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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks for all the wonderful compliments ladies :D


Cindy - your day sounds relaxing and serene....I hope you enjoyed it :manyheart


Linda - Sounds like you had a good shopping day :clap I always have trouble finding pants to fit right as well :(


Joanne - Sounds like you had an adventurous day and I sure hope you had a cupcake for me :lol Game on in 20-25 min :cheer Hopefully we can come back (at least a little :think )


Julie - I try to be efficient, but it doesn't always work :( But thank you!! That purple octagon....I think I took a couple rows out a couple times :eek


Judy - Good luck with your orchid :yay I am using a pattern from a Crochet Today magazine. It's a special issue of all-time best blankets....and there's a few in there I want to make :) This ended up first on my list at Julie's request for the colorful rounds :lol Thanks Julie for making up my mind for me, I was having trouble on my own!!! :rofl I am sooo indecisive it's pathetic sometimes!!!! :eek (but my sister's worse)

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Did everyone have a good Mother's Day? I hope so...my cats gave me a very nice card and some friends posted nice things on Facebook today...otherwise it was a very hard day and I had a melt down...


Tomorrow, there is always tomorrow...

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Judy, I'm glad your day turned out better than you expected. Its always a bonus, when you are prepared to accept what comes your way and what happens exceeds your expectations. Good luck with your orchid. Both my mom and my sister in law have orchids that they've had for years.


LeAnna, sorry you had a hard day. Hope tomorrow is better.


Tomorrow is a work day for me, so I'm going to say good night.

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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


LeAnna - I hope today goes better for you :yes


Joanne - Have a safe trip home and it's about time the Red Sox pulled one out, they really are not having a very good start of the season!!! I always like when they play the Yankees, just because I actually get the game here, otherwise I just have to check scores :(


Cindy - Hope you have a good day at work today :)


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!

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Morning everyone


Back to the grind. Monday morning .....


I hope you all had a restful night of sleep and are ready to start the week on Full Power .


I'm kinda on neutral at the moment, since I just woke up . Not exactly all my body parts are woken up yet .


Anyhow, I am back at it on the ripple this morning, gotta keep on working on it . It is pretty mind-numbing, but I only have 87,000 more rows to get it done !


By my calculations, it will be complete in August of 2012 .


I hope you all have a good day today and have the chance to slide some Crochet into your day .


Will check back in a little later - :)

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Good morning House!


Julie- the cupcakes were yummy!! They have lots of different flavors and tons of frosting- the size of the cupcake is your average size. They make regular cupcakes, vegan cupcakes (which my middle daughter had- she is a vegetarian) and gluten-free. They have some unusual flavors- and it depends on the time of day what is left- We didn't get there until later in the afternoon, so some of the more exotic flavors were gone. I had choc/choc as did my youngest, my oldest had strawberry shortcake (strawberry cake/strawberry icing) and my DD's roommate had a mojito flavored cupcake. They are very rich- and delish!!!


Marisa- Yes, the Red Sox beat the Yankees last night- Glad I wasn't at THAT game! LOL


Judy- That was nice that DS surprised you and spent more time than you thought - and the orchid sounds pretty- I have one at work- have had it for four years- After the initial flowers died off, I've never had flowers on it again, but the plant itself is alive and kicking- don't know why I don't get flowers on it- but as long as the plant is green, it's ok!


LeAnna- Hope today is a better one for you than yesterday!


Cindy- Have a good day at work today.


Linda- Yay for a successful shopping trip- hope that everything is getting in place for the company this week!


Everyone else- time to grab a cup o' joe and get packing for the trip home.


I had an awesome weekend and like they say- all good things must come to end (WHY and who said that?? LOL)


See you later!

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Did everyone have a good Mother's Day? I hope so...my cats gave me a very nice card and some friends posted nice things on Facebook today...otherwise it was a very hard day and I had a melt down...


Tomorrow, there is always tomorrow...

Many :hugs, sweetie. There were many years I had meltdowns on Mother's Day..

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Good morning to all of my House Mates...:)


Cindy, I hope you have a good day at work.


Joanne...I couldn't watch the rest of the Yankee game once they were 5 runs behind! But Boston had to win one eventually:lol

Safe trip home, hon!


Jules, Have a good day - I hope you get the ripple done before it's too hot to work on something that big!


Well, the usual busy Monday chores, etc...making chili for tonight so I need to make a food store run, too. I also want to read the directions again for keeping this supposedly "easy to maintain" orchid healthy and flowering. Humidy is one hting they like and an East window - which is where my desk is. I have it sitting behind my computer monitor and it towers over it:lol

I'll take a pic


Later, gators:hug

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One pic is dark, but you get the idea of the height of the plant... My son has had an orchid fo a while, too - I think it's still alive, anyway....



