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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi, ladies..


Jules, the castleghan is coming out great!!!


I've had a busy day...among other things we've been discussing a possible move...in the future...to NC.


Anyway...I'm feeling the need to pick up a hook!



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Julie, the only tip I have is...NEVER try to duplicate the picture on the box! That only leads to frustration and teaching the grandchildren new words and phrases. Besides, I think its impossible to make those things with the pieces they give you. Luckily my grandsons are small enough to believe me when I say things like "Well you see, its a very unusual kind of octopus, it only lives in a tiny lake in the mountains, and its so rare that you will probably never even see a picture of it.! So of course you would not think it looks like an octopus, but it does." Of course this method has its limitations....eventually they will know that I am puling their leg. Actually, maybe they know already and are just humoring me........


:lol too funny/ my Uncle kept telling me he had a wooden leg and I was in my 20's before I finally figured out that he didnt:lol

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I have the back of that smocked baby top down, including the smocking...it is sooooooooooo cute! Can't wait to work on the front...


I'm glad you guys liked the cover on that book...I was a little worried about doing the smocking, but it's really easy thus far...


I will post pics when it's finished!

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Okay, I've had it! :bang I bought sheers for the master bedroom. 63" long. Not long enough. Moved the rod down an inch. Took out the bottom hem and replaced it with a skinny one. It works. Start on the second panel. Take out the hem. Redo the hem. Hang it. It was an 84" long panel! Way too long now. Carefully measure and mark where I need to cut it to match the first panel. Cut it an inch on the WRONG side of the mark!!!! :eek !!!! Now it's too short and unfixable! :blush Threw it away. Now I'm short a panel and giving up for the day. Yeck!!!!!!!!! :no

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Linda- it sounds like you have had a successful shopping trip and fun day ! I'm glad it went well .

WHOOPS. Posted my comment too soon. It sounds like everything went well EXCEPT for the curtain shopping . Maybe you could cut them short amd make valances ? Is that what they're called ? I don't know ..

THEN with the leftover parts, you could make the longer pieces,kinda like kitchen curtains -- all you'd need are 2 extra curtain rods,and if placed CLOSE, then they might not leave too big a gap in between .

Just an idea .



LeAnna- yes, that baby top is really cute - the smocking DOES look like it might be hard to do, but I've never tried it . We'll be excited to see the finished item !



Jude - WOW, a move to NC !!! That sounds like such an adventure ! I LOVE moving and we have often talked of moving someplace south. Don't know if it'll ever happen, but we like to DREAM about it happening. It is beautiful down there in the Carolinas !




Sheila - If I had an uncle with a wooden leg when I was a kid, I would have asked to SEE it . I'm just CURIOUS like that .

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Jules, the taxes here are getting to us...the congestion on the roads...all of it. We know someone Phil used to work with who lives near the coast of NC (bit not too close:lol) and my brother and one of my cousins live inland, near Charlotte. It's very nice there...and over the winter they only got 5 inches of snow...a record for them:lol

Phil is also in the mood for a new/newer house...which I would love, too.

Hey, as long as I have my computer I have my all my friends with me, so I'm fine. I'm also a joiner, so I can make friends at a church, anywhere.

I love adventures, and we've lived her for almost 34 years already, so I'm way overdue!

Again, not sure when this will all happen, but Phil is sure about it, so let the decluttering begin!;)


Okay, I've had it! :bang I bought sheers for the master bedroom. 63" long. Not long enough. Moved the rod down an inch. Took out the bottom hem and replaced it with a skinny one. It works. Start on the second panel. Take out the hem. Redo the hem. Hang it. It was an 84" long panel! Way too long now. Carefully measure and mark where I need to cut it to match the first panel. Cut it an inch on the WRONG side of the mark!!!! :eek !!!! Now it's too short and unfixable! :blush Threw it away. Now I'm short a panel and giving up for the day. Yeck!!!!!!!!! :no

Oh, Linda! Stuff like that happens to me a lot!

Time for a rewind. Start the day off fresh tomorrow!:hug

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What a lovely day - DH and I decided to take a ride down to Ocean Grove (by the beach). We had a late lunch/early dinner in a place that used to be a pharmacy back in the day. It's really neat- they have all kinds of old pharmacy things in cases on the wall. It was a little cooler by the ocean and I'm glad I had my sweater.


