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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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It was a work day for me today. I had a good day, but I had an awful headache most of the day, and eventually I ended up with an upset stomach to go with it. Dh wanted to go out for dinner, and I ordered some soup. It tasted good, but I only ate a few spoonfuls. Maybe I'll loose a pound or two!


It's been years since I had a headache like this. I think I will be fine once I get some sleep.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Are you drinking enough water? When you're busy I know how hard it is to remember to do that.


Sleep well:hug


I'll say good night now, CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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Hey House,


Julie - my vote is no for that simple fact that you need to worry about yourself first. Make sure you're healthy for Sam and Cam...they need you. But, it's your decision.


Gotta get back to the boston/phillie game!!!!! Both my teams against each other :eek

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Sherri -

I went to look at your blog - you sure have some beautiful items done . Those afghans with the tiny squares look like so much work, but so pretty . Are the squares smaller than the regular saltines ,like only one round instead of 2 ?


And thank you for your input on what to do about going to reunion . It's just that we do NOTHING all year long. That is our one fun thing we do and I really have a good time. Lots of the cousins stay at the same motel ( in fact, we have the whole motel booked for this year ) ,so THAT part of it is the part I will miss most .


I am really truly sorry I upset you when I pulled out of here before . Believe me, I had no choice at the time . Sometimes things pile up until something has to give, so this was it .

I didnt intend on making anyone mad though ,I just had to step away to handle things .

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Sherri -

I went to look at your blog - you sure have some beautiful items done . Those afghans with the tiny squares look like so much work, but so pretty . Are the squares smaller than the regular saltines ,like only one round instead of 2 ?


And thank you for your input on what to do about going to reunion . It's just that we do NOTHING all year long. That is our one fun thing we do and I really have a good time. Lots of the cousins stay at the same motel ( in fact, we have the whole motel booked for this year ) ,so THAT part of it is the part I will miss most .


I am really truly sorry I upset you when I pulled out of here before . Believe me, I had no choice at the time . Sometimes things pile up until something has to give, so this was it .

I didnt intend on making anyone mad though ,I just had to step away to handle things .


Not to worry, it was only that I missed seeing you. I completely understand. I have been absent at times myself. The zigzag ripple is made with the two round granny squares, just sewn together a bit differently. The Irish Chain one is a diagonal box stitch and not really squares at all. Not sure which you were asking about.

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Thanks for the input ,and you did have a lot of good ideas if we DO go . It kinda sounds like the majority thinks I should skip it this year, so I guess we will, unless some type of big change occurs within the next week .

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Monday appointment might bring something new to light or maybe the Dr will have another drug to try or something so this improves.

I doubt that things will get that better that quick,but I can always hope .

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Thanks for the comments about Cam ---


And also thank you for your advice -- you are right, if I'm not careful then I might not get to go to any more reunions.


Your afghan is gorgeous !!! Love the colors .

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Mary - love the yarn colors !! What type of yarn is it ? I'm so used to Red Heart - that's almost the only kind around this area .




Cindy- thanks for the advice,and you know me pretty well ! Usually Sam doesn't tell me what to do because he knows I'll do just the opposite .


I'm sorry you have such a bad headache. Those that give you the sick stomach too are awful. Hope you have something you can take for it .

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Thanks for understanding Sherri .


And the afghan I was asking about was the one with the squares done linda- diamond-shaped, or put together point to point. It is really pretty . Looks like it would have taken a long time to complete !

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Yep, I know what you mean if you wanted a girl but you might not get a girl if you were to try again .

And yes, you have had lots of years of raising kids from an early age ,so you may be glad to have the free time once they are grown .

You will still be young enough to do just about anything you want ,even walk around nekkd if that's what you wanna do . :eek

I've had grown kids for years and I don't walk around nekkid ,but if that's what floats your boat, then go for it . :yes


Maybe you could try foster care, or work in a daycare ,or babysit for someone who has a girl . (Is your brother having a boy or girl ? I can't remember what or if you said .


How about the Big Brother/Sister type program,or volunteering at school ?


There are lots of places you can interact with kids who would really like you because you are so funny ,plus it may give you what you are missing .


Just some ideas if you dont wanna sign on for another 18 year stint .


Yeah, I know I cannot choose and I cannot shove it back. :lol My brother is having a girl which is awesome so I will be babysitting. I think we should just wait for a grand daughter. :yes Not soon BUT someday. :yes


Happy Photo Friday Ladies,


It has been a busy house again.


Judy~The Jackson ghan is spectacular. Glad you didn't quit when you first wanted to, this is a work of art!


