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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hope everyone has a great night- I'm going to get off the computer momentarily and work on the potholder and watch the Yankees.


Julie- you'll have to fill me in on DWTS- :yes


Yankee -Red Sox games are not to be missed!:lol

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You're welcome. I actually can't believe that there is anything computer related that I could teach anyone! Generally speaking, I am pretty computer challenged!


And Joanne, WTG for adding that link!

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The DWTS show was great tonite. Everyone did so well ~ They each had to dance 2 dances,and I honestly think they all deserved top-notch scores. It'll be very close when they have to choose who gets booted off tomorrow. I am guessing the Ocho guy may go -- he was better than he ever has been, but probably not as good as the others by a small percentage .

The tall blonde girl was beautiful and perfect in both dances. The little Hawaiian girl was also perfect, although I didn't like the outfits and types of dances they chose ,they still did great .

The boy skater was also his best ever .

They all got some 10's tonite and deserved them ,so it'll be a close one tomorrow .

You missed a good show, but maybe can find it on reruns online someplace later in the week .

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Rose- sorry I forgot to answer your post, in case you check back in here at some point, but no, we don't have pics in any type of orderly system to view, unless you look up most of the Fridays ,and dig through all the posts that way .


It's the main day we post photos in here ,although anyone can post anytime they want .


Sorry about that- I'm just not real organized, plus if I had to put all posts with photos on post one, it'd be about 8000 words long ...


( of course that's not much different than my REGULAR posts !)

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The DWTS show was great tonite. Everyone did so well ~ They each had to dance 2 dances,and I honestly think they all deserved top-notch scores. It'll be very close when they have to choose who gets booted off tomorrow. I am guessing the Ocho guy may go -- he was better than he ever has been, but probably not as good as the others by a small percentage .

The tall blonde girl was beautiful and perfect in both dances. The little Hawaiian girl was also perfect, although I didn't like the outfits and types of dances they chose ,they still did great .

The boy skater was also his best ever .

They all got some 10's tonite and deserved them ,so it'll be a close one tomorrow .

You missed a good show, but maybe can find it on reruns online someplace later in the week .

Thank you so much for the update- Right about now I'm thinking I should have watched DWTS!!! The Yankees after a wonderful start are losing 9-7 in the top of the 9th inning!:( And silly me didn't set the DVR so I could have watched DWTS when I came home from work tomorrow- what was i thinking???:lol Anyway, I finished the potholder- and started another one so all was not lost tonight!


I am getting tired now- but these Yankees have me hooked- might as well stay up until the bitter end!!!!


Cya in the AM, which at this point is going to be earlier than I'd like!

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Quick Good morning and Happy Tuesday!


It's a rainy dreary day here in Central NJ, but at least my newly planted flowers are getting a shower!!!


Gotta run- but wanted to stop by for a quick "make it a good day"!


Cya later everyone!!!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) I've missed a lot again. I thought life was supposed to slow down as we get older. :wink I leave here about 8 to take care of Luke for the morning. :c9 He's changing so quickly now and is already sticking his tongue out. :lol


Take care, everyone. :manyheart I'll check in from DD's if I can.

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Good morning, House mates!:hug:manyheart


Thanks Cindy for giving the directions on how to post the links- and Judy, I'm glad I asked- I've been wondering how to do that forever and always forgot to ask. Isn't it great to learn something new?

I'm always trying new things. I do get bored easily - undiagnosed ADD, I think:lol

Yankee -Red Sox games are not to be missed!:lol

I am soooo glad I watched the entire game!

What an ending!!! Yankees Win, theeeeeeee Yankees win!!!:clap:clap:clap

It took me forever to get to sleep after that ending! And I just had to watch ESPN to see it all again...:D

Good Morning, Ladies. :) I've missed a lot again. I thought life was supposed to slow down as we get older. :wink I leave here about 8 to take care of Luke for the morning. :c9 He's changing so quickly now and is already sticking his tongue out. :lol


Take care, everyone. :manyheart I'll check in from DD's if I can.

Grandkids must really shoot to pieces any schedule

Enjoy the little guy:c9

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Well, I used up all the skeins I had set aside for the expanded version of the Jackson ghan. Today I'll attach the strip I have ready and arrange other squares and see how far that gets me.

When I'm done I'll probably post a before and after pic:hook


CU all later!:hug

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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


The game was awesome last night and the Phillies won :clap 12-2 :yay It rained for pretty much the whole game, but luckily our seats were in row 30 and were under the upper level, so we were covered :yes


Congrats to Joanne and Judy :( for their Yankee win!!! However, I have to say I'm glad Bosox didn't lose that bad in the end after that 5-0 lead in the first. (I was watching the scoreboard....I remembered hitting my friends leg and yelling when it changed to 5-6, then I had to explain the scoreboard to her :lol )


I finished my lapghan over the weekend and started the border yesterday during my lunch break at work. So now since that's just about done, I'm going to try to finish up that border tonight after work and then I can restart up on my rainbow granny ghan tomorrow :think I started knitting a sock over the weekend and haven't worked on it much since then so only have about an inch done so far (definitely too small for my foot :lol )

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Marisa, I saw that score....glad you were dry and had fun!

