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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello everyone. I am ducking in after a little MIA. Sorry, I have just been busy with school, accident stuff, baby shower crocheting, Darius's birthday, Darius's arrival home from his trip, etc, etc, etc. :eek


I don't have the energy to catch up on all of the posts, so I hope you are all well. :manyheart

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A quick Hi and Bye...we had a good, sunny day...went to Ocean Grove. It's a Victorian town with little shops and a wonderful boardwalk that overlooks the ocean.

My Yankees won, the nicest golfer in the world won, and all is right in my world - for today:)


Nice seeing everyone checking in...Linda, good luck on getting new ideas for the hats...you have a wonderful imagination, so I'm sure you'll come up with something,


'nite all:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone, just popped in to say good night. I spent the afternoon frogging a couple of old UFOs and winding the yarn into balls. It feels good to have those totes empty! I still have lots of UFO's though!

I think I'm not going to finish the Lucy bag - will use the bright yarn for Summer scarves or something.


I need to go through some WIPs that have been untouched in a while and make some decisions, too,



nite, Cindy.

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A quick Hi and Bye...we had a good, sunny day...went to Ocean Grove. It's a Victorian town with little shops and a wonderful boardwalk that overlooks the ocean.

My Yankees won, the nicest golfer in the world won, and all is right in my world - for today:)


Nice seeing everyone checking in...Linda, good luck on getting new ideas for the hats...you have a wonderful imagination, so I'm sure you'll come up with something,


'nite all:hug:manyheart

Glad you had a good day in Ocean Grove- I love that town- that's where we went last weekend before Delicious orchards! And Yes, the yankees won, Phil won and the Devils won- it was a good weekend!!!

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Hi everyone, just popped in to say good night. I spent the afternoon frogging a couple of old UFOs and winding the yarn into balls. It feels good to have those totes empty! I still have lots of UFO's though!


I have a couple of UFO's I should think about frogging- I just keep thinking maybe someday I'll finish...but maybe not.....:lol

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Hello everyone. I am ducking in after a little MIA. Sorry, I have just been busy with school, accident stuff, baby shower crocheting, Darius's birthday, Darius's arrival home from his trip, etc, etc, etc. :eek


I don't have the energy to catch up on all of the posts, so I hope you are all well. :manyheart

Glad to hear that your son is home from his trip safe and sound (and that you survived!) Hope he had a great birthday- and glad you stopped by to say hi!:hug

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Hello everyone,


I had a busy weekend and my computer froze earlier when I was trying to catch up. I missed photo friday :( so I'm a little late, but I did finish my pair of socks on saturday and I also finished a hat. The hat turned out to be to big and I just took it apart to remove a whole set of rows to fit my apparently little head better :eek


A friend and I went to Hobby Lobby in Easton saturday as well since we met my parents for breakfast in Allentown, which is about half way for us both. Bought some new yarn and am now stocked for a few projects. Oh, and I finally lined my tote I finished a few weeks ago. It's not perfect, but will do :clap


Next in line.....I was having trouble deciding and my mom said that my uncle said I was making him some golf club covers so I guess that made my decision :think Only problem is, I still need to find a pattern for them....I came across a couple, but wasn't very excited about them. :( I also am ready to make a sweater, another pocketbook, and some more socks. I think I'm a little over ambitious considering I'm not a very quick crocheter :hook


So here's a pic of my socks.......



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Nice pair of socks Marisa! So my NJ Devils will be playing the Philadelphia Flyers in the 1st round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs! Do you watch hockey at all?


What kind of yarn did you buy at HL? I saw that there is a 40% off coupon this week so I may ask my co-worker if she'll go get me another skein of I love this Cotton-


Good luck with the golf club covers! And, yes, my mind works much faster than my crocheting!! :yes

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Nice pair of socks Marisa! So my NJ Devils will be playing the Philadelphia Flyers in the 1st round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs! Do you watch hockey at all?


What kind of yarn did you buy at HL? I saw that there is a 40% off coupon this week so I may ask my co-worker if she'll go get me another skein of I love this Cotton-


Good luck with the golf club covers! And, yes, my mind works much faster than my crocheting!! :yes



Hey, I do enjoy hockey, but more so when I'm at the game as opposed to tv. Flyers have their ups and downs, but should be a good game. :)


I didn't get the I love this cotton, but I got the I love this yarn....there were a few different types of the I love this line. I absolutely love the store, although I didn't think their yarn section was too extensive as it was only two aisles :( , but overall loved the store :clap


Still on my pattern hunt :think

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Morning ladies !