Cindy~The pink baby afghan is beautiful. I love patterns that switch up stitches like that.


Linda~The quilt for your mom is lovely. Is the pattern Irish Chain? Tell Rosie she did a great job on her pink quilt.


Cheeria~Love the commercial for the Potty Dance. Your grandbaby made me laugh.


Marlene~So sorry about the loss of your friend.:hug


Marisa~Good start on your sock. I usually slip a contrasting yarn loop/marker on my starting needle, just in case I get interrupted and forget where I was at.


Tam~Luv the coaster and I am also a fan of Spiced Cider


Linda~The supersized sc Ripple is fabulous. I really like the way you did that double granny.


Mary~Little Luke is adorable. He has those cheeks you just want to squeeze.


Julie~Cam looks like such a sweetheart, I can see why you still want to hold him on your lap. Now as far as your decision.....as much as you want to go, I think you need to follow your doctors advice. I missed alot of family stuff last year because of health issues and it grieved me to have to stay home. But I had a good talk with me and I asked myself "When did you get you medical degree?" When I had no answer I knew I had to stay home. I was so much better this year, I had a wonderful time with Mom, sis, bro, grandsons, great-grandson and a buschel of neices and nephews. It was even sweeter because I had missed the previous year. I just don't think you should push the envelope.


Well, are any of you Grey's Anatomy fans? I tell you, I was on the edge of my seat for 2 solid hours! I could hardly breath. All I can say is WOW! I think I went thru an entire box of Kleenex.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be checking in sporadically. NASCAR all stars is Saturday night.


Oh, here are my photos for today.


Beautiful!! :clap:manyheart


Afternoon House Mates, at last I have a few things to show on Photo Friday, they aren't completed but it is time for me to share and I have a moment while grandbaby is napping to do so.


downsize[1] (4)


downsize[1] (3)


This second picture is a weave band that I'm weaving on an inkle loom. The colors of the band is red and goldfish orange. I'm new at this and I'm learning to weave these colorful bands through various web sites, books and the Raverly group that I belong to.


As you can see the baby knitted blanket is still on the needle and this week I just started on the shawl.


Very nice! :cheer


Tabby ~ Yay for new yarn and a new hook. :hook Were you able to find a pattern for the monkey or did you design one?


Diane ~ Another absolutely beautiful afghan! :clap I just noticed your totals in your signature...you're amazing. :yes


Julie ~ Awww, Cam was an adorable baby and he is a really cute 8 year old. :) Bless your heart for having to make the reunion decision. I vote for your staying home, but Linda's advice is so thorough if you do decide to go. :manyheart


Judy ~ Your Book Club sounds really nice. I need to get back to reading more...I completed about half the classes for a Masters in Library Science many years ago and have always loved books!


Thank you all for the sweet words about Luke. :manyheart He is such a joy and we are so lucky to have him so close.


The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I quickly took pictures of my ripple...the colors are so much prettier in person. :yarn I'm really liking the random colors and after looking at pictures of what people did with this pattern, I liked them all!


No pattern just pulling it from my rump as I go along. :D


It was about a year or so ago, I think. It's a fictionalized version of Ann Bolyn's sister and Ann....I love Historical fiction, esp set in the UK, so I lloved it. The Dance of the Dissident Daughter is by Sue Monk Kidd and deals with her spiritual journey. I enjoyed that, too...



Good luck with the monkey pattern - I guess you found one?


Jules, I agree with everyone else. My first instinct is to say NO, but I know what it's like to have something to look forward to. Linda brought up wonderful points for IF you do go. But my first thought is to think ahead to next year and lan for THAT, so you can get your health problems diagnosed and under control/As always, though, it boils down to what you and Sam can handle.:hug:manyheart

Tab...having an empty nest is VERY NICE:devil...but, like Jules, it's a decision for you and Doa to make.



I looked and it's all so gorgeous!!!:clap:clap

Love it! :clapNice colors, too:yes


Very nice! Love your woven work...and the baby things look so soft:c9


Love it!! Which pattern is that? From Attic24?



BBL, gators!


Yeah....I think I would love to have time alone with the Hubby.....right now we have to fight for it or stay up until midnight just to talk without kids running up and down the stairs. UGHH!!

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We had a nice picnic, played baseball with Jaden, went fishing, and walked the trails. The only bad thing was I ended up with fat swollen ankles.....never had that happen before or never noticed it. It was nothing a little midol couldn't handle. :lol;) That was a medication sent from heaven. :yes:c9


Anywhoo.....I started the monkey and made it to round 17.....I am beat and off to bed.


