherry Nut Bread, Casseroles, & Soups


3-How many years have you lived in the same town you now live in ? 5 3/4 years


4- Have you ever been to a class reunion,and what year did you graduate ? I graduated in 1968 and have been to two reunions, our 5 year and our 25 year. Both were rather disappointing. At the 5 year reunion the college bound kids were all floundering and at the 25 year lots of people were unhappily stuck in a rut.


5-What were your school colors and team name ? The Valley High Tigers and our colors were Blue and Red


6-What was your biggest "Hair Disaster " ? A permanent that turned out so tight I couldn't even get a comb through it.


7- When you were little,what was your favorite thing to play on in the park ? The merry-go-round


8-What would your former high school classmates have said you were : most studious, funniest, loudest, cutest,etc ? I was one of the smart ones, but would probably be the mousiest or dowdiest.


9-So far in your life, what has your biggest achievement been ? Going back to school twice as an adult with a family. The first time the kids were little and I got a BA in Psychology. The second time they were in their teens and I got a BS in Accounting.


10-What is something you'd like to achieve that you haven't yet ? I'd like to write a book and get it published.

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Beautiful colors in your square --and that shrug stitch is so pretty isn't it ?


Neat that your town is so small. Do you guys live near to a large town,or is it a long drive to a big town with lots of stores ?

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I'm with you on the reunion thing - if you wanna see those kids, you'd be in touch with them,not have to wait and see what happened since then and go see them then .

Our class has had a few ,but the turnout was so poor they quit having them. Our town is very CLIQUEY ... if that makes sense ?

So you had the cheerleaders, sports guys, etc all in one clump,then the middle class people in another clump ( mine), then the rest .


So from what I heard about reunions they HAD, they pretty much were a repeat of high school ,so it sounds kinda stupid to keep playing those games all these years later .

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Good morning, Housemates. It stormed last night and was still raining when I got up this morning. It's stopped for the moment, but looks and feels like it could start up again at any time.


Agenda for today is quilting on mom's quilt. Lots to do yet.


Hope everyone has a safe and pleasant Memorial Day. When I was growing up the month of May was spent getting ready for Memorial Day. Sorting out the flowers from the previous year. Replacing those that weren't in good shape anymore. Deciding what flowers would go on whose grave. And then on the Memorial Day weekend it was three days of putting out the flowers, attending Memorial Day services, going to the Legion Hall for lunch, and visiting with family and friends. We decorated all the family graves. There were a lot of veterans among the men in the family.


More later. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Because "SOMEONE" on here........ *wink wink* :D shared this really neat shrug pattern..........(thank you btw) I'm making one for my mom for her birthday this month. Here's to hoping I get it done by the 25th.







:devil:devil Yours is looking great!


Nice square BTW!

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Have you read any of Lewis Grizzard's books ? My gosh that guy was funny. I loved when he talked about FOOD and how well his mom cooked and all his favorites she made him .


I used to sit and laugh while reading his books -- Sam would look at me like I was a little ODD for laughing at a book ...


Another funny writer is Bill Bryson .. he is a hoot .

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Love reading all the answers to all these questions! It's really fun!:yes


Tammy- The square is pretty- love the color combo- I have that same vareigeted but it is "earmarked" along with the turquoise and brown skeins to make an afghan! Forgot all about it till you posted the square and then went looking and I had "forgotten" I had put it in an empty drawer in the spare bedroom! :eek


The shrug is coming along nicely- and bet it will be nice and soft using the ILTY!!:c9


Linda- You will be the quilting busy bee today. Cheering you on from NJ that you can get this done!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Julie- Lots of interesting questions and answers here- thanks for coming up with these:hug


Seems like we have a few writers among us! Judy and Linda- don't give up on your dream. My oldest is hoping to publish someday too---She is a voracious reader and I think that helps her with her writing!


Well, back to the room - almost done---and 1/2 a box filled for Goodwill!!!


DD and her BF stopped by with bagels from my favorite bagel place. The wedding is in my town so they decided to come a little early and bring DH and I breakfast! It was such a nice surprise!:manyheart

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