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Yep Julie, got a lot done and you're right, the turtle job takes me a good hour!! :D Worked out (started a book on the eliptical), showered, took out the trash, updated the maps on my garmin (ooooo, and gave him a new voice and vehicle :lol), finishing up lunch/dinner...it's an awkward time so will probably just have something snackish later. Then to the tv to watch the phillies (game already started) and crochet. But, I wanted to put up a couple pics....I always miss fridays :(


Awesome job....love that pattern, very cool! :clap


One pic is dark, but you get the idea of the height of the plant... My son has had an orchid fo a while, too - I think it's still alive, anyway....


Beautiful flower. :manyheart

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Good morning Housemates! Another pretty day here. Last nigh I stripped my bed, changed out the bed skirt which required removing the the mattress, and since the mattress was off got John to help me and flipped it and put the bottom of it at the top. That hasn't been done since I moved in over 5 1/2 years ago. :lol :lol :lol Washed bedding and still have a stadium blanket and my RR to wash up. Then that's all done.


I had put a hold on buying yarn this year. Not a total hold, but just buying it when I absolutely didn't have the right color for a special project. Trying to consolidate some of it. :lol Yeah. I know. How can you have too much stash? Anyway...I've been working on organizing what's left so that I can have one of my yarn bookcases available for organizing my material stash. I want to be able to see what colors and styles I've actually got for my quilts and clothes making. I've gotten two shelves cleared and changed over now and should be able to clear at least one more. In the process, I uncovered two WIPs that have been patiently waiting to be completed for some time now. (Several years! :eek) They are both afghans that I started for myself and are both at least half done. They got put aside when I needed to make something for someone else and I just never got back to them. One is a pattern of my Grandmother's. I may just have to get back to work on them when Mom's quilt is done.


And my day turned out better than I had anticipated.... DS stayed here for longer than I thought he would, so it ended up being a peaceful time.

I was prepared to accept however it went...I have to remember to always think that way, so whatever happens I'll be fine with things.


Cindy - I now am the proud owner of a potted orchid! DS got it from Whole Foods - and it came with directions! I'm glad it did....it's much too pretty for me to experiment on. It has 4 light purple blooms on it and lots of buds.

Judy, I'm so glad your day turned out so well. We have several orchids. And John manages to get at least one of them to bloom twice a year. They really like the front hallway. It faces south. We've got a humongous cactus plant that likes it there, too.

Did everyone have a good Mother's Day? I hope so...my cats gave me a very nice card and some friends posted nice things on Facebook today...otherwise it was a very hard day and I had a melt down...


Tomorrow, there is always tomorrow...

Leanna, hope today goes better than yesterday. :hug :hug :hug

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to one and all, but most especially to my mom.

:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

Thanks, Joy. :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good Morning.


I worked alot on my RR Saturday......made good progress. I am on the blue of the rainbow (just started). My goal for this week is to finish the blue and purple. I will then go backwards until I reach red and then wa-la it will be finished.


A belated Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers and an extra special one to my Mom, Julie ( and nope I am not sharing :P).


I tried to spend my day hidden under a rock if that tells ya anything. :lol I will check back in later.....I need to go warm up. BRRR!!!

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Linda, you sound like you're really in Spring cleaning mode! You'll feel great when the stash is all organized:yes



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Good Monday to all

Ditto, to you, too!


What are you up to??


I just finished a busy half of a day: food store, walked the dog, cleaned upstairs....


Now I need to start making the chili we're having for dinner.

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Hey Tabby! Come out, come out wherever you are! You know I won't let you stay under that rock forever....:yes

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Hey ladies

Home from the Dr with the latest news . She said there are a few more things they can test for before the trip to CC --


First will be a complete scan of my body to see if there may be blood clots forming someplace. She said some people have a genetic disorder or other reasons that blood clots form , and if that's what it is then it needs found ,like YESTERDAY .


SO.. I go Wed. for that test . IF that is the problem they have to find the reason for the clots and get it controlled then I would be on blood thinners for the rest of my life if it's something that will keep making them .


IF it's NOT the problem, then they want to do the gastroscopy thing next, which I would probably rather die than have done -- it is NOT a good test ,to say the least . She said I'd be asleep and it wouldnt hurt ,and I won't even be aware of what they are doing .



Anyhow, that will be my last POSSIBLE option with her and my current lung dude .


Next is Cleveland clinic . She was dead serious and gave me quite the talking to, telling me that a lung disorder left out of control like mine is will do irreversible damage to my lungs and I'll have to haul oxygen around with me if I dont get to the bottom of this .


SO .... I guess I have no options other than to trust her ,do what they say ,and hope they find out quickly what it is .


I am ROYALLY sick of Dr's hospitals, tests , pills, all that crap .


She finally got me to see the light though when she said Cam will be growing up without his mamaw if you don't get this diagnosed and treated .


So, I gotta do it for Cam .


That was what I did with MY Monday morning.