On the way back, I said, let's go to Delicious Orchards (Judy- you planted that idea in my head).


We got there about 45 minutes before they were closing so it wasn't crowded. And I got my apple cider donuts! And some Bonne Maman raspberry preserves and a loaf of "English Muffin bread" Sounded interesting so we'll see in the morning! I guess when you toast it, it will taste like an english muffin. Also got some strawberries and apples and bananas!


NC!-Where in NC were you thinking of? I love Matthews, NC- right outside of Charlotte- we visited there about a year ago- and really liked the town! We have discussed the possibility of moving down there in the future- if and when we can ever retire:lol


LeAnna- can't wait to see the top with the smocking!


Linda- :hug to you- how maddening about the sheers! I agree with Judy- what's done is done- now take a deep breath and relax and pick up the ole hook and yarn! Does wonders for me everytime:hug


Julie- how was the Easter egg hunt?


Speaking of eggs- time to go check them out- I do want my :devil eggs tomorrow!


have a good evening everyone!

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Linda- it sounds like you have had a successful shopping trip and fun day ! I'm glad it went well .

WHOOPS. Posted my comment too soon. It sounds like everything went well EXCEPT for the curtain shopping . Maybe you could cut them short amd make valances ? Is that what they're called ? I don't know ..

THEN with the leftover parts, you could make the longer pieces,kinda like kitchen curtains -- all you'd need are 2 extra curtain rods,and if placed CLOSE, then they might not leave too big a gap in between .

Just an idea .



LeAnna- yes, that baby top is really cute - the smocking DOES look like it might be hard to do, but I've never tried it . We'll be excited to see the finished item !



Jude - WOW, a move to NC !!! That sounds like such an adventure ! I LOVE moving and we have often talked of moving someplace south. Don't know if it'll ever happen, but we like to DREAM about it happening. It is beautiful down there in the Carolinas !




Sheila - If I had an uncle with a wooden leg when I was a kid, I would have asked to SEE it . I'm just CURIOUS like that .


What a lovely day - DH and I decided to take a ride down to Ocean Grove (by the beach). We had a late lunch/early dinner in a place that used to be a pharmacy back in the day. It's really neat- they have all kinds of old pharmacy things in cases on the wall. It was a little cooler by the ocean and I'm glad I had my sweater.


On the way back, I said, let's go to Delicious Orchards (Judy- you planted that idea in my head).


We got there about 45 minutes before they were closing so it wasn't crowded. And I got my apple cider donuts! And some Bonne Maman raspberry preserves and a loaf of "English Muffin bread" Sounded interesting so we'll see in the morning! I guess when you toast it, it will taste like an english muffin. Also got some strawberries and apples and bananas!


NC!-Where in NC were you thinking of? I love Matthews, NC- right outside of Charlotte- we visited there about a year ago- and really liked the town! We have discussed the possibility of moving down there in the future- if and when we can ever retire:lol


LeAnna- can't wait to see the top with the smocking!


Linda- :hug to you- how maddening about the sheers! I agree with Judy- what's done is done- now take a deep breath and relax and pick up the ole hook and yarn! Does wonders for me everytime:hug


Julie- how was the Easter egg hunt?


Speaking of eggs- time to go check them out- I do want my :devil eggs tomorrow!


have a good evening everyone!


The smocking turned out not to be all that hard...really...of course I wouldn't want to do smocking with fabric (the really traditional way) 'cause that really does seem like a lot of work, but this teeny bit with this top, truly wasn't that tough to do...can't wait to share the finished item when it's done...

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Yep, things will turn out just fine, you'll see .People down south seem to be much friendlier too as a rule, so it won't be hard to fit in, besides you are such a kind, goodhearted person, that you will have tons of friends .

Bring your mini laptop -- don't forget all your "Friends in a Box" you have here ! WE can go with you no matter WHERE you move .




Joanne - the egg hunt went ok -- it was like usual -- took 4 hours for them to hide the eggs, and 4 minutes to find them all !!!

Cam found about 8 I think,but didnt get any PRIZE eggs, so he was disappointed, but he needs to learn that you can't always win everything in life-- sometimes you come out someplace in the middle .

It was fun to watch though .

