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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Well, the going for flowers was a bust! First off, we hit traffic and then on another road we had to go on, they had part of it closed off for a street fair! By the time we would have gotten there, they would have been closed! So, we went out to eat instead and then went for ice cream.


Linda- Sorry to hear about Kim- but it does sound like something is not right- and without knowing her whole history I am reluctant to start guessing. But I do think that it should be checked out. And I hope that you get some rest!!!


Julie- how was the park? Hope your breathing was ok! And what kind of CAKE did Cam have for his birthday?


The Yankees won- so all is good in my world!! LOL


Hope everyone had a great Saturday!

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Ok folks,

Last piece of day one's puzzle. I'll put more things on in the morning. I am really tired tonite,so not at the top of my game .


I will give you 3 words. They each have 2 blanks in them where the SAME 2 letters will fit in both blanks to make a word .


1- _ _ DA_ _TED

2-C _ _kB_ _ K

3-_ _ P_ _ZARD



Good luck --see you in the morning .

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Good Evening Ladies


I hope everyone had a great Saturday!!! :D I relaxed!!! Exercised, crocheted, and knitted :D Yep, I gave in to starting a NEW project while waiting for Monday's yarn delivery!! :eek I started a knitted sock...it would be my second pair of socks, but the first was crochet. I'm very much a beginner at knitting so am not sure how it will turn out, but so far the cuff looks like a cuff!! :) Last night I worked on my lapghan, which is what I'm going to work on now while watching The Goonies!! I can never pass that movie up when it's on (even though I own it and can watch it any time).

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Hi, everyone. I told John what happened and he opted to come home this afternoon instead of waiting until tomorrow. I'm glad he's back although Kim has been fine all day. I spent the late afternoon and evening visiting with Rosie and her John. We watched Avatar together. Now I'm heading for an early bed. It's been thundering and rumbling most the the evening, but very little rain so far.

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Thank you everyone for the compliments. Since the niece has some crochet experience, maybe she will appreciate the effort.


Finally got the truck back today. Miracle of miracles....the entire job was covered under warrenty and I didn't owe a dime. Maybe things are beginning to look up. Or maybe it is just one step forward and a mile backward. I just wait for the next brick to fall. As you can tell, I am slightly bummed today. Living with an alcoholic is not easy.


Hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend.


Also finished a scrap lapghan that I hope is about the right size. Going to see if DD will drop it off at the local nursing home. I have never made one before and am not sure what size they should be. Think my next project will be to make some ugly dishcloths. They are knitted out of cotton yarn on large needles. My knitting ability is very limited. Never have been able to get gauge right no matter how many times I have went to a smaller needle. Dishcloths don't matter though. Enough of my rambling. Thanks for letting me vent. :hug:hug

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Thank you everyone for the compliments. Since the niece has some crochet experience, maybe she will appreciate the effort.


Finally got the truck back today. Miracle of miracles....the entire job was covered under warrenty and I didn't owe a dime. Maybe things are beginning to look up. Or maybe it is just one step forward and a mile backward. I just wait for the next brick to fall. As you can tell, I am slightly bummed today. Living with an alcoholic is not easy.


Hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend.


Also finished a scrap lapghan that I hope is about the right size. Going to see if DD will drop it off at the local nursing home. I have never made one before and am not sure what size they should be. Think my next project will be to make some ugly dishcloths. They are knitted out of cotton yarn on large needles. My knitting ability is very limited. Never have been able to get gauge right no matter how many times I have went to a smaller needle. Dishcloths don't matter though. Enough of my rambling. Thanks for letting me vent. :hug:hug


We're all here for you ANY time you need advice or are looking to vent :ghug It definitely lifts a weight off your shoulders just to say it :hug :hug :hug :hug

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I finally picked up hook and yarn tonight and made one of attic24's hexagons. I have decided that is not the project for me! At least not now!


1wani- that is great news about your truck- isn't that great when everything is covered under warranty? I'm sure that whatever size you made the lapghan will be appreciated. And if you need to vent- we are here for you! Hugs!!!


Linda- I hope Kim is ok and that she will be checked out. I'm sure you are relieved that John is home. Glad you had a nice visit! Sweet dreams!


Marisa- Sounds like you had a nice Saturday- and kudos to your for knitting a pair of socks- sounds like you are on the right track since the cuff looks like a cuff!!!


Julie- That CAKE of Cam's looks great!!!


See everyone tomorrow!

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The Yarn Crawl was great...we hit 5 of the 8 shops and we won't be trying to go back and hit the last 3, just way too tired...


We traveled a good 200 miles today, but it was worth it. Got lots of goodies...more later, because we are just beyond tired, having been off island 12 plus hours...worth it though. I found out that the Seattle Yarn Crawl will have around 25 shops...no, I'm not doing that one...maybe next year...


Have a great Sunday everyone...

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Good morning everyone. Sun is shining brightly here already. We will be going to church this morning and then to DD's house afterwards.


Linda, I don't have any guesses as to what's going on with Kim either. I agree that it needs to be checked out.