Rise and shine ! It's 5 AM here and time to get up . :D


Linda- wow, it sounds like a new laptop is a nice present -- hope you get it all set up and working . Sam has to do all that stuff for me. I have no clue how to do anything like that. I just use it once it's done ,and am not good at troubleshooting or whatever it's called if they malfunction .


Also , good luck on the hats ! I'm not very familiar with that ,so wouldn't be any help there either . :think



Cheeria- I'm glad you had a good weekend - it sounds like your house is almost in spring-cleaned condition ! Well organized and all. I wish mine was. I just don't have much gumption anymore .

I did SORTA get Sam to say he'd help me paint our bedroom next weekend .. he would rather dangle off the Grand Canyon by a shoestring than paint, so we'll see .

I LIKE to paint, just dont have as much power anymore and the paint fumes will probably smother the life out of me, but I have had this paint sitting here long enough. Time to get it on the walls .


Hey Tab- good to see you ! Drop in more often. We miss hearing from you .:yes


Cindy- I'm glad you got some of your old projects organized -- it sounded like it was bothering you to have so many started items sitting there . I know it bothers me when I do that-- I get overwhelmed when too many things are sitting here needing done .



Judy- I'm glad you had such a good relaxing day.Sometimes we need those to get rejuvenated !


Marisa-- I had to chuckle when you mentioned your "apparently little head " . :lol

Pretty funny !


Good luck on your new projects !


Hey Tralee- thanks for stopping in ! Always good to hear from you .




Dishcloth update-- all are done, after slowly getting a little more and more irritated with myself for another hairbrained idea --

The IDEA was good, the TIME FRAME wasn't .


Anyhow, they are done and ready to be handed out this morning . Makes going to the Dr a little more enjoyable if you get to take them something .At least THAT part of it is fun .


Hope you all have a great day ~~~

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Good Morning House!


That is awesome that you finished all the dishcloths Julie! I'm sure they will all love them! Good luck with the Dr. appt today!


Marissa- Hockey is way more fun in person, but I do watch on TV now - the playoffs should be fun- we'll have a nice, friendly rivalry- Go Devils! LOL


Hope that everyone in the House has a wonderful Monday!!

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Morning, House mates!!:hug


Hello everyone,


I had a busy weekend and my computer froze earlier when I was trying to catch up. I missed photo friday :( so I'm a little late, but I did finish my pair of socks on saturday and I also finished a hat. The hat turned out to be to big and I just took it apart to remove a whole set of rows to fit my apparently little head better :eek


A friend and I went to Hobby Lobby in Easton saturday as well since we met my parents for breakfast in Allentown, which is about half way for us both. Bought some new yarn and am now stocked for a few projects. Oh, and I finally lined my tote I finished a few weeks ago. It's not perfect, but will do :clap


Next in line.....I was having trouble deciding and my mom said that my uncle said I was making him some golf club covers so I guess that made my decision :think Only problem is, I still need to find a pattern for them....I came across a couple, but wasn't very excited about them. :( I also am ready to make a sweater, another pocketbook, and some more socks. I think I'm a little over ambitious considering I'm not a very quick crocheter :hook


So here's a pic of my socks.......

Great job - and wonderful colors for the socks!! My tote lining skilles aren't too neat....but I get the job done, too:lol

I have the opposiite problem with hats...my head id too big:devil

Wind Walker Quiltghan in Progress pic 3


I am moving right along with my first quilt ghan... I still have to add the border to this square then I have another square to make then I have to do the border rows for that and then I'll be done! ^_______^

It's looking freat!!



Have a great day, everyone:hug

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Wind Walker Quiltghan in Progress pic 3


I am moving right along with my first quilt ghan... I still have to add the border to this square then I have another square to make then I have to do the border rows for that and then I'll be done! ^_______^

Peach, that is fantastic! You are doing a great job! :yay:cheer:yay


Cheeria, your project with the cord and loom sounds really interesting. I'll be interested in seeing pictures.


Marisa, love your socks! :yay:cheer:yay


On the Kentucky Derby Hat contest, it seems that the wilder the better. Here are pictures of the ones I came up with last year. John's is the one with the three horses. Kim's is the one with the birds and roses. Mine is the one with the feathers and gold trim.




Thanks for sharing a cup of coffee with us Tam. I'm joining you with a cup of tea.


I added 3 rows to my filet piece last night while watching movies with Sarge. I've finally reached the point where I've used all the thread that I frogged and am back to using new again. It's definitely bigger than it was before. That amount of thread made 10 rows before vs. 8 rows now. I have to work on the flannelghan today. Friday is going to be here before I know it and that's when John and Kim are leaving. And the wedding is Saturday. Yikes! :eek Come on fingers. Fly!