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Thanks for all the condolences. I quit before I ruined any more. I'll try again tomorrow. And replacing 1 panel won't be that bad. Kim has laughed and laughed at me. And I can already see the funny side of it. I did it so carefully wrong. :lol :lol :lol

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Julie...WOW :eek that is turning out great...has Cam seen it yet or are you doing it in secret??


Linda...im sorry your sheers didn't work out.


Judy...i live right outside of Charlotte in Gastonia and i love it here...there weather here is great after living in the mountains of WV,but not as hot as Florida...to me its perfect and Julies right the people here are so much more welcoming and friendly.


LeAnna...That's going to be pretty...did you say what color you are doing it in?


Tammy...I could kiss you :bheart For almost 2 years i have been trying off and on to make Krystal's Daisy square and could never get it to come out right...i was talking to Sissie and she said that you had done a photo by photo instruction on how to do it over at our Group...so i run over to the group and what do i find?your photos...so i download all 60 of them and put them in my windows player so that they play in slow motion and waala...I MADE MY FIRST DAISY SQUARE :jumpyay:jumpyay:jumpyay Now i cant stop!!!I only changed 2 things...I catch the back tip of the petal in the row after that to hold it down and i only do 1 row of hdc instead of dc with 3 hdc in each corner...thought that looked better.Big :hug to you.

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Linda, that fiasco with the curtains, is so familiar. That sort of thing happens to me a lot. Even when I measure twice.....it's the cut once that does me in!


Judy, wow a move.....I don;t know how I'd feel if my dh suggested something like that. Of course, I really don't have any sense of adventure.


LeAnna, I'm looking forward to seeing that smocked dress. It looked so cute on the cover of that book.


I visited with my grandsons tonight, while dh helped dd and her dh with their bunk beds. I impressed them with my ability to make paper sailboats. (What can I say? they're still little. They think I can make traffic lights change by commanding them to do so. Those boys are in for a rude awakening one of these days!:devil)


The only crocheting I managed today was to add edging to about 10 friendship squares. I have received 40-some squares and have about 28 of them bordered. Almost to the dreaded sewing them together part.


Well, its getting late, and I'm tired, so good night everyone.

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Morning all ,and a Happy Easter


Shay -yes,Cam knows about the afghan and sees it each weekend when he comes ,and keeps asking how much bigger til it's done. I told him it's got quite a ways to go yet ACROSS-ways . It's coming along well though .



Cindy- those boys will remember your paper sailboats, even when they are old men, that you took the time to do that . I can still remember the little things about my grandparents .

I think ANY memories at all you make with your grandkids are more precious than anything else .



I hope you all have a wonderful day today with family and friends, if that's how you celebrate the day .

Happy Easter, guys ~~~Hope the bunny brings you what you asked for .:)

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Happy Easter Happy House ;)


Sheila - Happy birthday (on phone so no fun pics :( ) and I like that you let the kids bring some pizza out to the workers :)


Linda - Sorry about your mishap with the curtains! At least you're already able to giggle about it :) But on another note, your egg story made me laugh!


Leanna - I can't wait to see the finished sweater, it'll be adorable!


Judy - Moving is a big decision, but like you, I always like an adventure too ;) It'll be fun to start the next chapter of your lives!


Shay - Congrats on your Daisy Square! :D


Cindy - Your grandkids will always know how to make those sailboats! I remember when my poppop taught me as a kid & he passed when I was only 10. It's amazing the things you remember doing with people from your childhood, but it always the little things that stick out as good memories :)


Happy Easter everyone!!!!

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Happy Easter, my friends:hug


My brother lives in Huntersville, NC, not too far from Charlotte...a very nice area, but hours from the coast. We love having the ocean nearby, so, if the taxes here push us out off our lazy bottoms and we make the move (not for at least a year, at this point), we have to visit both areas again and really do our research.

Meanwhile, we're going to have a clean and decluttered house to enjoy while we sit here...


Well, I need to get on my horse...be by later today. Have a wonderful day with friends and family - or if it's just the 2 of you or one of you....enjoy the hints of Spring in the air:)

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Good morning, my friends! I hope everyone has a blessed Easter. The sun is shining. John will be home around mid-afternoon. I thinkI'm working on curtains curtains again today. We'll see. At least they weren't really expensive ones. :lol Kim's still giggling about it. And the one that is up looks very nice.


Sheila, Happy Birthday! :cake:birthday:cake

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