I always wondered how hard it would be to sit next to a friend at a game who didn't know a thing about the sport. Didn't you find it distracting?


Happy :hook and :knit


Off to get myself together finally - we got the rain we needed, I just wish it was the gentle, Spring sort of rain, though.

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Marlene - I love banana bread too....I bet it smelled wonderful (and Linda too....I saw you were planning on some as well) :D


Tab - WTG on finishing up the blue on your RR. Good luck teaching the children, but I feel they will catch on quickly. I don't have any patterns to share at the moment, but will keep my eyes peeled for you. I would recommend something easy, but having maybe 2-3 different stitches so they can practice what your teaching. What did you and hubby play on the Wii?


Julie - I'm hopefully going to resume my rainbow ghan tomorrow. I'm on the border now of the lapghan, so just want to finish it up now :D WTG on your brown ripple :yay We'll be here for you when you return, I sure hope everything is alright. Let us know if you need anything!!!!


Linda - Your blackberry pie fiasco made me laugh about John with it :lol Glad Kim is feeling a bit better now.


Judy - WTG on your cleaning done. It always does help to relax a bit first :D


LeAnna - WTG with your unpacking :cheer Keep up the good work!!! ;) It sounds like you made out well at the yarn crawl :yay


Joanne - I keep my DVR set automatically for all of my shows for the entire series, that way if something comes up I don't have to remember about it :D Congrats on successfully posting your link :yay


Cindy - Good job explaining that link!!! :clap


Cheeria - I love eggplant parm too....and now you have my mouth watering for it at 9:30 am!!! :lol


Mary - Life never slows down!!! My mom keeps saying that she doesn't understand how people get bored!!! Her and my father are always running and doing something :lol She thought she'd get to relax when she was free from any of us living at home, but it turns out all of their energy was just refocused!!!!

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Marisa, I saw that score....glad you were dry and had fun!

I always wondered how hard it would be to sit next to a friend at a game who didn't know a thing about the sport. Didn't you find it distracting?


Happy :hook and :knit


Off to get myself together finally - we got the rain we needed, I just wish it was the gentle, Spring sort of rain, though.



Not too bad....we went to a game last year and so the basics were out of the way, so now it's just fine tuning some of the info :lol It wasn't our scoreboard I needed to explain, she's got that one ok. But, the scoreboard where they keep up with ALL the other games being played. She was confused when I knew how many outs they had, how many on base, and who was even at bat :lol She got it now though.

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Hey guys

I may be MIA for a couple days .Got some things that need taken care of . Don't want to bring the board down with anything ,so keep yakking. I'll be back when I get things cleared up .


I hope all is okay....I am here if you need me. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Good Morning.


Marisa~ We played the new Super Mario Bros. on the Wii....it is a newer version of the very first one that came out on the fist nintendo. We love it, but he sure does like to play around too much....always picking up, throwing me, butt bombing me, etc, etc. :lol Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way because it is a blast. :yes


Well, it is suppose to rain on and off but I want to get a walk in so BBL.

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Good Morning.


Marisa~ We played the new Super Mario Bros. on the Wii....it is a newer version of the very first one that came out on the fist nintendo. We love it, but he sure does like to play around too much....always picking up, throwing me, butt bombing me, etc, etc. :lol Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way because it is a blast. :yes


Well, it is suppose to rain on and off but I want to get a walk in so BBL.


I have that one too :D I reserved it when I saw it was coming out. I've completed world 1, but have trouble on world 2. I've only played by myself though, so haven't been able to experience the 2 player game :(

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Good morning Housemates! :hi It's sunny today and I think the rain is out of the forecast for at least a few days now. I didn't get much of anything done yesterday except for caring for Kim and read a book. The bananas are still waiting for me to do something with them.


Cheeria - Eggplant parmesan is one of Kim's favorite dishes.


Joanne - Congratulations on getting the link to work first try.


Mary - Have fun with little Luke. They change so much and so fast that first couple of years. It's amazing! And lucky you for living so close and getting to experience it first hand.


Judy - Eagerly awaiting the pictures of you ghan.


Julie - We're here if you need to vent. You get to do that, too, you know. Not just us.


Well, I'm not going to have mom's quilt done on time, but it was a bigger project than anticipated and I'm slower, too. I just can't do much when the arthritis is acting up big time. I have been cutting out strips and I'm getting ready to start sewing them together once Kim's had her meds, is up to the bathroom, and gets started on her breathing treatment. Oops! I was thinking about the strips and realized I have to cut another one before I start the sewing. But I think it's just one more.


More later.

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Linda, I always think of belated birthday presents as a bonus!. The quilt is going to be beautiful!


Not too bad....we went to a game last year and so the basics were out of the way, so now it's just fine tuning some of the info :lol It wasn't our scoreboard I needed to explain, she's got that one ok. But, the scoreboard where they keep up with ALL the other games being played. She was confused when I knew how many outs they had, how many on base, and who was even at bat :lol She got it now though.

We must educate more women about the National Pastime! Good job!;)

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I've got all but one of the long multi-strips together now. Next is ironing and cutting them into smaller multi-strips, which will then construct the blocks. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

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