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Morning all

Back from my checkup -- everything is ok with this Dr -- they liked their dishcloths, but the poor boy nurse was left out .

I'm trying to think of what to make him. He has quite a sense of humor, so thought of a Willie Warmer ,but :

1- Wrong time of year to NEED one of those .

2-He's the newest worker over there and I don't know him very well yet. He is funnier than heck, but think THAT gift may require being on a little bit more "friendly" terms .... or I should at least KNOW him a little better .

He'd get a kick out of it, since he is so funny ,but it probably wouldnt be the appropriate item to make for him ....



Linda- those hats are really pretty -- love the one with the roses especially .

Did you say you have the men's one done, or you need to do all of them yet ?

I like those old-fashioned looking "touring hats", or whatever you call them -- like the ones they wore back when CARS were first invented,and the ladies would wear the big straw hats with the huge bows in back, then the wide netting-type stuff to tie them on . I guess so their hair didnt get dusty while riding in the cars .



Brenda- doing great ! Keep up the good work !



Howdy to Tam, Tab, Jude, Joanne ..-- anyone else I missed !

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Julie, those were the ones for last year and they took first place by a mile. The flower thing from the other day is the basis of mine for this year and the one's for John & Kim are up in the air. I've got the basic hats, but without the turkey feathers I have to come up with something different for their decorations. They are going to be matching whatever I come up with. That may end up being my project for the weekend while they are gone. I've got a couple of vague ideas, but nothing concrete. I may have to visit some fabric stores. :think

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Morning everyone. The sun is shining and I have to do laundry.


Julie- I'm so glad your Dr appt, went well and I know they love the dishcloths. My son painted my bedroom with a paint that do not have much of an smell.


SouthernPeach - Nice, you are getting it done and it look great.


Marisa - nice socks, I love the color


Linda - love the hats they are beautiful. I especially love the one with the roses. I can see myself in it. LOL


Well see you all later, time to make the bed and gather the clothes for the laundry. :hug

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Well, Linda

I wish I had some good ideas to toss out for you . I haven't ever been to that event , or know anyone who has ,and am not real familiar with it, other than I do see on the news sometimes that they show the ladies with their hats on for it .


That's great that yours won first prizes !!


Is there no craft store in the area that sells feathers ? I know around here ,like at walmart ,the only kind you can find are usually the really bright-colored ones . I'd think maybe a really big craft store might have other doodads like real feathers .




Cheeria- Good morning ! It sounds like you are off to a good start for your day .


I just called and talked to some of my cousins and had a real nice talk with them . They are some I only get to see once a year ,so it was nice talking to them. They are really funny ,and make you laugh a lot . We have a bunch of relatives in our family like that, that are funny .


Well, I should round up something for lunch ,then get back to squares for the castle.


Will check in after bit again .

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Love the cuppa pictures you come up with!:c9

Good Morning!! :manyheart
Hey, Tab!:hug





I have to work on the flannelghan today. Friday is going to be here before I know it and that's when John and Kim are leaving. And the wedding is Saturday. Yikes! :eek Come on fingers. Fly!

You can do it! :cheerGo, Linda, Go!:cheer

Morning all

Back from my checkup -- everything is ok with this Dr -- they liked their dishcloths, but the poor boy nurse was left out .

I'm trying to think of what to make him. He has quite a sense of humor, so thought of a Willie Warmer ,but :

1- Wrong time of year to NEED one of those .

2-He's the newest worker over there and I don't know him very well yet. He is funnier than heck, but think THAT gift may require being on a little bit more "friendly" terms .... or I should at least KNOW him a little better .

He'd get a kick out of it, since he is so funny ,but it probably wouldnt be the appropriate item to make for him ....

I don't see why you couldn't make a Willie Warmer for him:devil

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Well, my yarn - at least in the garage - in organized..and boy am I sore all over:lol

It's sorted by color or shades...and I have a card taped to the front of the rubbermaid totes with the description of what's in it! I've been wanting to do this for years...


A couple of times Phil opened the garage door - looked - screeched - and quickly shut the door . I think his brain hurt to see the mess I needed to make before I could create some sort of order.

It feels good, though:hook

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Well, my yarn - at least in the garage - in organized..and boy am I sore all over:lol

It's sorted by color or shades...and I have a card taped to the front of the rubbermaid totes with the description of what's in it! I've been wanting to do this for years...


A couple of times Phil opened the garage door - looked - screeched - and quickly shut the door . I think his brain hurt to see the mess I needed to make before I could create some sort of order.

It feels good, though:hook

:lol :lol :lol Good work Judy. :clap :clap :clap

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