Wanda, I agree, come here to vent if you need to.


Julie, how did you do at Cam's party?


No big plans for today here.

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Good morning!


LeAnna- the yarn crawl sounds like fun and I can't wait to hear all about the goodies that you bought!!! That is a lot of stores and miles in one day! Hope you slept well.


I've got laundry going and need to go have another cup of coffee. I've been trying to figure out Julie's puzzles, and well, let's just say that I am glad I crochet a little better than I do at these word puzzles!! Maybe I just need more caffeine?:think



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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


I'm making some chocolate chip pancakes for bfast, I don't remember who mentioned them the other day, but you must have made me hungry for them because I rarely eat pancakes!! :eek LOL


I'm on my 4th and last skein of my lapghan, not sure if it still qualifies for a lapghan, but definitely still going to be too small for an afghan :think And, I have about an inch of the knitted sock I began yesterday after having to take it out a half inch into it because I messed up and figured out what I did wrong :yes


Cindy - How were your brownie sundaes? Enjoy your sunday at church and DD's :D


LeAnna - I hope you got a good night sleep after your 12 hour+ yarn adventure :c9


I hope everyone has a good sunday and I'll be around checking in pretty much all day since I have no plans again, other than getting to the car wash. Wow, it's nice to have cleared the whole weekend to go away and then end up not going away ;) I might have to try this more often for some R&R :devil

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Good Morning, House mates!:manyheart


Well, the going for flowers was a bust! First off, we hit traffic and then on another road we had to go on, they had part of it closed off for a street fair! By the time we would have gotten there, they would have been closed! So, we went out to eat instead and then went for ice cream.This last sentence sounds like a perfect day to me;)


The Yankees won- so all is good in my world!! LOL

Ditto:D Awesome game!


We have friends stopping by thos afternoon, so will likely miss parts of today's game:P...but on the up side. we're making what has turned out to be our weekly trip to Delicious Orchards this morning. We'll get there when they open to beat the crowds....:)

Cam & his cake ! He's the one with his back facing the camera ( in the blue striped shirt )

That is a gorgeous CAKE! He must have love it, and the party. I'm glad you could make it:hug:hug

Yep, I gave in to starting a NEW project while waiting for Monday's yarn delivery!! :eek

You have found a home here...the land of never-ending WIPS:lol

Hi, everyone. I told John what happened and he opted to come home this afternoon instead of waiting until tomorrow. I'm glad he's back although Kim has been fine all day.

Maybe laying down aggravated something - yes, good idea her John is home....that's a huge responsibility for you!

Finally got the truck back today. Miracle of miracles....the entire job was covered under warrenty and I didn't owe a dime.Wonderful news!! Maybe things are beginning to look up. Or maybe it is just one step forward and a mile backward. I just wait for the next brick to fall. As you can tell, I am slightly bummed today. Living with an alcoholic is not easy. I know how that goes - I grew up with a father who was one. So did my husband:hug:hug:hug:hugIt still affects our mentality - and we're in our 60's.


Also finished a scrap lapghan that I hope is about the right size. Going to see if DD will drop it off at the local nursing home. I have never made one before and am not sure what size they should be. Think my next project will be to make some ugly dishcloths. They are knitted out of cotton yarn on large needles. My knitting ability is very limited. Never have been able to get gauge right no matter how many times I have went to a smaller needle. Dishcloths don't matter though. Enough of my rambling. Thanks for letting me vent. :hug:hug

Lapghans can be 36 inches square or 36 by 40 inches ...thereabouts. It's not an exact science.

My knitting is not too great, either...but we can practice, can't we?;)

I found out that the Seattle Yarn Crawl will have around 25 shops...no, I'm not doing that one...maybe next year...


Have a great Sunday everyone...

WOW! Sounds like a blast!


Gotta dash!!!BB sometime today

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Morning ladies

Sorry I am so late checking in today --


Our internet service has been messing up this weekend - it was ok for a few hours yesterday,then went on the blink,and was still out this morning until just now .


Anyhow it threw off my game schedule a little bit ,so will add the next part onto here .


Hidden in the following paragraph of letters, you will find the names of 10 former Presidents.


The letters will all be jumbled together and not make a looming bit of sense ,but there will be LAST NAMES of 10 presidents hidden :



hstebihubgystujkslhooveraxtaftsctrehtefytakldebyufystrguspalkanemtyd fucivoslsidosnterdalpamefegihustgenanixonmsalhjesidofideresdtymn



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Since we have lots of baseball fans in here- this quiz should be right up your alley :


1- Who holds the record for most innings pitched in a major league season?


2- Who was the winningest active major league baseball manage before he retired in 1996?

3-Which two cities have ballparks honoring Number 44 above the outfield fence?

4-Who has the most wins in Dodgers history-- Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax or Don Sutton?

5-What late, great Dodgers pitcher was known to fans as "Double D"?

6-Whose record of 59 did Babe Ruth break when he hit 60 homers in one season?

7- What does Yogi Berra advise you to do when you come to a fork in the road?