For any of you out there who are churchgoers, I'd appreciate if you'd send up a good word for me . I've been brave so far, but we are getting into the SCAREDY CAT TERRITORY now .


So,ask that I am given enough BRAVE to get through all this .


I need one of those BRAVE necklaces like the lion in Wizard of Oz got .

( I saw shot-glass necklaces at the store the other day ) ,maybe THEY would give me some BRAVE if I had a few shots before doing this stuff .


I am in one heck of a lousy mood today, I'll tell you that .


If Sam has one brain cell left in his head, he won't come home before bedtime tonite.


I could literally pester a fly to death ,with the worry-level I am at now .

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Julie, take a deep breath and come here to vent. And remember you can always pm me if you need to talk. I know a lot about medical tests.


A gastroscopy can't be much worse than a colonoscopy can it? I don't remember a thing about the colonoscopy I had a couple of years ago. One dose of that la-la medicine and they could've removed my appendix, I wouldn't have noticed.


It was an extremely busy day at work today. Too busy even for me. Ordinarily, I thrive on busy and chaotic, but I was starting to get pretty cranky by the end of the day. I sure hope it is slightly quieter tomorrow!


I am nearly finished the baby blanket I've been working on. I don't think I will have enough yarn to border it. I may just do a sc border across the ends of the rows so it looks finished if I have enough yarn for that. Otherwise I'm going to have to border it in a different color. Guess I'll decide about that when the time come.

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Cindy, you've been on a roll making these baby ghans!:cheer

Looking forward to a pic...



Jules...I'll be holding positive thoughts and sending up prayers that you'll have peace and confidence so you can handle whatever tests, etc, come your way.:hug:manyheart


...and the doc knows you well...Cam needs you very much!

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Time to clean up my kitchen...


I made chili for dinner....got it from here:


...altered it a little. Hubby isn't a fan of beans, so I halved that...and by mistake one of the 2 cans of diced Italian tomatoes were "stewed" tomatoes. It was really very good. Hubby is reticent about trying new recipes, but chili is an easy one - and he loved it.

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:hug:manyheart:hug My thoughts and prayers are with you, Julie. The doc is right about what could happen if you don't get this under control soon. Not only could it damage your lungs permanently, but also your heart. And Cam definitely needs his Mamaw around for a long time to come. :hug:manyheart:hug
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I'm home!!! Had a good trip back- we stopped at a cafe by Kean University and had lunch before dropping middle DD off at Kean for her last class of the semester! And I told her to hold on to that bag with her project as if her life depended on it!:lol


Julie- Please come to us to vent your worries and fears- alot of time the biggest fear is fear of the unknown- once we know what we are dealing with we seem to be able to handle things. I'm glad that your Doc knew that Cam means the world to you! He needs you!!! Don't worry about the gastroscopy- you won't remember a thing!!! And please, my friend, listen to what your doctor is telling you. We are all here for you- and am keeping you in my daily thoughts and prayers and sending lots of positive vibes your way- Positive thoughts= positive outcomes :)


Judy- Love the orchid- I had one of those- DD had sent it to me 2 years ago. I got confused this morning and was thinking of my african violet at work:lol See what happens before I have enough caffeine in me???:lol


Linda- WTG on all that cleaning- spring fever must have struck! Hope you are having a good day- and I am also keeping you in my thoughts daily :hug


I am happy to be home, but missing my 3 awesome, amazing daughters already- I am really blessed:manyheart


Oh, DH cleaned off the desk in the office while I was away and all the extra papers that he had been putting on an extra chair!!! That was a big surprise.:hug


Here is a pic of the baby blankie I finished that DD is bringing to the baby shower next week- it's not the greatest picture, but here it is anyway. A simple V stitch with Lion Brand Baby's First Yarn.


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I'm home!!! Had a good trip back- we stopped at a cafe by Kean University and had lunch before dropping middle DD off at Kean for her last class of the semester! And I told her to hold on to that bag with her project as if her life depended on it!:lol


Judy- Love the orchid- I had one of those- DD had sent it to me 2 years ago. I got confused this morning and was thinking of my african violet at work:lol See what happens before I have enough caffeine in me???:lol


I am happy to be home, but missing my 3 awesome, amazing daughters already- I am really blessed:manyheart


Oh, DH cleaned off the desk in the office while I was away and all the extra papers that he had been putting on an extra chair!!! That was a big surprise.:hug


Here is a pic of the baby blankie I finished that DD is bringing to the baby shower next week- it's not the greatest picture, but here it is anyway. A simple V stitch with Lion Brand Baby's First Yarn.

You ARE blessed, Joanne.:yes Sounds like your weekend - and homecoming - were all good:c9


The blanket looks so nice! Your work is really great:clap

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well, I'll be going back to watching the Yankees...and working on finishing our RR. It's nearly there:D


I'll say 'nite, now, too -- have a good one, my friends:hug:manyheart

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