Good Night All!! :ghug:manyheart

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Good night house,


I did a couple rounds on the sock today and started my next octagon for my rainbow ghan.


It's kinda early for me, but I'm off to bed since I'm not feeling too well :( Took some motrin and hoping to sleep it off. My parents are down in the morning so I want to be well rested ;)


Good night :c9

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Good morning!

What a busy house it was yesterday- took me a while to read through all the posts, which doesn't leave me much time to respond- but I thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful pictures that were posted!! And I commend all the talent. To those of you not feeling well- hoping that today is a better day for you!


Julie- I'm with the majority here- I would listen to what the lung specialist's opinion is on the matter. And those pics are Cam are awesome- what a handsome boy he is!!!


I got out of work around 6:45 last evening and then headed straight to DDs house for her jewelry party. Got home around 10 and think I was asleep by 10:30.


I hope everyone has a great weekend- I'll be heading out to work shortly! Not sure when I'll be home!


Hugs to all!

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Morning ladies

I hope you all are doing well today . Promises to be a wet rainy Saturday here today,so no outdoor activities for folks.


After pondering the brown ripple, seeing Linda's ,and laying mine out on the bed again, no way is it gonna be as big as this girl wanted it .

I REALLY don't want to restart another sc ripple of the size she needs, so went for a hdc ripple I found. This one ,I made much wider, so should fit the bill of the size she is asking for .

Problem being, I am back at square one. I will just assume that she does not need it this summer. With hot weather moving in soon,the last thing they'd need would be an afghan,so I will tell Steph I may need the summer to complete it. That will give me a little more breathing room to work in,and not as much pressure to have it done quickly .

The hdc goes faster too, so it'll be an easier to manage project if I can in some way make ot go faster .


After starting and re-starting the baby afghan I have needed to make, I have landed on Cindy's pattern ( the pink one she just completed ),but mine will be light yellow . I like the texture in the pattern ,so it will be very pretty when done .


Due to these circumstancs ( which means neither one is past row 2.... ) I will skip photo day this week and hope to have a postable sized item by next Friday .


That's all that is new on this front . I'm not sure if Cam will be up today or not. I know he was invited to a birthday party ,but not sure what day it was - I'm thinking it may be today . I will call down there in a bit andsee what is up for the day .I hate to call people early on Satudays -- their day to sleep in ...


So hopefully he will get to come up sometime this weekend, if not today then tomorrow .


Ok,back to the afghans . LOTS of work to do to get them picture-sized by next week . :hook

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I had a great night's sleep as I hope everyone else did too :) And, I'm feeling a little better this morning :) I've already vacuumed (just the stairs, I always forget about them and they were looking a little shabby :lol ) and took out the trash :)


My parents are planning to leave to come down here at about 9, so they should get here around 11 :D and they will be spending the evening then.... I love having company :) I just spoke with my parents and they are almost ready to leave so should get out early.


I'm going to have a little bfast then shower and try to get some hooking in before my parents arrive :)



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And thank you for your input on what to do about going to reunion . It's just that we do NOTHING all year long. That is our one fun thing we do and I really have a good time. Lots of the cousins stay at the same motel ( in fact, we have the whole motel booked for this year ) ,so THAT part of it is the part I will miss most .


I am really truly sorry I upset you when I pulled out of here before . Believe me, I had no choice at the time . Sometimes things pile up until something has to give, so this was it .

I didnt intend on making anyone mad though ,I just had to step away to handle things .

Julie, none of us were mad, just very concerned about you. And I certainly understand about needing to step back and sort through things.


I know you will miss all the fun at the reunion, but we do want you around for a long time to come. And missing one so that you can go to many more in the future isn't a bad trade off, just super disappointing during the missed one.


Good morning, housemates. It's overcast and supposed to rain off and on all weekend. :sigh Sigh! :sigh I've got to go to the bank this morning and want to do a little running around before tackling mom's quilt. I sent Gary (my brother) a picture of the top to take over to her on Thursday and called her yesterday to wish her happy birthday. She fell again yesterday morning. As Gary said when I talked to him, one more bad fall with a broken bone will put her in the nursing home. So far none have been that bad. I'll see her in two weeks.


Glad you're feeling a bit better Marisa. Hope you continue to improve. Have a fun time with your folks.


Hope everyone has a nice day. More later.

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Hi Linda

I'm glad you got the quilt completed enough so your mom can see a photo of what it will look like when completed .

Sorry she is having problems with falling. How old is she ,and does she have family close that checks in on here ,like your brother ? At least that way you know someone can check in or call daily to check up on her .




Marisa- have a nice visit with your parents . Take it easy since you aren't up to snuff today .

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