8-Whose number 4 was the first number ever retired in major league baseball, in 1939?

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Ok ladies-

I'm off for a bit. I woke up late and Cam called wanting to come up today since he didnt get to yesterday ,and I'm not even bathed and dressed yet. Getting a late start to the day .


I'll stop in later and add something new to the quiz. ( As long as our internet continues to work )


See you then -

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Forgot to answer a couple quick posts --

Wanda- I can't say I know what you're going through,because I haven't had to deal with that,but I hope things get better for you in some way . I think a couple other ladies in here may know a little more about how that situation affects your life . I know there are people in our extended family who have dealt with it,and it is no easy task,and seems to really cause major difficulties in many areas of your family life . I hope maybe someone in here could pm you ,with sympathy possibly ,if nothing else . Wish I could offer my help in some way,but I don't know what I could say or do ,except I care and I' m sorry .




Linda- I hope Kim gets in to see a Dr this week and they can figure out what is going on. It sounds like something new that just recently started,so at least it will be addressed quickly .


As for how I did at Cam's party, I stayed for the whole thing -- did ok, thankfully the wind wasn't blowing and it wasn't real hot and wet feeling out .

I think i'm paying for it today though -- pretty hard to suck in air today. Hopefully my medecine will kick in soon so I can BREATHE .


Check in later !

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Well, other than bfast, I haven't done anything yet today besides Julies puzzles!!!! :lol


Now, I think I'm gonna get to the car wash before I sit to crochet or knit at all because once I get started, the time runs away :eek


I will however get the chicken I took out of the freezer into the crockpot first :D

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Thank you everyone for the compliments. Since the niece has some crochet experience, maybe she will appreciate the effort.


Finally got the truck back today. Miracle of miracles....the entire job was covered under warrenty and I didn't owe a dime. Maybe things are beginning to look up. Or maybe it is just one step forward and a mile backward. I just wait for the next brick to fall. As you can tell, I am slightly bummed today. Living with an alcoholic is not easy.


Hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend.


Also finished a scrap lapghan that I hope is about the right size. Going to see if DD will drop it off at the local nursing home. I have never made one before and am not sure what size they should be. Think my next project will be to make some ugly dishcloths. They are knitted out of cotton yarn on large needles. My knitting ability is very limited. Never have been able to get gauge right no matter how many times I have went to a smaller needle. Dishcloths don't matter though. Enough of my rambling. Thanks for letting me vent. :hug:hug


:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart :hugSending lots of hugs and love your way. It takes a great deal to live with an alcoholic. Please feel free to PM me if you want to rant, talk, or just need someone to say you can get through this. I am here for you....always remember that. :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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Good afternoon ladies. :manyheart


I have been up but have been putting the pedal to the metal with my assignment due today. Another 12 slide powerpoint presentation, UGHH!! I am starting slide 5 now. :eek I haven't done much crocheting this week unfortunately, but hopefully this week will be slower.....it should be. :hook


Julie~Cam's cake looks delish.....I bet he had a blast with all his friends. I never had or have much energy for a ton of friends so I always keep it to two friends, maybe three. I get so overwhelmed and stressed watching them all. I hope you enjoy your day with him. :manyheart:hug


Hi Judy. :D


Hello to the rest of my housemates....I will check in later.


have a great day!! :ghug

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Thank you everyone for the compliments. Since the niece has some crochet experience, maybe she will appreciate the effort.


Finally got the truck back today. Miracle of miracles....the entire job was covered under warrenty and I didn't owe a dime. Maybe things are beginning to look up. Or maybe it is just one step forward and a mile backward. I just wait for the next brick to fall. As you can tell, I am slightly bummed today. Living with an alcoholic is not easy.


Hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend.


Also finished a scrap lapghan that I hope is about the right size. Going to see if DD will drop it off at the local nursing home. I have never made one before and am not sure what size they should be. Think my next project will be to make some ugly dishcloths. They are knitted out of cotton yarn on large needles. My knitting ability is very limited. Never have been able to get gauge right no matter how many times I have went to a smaller needle. Dishcloths don't matter though. Enough of my rambling. Thanks for letting me vent. :hug:hug


:hug:hug:hug Certainly know what life can be like when things go forward 1 step and 3 steps back and then all the rollercoaster rides you take while living with alcoholic

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Cindy - How were your brownie sundaes? Enjoy your sunday at church and DD's :D




The brownie sundaes were great, and they turned out to be a good choice. It turns out the male half of our friends is crazy about chocolate. He was going on and on about how good those brownies were. (I made them from a mix, but I didn't tell him that!)


We ended up coming home after church instead of going to DD's, since she had been up all night. We went for a 4 mile walk and just got back. Dh is going to grill hamburgers for lunch and then we're going to take a nap. I seldom nap, but I think I need one today. I missed a great photo opportunity while we were walking. One of the ponds along the path had two Canada Geese families, one with 9 little goslings and another pair with 3. Of course I didn't have a camera. I almost always have a camera with me, but I didn't fell like carrying it today.

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